HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/27/2017 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT `. March 27, 2017 McHenry Municipal Center In Attend:ince: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon and Alderman Santi. Absent: 1�"one. Also in Attendance: Director of Community Development Polerecky, Superinten�ent of Residential Inspections Regner and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Mr. Patrick Devine Ms. Nancy Fike 1. Call to Order: Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. Public Input: Ms. Fike upined that she believes that the last time the Residential Teardown and Infill Ordinance was utilized it was not used properly. Alderman Condon suggested that Ms. Fike await Director Polerecky's presentation and the Committee has an opportunity to review the updates and revisions being considered, prior to her providing her comments. Ms. Fike agreed. Ms. Fike was provided with a hard copy of the Agenda Supplement. � 3. Discussion and Recommendations to Chan es to the Residential Teardown and Infill Ordinance Director of Community Development Polerecky reiterated to the Committee that at the October • 2016, meeting of the Community Development Committee the Committee focused on the need to update the Residential Teardown and Infill Lot Ordinance. At that time the Committee directed Staff to investigate and review changes that would maintain the integrity of the existing Ordinance but still allow for low impact building to be recognized at the Staff level. Director Polerecky provided a brief summary of the origin of the Ordinance stating that in August 200� the City of McHenry adopted a Residential Teardown and Infill Lot Ordinance. The purpose and intent of the Ordinance was to regulate the height and building coverage of single- family detached dwelling units in existing neighborhoods and to foster and preserve the nature, character and quality of existing neighborhoods. Since the adoption of the Ordinance, it has only been used one time, in 2014. During the approval process in 2014, there were many items identified in the current Ordinance that required simplification or clarification, including lot coverage and setback requirements. Director Polerecky noted that with the collapse of the housing market and new home sales faltering in the 2008, some subdivisions in the City of McHenry were left partially completed with a number of empty lots. The current Ordinance defines "infill" lot as any lot that has been � vacant for a minimum of ten years. All of the approved, but unfinished subdivisions in McHenry have now reached the ten year mark. Under the existing Ordinance every buildable lot in those Community Development Committee Meeting Report March 27, 2017 Page 2 � subdivisio:is would have to go before the Teardown and Infill Committee for review and approval prior to a Building Permit being issued. Director Polerecky noted that recently the Community Development Department had interest expressed in some of the infill lots within the City of McHenry. In each case, after giving the builders information on the required procedures that must be followed pursuant to the Teardown and Infill (�rdinance, the builder chose not to buy lots in the City of McHenry. Potentially, the teardown and infill approval process could take as long as three (3) months, requiring plans and elevations that the Committee must review and approve. Upfront costs of supplying plans and time of the approval process both played a role in the decision of the developers not to pursue the purchase of property in the City of McHenry. Director Pc�lerecky stated that Superintendent Regner has spent a considerable amount of time on the proposed revisions to the Teardown and Infill Lot Ordinance. Staff looked at many options to expedite the process. The option determined to be best was to create conditions that if inet allowed the applicant to be exempt from the necessity of a committee being established to review the plans. This option requires the applicant to abide by all design guidelines set forth in the original Oi•dinance, keeping the integrity of the neighborhood in which the development is proposed, but would not require review by the committee. The applicant would be required to meet one c�f the following conditions in order to be exempt from the establishment of the �' committee and going before the committee: 1. The proposed development falls within 25% lot coverage of the adjoining homes; or 2. A lot of record with recorded architectural guidelines written in an Annexation Agreement that is still active. If neither of the conditions above can be met, the applicant must then go before an established committee, as set forth by Sections 7-195 through 7-199 of the Teardown and Infill Ordinance. Director Polerecky explained to the Committee that during review it was discovered that many of the requirements in the Teardown and Infill Ordinance mimicked what was already required by the Zoning Ordinance and the Municipal Code. The Ordinance was revised to eliminate the redundancy and any confusion in reviewing a project. Director Polerecky proceeded to summarize, in detail, the proposed revisions to the Ordinance. He noted the deletions and/or revisions have been redlined for clarity. Following I)irector Polerecky's presentation, Ms. Fike suggested that a restriction be placed on contiguous ]ots being utilized for the building of excessively large homes might be effective. � Chairman Alderman Condon requested that throughout the Ordinance the name "Construction and Neighborhood Services DepartmenY'be changed to "Community Development Department" Community Development Committee Meeting Report March 27, 2017 Page 3 � where applicable. Director Polerecky noted the error and assured the Committee the change would be riade. Ms. Fike expressed concern regarding the lack in the original Ordinance and the revised Ordinance of any reference regarding the preservation of the mature trees with respect to landscapin;. Ms. Fike suggested a Tree Preservation Ordinance. Superintendent Regner pointed out that thf;re is a Tree Ordinance and tree preservation is addressed in that Ordinance. Director Polerecky �tated that Staff will review the Tree Ordinance and speak with the arborist the City has on Stai'f. Chairman Alderman Condon stated that she would like Section 7-204 regarding the Tree Removal Fee to remain part of the Ordinance. Director Polerecky assured Chairman Alderman Condon that the Tree Removal Fee would remain. Alderman Condon recognized Staffls efforts in revising the Ordinance and expressed appreciatio n. Director Pc�lerecky noted that every teardown must still go before the Landmark Commission. He stated he is supportive of their input. Chairman ��lderman Condon opined that she particularly likes the visuals and graphics being part of the Ordinance. � Motion by Santi, second by Condon accepting the revisions suggested by Staff to the Teardown and Infill C)rdinance and directing Staff to prepare the revised Ordinance for consideration by full Counci i Voting Aye: Condon, Santi. Vot�ng Nay: None. Abs:,nt: None. Motion carried. 4. Department Updates Director of Community Development Polerecky informed the Committee that: • Building Permits have been on the increase; • The Cunats are planning to erect 32 buildings this year at the Patriots Estates Subdivision, last year only 16 were erected; • Staff is currently working on Code updates. Staff plans to bring them before the Community Development Committee for consideration at the May 2417 meeting of the Community Development Committee, then hopefully consideration by Council with the updates in the Codes going into effect in June 2017; • There is a strong possibility there will be another Starbuck's in the City of McHenry on � the South side of town; • The Dunkin' Donuts project is moving forward, the owners are awaiting approval from the State of Illinois regarding soil conditions; Commun;ty Development Committee Meeting Report March 27, 2017 � Page 4 • Hidden Pearl Cafe is looking into the property formerly occupied by Some Other Nuts for an expansion and multiple venture; • Cc�ldwell Banker is awaiting final building plans to move forward; and • Oiitlots at the U-Haul property, the Big R property and the former Sears building are in thc;development process. 5. Adiournment There bei�ig no further business to discuss. Motion by Santi, second by Condon to adjourn the meeting at: 8:02 pm. Voting Aye: Condon, Santi. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Reviewed and Approved: �� � ��� �� Alderman Geri Condon, Chairman � �