HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/8/2011 - Community Development Committee CQMMU1vITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETII�iG �.. Tueaday,November 8,2011 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attend�nce: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condoq Alderman Peterson and Alderman Sami. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, Construction and Neighborhood Services Director Schwalenberg and Deputy City Clerk Kunzer. Chauman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Innut Session No one signed in for Public Input Session. Annual Cade Compliance Ug�,iatg Deputy Administrator Martin provided the Committee with graphs indicating a comparison between code compliance cases received, handled and resolved between 2010 and 2011. He noted the increased numbers of foreclosures of residential properties has resulted in a substantial increase in the numbers of property maimenance complaints which have been recorded and ha.ndled by Staff. Director Schwalenberg infotmed the Committee the annual report is for a twelve-motrth period beginning IO/1/2010 through 9/30/2011. He explained the code compliance complaint registration and resolution procedures, noting the goal is to obtain compliance and not to collect � fines through the administrative adjudication process. Alderman Peterson inquired what constit�,ited an "unfounded" complaint. Deputy Administrator Martin responded violations aze not always visible from the roadway. At other times the violation has been remedi� prior to Staff viewing it. Ofterrtimes, the complairrt is lodged by angry neighbors who describe a complaim about something which cannot be viewed unless eirtry onto the subject property is garned by the property owner. In those instances, Staff must secure propexty owner permission prior to entering the site. Alderman Santi inquired how long it ta.kes to determine a complaint would be unfounded. Director Schwalenberg responded the length of time would vary. There is no tygical time period which would be applicable. Chairman Condon noted Staff is unable to encroach upon sameone's property without permission of the propeity owner. Alderman Santi noted the annual report indicated there were 80 unresolved cases and inquired why the number was so high. Director Schwalenberg responded sometimes the matter is already resolved, i.e. the weeds or tall grass have already been removed/cut. It would then be included in the unfounded category. Discussion followed regarding the need to lien properties which have incurred expense to the tawn mowing, weed cutting, etc, Deputy Administrator Martin noted Staff has been working � with City Attc�rney McArdle to draft a letter which will be sent out to all sewer only City ,� customers whc� are in default on their utility bill payments. Deputy Administrator Martin noted the City has more than $24,000 in unpaid sanitary sewer liens. The City has made the decision to dig up sewer connections for which the utility payments are in arrears and install a valve which would provide for shutoff of services. Alderman Peterson requested clarification regarding the category of zoning complaints. Deputy Administrator Martin responded zoning complaints would include parking on the grass, illegal signs,non-allo�able uses, etc. Discussion Re�ardine Residential Generators Director Schw;zlenberg informed the Committee that in light of recent extended power outages, may residents liave purchases generators to be used during times of loss of power supply. Due to the noise restrictions contained in the Zoning Ordinance and cross-referenced in the Municipal Code Chapter 14 Section 14-8 Noise, amendments would have to be considered to allow temporary or portable generators in the residential district. If the code and ordinance are not amended it would lead to unfair enforcement due to the outdated allowable noise standards currently identified in the code/ordinance. Deputy Administrator Martin noted the noise created by a residential generator is likely no louder than a lawn mower, air conditioner, or snow blower; however, residents are accustomed to the sounds created by these items, whereas the generator is a "new" atypical sound which is more rarely heard. `— Chairman Condon inquired if the generators would be operated solely during power outages. Director Schwalenberg noted the residential generators would be used only during power outages; however, they would need to run during brief periods from time to time to ensure they are working property. Director Schwalenberg noted Staff intends to provide an exemption for residential generators to allow their operation during times of power outage. Discussion ensued regarding the sound levels of typical residential generators. It was noted the current noise standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance does not mesh with the standards utilized in the specs provided to consumers regarding noise levels. Deputy Administrator Martin noted this issue needs to be addressed Motion by Peterson, seconded by Santi, to direct Staff to request Council approval to forward the matter of noise standards for residential generators to Planning and Zoning Commission for public hearing. Voting Aye: Santi, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � End of Year 2011 Review � Deputy Admiriistrator Martin provided a brief summary of items discussed and acted upon during 2011 b�� the Community Development Committee. A table summarizing the activity was provided to the Committee for comment and review. Alderman Santi noted the ice/snow removal on sidewalks would continue to be monitored during the upcoming winter season. Director Schwalenberg noted Staff has taken a reactive posture regarding the :;now/ice violations. To date, no tickets have been written regarding this type of violation. Deputy Administrator Martin noted the opportunity for developers to present their plans to the Committee prior to public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission offers the Committee an��pportunity to provide feedback during the initial stages of development. Proposed Committee Meetin�Dates and Goals for 2012 Chairman Condon presented the following proposed meeting schedule which Staff has prepared for 2012: January, No Meeting February 21, 2012 March �0, 2012 April,No Meeting May 15. 2012 June,No Meeting � July, No Meeting August 21, 2012 September,No Meeting October 16, 2012 November,No Meeting December,No Meeting. Chairman Condon suggested the Committee consider having a January meeting, in order to avoid three consecutive months with no meeting (December, 2011 followed by January and February, 2012). She also suggested there be no meeting in March 2012. Discussion followed regarding finalizing the proposed meeting schedule for 2012. The 2012 Committee meeting schedule was established as follows: January 17, 2012 February 21, 2012 March,No Meeting April,No Meeting May 15, 2012 June 19. 2012 July,No Meeting August 21, 2012 September,No Meeting � ' October 16, 2012 � Novem ber,No Meeting Decem�er,No Meeting. Deputy Administrator Martin highlighted the proposed goals for 2012 paying particular attention to: #3 Discus�ion on West Illinois Route 120 Economic Revitalization #4 Discus�ion on Signs including 2013 deadline, signs in city rights-of-way, sandwich board signs ai�d temporary signs #6 Outside display of inerchandise, where display is allowed, cost of permit, time frame of permit #8 Amend�nents to Zoning Ordinance relating to uses not listed as permitted uses, assembly uses, le:�al description when required, public notice, when a court reporter is needed, public hearing rules of procedure #9 Zoning Ordinance amendments relating to electric chazging stations in parking lots, shared parking requirements and parking associated with redevelopment, load requirements, loading in public right-of-way. Deputy Administrator Martin requested the Committee review the suggested goals and prioritize them as to when they should be discussed. Chairman Condon noted the Committee recently amended the Zoning Ordinance regarding the parking of commercial vehicles in the residential district. A situation has come to the attention of `- Staff relating to an oversized commercial truck being parked in the residential district. The resident is currently making application for a variance to allow the resident's work vehicle to be parking in his driveway due to his need to be available at a moment's notice to perform work duties. Discussion followed regarding whether the commercial parking restrictions in the residential district should be amended to allow for extenuating circumstances or to consider variances on a case-by-case basis. Alderman Peterson questioned if all rental properties within the City would be included in the proposed rental registration program. Deputy Administrator Martin responded it would include all rental properties. This would ultimately assist with the crime-free housing as proposed by the Police Department. Director Schwalenberg noted the registration of rental properties would be the first step in the process. It would ultimately lead to annual rental property inspections. At Deputy Administrator Martin's request, Chairman Condon suggested the following items for inclusion on the January 17, 2012 meeting agenda: 1) Discussion of exceptions to prohibiting certain commercial vehicles to be parked in the residential district 2) Rental Property Registration Program; 3) Begin discussion and establish outline for sign ordinance amendments and 2013 enforcement of non-conformities; � 4) Ecc�nomic Revitalization of West Route 120. `'" Additional iterls to be considered for committee discussion in 2012 include: 1) Coc(e Enforcement 2) Re�ulations for temporary/blow up pools; 3) De�ignating permanent intersection locations for City-permitted right-of-way temporary advertising signs. Alderman Sam i suggested if permanent temporary sign locations were designated, it would be easier for Staf'f to know when non-permitted signs are being posted. Deputy Administrator Martin noted Staff would look into this matter and come back to Committee with a recommendatic n. Staff Renort Deputy Administrator Martin provided the Committee with an update on potential incoming businesses. Other Business Alderman Peterson inquired if it would fall under the purview of this Committee to ascertain potential locatic�ns for securing a building which could be converted into a parks and recreation facility. He noted discussion recently occurred at the Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting about the possihility of the City purchasing an industrial building which would then be converted the park athletics and program use. Deputy Administrator Martin responded this issue is related to the Community Development Committee in that the Committee could assist in research to find �- an appropriate building/location appropriate for the use. Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 p.m. Aye: Santi. Peterson, Condon. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, _ ����^ Geri Condon, Cliairman �