HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/17/2011 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING `-- Tuesday, May 17, 2011 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Peterson and Alderma�i Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, Construction and Neighborhood Services Director Schwalenberg and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Mr. Adrian Plante, 1207 Broadway, McHenry, IL ( o Treenwithenvi(_c��mail com) Mr. Ed Fuhrmann, 214 Sprucewood Ct., Round Lake Beach, IL (thefiihrmanns(c�sbc�;lobal net) Ms. Peggy Larson, 1013 Hilltop, McHenry IL (peg T�1ev29�cvatt.net) Mr. Don Jarrett, 912 N. Cedar Lake Road, Round Lake Beach, IL Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Public Inqut Session No one signed in to speak during the Public Input Session. � Discussion Re ardin�Ice/Snow Removal from Sidewalks in Residential Areas Construction and Neighborhood Services Director Schwalenberg stated that the topic of snow and ice removal was previously discussed at both the March 16, 2010 and October 26, 2010 Community Development Committee meetings. Staff was directed to enforce the provisions of Chapter 21, Sec. 21-18 of the McHenry Municipal Code (snow removal) and keep a record of Staff time associated with enforcement. Director Schwalenberg stated that due to mild winter temperatures, it was difficult to determine whether or not the walks were being shoveled or accumulation had melted. Continuing, he stated that the blizzard of 2011 deposited a large amount of snow over a very short period of time resulting in piles of snow being pushed up onto corners by plow trucks in an effort to clear roadways. Following the blizzard, Staff waited for a two week period prior to sending out letters advising residents of Chapter 21, Sec. 21-18 in an effort to provide sufficient time for everyone to remove snow. Director Schwalenberg provided the Committee with the following data: • 'I'here were five major snow events between December 2010 and February 2011, which generated 12 complaints; • Of the 12 complaints filed, 92 individual properties were identified as heing in violation; • Notification was made by personal visits or letters being mailed to the 92 � ��roperty owners; and Community l�evelopment Committee Meeting May 17, 201 ! Page 2 L' • A total of 347 tasks were completed and approximately 77 hours of Staff time was consumed in o identifying the properties; o investigation of the violation; o logging-in of information; o sending out the notification and/or speaking with the property owner(s); and, o conducting a follow-up inspection. Director Sch�valenberg informed the Committee that Staff would recommend accumulation of data for another year prior to suggesting modification to the ordinance. Responding tc� an inquiry from a resident in attendance, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that the County of McHenry does not remove snow from sidewalks. Alderman Santi inquired about the responses received from recipients of letters and/or visits regarding the snow removal issue. Director Schwalenberg indicated that most were receptive and unaware of the ordinance. Mr. Adrian Plante inquired about the training of plow drivers. He inquired if the snow could be pushed in such a way so that there is no accumulation at corners and on sidewalks, which affects sight lines. Director Schwalenberg stated that drivers are trained and attempt to determine the `. best routes based upon time constraints, gas consumption and mileage. It was suggested that digital photography could be helpful. Chairman Alderman Condon suggested continuing the analysis far one more year. She requested that specific complaints be documented. It was the consensus of the Committee to continue accumulating data regarding snow removal for an additional year, through the 2011/2012 winter season, with the addition of digital photography to accompany data and that specific complaints be documented. Discussion Re�ardin�Residential Chickens Deputy Administrator Martm reiterated to the Committee that at the February 22, 2011 meeting of the Community Development Committee, the subject of issuing permits for backyard residential chickens (hens only) in the City of McHenry was discussed. Staff provided information addressing frequently asked questions, common myths and realities, as well as a Chicken Ordinance Survey. Interested community members were in attendance, providing valuable information on the topic. Since the Febn,ary 22, 201 meeting, Staff has worked with Mr. Adrian Plante and his colleagues to clarify concerns which were raised at the last meeting. Some of the specific concerns raised were: �. • Appropriate setbacks for chicken coops and runs; Community L►evelopment Committee Meeting May 17, 2011 Page 3 `' • A visual aid to assist residents in depicting areas on their property where chicken coops and runs would be permitted; • Limiting the number of hens per property; • Limiting the number of annual poultry licenses issued in the City; • Design of an appropriate coop/run; and • Notifying neighbors and homeowners' associations, if applicable, of the intent to raise chickens. Deputy Admi nistrator Martin noted that one suggestion by the Committee was to develop a "How To" guide for persons who may be interested in raising chickens but have no experience. Staff has prepared a sample guide and sample Poultry License Application, which would be required for residents who desire to raise backyard chickens. Chairman Alcierman Condon inquired about the annual fee for a license. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that Staff was considering $50 per license and limiting the number of licenses issiied to ten per year. Responding to Chairman Alderman Condon inquiry whether $50 annually would be sufficient to cover Staff expenses, Deputy Administrator Martin stated not dollar-for-dollar, but that $50 annually is the standard fee for minor permits of this type. Alderman Peterson informed the Committee that following some research he was able to `-- ascertain that chicken licenses are revoked in Batavia following notification of three violations. Chairman Alderman Condon stated she would like to see a fine added to the process if a resident is in violation. Deputy Administrator indicated that a fine is standard with other City regulations. Chairman Alderman Condon stated she is pleased that the City's regulations are consistent. A discussion ensued regarding the number of chickens that should be permitted. An individual in attendance stated that chickens are social animals and that a minimum of two per location are encouraged. Upon inquiry from individuals in attendance at the meeting, Chairman Alderman Condon stated that she is comfortable only committing to ten licenses annually the first year. She noted she is open to more than ten in the future, but would like to see how the project tests out. Chairman Ald�rman Condon expressed concern that some other communities have larger setbacks, citing 30-feet in Batavia, with some communities in the 20 foot range and others in the 75-foot range. She inquired how Staff had reached a 10-foot setback determination. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that some lots in the City are smaller than others and Staff ascertained that anything larger than 10-foot would limit opportunities for some residents. Chairman Alderman Condon opined she did not believe that an additional 5-10 feet would be a big difference, but stated she was willing to concede to the proposed 10-foot setback. � Community l�evelopment Committee Meeting May 17, 201 I Page 4 � A discussion ensued regarding the number of hens allowed. Mr. Adrian Plante inquired why residents wer� being limited to no more than 4 hens, as opposed to 6 hens. Chairman Alderman Condon stated that she was comfortable with someone owning 2 to 4 hens and wanted to see how the project goes the first year. Mr. Plante st�ited that he is willing to volunteer to assist Staff with any inquiries from residents seeking assistance regarding the proper care and maintenance of hens and coops. Deputy Administrator Martin indicated he appreciated the offer of assistance. Motion by Santi, seconded by Peterson, to direct Staff to present the matter to full Council for direction to p�•esent the matter at a Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission with the following conditions: • A maximum of ten licenses to be issued during the first year of the program, with a waiting list for any additional requests; • Requirements include a property set back of 10-feet; and • Violation to be added to settlement of offenses. Aye: Condon, Santi. Peterson Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. `— Discussion Regarding Economic Develonment Strategv Deputy Administrator Martin stated at the committee's October 2010 meeting, the Community Development Committee discussed economic development as well as potential incentives. A "shop local" initiative was discussed, as well as other ideas such as having different people take photographs throughout the community. Staff provided an update on a "Shop Local" effort, which is currently underway with the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce. Staff also provided local examples of cities which have adopted formal business incentive programs and offer means by which a business could obtain low-interest financing, sales tax rebates or other programs to leverage potential investment in the community. At that time, it was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to draft an Economic Development Strategy for the City of McHenry. Deputy Administrator Martin presented the Committee with a draft Economic Development Strategy for re�iew. Chairman Alderman Condon stated she is pleased with the draft. She opined she likes not having specific numbers as each project is unique. Alderman Santi stated that he likes that the Strategy is open-ended so the guidelines can be adjusted. He opined he would like to see the Strategy become a working document soon. � Community I>evelopment Committee Meeting May 17, 2011 Page 5 �- Motion by Pe terson, seconded by Santi to present the Economic Development Strategy for the City of McHenry to full Council for consideration. Aye: Condon, Santi. Peterson Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carrie��. Other Business Deputy Administrator Martin informed the Committee that a McDonald's proposal will be heard at the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting this week regarding moving from their current location at Bu 1 Valley Road and State Route 31 to a new structure at Park Place and Route 31. Deputy Administrator Martin informed the Committee that O'Reilly Auto Parks will be before the Planning and Zoning Commission on June 2, 2011. They plan to locate in the old Rainbow Play Systems structure. Deputy Administrator Martin informed the Committee that negotiations with Panda Express continue to mc►ve forward. Panda Express continues to explore constructing a facility on an out lot near Kohl's. Chairman Ald�rman Condon informed the Committee that the next meeting of the Community Development Committee is scheduled to take place on August 23, 2011 in the Aldermen's L,,, Conference Rc�om at 7:00 p.m. Topics anticipated for the agenda are: � Minor commercial building permits and plan review fees; and • Commercial industrial paving standards. Adiournment Motion by Peterson, seconded by Santi to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Aye: Condon, Santi. Peterson Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Geri Condon, ('hairman L