HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/15/2011 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING `- Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Peterson :�nd Alderman Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy Administrator Martin, C'onstruction and Neighbarhood Services Director Schwalenberg and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Tony and Krisse Gamboa, 1001 N. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 Scott Siman, 3922 Main Street, McHenry, IL 60050 Mike Fleming, 4002 Main Street, McHenry, IL 60050 Dick Buchert, 4003 Main Street, McHenry, IL 60050 David Gelwicks, 3817 W. Waukegan Road, McHenry, IL 60050 Michael Lehman, 3909 W. Main Street, McHenry, IL 60050 Not in Attendance (Would Like Information): Tony Wirtz, 3908 West Main Street, McHenry, IL 60050 Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Pubtic Input Session �-- No one si�med in for Public Input Session. Main Street Commercial—Roundtable Discussion Deputy Administrator Martin stated one of the goals of the Community Development Committee in 2010 was the evaluation of short-term strategies to facilitate the revitalization of the Main Street commercial area. As background, Deputy Administrator Martin reiterated that in September 2008, the Community Development Committee formulated, and the Council adopted, the Main Street Sub-Area Plan. The Plan is a long-term tool, meant to be used as a guide, in making future planning decisions for the area, which includes a much larger geographical area than the Main Street commercial area. As part of the planning process, two open house events were held prior to the Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Additionally, in 2009 the Community Development Committee considered establishing a "Main Street" program, however, it was determined as not feasible. In 2010 the Community Development Committee in conjunction with the Landmark Commission created historic banners for the Main Street, Green Street and Riverside Drive neighborhoods. The banners are decorative but also serve as tools to promote the historical attributes of each distinct downtown area and create distinctive, cohesive neighborhoods. It was determined that the historic banners provide the property owners the choice of voluntarily choosing to pursue historical designation as opposed to creating a larger historic �. district. Deputy Administrator Martin spoke briefly about wa�nding signs. Responding to Community Development Committee Meeting March 15 2011 Page 2 �'' an inquir}�, he stated that wa�nding signs, while decorative, are more for area directional purposes. The historic banners would indicate an historic area in the City. Alderman Peterson arrived at 7:07 p.m. Deputy A�3ministrator Martin stated that it is Staffs' opinion that one of the hurdles to any short-term improvement along Main Street is communication among the Main Street business �>wners and between Main Street business owners and the City of McHenry. Deputy A�iministrator Martin cited examples such as: • sh��red snow removal contractors; • maintenance of the alleyway where deliveries are made on the south side of Main Street; and, • formation of a Main Street Association. Deputy Administrator Martin noted that when the design workshop was held for the Core Downtown Sub-Area Plan, two things occurred: 1. Property owners conveyed their ideas and concerns to Staff; and 2. Property owners conversed with one another. In an effort to facilitate and encourage dialogue, Staff is proposing to begin with some simple subjective questions, which should initiate conversation, such as: • What do you believe makes Main Street a great place to do business? �" • Conversely, what barriers do you see impeding positive progress in the right direction? Additionally, Staff would like to discuss: • The private alleyway south of the businesses on the south side of Main Street. (This was raised by another property owner); • Parking concerns; • The City's Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program; and • Sharing of services property owners could financially benefit from utilizing economies of scale (i.e., snow removal). Mr. Gelwicks stated he does not have a business on Main Street, but he owns rental property on Main Street. He suggested that a professional might be hired to provide property owners and business owners with a sort of vision regarding how to best bring the buildings along Main Street back to their original appearance. Deputy Administrator Martin advised that the Landmark Commission has a vast amount of knowledge and there is currently an architect on the Commission. Mr. Gamboa informed the Committee and those in attendance that he and his wife, Krisse, are the proprietors of Main Street Cafe. He was previously a roofer; he always enjoyed cooking and thought they would take a chance in the restaurant business. Mr. Gamboa stated that frequently his customers comment on the "old time" feeling of the building. � Community De velopment Committee Meeting March 15, 201 Page 3 `- Mr. Gelwicks inquired about the Fa�ade Improvement Grant. Deputy City Administrator Martin briefly explain�:d the eligibility process for obtaining a Grant, noting at this point in time the amount of the Grant is minimal because there is not a lot of money in the fund. Deputy Administrator Martin stated that there is information regarding the Fa�ade Improvement Grant on the City's website. Chairman Alde�rman Condon suggested it might be a good idea if the property owners and business owners along Main Street formed an association. She stated that the City does not have the means finar cially to facilitate improvements in this economic climate. Mr. Siman opined that the primary concerns on Main Street are fa�ade issues and parking. Responding to an inquiry regarding the old Buss Ford lot, Deputy Administrator Martin stated it was owned by Metra. Mr. Siman noted that the lot is in deplorable condition. Deputy Administrator Martin indicated the City has made an effort to control the weeds in the lot. A brief discussion regarding parking issues on Main Street ensued. Deputy Administrator Martin assured the parties assembled that Staff would look into the lease with Metra to ascertain if the lot could be used for overflow parking. Mr. Lehman opined that even if the lot could be used for overflow parking he suggested some people might be hesitant to walk a significant distance to/from Main Street businesses to/from the Metra lot because of an unsavory element living at the hotel. He stated it is a normal L. occurrence for police to be in the vicinity frequently due to fights at the bars. Also, Mr. Lehman stated it is not unusual to discover used hypodermic needles on the sidewalk or in the street. Alderman Santi asked if those in attendance felt there was sufficient police presence. Mr. Gamboa stated that frequently officers come in and eat at his restaurant and he sees patrol cars drive by often. Mr. Gelwicks opined that the Police Department in McHenry is incredible. Mr. Siman opined that it is nonsensical, due to the minimal amount of parking and time restrictions imposed by the City, that parking tickets are issued in the lots. Alderman Peterson stated that he has spoken with a number of business owners/operators along Main Street and many have indicated an issue with signage. It was suggested that an off-site, changeable sign be erected directing people to stores along Main Street. Deputy Administrator Martin stated that the current ordinance prevents off-site signage. He explained that the reason for off-site signage restrictions is to avoid a proliferation of such signs (i.e. billboards). Chairman Alderman Condon stated that if an idea was formulated for an off-site sign to be used in promoting 1�1ain Street businesses, it could be brought to the Committee, or considered by Council, for a variance. Mr. Gelwicks inquired whether any thought has been given to making Main Street a 1-way street? A brief discussion ensued. � Community Development Committee Meeting March 15, 2411 Page 4 `'' Alderman Peterson stated that a business owner mentioned specifically how difficult it is turning left onto State Route 31 from Main Street due to the two parking spaces next to Harbor V�'allbangers on the south side of State Route 31. Mr. Siman opined they are dangerous due to the sight lines. Deputy Administrator Martin acknowledged that this issue has been t�rought before one of the other committees and that it continues to be a concern. Alderman Santi inquired about the Metra lot, west of the railroad tracks, with regard to providing additional parking for the area. Deputy Administrator Martin assured those present th:�t Staff would research the lease regarding the City's rights to any of the parking spaces. It was the consensus that in the current economy it is difficult to do anything. Deputy Administrator Martin encouraged innovative solutions regarding: • Parking; • Signage; and • Safety concerns. Deputy Administrator Martin stressed that the City is here to assist with any ideas and facilitate efforts of the business community. Responding to an inquiry from Mr. Gelwicks, Deputy Administrator Martin agreed to provide an address list of all invitees to tonight's meeting. � Chairman Alderman Condon indicated a willingness to have another roundtable discussion regarding Main Street issues. She encouraged the business owners and property owners to provide the City with direction regarding the renovation of Main Street. Chairman Alderman Condon noted that while Alderman Santi is the Alderman for Ward 1, which includes Main Street, any of the Aldermen or City Staff is willing to speak with anyone regarding questions or comments. Discussion Re�ardin� Pronosed Grease Trap/Interceator Ordinance for Food Service Establishments Deputy Administrator Martin stated that a proposed ordinance which would implement grease trap/interceptor requirements for food service establishments arises out of a problem that has been a concern for some time. He asked Construction and Neighborhood Services Director Schwalenberg to enlighten the Committee. Director Schwalenberg informed the Committee that City sanitary sewers and wastewater treatment facilities can be significantly impacted by fats, oils and greases ("FOG"). The primary source of FOG into sanitary sewers is commercial food service establishments that prepare and serve large quantities of food. Director Schwalenberg stated that over time if FOG is permitted to build-up in sanitary sewers, it can result in reduced flows or even complete blockages. The blockages can lead � to backups into buildings or waste flow above ground, then can eventually end up in rivers Community Development Committee Meeting March 15 2011 Page 5 `'' and streams causing contamination. Additionally, FOG can cause increased cost to the City in mainteriance of sanitary sewer lines. Director �chwalenberg informed the Committee that of the restaurants currently located in the City limits approximately ninety percent of the food service facilities should be equipped with an a��proved grease trap or interceptor. He indicated that over the past twelve months, Staff has �•esponded to six incidents of FOG in the City's sanitary sewers. These incidents have resu]ted in approximately 24-hours of Staff time, as well as City equipment used to resolve thc; situations. Director Schwalenberg noted that the Illinois State Plumbing Code does contain requireme�its for the sizing of new grease traps or interceptors, but has very limited direction when it involves their cleaning or maintenance, which is essential. In an effort to reduce future problems, Staff if seeking to establish regulations for the maintenance and cleaning of grease and oil interceptors in the restaurants where FOG could be an issue. He stated that the ordinance would encourage business owners to be more aware of their responsibility to maintain the grease trap or interceptor at their establishments. Chairman Alderman Condon inquired whether other communities had such an ordinance. Director Schwalenberg indicated all communities experienced this problem with FOG, but that they were just beginning to address it with an ordinance for enforcement. \.- Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding enforcement, Director Schwalenberg stated that the City would establish a database and maintain a log. Director Schwalenberg informed the Committee that FOG is not regulated by the County Health Department. Alderman Santi inquired about how many properties were involved and whether there would be a grace period from the time the ordinance is established and enforcement begins. Director Schwalenberg indicated there would be a grace period of approximately 12-months. He stated that approximately 100 properties are affected. Motion by Santi, seconded by Peterson to direct Staff to prepare an ordinance for consideration by Council regarding establishing regulations for the maintenance and cleaning of grease traps and oil interceptors. Aye: Condon, Santi. Peterson Na}�: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Other Business Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that the next meeting of the Community Development Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. Proposed topics on the agenda will be: � • Residential Chickens; � Incentives for Small and Medium Businesses; and Community Development Committee Meeting March 15 2011 Page 6 `' • Sv��imming Pool Regulations. Deputy A�iministrator Martin informed the Committee regarding the following projects: • Gc�odwill of Illinois is progressing with plans to locate a facility in the former Dc�minick's site. � the warehouses proposed on Tommy's property on South Route 31 are still in the wc rks, but they have encountered some wetland issues. • Chase Bank will be coming before the Planning & Zoning Commission in the near future for a new facility in the Market Place; • McDonalds will also present requests to construct facilities at two locations; • O'Reilly Auto Parts will also be submitting a request to the Planning & Zoning Commission soon; • the proposed Panda Express appears to be a reality; they are looking at an out lot in front of Kohl's; • the applicant interested in the property for auto sales at the former Alexander Lumber location on Route 31 informed Staff that the deal had not come to fruition. Adiournment Motion by Peterson, seconded by Santi to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Aye: Condon, Santi. Peterson Nay: None. � Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, �' I ' ��' -�. `�-� Geri Condon, Chairman �