HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/8/2016 - Community Development Committee ' � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT February 8, 2016 �" McHenry Municipal Center In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Peterson and Aldermar. Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Community Development Polerecky, Director of Economic Development Martin and City Clerk Jones. Also in attendance: Alderman Glab Helen Glab Charles "Chip"Eldridge III (Banner Apartments) Lindsey Haines (Full Circle Communities, Property Manager) Eric Huffinan(Over the Rainbow) John Colomer, 312 Shepherd Hill, McHenry, IL 1. Call t�� Order: Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Chairman Alderman Condon welcomed Mr. Ross Polerecky, newly appointed Director of Community Development. Mr. Polerecky stated that he is excited about his new role as Director of Community Development and looks forward to working with the Council and Staff moving � forward. 2. Public Input: None. 3. Motion to approve the November 30, 2015 Special Communitv Development Committee Meeting Report Chairman Alderman Condon requested the November 30, 2015 Special Community Development Committee Meeting Report be approved. Motion by Peterson, second by Santi, approving the November 30, 2015 Special Community Development Committee Meeting Report. Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. 4. Presentation of Conceptual Development Proposal for Pearl Street Apartments Director of Community Development Martin informed the Committee that many different types �"' of land uses have been proposed on the subject property, which is located on the northeast corner of Richmond Road and Pearl Street. In addition to commercial entities, proposals for multi- Community Development Committee Meeting Report February 8, 2C 16 Page 2 `" famil develo ments have been considered but have not come to fruition Y p , , primarily due to cost/funding rc;quirements for the property. Directar of Community Development Martin presented a proposed development by Full Circle Communities, in partnership with Over the Rainbow and Transitional Living Services (TLS Veterans) for a three-story affordable apartment complex including a total of 47 dwelling units (12 two-bedroom and 35 one-bedroom), which would be dedicated to individuals with mobility and sensory impairments and some of the units would be specifically targeted to veterans. The applicant is applying for federal tax credit equity as its primary financing source. Director Martin reiterated to the Committee that both Banner Apartments and TLS have previously applied to do a project in the City of McHenry. Banner Apartment initially presented a conceptual development plan for the southeast corner of Illinois route 120 and Crystal Lake Road (formerly the site of Portable Tool). The project was considered at the November 21, 2006 Community Development Committee meeting and is similar to the current proposal in that the proposed housing would be going to be affordable with a percentage reserved for people with special needs. Major concerns expressed at the time by members of the Committee regarding the redevelopment included: (1) appearance of the fa�ade on the first floor; (2) providing additional landscaping and open space; (3) the high density and height and mass of the building along Crystal Lake Road; and (4) configuration of the proposed building on the site. The project did `-- not move forward following the initial presentation to the Community Development Committee. Subsequently, Banner Apartments presented another project to the Community Development Committee on April 30, 2013, which consisted of a 7.75 acre site with frontage along Bull Valley Road and Ridgeview Drive. The project consisted of two 24-dwelling unit buildings and one 22-unit building. The buildings were three stories and consisted of a total of 70 dwelling units composed of 22-one bedroom units, 12-two bedroom units and 36-three bedroom units. The project, similar to the project currently proposed was relying on tax credit equity from the Illinois Department of Housing Authority (IDHA) as its primary source of financing. The project, while well received by the Committee, did not proceed because Banner Apartment was not awarded the necessary tax credit financing from the IDHA. Director Martin reiterated that TLS also applied to do a project at the southeast corner of Ridge Road and Illinois Route 120, however, TLS was constrained by regulatory/funding challenges due to utilizing well and septic, as opposed to City water and sewer, and the project did not proceed. This project was exclusively dedicated as housing for veterans. In 2013, Council approved a Use Variance to allow construction of three eight-unit apartment buildings and a Variance to allow multiple principle buildings on one zoning lot. Some concerns pertaining to the project expressed during the approval process involved proximity to public transportation and that the project was so far from any shopping. � Director Martin introduced Ms. Lindsey Haines, Project Manager of Full Circle Communities (Full Circle). Ms. Haines informed the Committee that Full Circle Communities is please to Community D�velopment Committee Meeting Report February 8, 2016 Page 3 `" present the prc�posed project, The Pearl Street Apartments (Pearl Street). The proposed project would create 47 units of universally designed service-rich housing at the corner of Pearl Street and Richmond Road. All the units would include design features enabling tenants with mobility impairments tc live independently and also for seniors to age in place. Ms. Haines in�xoduced Mr. Eric Huffman, Executive Director of OTR. Ms. Haines stated that Full Circle is a non-profit owner, developer and manager. Full Circle's mission is one of expanded acc�ss to quality, affordable housing through preservation and development, thoughtful design and the provision of significant, targeted supportive services to residents and the surrounding community. Full Circle utilizes 75% of all project economics to fund resident services on site. Full Circle currently owns over 700 units in Illinois and Florida. Full Circle currently manages Towerview Apartments in the McHenry and is slated to begin construction on a senior project called Creekview in Richmond, Illinois in March 2016. Ms. Haines informed the Committee that nearly 24,000 persons with disabilities currently live in McHenry County, over 2,000 live in the City of McHenry, according to Census figures. Pearl Street would be designed with the needs and challenges of this population by incorporating smart design and on-site case management. Units would have kitchens designed for wheelchair access and roll in showers. Full Circle's main service provider partner is Over the Rainbow Association (OTR), a non-profit dedicated to housing and services for persons with disabilities. Ms. Haines `�-- stated that OTR is also experiences locally, operating the Northern Point Apartments in Harvard. Ms. Haines informed the Committee that the Pearl Street project intends to target units to local veterans; working with TLS veterans, a service provider partner on the Creekview project. Ms. Haines outlined the Pearl Street Project informing the Committee that the building would be four stories of masonry and fiber cement panels, incorporating on-site community areas and recreation space. The project would be Enterprise Green Communities and Energy Star Certified. If financing for the project is approved construction could begin in the spring of 2017 and completed in winter/spring 2018. Services on-site include: • Case management; • Coordination of inedical care; • Therapist visits; • Transportation coordination; and • Resident activities. Ms. Haines stated that the project would bring accessible housing to the community and provide the residents easy access to transit, shopping and recreation. It would also revitalize vacant land, add to the downtown consumer base, generate property tax revenue and create jobs in the community. � Director Martin informed the Committee that obtaining tax credit financing for this type of project is extremely difficult and the process is lengthy and competitive. He stated that the City of McHenry's Comprehensive Plan designates the site as medium-density residential (4 to 9 Community Development Committee Meeting Report February 8, 2C 16 Page 4 �" units per acre) and the Core Downtown Sub-Area Plan, adopted by the Council on August 31, 2009, states the subject property should be redeveloped as residential. The proposed apartment land use is located in close proximity to downtown shopping and restaurants; public transportation; assembly uses; and, public gathering places (i.e., Veterans Memorial Park). The project would ��rovide affordable housing for persons who need it and many residents would not drive, thereforc�, there would not be a large amount of traffic generated to and from the site. Directar Marti�i informed the Committee that the subject property includes 1.42 acres. While the gross density is high, the project is not a typical apartment development. The project is more institutional in nature in that residents are provided on-going services. Director Martili stated that in order to proceed with their funding application to the IDHA the developer needs a consensus and recommendation from the Committee. Director Martin stated that the recom�nendation does not denote final approval of the site plan, building elevation or zoning, which would require application to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and ultimate approval by the full Council. The applicant is simply, at this time, seeking comments pertaining to the land use at the location and general comments, questions and/or concerns from the Committee regarding the Preliminary Site Plan and building elevation. Alderman Santi opined that the corner of Richmond Road and Pearl Street is a challenging `— location. He stated that he likes the project, as presented for this particular area. Alderman Peterson inquired about screening for residents in the surrounding vicinity. Ms. Haines responded that the developer is willing to provide whatever screening the Council requires. Responding to Chairman Alderman Condon's inquiry regarding whether OTR is a privately funded enterprise, Mr. Huffinan informed the Committee that OTR is a not-for-profit. Chairman Alderman Condon stated that her primary concern is for traffic congestion. She opined that the facility would provide a wonderful service to the community and she supports the project. Motion by Santi, second by Peterson, agreeing to the proposed land use, density and general conceptual proposal in concept, to move the project forward, with the recommendation that the project be reviewed by full Council and the normal protocol of the Planning and Zoning Commission and a Public Hearing.. Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. Mr. John Colomer, the property owner, thanked Ms. Haines for her thorough presentation. He � stated that everyone is excited about the project and that he believes the project will be good for the community and the people in the community of McHenry. Community Development Committee Meeting Report February 8, 2016 Page 5 � Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding the review of a project. Director of Community Dcvelopment Polerecky informed the Committee that usually a project comes before the Community Development Committee, then goes before the Planning and Zoning Commission fc�r a recommendation to go to Public Hearing and then the project would come before Council. Director Martin stated that the protocol is not carved in stone and the project could go before Council prior to submission to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Public Hearing. Director Martin said the protocol is done both ways, neither is incorrect. A discussion e�lsued regarding the correct protocol and procedure. Chairman Alderman Condon stated that she would like to see a specific protocol in the future regarding what is required to go before the Planning and Zoning Commission and what may or may now have to go before the Planning and Zoning Commission, and in what sequence, in order to avoid any confusion in the future. Director Martin, Ms. Haines, Mr. Huffinan, Mr. Eldridge and Mr. Colomer departed the meeting. 5. Review of 2016 Community Develonment Committee Meetin�Dates and Goals Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that she has consulted with Director of Community Development Polerecky regarding dates for Community Development Committee � meetings in 2016. The following dates have been determined: • Monday, May 9, 2016 • Monday. June 13, 2016 • Monday, August 29, 2016 • Monday, October 10, 2016 Director Polerecky summarized the Goals and Topics to be addressed in 2016. Each included the coordinating meeting month. Director Polerecky informed the Committee that some of the goals consist of items identified at the November 2015 and others goals have been identified through discussion with the Community Development Staff. May: Zoning Ordinance amendments pertaining to and discrepancies in the current Ordinance concerning accessory structures and driveways Municipal Code Amendments to Taxi Ordinance June: Review of the Sound and Lighting Ordinance August: Review of Administrative Ordinance � Recognition Program for Owners pertaining to improvements Review of weekend enforcement Community Development Committee Meeting Report February 8, 2016 Page 6 � October: Review of Teardown Ordinance Quarterly: Continued discussion on code compliance regarding rental activities As Needed: Provide feedback on development proposals Chairman Alde;rman Condon inquired about whether the review of Administrative Adjudication could be addeci to the June agenda. Director Polerecky informed the Committee that the review involves multiple departments and it is a particularly busy time of year. Chairtnan Alderman Condon stated that she would appreciate if the Community Development Department would work toward the Administrative Adjudication review being a priority and having it included on the June Agenda. Director Polerecky assured the Committee he would know by the May meeting if it was feasil�le to review the Administrative Adjudication in June and would provide the Committee witli an update at that time. It was suggested by the Committee that snow shoveling and transfer stamps be addressed. Chairman Alderman Condon stated that she did not know if snow shoveling could be addressed in 2016 and she was hesitant to bring up transfer stamps, as some persons would see it as a tax. � Chairman Alderman Condon thanked Director Polerecky for his work formulating the list of goals for 2016. 6. New Business None. 6. Adiournment There being no further business to discuss. Motion by Peterson, second by Santi to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm. Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi. Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. Reviewed and Approved: � I� Alderman Geri Condon, Chairman �