HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/17/2012 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING L Tuesday,January 17,2012 Aldermen's Conference Room,7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Peterson and Alderman Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, Construction and Neighborhood Services Director Schwalenberg and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Alderman Glab Helen Glab Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. Public Inaut Session No one signed in to speak during the Public Input Session. Discussion Re�arding Rental Proaertv Registration Prosram Deputy Administrator Martin reiterated that one of the 2012 goals of the Committee is to establish an ordinance requiring residential rental properties to register with the City. He explained that at the present time, it is estimated that 25% of the City's housing stock, approximately 2,685 units, are being used for rental income property. Deputy Administrator Martin informed the Committee that frequently, should an emergency � property or zoning issue arise, Staff is required to spend a great deal of time researching records in an attempt to notify the property owner. He noted that often even after an extensive search has been conducted, including a title search, the owner is still unable to be determined. Deputy Administrator Martin informed the Committee that without proper notification to the property owner it is impossible to pursue matters related to rental properties through the City's administrative adjudication hearing process or the 22nd District Judicial Court in Woodstock. Staff believes the first step to establish the process is to require residential rental properties to register with the City. Staff is proposing the registration be required every three years. Staff provided the Committee with a draft registration form. The form contains fields for the property owner, as well as a local responsible party should the owner be a corporation or located out of town. In an effort to address potential overcrowding issues, fields have also been included on the form requiring the number and size of sleeping rooms contained in each dwelling unit. Staff is not proposing a fee for registration at this time. The main intent of the City in registering rental properties is to provide accurate, accessible information regarding property owners. Staff believes property owners will be less cooperative if a fee is charged, particularly if they own multiple properties within the City limits. Staff is proposing a one-year amortization time frame be established during which property owners must come into compliance, if an ordinance implementing the program is approved by � Council. Should Council approve the registration program, Staff intends to use sewer/water Community Development Committee Meeting January 17, 2012 Page 2 L. billing records, building files and common knowledge to create a database of landlords. A letter would be drafted and sent to each property owner advising them of the requirement to register. If a registration form has not been submitted by the end of the first three-year cycle, a ticket would be issued and fines assessed. Staff is proposing fines of $100 and $200 respectively, which would be added to Section 1-12 Settlement of Offenses in the Municipal Code. Alderman Condon referenced prior discussions and draft forms being presented at the Committee level and inquired why the program did not proceed at that time. Deputy Administrator Martin stated that the prior draft registration form had not been reviewed by the City Attorney and was initially going to be used informally for information gathering rather than a registration program required by ordinance. Chairman Alderman Condon inquired about the program proposed by Detective Adams regarding Crime Free Multi-Housing and the database that could be utilized by both City staff and police department personnel. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that it has been determined that the proposed rental registration program could be initiated without use of the database. Alderman Condon asked Staff to inquire about the database as it would assist both the Police Department and Construction and Neighborhood Services. Construction and Neighborhood Services Director Schwalenberg noted that City Attorney McArdle has reviewed and approved the draft form proposed by Staff. `-- Alderman Peterson suggested a local transfer stamp be required whenever the property is sold in an effort to ensure compliance and possibly generate some revenue from the program. Deputy Administrator Martin indicated the program can always be amended following implementation. Following a brief discussion it was determined that a fine of$100 payable within the first seven days and $200 if paid within eight to fourteen days be established in the Settlement of Offenses of the Municipal Code for noncompliance following the first year of amortization. Motion by Santi, seconded by Peterson, to direct Staff to move forward with a recommendation to Council for approval of an ordinance requiring residential rental property registration and establishment of fines for non-compliance. Aye: Condon, Santi. Peterson Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion Re�ardin� Sign Ordinance Amendments and Discussion on 2013 Enforcement of Non-Conforming Si�ns Director Schwalenberg reiterated to the Committee that on August 7, 2006, Council approved amendments to the sign ordinance, which included a seven-year timeframe for property owners to bring non-exempt portable and freestanding signage into compliance or pay an annual fee. L Community Development Committee Meeting January 17, 2012 Page 3 L. Director Schwalenberg informed the Committee that a windshield survey conducted in August, 2011 on West Elm Street, North Richmond Road, North Front Street and South Route 31 determined there are approximately 65 signs not in compliance with the sign ordinance. Since August 7, 2006, a total of seven variances for permanent signs have been granted for relief of the City's sign ordinance, none of which are included in the number surveyed. Beginning August 2013, an annual registration fee will be due. There are 50 signs that exceed the 15-foot height limitation, 28 do not meet the 5-foot setback requirement, 8 exceed the total number of signs permitted per ��roperty and 4 exceed area limitations. Should none of the signs be brought into compliance or variances granted by the deadline the City can expect to see approximately $44,000 in annual sign registration fees due. Staff noted that this could negatively impact the promotion of new business and retention of existing businesses. Staff would like the Committee to consider revisiting the deadline and annual registration fee requirement, as well as the entire sign ordinance to ascertain if this is the direction still desired. Staff is seeking direction on how to proceed. 2013 Sign Deadline Staff believes the deadline should not be extended. It was noted that seven sign variances have been granted since the ordinance was enacted and 6 of the 7 signs will be grandfathered. `— The options presented regarding the 2013 sign deadline are: • Move forward with enforcement,beginning on August 7, 2013 • Postpone the deadline an additional five years • Abandon the deadline and registration completely. Chairman Alderman Condon inquired whether any notice was provided to the business owners regarding the amendments to the sign ordinance when they were approved in 2006. Director Schwalenberg stated he is unaware of any notice that was provided at that time. Chairman Alderman Condon opined that postponing the deadline for compliance for five years is excessive,but she would support a 2-year extension, with an effective date of August 7, 2014. A brief discussion ensued. It was the consensus to provide business owners with notice within the next 90-day period, followed by a second notice and to extend the deadline for compliance to August 7, 2014. Temporar ��Sig�s (posted in ri t-of wa�presentiv onlv permitted by Council action on a non- consistent quantity, time-frame and location basis) Director Schwalenberg informed the Committee that Staff is suggesting that if an applicant meets all the criteria, requests for temporary signs would not be required to go to Council. Staff presented the following recommendations for Temporary Signs: • Permit Required: Yes `— • Designated Locations: 10 preapproved locations only Community Development Committee Meeting January 17, 2012 Page 4 � o Chapel Hill and Route 120 (s/w corner only) o Richmond Road and Elm Street (south side of Elm Street only) o Crystal Lake Road and Elm Street(north side of Elm Street only) o Ringwood Road and Elm Street(one corner only) o Ridge Road(west city limits) and Route 120(in area of city sign only, s/e corner) o Richmond Road and Shoppers Drive (one corner only) o Richmond Road and Blake Boulevard(one corner only) o Richmond Road and McCullom Lake Road(one corner only) o Crystal Lake Road and Bull Valley Road (one corner only) o Bull Valley Road and South Route 31 (one corner only) • Quantity: One sign per intersection � Size: 18 x 24 inches (3 square feet) • Time Frame: Two weeks prior to event and must be removed two days following event • Permit Label: Affixed to sign, color to change by Staff determination • Illumination: Not Permitted It was noted that any requests from an establishment out of the City would require a variance and would come before Council as a regular agenda item. Director Schwalenberg also stated that the criteria indicated above applied only to not-for-profit, charitable and philanthropic organizations. � Chairman Alderman Condon inquired what would occur if a number of organizations requested displaying signs simultaneously. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that it could happen, but would be a rarity, in which case three signs might overlap one week. He noted that City events would always have priority. Alderman Glab opined that all temporary signs should come before Council as a Consent Agenda item. Alderman Peterson and Alderman Santi concurred. Alderman Glab stated that if the process is made too easy the number of sign requests is likely to increase. Alderman Peterson suggested that the $30 deposit be retained until the signs have been removed. Sandwich Board (presentl ��permitted by Ordinance) Staff is recommending that sandwich boards be considered exempt subject to the following criteria being met: • Height: Not to exceed four feet • Size: Not to exceed 12 square feet(36-inches wide x 48-inches high) • Quantity: One • Location: Within five feet of building, located outside of right of way and does not block walkways or create vision impairment issues • Illumination: Not Permitted � Community Development Committee Meeting January 17, 2012 Page 5 � Staff is suggesting an annual fee of$30 for the permit, as long as the location and structure of the business does not change, with a deposit to insure compliance. Alderman Glab opined that 36 x 48 is too big. Deputy City Administrator Martin proposed a 24- inch x 36-inch sign in C-4 areas downtown. Chairman Alderman Condon stated she has less concern with the size of the sandwich board suggested by Staff,but is adamant that they be maintained in good condition while on display. Alderman Santi and Alderman Peterson indicated no issues with the sandwich boards. Feather Banners (presentiv not permitted by Ordinance because temnorar�i�nage cannot exceed ei�htee�i feet in height. Feather banners range from 3' x 8' to 5' x 20') Staff is suggesting that feather banners be considered exempt if there is compliance with the following criteria: � Height: Not to exceed 10 feet • Quantity: One • Area: Not to exceed 32 square feet • Location: Within five feet of the building, not in the right of way, and not blocking any walkways or creating vision impairment issues �" • Display time: Same as temporary signs, if permitted. A brief discussion ensued regarding feather banners and distractions. Chairman Alderman Condon suggested the discussion be put on hold until the details could be discussed with the City Attorney. Staff is proposing to have the following definitions added: • Sign—Sandwich Board o A double face board carrying a sign or notice, especially one used to advertise a product, event, ete., that does not exceed three feet in height and six square feet in area • Sign—Monument o Any permanent sign which is supported by a base of at least 75% of the sign width, eight-feet or less in height and is independent from any building • Sign—Neon o Add LED (Light Emitting Diode) to definition • Exempt Signage o Add "not more than 50% of signage area shall be dedicated to logo of business name." Delete"shall not be illuminated." Contractor si�na�e (presentiv not permitted by Ordinance unless a tempor sig-�permit is � issued Community Development Committee Meeting January 17, 2012 Page 6 L Staff would like contractor signage considered exempt if the following criteria is met: • Size: Three square feet, 18-inches high x 24-inches wide • Only to be displayed while contractor is actively working at the site • Located a minimum of five feet back from all property lines and not in the right of way • One permitted per street frontage, per zoning lot A discussion ensued regarding the length of time a sign can be displayed. Chairman Alderman Condon reiterated that the sign must be maintained in good condition. Election Campai�n Signs (presentiv limited to 45-days prior to and two days after an election� Staff is proposing revising the Code to remove condition no. 2 - display time. 'This is necessary in order to bring the Ordinance into compliance with state law which was recently changed with regard to the ainount of time campaign signs can be on display. The new law, recently passed, has no time limit on the display of campaign signs. Real Estate Si�,ms — Commercial/Industrial (presentiv all commercial and industrial real estate signage requires a permit) Staff is proposing real estate signs be considered exempt from permits if they conform to the following requirements: `' • Height: Maximum 6-feet • Location: One permitted per street frontage • Size: Maximum of 32-square feet • Illumination: Not Permitted • Setback: Minimum of five feet from all property lines • Duration: Removal within one week after consummation of sale or lease Chairman Alderman Condon stated she had no concerns other than the signs be maintained in good condition. Seasonal Decorations (disnlav is currently limited to 45 days before and 45 days followin� a holida Staff is proposi�ig including text to reference"in compliance with current City codes." Chairman Alderman Condon opined that 45 days following a holiday is too long for decorations to remain on display. Flashin Si s flashin si a e is rohibited b ordinance Staff is proposing the following text be added: � Community Development Committee Meeting January 17, 2012 Page 7 � • Text prohibiting the use of flashing lights to attract attention to a product, service or building(both inside and outside) • Text creating an exemption for moving backgrounds used on electronic message boards Chairman Alderman Condon suggested letters be sent to business owners so there is no misunderstanding between "moving" signage and "flashing" signage, with flashing signage defined as the same message repeatedly flashing. Alderman Santi opined the flashing signage issue should be strongly enforced. Service Station Signs and Displays Staff informed the Committee that the present ordinance states: A facility or premises primarily used for retail sale of fuels or oils for automobiles, trucks or boats and which may include as a secondary acti��ity retail sale of tires, batteries and similar accessories and the making of repairs to vehicles or parts thereof that do not normally require storing such vehicles on the premises overnight. Staff recommends adding "automobile repair shop" to the definition. This is necessary for outside display of product and signage. � Automobile Repair Shop Staff recommends adding "oil change shop" to this definition. This is necessary in order to be consistent with outside display of product and signage in similar uses. Administration - Section d(nresently ordinance allows onlv white) Staff is suggesting eliminating the word "white" and inserting "neutral or color consistent with existing shucture." This would allow an abandoned sign to blend in with its surroundings. Following discussion it was determined by the Committee that Staff would make the proposed revisions, taking into consideration suggestions from the Committee returning at a future meeting for future discussions on the topic of signage. Discussion Re�ardin�Economic Revitalization of West Illinois Route 120 Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that as the Committee members are aware, Illinois Route 120,between Meadow Lane and Ringwood Road, has deteriorated. This area has not seen substantial economic investment for some time due to property and building obsolescence, dilapidated structures, incompatible land use and lack of community planning. Staff believes the City may need to consider different economic revitalization and zoning tools to spur reinvestment in the area, encouraging new businesses to locate along the corridor and retain �... existing businesses. Community Development Committee Meeting January 17, 2012 Page 8 � Deputy City Administrator Martin also noted a concern about businesses having an incentive to locate outside the City limits, near the planned Thatcher Meadow subdivision, which is planned to include huncireds of dwelling units and commercial property. Staff believes a multi-dimensional effort is required to revitalize the corridor. Zoning tools, such as an overlay district, design guidelines and/or streetscape improvements must be paired with an economic incentive/reinvestment mechanism to be successful. The City should focus on goals and objectives outlined in the Comprehensive and Economic Development Plans. Staff does not believe the area will recover or sustain itself in the future without some type of economic development/support program from the City. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that several tools exist to spark investment, development and redevelopment along West Illinois Route 120, including: • Establishment of a business redevelopment district or tax increment financing district; • Creation of a special service area(SSA); • Formalization of a commercial loan program with local financial institutions; • Establishment of an incentivized targeted redevelopment zone, utilizing sales and/or property tax rebates; • Implementation of a policy to provide for reducing/waiving development-related fees. �" Deputy City Administrator Martin stressed that each economic tool has different features. They each possess their own implementation process, different financial arrangements and varying impact on property owners. The degree of support will be different depending on which is utilized. Additionally, some of the programs will require financial participation in some form by the City. Deputy City Administrator Martin outlined the following redevelopment objectives: • Encourage a high-quality appearance of buildings and site design; • Promote coordinated development of parcels to achieve efficient off-street parking and maximum utilization of land area; • Stimulate private investment, upgrading existing buildings or expansion of existing businesses and new construction; • Assemble multiple parcels for neighborhood-oriented retail and/or service development; � Make the area more pedestrian-friendly; • Provide for improvements to create safe and efficient vehicular access, minimize curb cuts, encourage shared parking and cross-access; • Establish high screening and transitional yard requirements to minimize land use conflicts between commercial and adjacent residential; • Reduce blighted/conservation area attributes along the comdor; • Provide for lighting or coordinated signage improvements to make the corridor visually appealing for people wishing to patronize businesses. � Community Development Committee Meeting January 17, 2012 Page 9 � Staff is seeking direction from the Committee regarding the following: • Confirmation regarding the general boundaries of the corridor � Establishment of goals or end results to be achieved • Type and level of community engagement • Consideration of economic incentive tools previously mentioned and level of interest in one or more In response to an inquiry regarding the current summary of land use, Deputy City Administrator Martin responded: • Commercial/Retail (10) 22% • Residential (6) 13% • Service(20) 44% • Vacant land/buildings (9) 20% Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Santi and Alderman Peterson concurred that the boundaries are fine. Alderman Peterson opined he likes the idea of community input. Alderman Santi opined he would also like to see community input but is skeptical that anyone would attend a public � meeting regarding this matter. Alderman Glab inquired if this is an area where the City wants to see retail. He suggested two to three big name stores to anchor the corridor. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested he contact a couple of the property owners and attempt to gage their level of interest and possible participation. Chairman Alderman Condon stated that while a challenging area, there are a couple of thriving businesses. For revitalization to occur redevelopment has to come from the City. It is the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to contact property owners, determine the level of interest and continue the discussion at a later date. Other Business Alderman Peterson inquired about the decision process on who qualifies for a Fa�ade Grant. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that application is made to the Landmark Commission. The Landmark Commission then makes a recommendation which is presented to Council for approval. Alderman Glab brought to the attention of the Committee that a semi-trailer is parked on Prairie in Lakeland Park, a residential subdivision, which has an RV plate. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee: • The deal for the habitation of the property previously occupied by Walmart did not come to fruition. Staff is unable at this time to discover the reason. � Community Development Committee Meeting January 17, 2012 Page 10 � � Savannah Furniture is moving into the location where American Mattress was located. • Family Video will be moving into a space by Sears (previously occupied by Dress Barn). � Cricket Communications is opening near Harris Bank and Aldi. • Panda Express is getting closer; held up in negotiations with Kohl's. • Borders building renovation is taking place. • Hobby Lobby will be opening on January 25, 2012. • Ross Dress for Less is progressing. • Jo-Arm Fabrics is opening. � The caliopy is down at Some Other Nuts. Chairman Alderman Condon reminded the Committee that there will be a Special Meeting on January 24, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Alderman's Conference Room with members of the Chamber of Commerce to discuss an Economic Development Partnership. Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that the next meeting of the Community Development Committee is scheduled to take place on February 21, 2012 in the Alderman's Conference Room at 7:00 p.m. Topics anticipated for the agenda are: • Continuing discussion regarding signage; • Continuing discussion regarding economic revitalization; • Fence Ordinance amendment; and � • Outside display of inerchandise. Adiournment Motion by Peterson, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. Aye: Condon, Santi, Peterson Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, .���,._ Geri Condon, C hairman �