HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/23/2011 - Community Development Committee � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday,August 23, 2011 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Peterson and Aldermar� Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, Construction,ind Neighborhood Services Director Schwalenberg and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Pubtic Input Session No one signed in for Public Input Session. Discussion Re�ardin�Minor Commerical BuldinQ Permit and Plan Review Fees Director Schv��alenberg informed the Committee that it has been over ten years since the City reviewed minor permit fees for non-residential development. He stated that minor permits are issued for such things as accessory buildings, decks, driveway construction, siding replacement, re-roofing, etc. Staff is suggesting that the fees currently charged be updated to enable the City to recover some of the costs associated with review and inspections. Director Schwalenberg noted, however, that it would be difficult to recoup all costs associated with minor permits due to the unique nature associated with each permit. � Director Schwalenberg provided the Committee with a spreadsheet outlining the various types of minor permits, the cost of each, the number of permits issued over the past 12 months and a recommended fee. The chart also included the amount charged in surrounding communities solely for commercial/industrial development. Director Schwalenberg informed the Committee that Staff is proposing the following fees in addition to those currently in effect: • Plan Review Fee for new construction, additions and alterations; and � Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Director Schwalenberg noted it is not unusual for a permit application to be withdrawn or abandoned during the review process. Staff believes a review fee would ensure that a person is serious about the project as well as assist in reducing the impact on City resources should a project be abalidoned. He stated that it is Staff's intent that the review fee not be assessed for minor permits, only for permits for new construction, additions and alterations. Responding to an inquiry by Alderman Peterson, Director Schawalenberg stated that temporary certificates of occupancy are issued for non-life safety and weather-related items, such as landscaping and paving that may not be able to be completed during winter months. At the time the temporary certificate is issued the owner is required to sign an agreement stating outstanding items will be completed by a predetermined date. Staff is proposing a $100 fee to reduce the cost of preparing the temporary certificate and the additional inspection(s) that must be � conducted prior to issuance of a permanent certificate. Alderman Peterson opined he is in favor Community Development Committee Meeting August 23, 2011 Page 2 � of user fees a 1d does not know if$100 is adequate. Chairman Alderman Condon opined she favors moderate rate increases. Chairman Ald�rman Condon opined that even with the increase(s) the City of McHenry is still comparable w ith the average fees being charged in surrounding municipalities. Responding to Chairman Alderman's inquiry, Director Schwalenberg stated the fees were last reviewed ten years ago. Alderman Santi stated he supports the increases and he would like to see the fees reviewed every three ye�irs. Motion by Saiiti, seconded by Peterson to forward a recommendation to the Council to amend Municipal Co�ie Section 7-3, updating permit fees as presented, including a review by Staff every three ye�irs. Aye: Condon, Santi. Peterson Nay: None. Absent; None. Motion carried. Chairman Alderman Condon noted that the fee review should be at Staff's discretion should they feel that something specifically needs to be addressed. �" Discussion Regardin�Consolidation of Pavement Requirements For Parkin�Lots Director Schwalenberg informed the Committee that the number of businesses in the City continues to grow along with the quantity and size of the parking lots. This has led to an increase in the number of permits for repair, replacement and in some cases, the expansion of existing parking areas. It is Staff's goal to establish uniform guidelines for the installation of pavement in multi-family, commercial and industrial parking areas/lots. Staff conducted thorough research of City codes and ordinances. Staff noted the Municipal Code, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance contain some guidelines, standards and requirements for parking lots in whole or in part. For example: • Chapters 12 and 21 of the Municipal Code contain administrative rules for obtaining a permit, such as bond requirements for working in right-of-ways and references for uniform specifications. • The Zoning Ordinance includes requirements for permits such as specifications for installation of driveways and approaches, standards for parking lot design, driveways, aisles and islands, as well as minimum pavement thickness requirements. • The Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance contains permit requirements, forms, fees, design criteria for pavement and subgrade material and standards for testing. With the infornlation scattered amongst three separate documents, and in some cases conflicting language with another City ordinance, Staff believes the consolidation of requirements, standards �' and design criteria into one document would be the best course of action for ease of reference. Community I)evelopment Committee Meeting August 23, 2(�11 Page 3 � Staff is seeki ng direction from the Committee to comprehensively evaluate, consolidate and update paverr ent requirements. Staff anticipates bringing the proposed ordinance amendments before the Co;nmittee at a future meeting. Responding tc� Chairman Alderman Condon inquiry whether this endeavor would create a new section in th�. Municipal Code, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that the paving requirements would be part of the Zoning Ordinance. Responding tc� Alderman Peterson's inquiry regarding the personnel hours necessary to pull the information together for the comprehensive consolidation, Deputy City Administrator stated that while he coulci not be exact, it would take some work to do the job precisely and effectively. Chairman Alderman Condon suggested that as technology continues to improve there should be some wording in the document taking new technology into consideration. It was the con5ensus of the Committee that Staff should move forward with the consolidation of the information regarding pavement requirements for parking lots. Other Business Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that a permit has been applied for regarding the Tommy's site for the proposed mini-warehouses. �' Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the permit for Panda Express has been received by Staff. The project is moving forward. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that a church is interested in the building that previously housed Haystack Manor. The property is currently zoned residential, The matter regarding residential chickens is scheduled to be heard at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting scheduled on September 8, 2011. The agenda for the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of September 15, 2011 includes: • Haystack Manor • Prairie Pointe Business Park o The business park is attempting a vacation of the plat in order to get a Letter of Credit rescinded. Deputy City Administrator Martin requested the Agenda for the next Community Development Committee meeting be left open. Staff is making an effort to pull together information regarding residential generators, which may possibly be presented on the Agenda. The Committee might want to consider amending the ordinance or, alternatively; each situation might need to be addressed uniquely. � Community L�evelopment Committee Meeting August 23, 2C 11 Page 4 � Chairman Alc�erman Condon informed the Committee that the next meeting of the Community Development Committee is scheduled to take place on October 25, 2011 in the Aldermen's Conference R��om at 7:00 p.m. Topics anticipated for the agenda are: • Code c ompliance updates • Residential generators (possibly); and • Goals =or 2012. o Chairman Alderman Condon noted that the October meeting will be the last for 2011. Alderman Santi requested information regarding the installation of guardrails at River Place development. Director Schwalenberg informed the Committee that installation of the guardrails was to begin today. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding the garages, Director Schw:ilenberg stated that no one is allowed use of the garages yet. Alderman Peterson inquired regarding which City Committee addresses the topic of user fees. Deputy City A.dministrator Martin stated that the Finance and Personnel Committee normally addresses that topic, however Staff is always pleased to discuss any suggestion the Alderman might have regarding user fees. Adiournment Motion by Peterson, seconded by Santi to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 p.m. � Aye: Condon, Santi. Peterson Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, . ���� Geri Condon, Chairman �