HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/22/2010 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING � Tuesday,June 22, 2010 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Santi, Alderman Peterson (arrived at 7:19 p.m.). Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, Police Officer Adams, Downtown Maintenance Superintendent Gorniak, Deputy Clerk Kunzer, Assistant City Administrator Hobson. Chairman Ald�rman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Public Input Session There was no one in attendance who wished to address the Committee during the Three Minute Public Input S�ssion. Discussion: Nuisance Abatement Ordinance Deputy City ,Administrator Martin provided the Committee with a summary of a proposed ordinance which addresses repeat offenders causing nuisances at the same location. The Municipal Code currently addresses people creating nuisances, but there is no provision for repeat offenses at a given location. The proposed ordinance which was adopted by the City of St. Charles very clearly addresses this issue with specific remedies. If the Committee chooses to � recommend adoption of such an ordinance, Staff will prepare the ordinance for consideration by the Committee or City Council whichever the Committee prefers. Officer John Adams addressed the Committee regarding the nuisance abatement ordinance. He noted it is currently difficult to take any remedy as the ordinance is too vague regarding repeat offenses at a location. The St. Charles ordinance is extremely specific and provides clear remedies. The City's current ordinance leaves a lot to interpretation. The proposed ordinance would be easier for officers to enforce. He stated an improved nuisance abatement ordinance would complement the crime free multi-unit housing initiative. Chairman Condon noted the references to the "Chief of Police' throughout the ordinance and inquired if the words "or his designee" could be added for clarification. Deputy City Administrator Martin agreed the phrase could be added. Alderman Santi noted the St. Charles ordinance is very detailed. He stated there are references to two events, and questioned if it was the intent of the City to recommend that two or more events at the same location would be appropriately addressed by remedies. Officer Adams stated that was correct. Two events are too many and action would be taken as directed by the remedies contained in the ordinance. Chairman Condon inquired if the proposed ordinance once drafted for the City would be reviewed by the City Attorney. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded in the affirmative. � Community Development Committee Meeting June 22,2010 Page 2 � Motion by Sa�iti, seconded by Condon, to recommend that Staff prepare a nuisance abatement ordinance mo�ieled after the ordinance adopted by the City of St. Charles and to bring the ordinance befcre the City Council for consideration. Voting Aye: Santi, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Peterson. Motion carrieG. Discussion: Downtown WavGndin� Si�ns Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated in Fiscal Year 2008/2009 budget funds were set aside in the Tourism Account to develop wayfinding signs in the City, particularly in the downtown areas. Proposals were requested and submitted at that time by Hitchcock Group ($48,000) and Western Remac ($15,000) for the design of the downtown wayfinding signs package. There was a great discrepancy between the two proposals. Staff determined it would be cost-prohibitive to proceed with building the signs at that time. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated Staff is once again looking at this issue. Staff is of the consensus that the City should proceed with developing a theme for the sign package centered upon the wa�nding signs. However, Staff believes a design should be created for the whole sign package so that signs could be added to specific locations from time to time. To that end Staff sought proposals from known sign designers with the following results: `.- Western Remac $27,555 (design and installation) Via Wa�nding Systems $49,960 (design and installation) SEC Group $9,850 (design) and $48,045 (sign installation' by Western Remac) Alderman Peterson arrived at 7:19 p.m. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated Staff identified nine locations where wayfinding signs should be located. It is Staff s suggestion that the overall sign package be designed at one time, and that particular color schemes or motifs be utilized to denote the three downtown areas: Centerville (Green Street), Water Street (Riverside Drive) and Gagetown (Main Street). It is important to highlight/utilize the unique qualities of each area but at the same time tie all three areas together through a similar theme or design element. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated after reviewing all three proposals, Staff preferred the Via proposal. An added benefit is that the company designs and builds their own signs. In addition Via offered an option to design and create the entire comprehensive package, including kiosks and trail blazer signs, so that when the City is prepared to move forward with additional signs, the design would already be in place. The cost of the option is $3,500. Staff believes the cost and product offered by VIA would best meet the City's needs. Deputy City .�dministrator Martin noted all three areas of the downtown have a unique � perspective. V�a seemed to capture that quality and utilize it to the fullest extent. He noted that Community Develo�ment Committee Meeting lune 22,2010 Page 3 the review of the proposals was done by Superintendent of Downtown Maintenance Gorniak, `-' Assistant City Administrator Hobson who is heavily involved in the Riverwalk, and himself, providing input particularly from his expertise as a planner. He noted the proposal submitted by Via was Via's first attempt in capturing the qualities of the community as explained to their representative� by Staff. He noted the Via proposal is very creative and they "think outside the box". Superintendent Gorniak noted Staff inet onsite with Western Remac and it took a long time for them to send � drawing back for review. Via was extremely impressive. Although Remac is closer geographically to the City, the Via proposal was preferred as it seemed to capture the essence of the City's need to put a "footprint" on its downtown districts. He opined the City needs to do so�nething distinctive. He noted it may be good to have three distinct color schemes for each of the three downtown districts. Assistant City .Administrator Hobson noted the Via proposal was done before the representatives even came to visit the community. They were able to create drawings which captured the essence of the community just by listening to Staff's words of explanation of their desire for defining the community footprint through its sign package. Alderman Santi inquired if the sign design standards would be compatible with the light fixtures in each of the downtown districts. Superintendent Gorniak responded the sign bases and poles would mirror existing light fixture standards. Alderman Santi stated the signs should be coordinated to melt into the area so that the signs are comfortably noticeable. He inquired if there \.. is a City color. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated there is no official color but the tendency leans toward blue, as evidenced in the City logo, letterhead, etc. Some discussion occurred regarding ways to offer direction to visitors. Superintendent Gorniak noted the City of Woodstock places maps on the back of its parking signs in its public lots. Chairman Condon noted businessman Perry Moy had requested signage several years ago. She opined when the City is prepared to move forward with its kiosks, this would likely address concerns similar to those expressed by Mr. Moy. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted the kiosk would fall into the second category of signs which would be installed as City funding became available. At this time there is money in the Tourism Fund set aside which would accommodate the nine wa�nding signs only. Alderman Pete1•son stated he has always been envious of Woodstock with its single downtown district. The City of McHenry has three distinct downtown areas but they need to be intertwined in some way to tie them together through signage. Responding to an inquiry, Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated the City would utilize trail blazer signs to help visitors and let them know they are heading in the right direction. Chairman Condon noted highlighting the historic districts on the wayfinding signs will help to make the City'� signs unique. � Community Develo�ment Committee Meeting June 22,2010 Page 4 Alderman Peterson inquired if Via was advanced enough to move forward with technological �-' virtual tours in the future. Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded the company is on the cutting edge. A.s far as virtual tours, that matter is not being discussed at this time. Via is focused solely on designing the City's sign package. Deputy City A�ministrator Martin noted the City has to make it as easy as possible for visitors to find what they are looking for so that they do not get frustrated and look elsewhere to meet their needs. Discussion followed regarding the proposed sign package and installation. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated it is important to have a turnkey operation. In the case of Via their representatives would meet with IDOT, their employees would pour the foundation, etc. They would be undertaking the complete operation of the sign installation project. This is an important facet to their proposal. Alderman Santi inquired if the signs would state "Green Street — Historic Centerville", for example. Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded in the affirmative. It is important to retain the historic flavor of each of the downtown districts. Chairman Concion inquired if Council would have final approval before the signs are ordered and installed. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded in the affirmative. Alderman Santi inquired why there would be nine wa�nding signs. Superintendent Gorniak �.- responded Staff believes that there are nine key places to locate signs in the main intersecting corridors in town. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated there would be six signs in the downtown and the remaining three would be placed at busiest intersections further out from the downtown. He opined the City needs to create good balance without overdoing the sign display. Alderman Santi stated he does not understand the need for the $3,500 upgrade option. Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded if this option is accepted, the design for all of the signs in the comprehensive sign package would be designed at the same time, even though the only signs being purchased and installed at this time would be the wa�nding signs. The City could then request kiosk or trail blazer signs in the future and they would already have been designed as part of the initial package. Chairman Condon opined she would rather pay for the design of the entire sign package at this time and have it done as a complete package. Alderman Peterson inquired where the money would come from to pay for the project. Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded $60,000 has been set aside in the Tourism Fund. The money has been targeted for this use. Responding to an inquiry, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated revisions could be made to the sign design during the review process. There would be input from Staff and Council during the process. � Community Develo�ment Committee Meeting June 22,2010 Page 5 Alderman Santi inquired if the Via proposal included the time necessary to refine the sign � design. Assist�nt City Administrator Hobson responded the goal was to spend less on the design aspect so that tnore money could be utilized to construct and install the signs. Chairman Condon inquired if both Aldermen Santi and Peterson were comfortable with the Via proposal and if the sign package design was headed in the right direction. Both Aldermen responded in t}ie affirmative. Motion by Sar ti, seconded by Peterson, to approve the proposal from Via Wayf'inding Systems including the rase design fee of$5,500, nine wa�nding signs at $4,940/sign, and to include the optional desigti upgrade for $3,500, for a total not-to-exceed amount of$54,460, and to forward the matter to City Council for final approval. Voting Aye: Santi, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Chairman Condon opined the installation of wa�nding signs would be a great enhancement to the community. Discussion: Historic Neighborhood Banners `.. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the City's Landmark Commission has been attempting to create a Historic District or an Historic Neighborhood. Finding the public is not in favor of such a designation, the Landmark Commission decided to find an alternative avenue to highlight the historic areas of town. To that end they have come up with Historic Neighborhood Banners which could be displayed in both the commercial and residential area of the three old-time districts: Gagetown (Main Street), Centerville (Green Street) and Water Street (Riverside Drive). Staff believes this would be a less aggressive way to educate the community regarding the existing historic structures in town. The Commission is suggesting that identifying banners be installed in the three historic neighborhoods. He noted the design of the banners presented this evening was approved by the Landmark Commission. Alderman Peterson stated if this is the direction the City wants to take then there is a need to establish the three distinct districts and they should be recognized as indicated on the banners. He opined the style of the banners can be linked between districts but there should be subtle differences that define each distinct area as each is unique. Alderman Santi stressed the need for continuity. He stated he would like to see the historic neighborhood banners tie into the design of the wa�nding signs. He opined tying in the City logo on the neighborhood banners is appropriate. Chairman Condon inquired who designed the banners. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded the banners were designed by a firm who has previously designed street banners for � Community DeveloE�ment Committee Meeting June 22,2010 Page 6 the City in the I�ast. Responding to further inquiry, he noted the cost to pay for the banners would `— initially come c�ut of the Landmark Commission budget. Responding to Alderman Santi's inquiry, Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted there would be apprc,ximately four banners in each historic district. Superintendent Gorniak noted he would like to s�,e four banners on Green Street, four banners on Main Street and eight banners on Riverside Drivt;. Chairman Condon inquired if the banners would be permanently mounted. Superintendent Gorniak replie�i in the affirmative although they would likely fade and have to be replaced in about three years. Chairman Conclon stated she would prefer that the fonts on the banners compliment or match the fonts utilized on the wa�nding signs. She opined installing the banners is a great idea and would meet the needs of the Landmark Commission and the community as far as highlighting historic districts in the City. In response to a question from Chairman Condon, Deputy City Administrator Martin noted Staff is seeking consensus as to the installation of historic neighborhood banners and that the banners could be installed following the approval of the final design of the wa�nding sign package in order to coordi�iate the overall signage in the City. It was the consensus of the Committee that Staff proceed with the Historic Neighborhood L. Banners as discussed. Discussion: Temporary Signs and Banners Deputy City Administrator Martin noted Staff has had an issue with businesses posting temporary signs and banners without benefit of a building permit. The ordinance currently provides for a 14-day window during which unlawful or non-permitted signs must be removed. It is Staff's recommendation that the 14-day period be reduced to five days in order to secure compliance within five days of the violation. He noted Staff has encountered various businesses who post a temporary sale banner, Staff sends a violation notice, the business maintains the offending sign for 14 days, and then removes it. However, the event has already been advertised with an unlawful sign for 14 days. Staff is seeking approval to recommend amending the Zoning Ordinance to require compliance within five days. Chairman Condon opined the sign should be removed or brought into compliance within three days. Alderman Santi concurred. Alderman Peterson inquired if the reference is to commercial signs only. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded the temporary signs being discussed are used when people want to draw attention to something or a specific event (sale, etc). He noted the signs or banners are posted in both commercial or residential districts. � Community Develo��ment Committee Meeting June 22,2010 Page 7 Motion by Santi, seconded by Peterson, to recommend to City Council that a proposed `— amendment relating to the period of compliance for unlawful and/or non-permitted temporary signs be reduce�d from 14 days to three days be sent to the Planning and Zoning Commission for Public Hearing. Voting Aye: 5anti, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: (�1one. Absent: '��Tone. Motion carried Other Business Chairman Concion noted the ice cream truck is again being parked in the driveway of a residence on Crystal Lake Road. She expressed concern regarding such a vehicle being parked in the residential district. She noted this is a repeat offense as this individual has been cited on previous occasions regarding the removal of the ice cream truck from the property. She inquired if the City has an ordinance or could, in the absence of one, create an ordinance whereby those repeatedly being cited for a violation could be ticketed. She opined this matter would go along with the nuisance abatement ordinance discussed earlier this evening. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded a citation can be issued to a repeat offender. The matter would then continue through the administrative adjudication process. � Chairman Condon inquired if the City could draft an ordinance that would allow Staff to go after repeat offenders. Alderman Peterson inquired if Chairman Condon was upset because it was an ice cream truck or because it is "lettered" (has signage displayed on it). Deputy City Administrator Martin noted currently commercial vehicles cannot be parked on a residential property, and, if they are, they must be under cover. He stated this matter was recently discussed with this Committee and is now being considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission for recommendation to Council. Chairman Concion opined the ice cream truck on the premises is different than a work vehicle being stored on a site. Deputy City Administrator updated the Committee regarding: • Buddyz is hoping for a soft opening in mid-July; • Elgin Health Clinic has approached Staff regarding opening a low-income/no income health clinic in the City. They are conducting their due diligence and have been awarded grant monies in order to construct a new facility. They are looking at building the clinic in McHenry, where they have determined it is really needed. • The next meeting is scheduled for August 24, 2010 with the following matters to be discussed: Snow Shoveling Ordinance; Temporary Use Permit Application; �. Form outlining drive-in regulations; Community Development Committee Meeting June 22,2010 Page 8 � Residential setbacks for garages. Adiournment Motion by Petfxson, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, �-��.= �j '� ,:� „�� ` =-�� ���� Geraldine A Condon, Chairman � �