HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/12/2014 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING
Monday, May 12,2014
�-' Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman
Peterson, ��lderman Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator
Chairman.�lderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:20 pm.
Public Input Session
No one signed in for Public Input Session.
Di�cussion on Amendments to the Landscapin�and ScreeninE Section of
The Zonin�Ordinance
Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that following the Community
Developme�nt Committee meeting of May 12, 2014, the Committee sought a more practical,
objective, �neasurable and enforceable method, in terms of height and extent, in which to
regulate mechanical equipment, whether it is located on the ground or on a roof.
Alderman Santi arrived at 7:23 pm.
Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that what he has attempted to do is utilize the same
standards as are currently in force, for screening mechanical equipment, expressed as a
� percentage of the height of the mechanical equipment, including any appurtenances attached,
with the following amendments:
Screen Required From Proposed Zoning To Existing Adjacent
(Sub'ect Pro er ) Zonin
75% of height of inechanical 0-1-2, C 1-5, BP, I 1-2 E, RS 1-4, RA 1, RM 1-2
50% of height of inechanical RA-1, RM 1-2 E, RS 1-4
The proposed additional table (14(a)) is for Rooftop and Ground Equipment. Deputy City
Administrator Martin stated that what he did not include, but would recommend be added is
that all four sides of the equipment should be screened and that the principal building could
be considered as one of the sides, but that the main building would have to maintain the 3-
foot access as stipulated currently in the Ordinance.
These amendments are consistent with requirements outlined in the healthcare and business
park district, however, in healthcare districts, rooftop equipment can extend 15 feet above the
building height and in business park districts all rooftop mechanical equipment must be
completely screened from all views. Because non-residential building height is a function of
floor area ratio in the Zoning Ordinance, Staff is recommending mechanical equipment not
exceed 10 feet above the height of the building, which is similar to a permitted obstruction in
� a required yard, but is instead a permitted obstruction of airspace above the roof of a
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� building.
By utilization of a percentage of the total height, it allows a developer options to place the
equipment on the ground or the roof, but incorporates more stringent requirements for
rooftop equipment due to the increased visibility from surrounding properties.
Deputy Ci-y Administrator Martin informed the Committee that mechanical equipment needs__�
to be defined. It is currently not defined, other than Table 19, which is permitted obstructi�i�,5� �
which inc:udes air conditioning equipment. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested-----�"
taking Table 4b and turning that into a definition of inechanical equipment applicable to 14a.
Deputy Ci:y Administrator Martin also suggested that the definition of height, as it pertains
to newly installed landscaping should also be added. He suggested a definition of height at 10
feet above the building height, if a structure is on the roof of a building.
Deputy City Administrator Martin summarized the screening of dumpster enclosures/refuse
containers. Staff is proposing amendments to the Landscaping and Screening section of the
Zoning Ordinance and Table 19 (detailing Accessory Uses and where they are Permitted
Obstructions), which governs the location of accessory structures to address screening of
dumpsters/refuse containers for properties with dwellings containing three or more dwelling
units, to be consistent with the current requirements in the Municipal Code. Staff believes
that, as currently written, these are adequately addressed in the Zoning Ordinance with the
� proposed amendments to the Landscaping and Screening section of the Zoning Ordinance for
all buildings containing three or more dwelling units and non-residential zoned property,
excluding the Business Park and Health Care Districts:
"All trash shall be stored within an enclosed building, or if located on the exterior
site shall be screened on all sides by walls or solid fence (chain link fencing may
not be utilized), that are a minimum of 6 feet in height. If a solid wall is utilized to
screen the enclosure/refuse the materials of the proposed wall shall be designed of
durable materials with finishes and colors which are similar to the adjacent
building. Refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure. All
enclosures shall be accessible by vehicle which will be required to access the
Chairman ,Alderman Condon inquired whether there are regulations in effect regarding
screening of residential refuse containers. City Administrator Martin stated that the current
regulation for residential refuse containers state they are not to be in public view. Chairman
Alderman Condon stated she thought that is the regulation.
Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that screening similar to that utilized on the building
is common for screening if something other than plantings and shrubbery are utilized.
Staff is recommending amending Table 19 to include refuse disposal areas as permitted
obstructions in required interior side and rear yards only with the following addition:
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�-- "Refuse disposal areas cannot be located between the front or corner side lot line
and the principal building."
Staff is recommending cross-referencing Chapter 11 of the Municipal Code with Article VII
LandscapiJig and Screening and Article X. Accessory Uses, Yards & Fences and vice versa.
If the Corr�mittee concurs with the proposed amendments regarding screening of inechanical
equipment, dumpster enclosures and other amendments, as proposed to the Landscaping and
Screening accessory uses and definitions sections in the Zoning Ordinance, Staff
recommen3s the amendments be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission to
conduct a Public Hearing.
Alderman Peterson inquired about screening — citing the dumpster at his commercial
condominium unit. He stated the truck pulls up, hooks up the dumpster, dumps it, returns it
to its place and departs, without ever getting out of the vehicle. He wondered what is going to
happen, particularly in a bad winter — when a driver has to exit a vehicle and open a gate
(particularly when there is a high snow pack, as there was this winter). There is no room to
open a door/gate and access a dumpster in such an instance and accessibility would have
been impossible. Alderman Peterson noted that a lot of the refuse in the dumpster at his
building consists of yard waste from people who pull up in trucks and cars, and utilize the
space in the dumpster. Chairman Alderman Condon opined that in inclement weather, the
space in front of the doors/gates of an enclosure would have to be cleared away to facilitate
`,,, emptying of the dumpster.
A discussion ensued regarding the practicality and the necessity of gates regarding dumpster
accessibility. Deputy City Administrator Martin acknowledged that it is difficult to retrofit
something like the situation at Alderman Peterson's building due to the age of the
Alderman Peterson pointed out another situation with the condominiums at Whispering Oaks
concerning elderly persons having access to the dumpster facilities and having to open
doors/gates in order to access the dumpster. He opined that not only would the gates/doors on
dumpsters enclosures have an economic impact on the residents, but will also have a physical
impact. He suggested grandfathering in older structures and reserving aesthetics for newly
constructed buildings.
Alderman Peterson inquired if any of the roof screening issues were considered for retrofit.
Deputy City Administrator Martin responded in the negative. Alderman Peterson again
opined that the dumpster screening should be compelled moving forward, but grandfathered
in for current situations.
Chairman Alderman Condon opined that it is her understanding it was always the intent to
grandfather in the mechanical screening issues, but not the refuse. Overflowing refuse in
garbage bi�is in unacceptable. Deputy City Administrator Martin opined that Staff is
suggesting that the responsibility of the maintenance and screening of the receptacles should
�' be a joint effort of the landlords and tenants for their mutual benefit. He stated it is a difficult
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`-- situation to amortize across the board because someone is going to have an issue or it is
going to pose a difficulty for someone. There are challenges.
A discussion ensued regarding the cost. Chairman Alderman Condon inquired what should
be done. Alderman Peterson opined that the old structures should be grandfathered in and
any new �tructures should have to comply with the proposed amendments. Alderman
Peterson �,tated he concurs with all of Staf�s suggestions moving forward for new
developments. Regarding the mechanical equipment issue Alderman Peterson stated he
would hav� no issue with screening of the air-conditioning unit that would be aesthetically
pleasing, i�nless the screening interfered with any maintenance required because of the
current placement of the unit(s).
Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that it is understood that retrofitting in some cases
would be difficult, however, he inquired whether the Committee is onboard with the
amendments presented moving forward.
It is the consensus of the Committee that they are comfortable with the amendments
suggested by Staff for construction moving forward for screening of inechanical equipment.
Alderman Santi expressed concerns about someone moving into town and wanting to
construct something on a rooftop that is 12 feet tall rather than the mandatory 10 feet.
Chairman Alderman Condon stated that in such a case a variance would have to be requested
�. before Council or the structure could be placed on the ground.
Chairman Alderman Condon stated, therefore, the only remaining issue is the one concerning
the screening of existing dumpsters. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested adding
some wording to the effect:
"Any improvement, addition or alternation, which impacts the location of the
existing refuse storage area would have to be in compliance with the new
The Committee is in consensus with Deputy City Administrator Martin's suggestion. It is
understood that if a hardship ever exists an applicant always has to option of approaching
Council for a variance.
Alderman Santi opined that it is not out of the question that the public might have some
questions a�id suggestions at the Public Hearing. He also inquired whether inquiries had been
made with representatives of the disposal companies regarding recommendations they might
have that might make operations more efficient. Deputy City Administrator Martin assured
the Committee that he would speak with someone at Waste Management, however, for any
residential, three or more units, or commercial establishments anyone can choose their own
waste hauler. The requirements and suggestions are likely to be different for each company.
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�- Approval to Schedule a Public Hearing and Present Various
Amendments to the City of McHenry Zonin�Ordinance
Re�arding Landscapin� and Screening to the Plannin� and Zoning Commission
Motion b}� Peterson, seconded by Santi, as presented with the addition of requiring the
screening of inechanical equipment on all sides if it is on the ground, incorporating the
principal Y�uilding is acceptable, however, the three foot clearance must be maintained and
for dumps�:er enclosures, no amortization or retrofit for mechanical equipment or enclosures
are required, however, any modification, which requires re-location of an existing refuse area
must com��ly with the new Ordinance.
Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Discussion on Amendments to the Zonin Ordinance
And MuniciAal Code Pertainin�to the Regulation of Medical Cannabis
Cultivation Centers and Dispensaries
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that in August 2013 the State of
Illinois enacted the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act (the "Act"),
which became effective January 1, 2014. This is a pilot program scheduled to expire at the
end of 2017. The proposed administrative rules governing the Act were published in the
�. Illinois Register in April of this year. One public hearing on the proposed administrative
rules was held on May 5, 2014 and the second will be held on May 1 l, 2014.
Prior to the issuance of licenses, however, the administrative rules must be reviewed by the
following departments:
• Illinois Department of Agriculture;
• Illinois Department of Professional Regulation;
• Illinois Deparhnent of Public Health; and
� Illinois Department of Revenue.
Following the April 28, 2014 administrative rule publication date there is a mandatory 45-
day public comment period prior to the General Assembly's Joint Committee on
Administrative Rules convening their final review and ultimately publishing the final version
of administrative rules.
The Act pe�mits one cultivation site in each of the 22 Illinois State Police Districts, however,
the Illinois Tollway System encompasses one state police district, therefore only 21
cultivation licenses would be made available statewide. Any one entity is eligible to receive
up to three licenses for cultivation centers.
Similarly, Dispensing Organization Districts were established statewide for up to 60
dispensary locations. McHenry County is considered a Dispensing Organization District and
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`-- currently would be allocated one registration under the draft administrative rules. One entity
may recei��e permits in up to five Dispensing Organization Districts throughout the state.
Deputy City Administrator Martin summarized the following:
• Prcposed Rules for Cultivation Centers;
• Preposed Rules for Dispensaries; and
• Preposed Rules for Patients and Caregivers.
Practically speaking, with only 21 cultivation center licenses available and 60 for dispensing
organizations, the likelihood of one or the other opening in the City of McHenry at this time
is unlikely. Staff has been contacted by multiple persons seeking feedback on pursuing
opening both a cultivation center and dispensary within the City limits. While this is a four-
year pilot program, many believe this is the first step toward an expanded program over time.
Additionally, Home Rule Authority is preempted, which means all communities must
provide a reasonable opportunity for one or both of these types of facilities to locate in the
City (they cannot be prohibited outright), but does not preclude the City from adopting
zoning restrictions which are not overly restrictive or burdensome, similar to restrictions for
adult uses or telecommunications facilities, dealing with time, place and manner-type
requirements. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with examples
from surrounding municipalities of discussed and/or adopted ordinances to address these
facilities. He cited the ordinances from the City of Naperville and the Village of Barrington
`— as worth considering. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that the ordinance for the City
of Naperville in particular relates all their regulations to practical zoning considerations. The
City of Naperville ordinance thoroughly addresses all zoning issues, while not over-
Staff would also like to explore opportunities such as an additional licensing requirement or
special fee/tax, whereby the City could potentially benefit financially if one or both of these
types of facilities seeks to locate in the City of McHenry. The questions would have to be
researched further and discussed thoroughly with the City Attorney regarding any legal
Staff believes, at a minimum, the City of McHenry should begin looking at the Act and the
basic requirements outlined in the draft administrative rules, consider ordinances adopted by
other communities, and formulate a plan moving forward, as far as crafting amendments to
the Zoning Ordinance and Municipal Code, what should be included in those ordinances and
what should be researched further.
Deputy City Administrator Martin explained that Staff is seeking feedback from the
Committee on this issue, specifically amending the City's Ordinances including the Zoning
and Municipal Codes, to address regulations for dispensaries and cultivation centers that
might seek to locate in the City of McHenry. Further, Staff is seeking feedback on the zoning
restrictions discussed and whether the Committee would like Staff to investigate the
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`- possibility of requiring additional licensing or establishing a special tax and the legalities that
might be involved in doing so.
Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Alderman Condon, Deputy City Administrator
Martin stated anyone can apply to the State of Illinois for one of the available licenses.
Deputy City Administrator Martin briefly explained the process.
Chairman Alderman Condon stated that it behooves the City of McHenry to have something
in place nc�w and to be proactive, even if the City of McHenry is not one of the sites chosen
for this area. It is in the City's best interest to have the ordinances in place should the issue
Alderman :Peterson likened the potential of the licenses to the local liquor license in addition
to the State of Illinois liquor license requirement. He opined that the ordinance provides the
City with some control.
Chairman Alderman Condon inquired whether there was interest in moving forward with
creating an Ordinance for the City of McHenry. Alderman Santi opined that it is necessary
that the City be proactive. Chairman Alderman Condon concurred with Alderman Santi.
Chairman Alderman Condon stated some regulations need to be in place and she would
definitely be in favor of establishing a fee or tax. Additionally, she agreed with Deputy City
Administrator Martin that all the ordinances would need to be looked at and revised to bring
�, them current regarding the verbiage banning marijuana use. A brief discussion ensued
regarding the needs of some persons for medical marijuana.
Alderman Peterson stated that he likes the City of Naperville's ordinance and it would not be
an excessive expense to the City to enact that ordinance.
Responding to Alderman Santi's inquiry regarding whether the ordinance covers the
distribution and the possibility of a cultivation center and dispensary, Deputy City
Administrator Martin stated that the ordinance would cover everything, however, he was
unable to find an ordinance that addressed adding an additional fee or tax. That would have
to be added to the ordinance.
It is the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to move forward regarding Medical
Marijuana (:ultivation Centers and Dispensaries, with amendments to the Zoning Ordinance
and Municipal Code using the City of Naperville Ordinance as a guide and to explore with
the City Attorney the possibility of a fee or tax and to bring the information back to the
Committee at a later date.
Next Meeting Date
Chairman Alderman Condon informed the members of the committee that the next meeting
of the Community Development Committee will be on Monday, June 23, 2014, at 7:00 pm in
the Alderman's Conference Room.
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`' Other Business
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that regarding the Unified
Development Ordinance, he has spoken with Chairman Alderman Condon and regrets that he
is unable to pursue the project at this time because he underestimated the amount of work
that would be involved. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated he is unable to devote the
amount of time required to do the project correctly at this time. He would like to postpone the
project until a later date.
He stated �hat currently the Ordinance requiring the most amount of work is the Subdivision
Ordinance and that is the next ordinance he would like to look at revising and fine tuning.
Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that she and Deputy City
Administrator Martin spoke of this matter last week and the time element has been a concern
all along. It makes sense to pursue the project, only at a later date.
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that he and Deputy City
Administrator Hobson would be going to the Las Vegas Shopping Center Convention on
May 18, 2014. The City of McHenry again has a booth at the Convention. He and Deputy
City Administrator Hobson will be distributing flash drives with the logo of the City of
McHenry, which will contain four folders with information about the City of McHenry.
Chairman Alderman Condon complimented Deputy City Administrator Martin on being
creative. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that the projection is for 30,000 to 40,000
� attendees.
On June 2 s, 2014, Staff would like the Committee to review the Teardown Ordinance with
Staffls recommendations for amendments. Staff would also like to look at the pros and cons
of licensing and bonding contractors. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated he does not
want to appear to regulate workmanship, only enforce codes. At the very least, a good
neighbor brochure to educate homeowners might be objectively considered.
The Planning and Zoning Commission has a meeting this week on Thursday. 302 Front
Street is on the agenda regarding a battery power storage facility. The tattoo parlor on 3012
State Route 120 is also on the agenda and the Prairie Points apartment matter will be
continued to June 2014,because they neglected to publish public notice on time.
Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that Shoppes at the Fox is building a third outlot
building. Requests for permits appear to be increasing.
Aldi is planning on moving next to Petco. They have submitted their permit. Starbuck's has
made a request for another location, with a drive thru. Deputy City Administrator Martin
stated a site to build an apartment complex in town has been requested. Red Wing Shoes has
shown some interest in a location. There is a lot of activity.
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� Adiournment
Motion by Peterson, seconded by Santi to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi.
Na,y: None.
Ab�ent: None.
Motion cairied.
Respectful ly submitted,
Gen Condon, Chairman