HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/27/2014 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, October 27, 2014 `— Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin and City Clerk Jones. In Attendance: Scott Curry Chairman�'�lderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Public Input Session No one sigried in for Public Input Session. Discussion on Annual Code Comnliance Uqdate Deputy Cit:�Administrator Martin informed the Committee that at the end of July 2014 Staff of the Community and Economic Development Department began utilizing building permit and property maintenance tracking (BS&A) software. Previously, code compliance activities were trackc;d using an access database, which was cumbersome. Building Permits were tracked usi ng an Excel spreadsheet, which had no mechanism to flag addresses with outstanding violations/liens or an efficient way to determine when a pertnit expired. The new BS&A software has proven to be user-friendly. Tracking permits, complaints and � reports are much more detailed and simple to produce. All inspections (type, date and time) are entered into the BS&A system and inspectors utilize field tablets to conduct inspections, as well as take pictures and attach documents. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with a copy of a report generated by the BS&A system. He pointed out that complaints are categorized by violation type, including the property address, status of the complaint, date entered/filed and when closed, if applicable. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that with the BS&A system there are currently 35 different complaint classifications, just within a two month period (July — November, 2014), whereas prior to utilization of the BS&A system Staff was placing complaints in a total of five categories. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with a summary of all code complaints from 2012-2014. He noted the table is a hybrid of both the access database previously utilized and the BS&A system. Therefore, a completely accurate picture is difficult to ��scertain due to the overlap of the two programs. He assured the Committee that the report for 2014-2015 would be much more concise. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that code compliance remains at the forefront of responsibilities for the Community and Economic Development Department. Over the years property maintenance issues have become more complex to address and resolve, and frequently include taking the matter to administrative adjudication, placing liens on properties, working with absentee landlords and working with financial institutions. Staff is much more proactive than in the past and all inspectors within the department take an active � role in property maintenance enforcement. Staff continues their efforts to educate residents and businesses regarding the process of property maintenance. Community Development Committee Meeting October 27, 2014 Page 2 � Deputy City Administrator Martin praised the Community and Economic Development Department Staff on their diligence in responding to and resolving code complaints. He noted that in the ��ast month he has received two telephone calls from residents thanking Staff for assistance �vith code compliance issues. This past week a resident came to the Municipal Center, intr��duced themselves and expressed their appreciation for the assistance provided by Staff. A brief disc;ussion ensued regarding the Report provided and the enforcement/resolution of the various issues according to category. Chairman �.lderman Condon stated that she is impressed by the information contained in the report and ��pined she is pleased that Staff has found the BS&A system useful. Alderman Peterson an�i Alderman Santi concurred. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding who utilizes the BS&A system, Deputy Cit�-Administrator Martin stated that everyone upstairs has training on how to utilize the system and there are three individuals with administrative rights. He explained that the administrative rights permit certain input and deletion of information in the system; keeping the administrative rights limited assures that the information which is input or deleted in the system is consistent and correct. � Discussion on 2014 Accomnlishments, Goals for 2015, And Prouosed Meetin�Dates for 2015 Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee of the following information regarding the End of Year Review for 2014: • Amendments to the Municipal Code Pertaining to Signs o Committee discussed and recommended amendments to the Sign Ordinance pertaining to: Regulation of electronic/LED message boards, signs for not-for- profit organizations, signage in shopping centers and grand opening signage. Many of the amendments were proposed to assist in being more business- friendly, as well as to ensure signage in shopping centers is consistent with commercial buildings not located within shopping centers. The amendments were discussed at two separate Committee meetings and were approved by the City Council. • Amendments to Zoning Ordinance and Municipal Code Pertaining to Medical Marijuana o Committee discussed various amendments to the Municipal Code and Zoning Ordinance regarding the regulation of inedical marijuana dispensaries and cultivation centers. Amendments pertaining to the specific regulation of both types of facilities, included in the Zoning Ordinance, as well as amendments to the Municipal Code were required to ensure there were no contradictions within existing ordinances. The Zoning amendments were recommended by � Communit��Development Committee Meeting October 27. 2014 Page 3 L. the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Municipal Code amendments were approved by the City Council. • Am�:ndments to the Zoning Ordinance Pertaining to Landscaping and Screening, Accessory Structures and Definitions �� Committee discussed and recommended amendments to the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to screening of inechanical equipment, as well as dumpsters. The amendments were recommended to the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequently approved by the Council. • Am��ndment to the Zoning Ordinance Pertaining to Temporary Uses �� Committee discussed efforts to streamline, assist businesses and clarify the regulations to the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to temporary uses. The amendments were recommended to the Planning and Zoning Commission and subsequently approved by Council. • Disc:ussion Regarding Licensing of Contractors o Committee discussed the possibility of requiring licenses for contractors working within the City limits. Following discussion and consideration, the Committee decided not to pursue the licensing of contractors, but directed Staff to place an article in the City Newsletter, as well as to ensure publications are available to the public regarding hiring a contractor, which would be placed at the CED counter for residents and businesses. • Discussion Pertaining to CMAP Report o Committee discussed recommendations made by the Chicago Metropolitan � Agency for Planning (CMAP) in a report recently completed as part of a multi jurisdictional technical assistance grant. The recommendation included amendments the City of McHenry could make to all development related ordinances specifically pertaining to storm water runoff, promoting water quality and other environmentally friendly practices. Staff discussed with the Committee the possibility of creating a Unified Development Ordinance in an effort to consolidate all of the City's development ordinances. Subsequently, Staff requested the idea of a Unified Development Ordinance be placed on hold due to Staff's time constraints and the large effort which would be required to develop a Unified Development Ordinance. • Code Compliance Update o Committee discussed the annual property maintenance update and Staff informed the Committee of the benefits being realized from the recent purchase of the building permit/property maintenance software. • Discussion Regarding Vacant, Abandoned and Distressed Properties o Staff provided the Committee with an overview regarding the current status of vacant, abandoned and distressed properties. Staff additionally provided information to the Committee on the Vacant Property Ordinances and approaches other communities have attempted to deal with the vast issue associated with the economic downturn. � Communit��Development Committee Meeting October 27. 2014 Page 4 �. Goals for Z 015: Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff put together the following li st regarding goals for 2015: • Mui�icipal Code Amendments to Fence Ordinances and Taxi Ordinance (January) �� Staff would like to review the entire Fence Ordinance and Taxi Ordinance and prepare a comprehensive amendment to both ordinances. Many of the provisions contained in these ordinances are outdated. • MuYiicipal Code Amendments to Subdivision Control and Development and Storm Water Ordinances and Zoning Ordinance Amendments Pertaining to Lot/Impervious Surf ace Coverage(May) o McHenry County has reviewed the county-wide storm water ordinance and will consider a comprehensive revision in November of 2014. If adopted, municipalities would have a specific amount of time to adopt the Ordinance as a minimum standard. Staff would like to review the changes and other potential amendments to the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance, which would need to occur if a new Storm Water Ordinance is adopted. Additionally, Staff would like to discuss lot/impervious surface coverage as it pertains to single-family residential districts. • Review of Administrative Adjudication System(August) o Staff will provide an overview of the City of McHenry's administrative � adjudication system, including the benefits attributed to the program, providing the Committee an opportunity to ask questions and offer suggestions for improvements, etc. • Review of Voluntary Rental Registration Program (October) o Staff implemented a Rental Registration Program a couple of years ago. Staff will provide the Committee with an update pertaining to the Program and also offer ideas regarding potential next steps. • Recognition Program for Property Owners as it Pertains to Improvements, etc. (August) o Staff would like to discuss a potential program which would recognize property owners for enhancements/improvements made to their properties. Property maintenance is a large part of the Community and Economic Development Department and Staff has been extremely successful in this regard. The proposed program would be a positive recognition program. • Zoning Ordinance Amendments Pertaining to Outdoor Seating and Entertainment and Accessory Structures (February) o Staff would like to review amendments to the Zoning Ordinance for outdoor seating and entertainment and accessory structures. A couple of years ago Council approved amendments to allow outside display of inerchandise without going through the condition use permit process and Staff believes this could potentially be done with outdoor seating and entertainment to assist businesses that might be interested in this activity. Staff also would like to � review the Accessory Structures Ordinance. Currently, the regulations, Communit:�Development Committee Meeting October 27, 2014 Page 5 `.- specifically pertaining to the number and size of accessory structures in residential districts needs to be clarified, as well as associated definitions, etc. • Rev iew Teardown Ordinance(June) � The City of McHenry's Teardown Ordinance was adopted in 2005 and utilized for the first time in 2013. There are aspects of the Ordinance which Staff finds confusing and other provisions, such as granting variances, which are not included in the Ordinance. Staff would like to revisit the Ordinance to determine if updates,revisions and charges are warranted. • Dis�;uss Code Compliance Activities/Process (October) � Staff's intention is to provide an annual update on code compliance activities. • Pro��ide Feedback on Development Proposals, As Needed (Ongoing) o As conceptual development plans are brought to the City, the Committee continues to provide feedback to developers. Chairman Alderman Condon thanked Deputy City Administrator Martin for the information and encour�iged the members of the Committee to attempt to attend an adjudication session. Alderman Santi asked if he, and members of the Committee, could obtain a copy of the type, number and fee for permits available within the City of McHenry. Chairman Alderman Condon concurred stating the information would be helpful. Deputy City Administrator Martin assured the Committee that he would compile the information and provide the requested information to the Committee members. � Approval of 2015 Committee Meetin� Schedule Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the following dates for meetings of the Community Development Committee, on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm for the year 2015: January 26, 2015 February 23, 2015 March—None April—None May 1 l, 2015 June 22, 2015 July—None August 24, 2015 September—None October 26, 2015 November—None December—None Chairman Alderman Condon opined that the meeting dates scheduled look good. Alderman Peterson stated that he might be out of town in late February 2015. �... Communit:�Development Committee Meeting October 27, 2014 Page 6 `-- Recommendation to Apurove Proaosed Meeting Dates and Time and Consensus on Proposed Goals Motion by Santi, seconded by Peterson, approving the proposed meeting dates and times for the Commi�nity Development Committee meeting in 2015 and consensus on the proposed goals for 2(i15. Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion can ied. Other Business Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that there is a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting scheduled in late November to discuss the following: • CVS has expressed an interest in constructing a site across from Walgreen on State Route 120. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that the total site is comprised of 2.5 acres. • Heritage Woods is considering a 40-unit memory care facility near their current facility on Crystal Lake Road. • The site for the medical marijuana dispensary might be discussed. � Chairman Alderman Condon inquired about Starbucks. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Starbucks on Richmond Road is considering a drive-thru. Staff has ascertained that with some configuration it would not be a bad plan. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Dunkin' Donuts is looking for another location within the City of McHenry. Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated there is still no movement concerning the property where the old McDonald's was located at State Route 31 and Bull Valley Road. Adiournment Motion by Peterson, seconded by Santi to adjourn the meeting at 7:59 p.m. Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfull��submitted, ���f� � Geri Condon, Chairman