HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/12/2013 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING �- Tuesday,November 12, 2013 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Peterson and Alderman Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administr�tor Martin and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm. Public Input Session No one signed in for Public Input Session. 2012/2013 Code Enforcement Update Deputy City Administrator Martin summarized the Code Violation Activity Report for 2012/2013 Noting that compliance with City Ordinances is the primary goal, he stated that a total of 88� complaints were received between October 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013. Overall, the total number of code violations for 2012/2013 is down from the previous two years. The number of violations is down in every category, but particularly the number of nuisance violations and zoning compliance issues has decreased significantly. Staff has made an effort to only enter actual code complaints into the database. In the past, the program was also utilized as a tracking devise for other matters (i.e., open permits and addresses with non- ,� compliant back flow prevention devices). Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that code enforcement activity remains at the forefront of responsibilities for the Community and Economic Development Department staff. While the number of violations is down, some code complaints are more complex and take additional time to resolve. Deputy City Administrator Martin stressed that staff in the Community and Economic Developme�it Department are extremely diligent in responding to and resolving code complaints. He opined that they do an excellent job working with property owners, explaining the process and assisting whenever possible. He noted that the Department Staff will continue these efforts moving forward to maintain the quality of life residents and businesses in the City of McHenry have come to expect and enjoy. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that if funding can be established, the Department is looking at Building Permit Tracing Software. This type of software would help to make tracking much easier. Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Alderman Condon regarding the statistics for unresolved complaints, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated he believes this is because the data being entered is more concise. He noted that currently Staff is still using an Excel program to enter data, new software would make code enforcement more efficient. � Community Development Committee Meeting November 12, 2013 Page 2 � Deputy C ty Administrator Martin noted that Bill Regner also suggested that it would be beneficial if each member of the Staff of the Community and Economic Development Departmerit was to obtain a Property Maintenance Certification. Discussion Re�ardin�2013 Accomulishments and Goals Deputy City Admmistrator Martm informed the Committee of the following information regarding the End of Year Review for 2013: • Review of Conceptual Plan o Committee reviewed a conceptual proposal from Banner Apartments, an affordable multi-family project, which is currently being considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission • Amendments to Swimming Pool Ordinance o Committee amended the Swimming Pool Ordinance in the Municipal Code to address portable/temporary pools and adopt the Swimming Pool Ordinance in the International Property Maintenance Code. The Amendments were approved by Council. • Amendments to Garage Sale Ordinance o Committee proposed amendments to the Garage Sale Ordinance to address a provision which exempted the sale of up to five items from the Garage Sale Ordinance. The amendments were adopted by the Council. `-- • Amendment to Municipal Code Regarding Electrical Licenses o Committee reviewed an older provision that was in the Municipal Code which established an Electrical Commission and required annual issuance of electrical licenses. Amendments to the Municipal Code eliminating the Electrical Commission and requiring new electrical licensees to obtain their licensure from communities which administer an Electrical License Examination were adopted by Council. � Amendment to Municipal Code Regarding Snow and Ice Removal from Sidewalks o Committee reviewed the ordinance requiring removal of snow and ice deposits from City sidewalks. An amendment to the Municipal Code removing this requirement was recommended by the Committee and adopted by the Council. • Amendment to Municipal Code Regarding Animals and Fowl o Committee proposed a comprehensive revision to the City's Animal and Fowl Ordinance. The reviewed Ordinance was adopted by the Council. • Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Regarding Temporary Refuse and Storage Containers and Consideration of Amendments Regarding Carports o Committee reviewed the regulation of carports and temporary refuse and storage containers. The amendments were considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be presented to Council in the near future. • Review of Parking Requirements for Restaurants o Committee reviewed existing parking of several restaurants in the City and the `- City's current parking requirements for restaurants to determine if they needed Community Development Committee Meeting November 12, 2013 Page 3 � to be updated. The Committee decided the existing parking requirements for restaurants were adequate. • Building Code Updates o Committee reviewed updating the current 2006 International Building Codes to the 2009 International Building Code. The proposed amendments will be forwarded to the Council in the near future for consideration. • Aniendment to the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Parking Vehicles on the Grass at Automobile Dealerships o Committee considered and recommended amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to permit the displaying of vehicles on the grass at automobile dealerships. The Committee also recommended a language amendment to the Zoning Ordinance clarifying parking vehicles on the grass in general is prohibited. 'The amendments were subsequently adopted by Council. • Amendments to the Municipal Code Regarding Solicitors and Transient Merchants o Committee reviewed amendments to the City's ordinances regulating solicitors and transient merchants. The amendments will be presented to Council in the next few weeks for consideration • Amendment to the Municipal Code Regarding Tall Grass and Weeds o Committee reviewed the Tall Grass and Weed Ordinance and recommended changes to utilize language in the International Property Maintenance Code, reduce the number of days for compliance and remove the requirement that �-- notices be sent using certified mail only. Amendments to the Municipal Code addressing these issues were adopted by Council. Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding temporary refuse and storage containers would be considered before Council at the meeting scheduled on November 18, 2013. Goals for 2014• Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that he inquired of personnel in the Community and Economic Development Department for input regarding goals for 2014. The following is information provided: • Provide feedback on Development Proposals, as needed (Ongoing) o As conceptual development plans are brought to the City, the Committee should continue to provide feedback to developers. • Discuss Code Compliance Activities/Process (October) o Staff will provide its annual update on code compliance activities. • Municipal Code Amendments to Sign and Fence Ordinances (January and February) o Staff would like to review provisions for exempt directional signs, as well as changeable copy signs. This is in response to enforcement issues with directional signs and the proliferation of electronic changeable copy signs and `-- many variances issued regarding these signs. Staff would also like to amend Community Development Committee Meeting November 12, 2413 Page 4 � the fence ordinance to require barbed wire fencing to be face-out, as opposed to face-in, which is what the ordinance currently requires. • Zo�ling Ordinance Amendments Regarding Screening of Mechanical Equipment and Te�nporary Use(May) o Staff would like to revisit the requirements for screening of inechanical equipment, as well as review the temporary use regulations. Temporary uses were reviewed by the Committee a couple of years ago, however, additional clarification is required of what constitutes a temporary use. • Re��iew Licensing of Contractors (February) o Many communities license contractors as a means of protecting residents from hiring fraudulent companies, which are not reputable. There are advantages and disadvantages to doing this and Staff would like to look at this issue to see if it is worth pursuing. • Re��iew Teardown Ordinance(June and August) o The City's Teardown Ordinance was adopted in 2005 and was utilized for the first time in 2013. There are aspects of the ordinance which Staff found somewhat confusing and other provisions, such as for granting variances, which are not included in the ordinance. Staff would like to revisit this ordinance to determine if updates and/or changes are warranted. � Abandoned and Distress Properties (June and August) o Staff would like to review the status of various abandoned and distressed �- properties in the City in an effort to determine if additional action should be pursued regarding specific properties. • Review Recommendations made by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (May) o � Through a local technical assistance grant from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, the City's comprehensive plan, zoning, subdivision and municipal code were reviewed to detertnine if amendments could be pursued to make the City's plans and/or ordinances better in terms of addressing storm water management and groundwater protection. Numerous recommendations were suggested and Staff would like to review these with the Committee and prioritize ones which should be pursued. A final report should be received shortly with recommendations regarding what can be done. Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that the Storm Water Ordinance should be adopted by the end of 2014. Chairman Alderman Condon commended Deputy City Administrator Martin and Staff on the goals for 2014. She asked that the goals be formatted according to date. Aaproval of 2014 Committee Meeting Schedule Deputy City Admimstrator Martin provided the following dates for meetings of the Community Development Committee, on Tuesday evenings, in the year 2014: � Community Development Committee Meeting November 12, 2013 Page 5 � January 28, 2014 February 25, 2014 March—None April—None May 13, 2014 June 24, 2014 July—None August 26 2014 September—None October 28, 2014 November—None December—None Chairman Alderman Condon requested that the meeting scheduled on January 28, 2014 be changed to another date, as she has a conflict. Alderman Peterson suggested changing the days of the meetings of the Community Development Committee from Tuesday to either Monday or Wednesday because he has those days off or he is out of the office earlier. Chairman Alderman Condon opined that she � has no issues changing the days the Committee meets, but would like to keep the time at 7:00 pm. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that he will construct an alternative schedule on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm, when there is no Council meeting scheduled. Other Business Responding to an inquiry from the Committee regarding whether filters are required for all swimming pools, Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the City's Building Code permits the City to enforce manufacturing specifications. He explained that all swimming pools come with filtration systems if they are more than 24-inches deep. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Peterson regarding property tax abatement, Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that City Administrator Morefield had sent out a proposal to the taxing bodies regarding vacant properties in the City, 50,000 square feet or larger, in an effort to get some of the empty buildings filled. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Save-A-Lot is looking at the property previously occupied by Sullivan's. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding Trader Joe's, Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the City of McHenry does not meet Trader Joe's demographic requirements. � Community Development Committee Meeting November 12, 2013 Page 6 � Adiournment Motion b}�Santi, seconded by Peterson to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Geri Condon, Chairman � �