HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/29/2016 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
� August 29, 2016
McHenry Municipal Center
In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Peterson and
Alderman Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Alderman Glab, Alderman Curry,
Alderman Schaefer, City Administratar Morefield, Director of Community Development
Polerecky City Clerk Jones and Helen Glab.
1. Call to Order
Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
2. Public Input
3. Motion to approve the Julv 11, 2016 Community Development Committee Meetin�
Motion b}� Santi, second by Peterson, approving the July 11, 2016 Community Development
Committee Meeting Report.
Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
�.. Motion calried.
4. Discussion of Pronosed Amendments to the McHenry Zonin� Ordinance, Chanter
XII Performance Standards, re�arding sound and li�hting standards and direction
to i'orward the matter to the Plannin� and Zoning Commission for consideration
Director of Community Development Polerecky informed the Committee that Staff has received
an increasing number of calls from residents regarding light pollution from neighboring property.
Director Polerecky stated that while lighting concerns motivated Staff to review the Ordinance,
Staff also ascertained that it would be prudent to review the Sound Ordinance in conjunction
with review of the Light Ordinance.
Director Polerecky provided the Committee with a summary of the changes recommended for
presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission: He noted that changes are a result of
Staff's review of the current Ordinances and having researched and obtained information from
surroundin� communities.
Responding to an inquiry by Chairman Alderman Condon regarding whether there have been
any complaints from residents regarding the high school football games, Director Polerecky
stated that lie is not aware of any.
Respondin� to Alderman Santi's inquiry regarding resident vs resident conflicts, Director
`" Polerecky noted that resident issues were determined by the City's Nuisance Ordinance.
Additionally, in response to Alderman Santi's inquiry about how a foot candle is measured,
Director Polerecky explained the process.
� � Commun ty Development Committee Meeting Report
August 2��, 2016
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Mr. Ron iZeber, resident at 3916 West Avenue addressed the Committee. Mr. Reber stated that
he has bec;n a resident of McHenry in excess of 14 years. He informed the Committee that there
are a num�er of issues concerning the basketball court across from his home, not just the lighting
(which he believes is due to the sight barrier not being installed this year), but cars parked on
resident's lawns, noise late into the night and debris left in residents' yards. Mr. Reber voiced
concerns I�egarding property value in the area. Mr. Reber noted that at time the light from the
basketball court shines into his home quite brightly. He requested that, if possible, he would like
to see the basketball court locked up at 9:00 pm nightly. City Administrator Morefield assured
Mr. Rebe1 that he would alert the McHenry Policy Department regarding enforcement at the
basketball court. Director Polerecky thanked Mr. Reber for bringing these issues to his attention.
He assured Mr. Reber that he would work to make sure that the lights at the basketball court are
off at the appropriate time and that the Police Department checks on compliance.
Alderman Schaefer noted that it was his understanding that the basketball court had recently
been resurfaced. Mr. Reber noted that it was recently resurfaced which has increased attendance
at the basketball court, including a lot of skateboarding. Directar Polerecky noted that
skateboarding is not permitted at the basketball court.
Alderman Santi requested assurance that the sound readings are taken at a time of high
� construction activity. Addressing an inquiry from the Committee, Director Polerecky stated that
construction is not permitted to begin until 8:00 am on Saturday and that no construction is
permitted on Sunday.
Regarding the sound issues and deletion of Table 22, Alderman Curry inquired if sound was still
graded according to frequency. Alderman Curry expressed concern because most sound is
middle frequency and at "70"would be a large increase or a higher sound level, which could be a
problem. Director Polerecky stated that Staff based their determination on the Ordinances in
surrounding communities due to ease of ineasurement. Director Polerecky inquired if the
Committee would be more comfortable if Staff researched the matter further, prior to submission
to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Alderman Schaefer opined that ambient noise has to be
considered also. He noted that it is difficult to determine "sound" and "glare" so there must be
some sort o f standard. A brief discussion ensued.
Motion by Santi, second by Peterson, directing Staff to move forward with the revisions to the
Lighting and Sound Ordinance for presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission, as
Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carri ed.
Communi�y Development Committee Meeting Report
August 29, 2016
Page 3
5. Discussion Re�ardin�Video Gamin�Regulations
City Adm nistrator Morefield addressed the Committee. He reiterated that in 2009 the Illinois
General A ssembly approved the Video Gaming Act (the "Act"), allowing municipalities the
opportunity to allow video gaming within their corporate limits. Prior to approval, video gaming
was autor��atically prohibited if current ordinances banned gaming without any exception for
video gaming devices. City Administrator Morefield stated that the Act permits Video Gaming
Terminals ("VGT") to be placed in "Licensed Establishments, Licensed Fraternal
Establishments, Licensed Veterans Establishments and Licensed Truck Stop Establishments."
City Administrator Morefield provided the Committee of the various definitions for what
constitutes a VGT and each type of establishment where those terminals could be legally located
in accordance with Illinois State Statutes.
City Administrator Morefield informed the Committee that the Illinois Gaming Board ("IGB") is
responsible for implementing and regulating video gaming and adopting administrative rules
governing operation and regulation of the same. There is an extensive licensure approve process,
background investigation and financial disclosure requirements of each person/entity having, or
who will have, direct ownership interest in the video gaming operation. The IGB and its agents
have unrestricted access to enter the premises or motor vehicle of any licensee or applicant
� where evidence of compliance or noncompliance exists with provided included in the Act.
A maximum of five (5) VGT are permitted by statute. City Administrator Morefield outlined the
location restrictions that apply to businesses/establishments seeking to be licensed by the IGB.
City Administrator Morefield reiterated to the Committee that on June 18, 2012 the Finance and
Personnel Committee discussed video gaming and unanimously directed Staff to prepare
proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and Municipal Code for consideration by full
Council. On July 16, 2012, Council took up the issue of video gaming and adopted, by a votes of
5 ayes to l nay, with 1 abstention (Ordinance No. MC-12-1053), amending Chapter 9 of the
Municipal Code to allow video gaming. This included the implementation of a process for
obtaining licensure and a$100 Annual License Fee,per video gaming terminal.
Director Morefield informed the Committee that he has run some numbers and as of August 15,
2016, the City has twenty five (25) active video gaming licenses, which include 111 video
gaming terminals. Of the 25 licenses, two are veteran organizations and the remaining are
businesses. Of the 25 licenses, only three (3) can be identified as "video gaming cafes," which
have been established since July 2012:
• Lucky Poker(5 terminals);
• Betty's Bistro (5 terminals); and
• Stella's Place (5 terminals).
Community Development Committee Meeting Report
August 2S, 2016
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Additionally, currently three (3) establishments that have been approved by the City for a liquor
license an3 are awaiting licensure by the State of Illinois for gaming. These include:
• The Sports Page Bar& Eatery;
• Lacey's Place (Diamond Drive); and
• M�at&Potato Eatery.
Once a liquor license has been issued by the City an establishment can apply to the State of
Illinois for a Gaming License.
City Administrator Morefield informed the Committee that since amending the Ordinance in July
2012, the City has realized an estimated $663,121.65 in revenues (the City received 5%) from a
combination of video gaming receipts and the Annual License Renewal Fee of $100 per
Alderman Santi expressed concerns regarding the specific size of establishments, and the service
of food and liquor, relative to gaming. He suggested:
1. Higher fees for a Gaming License issued by the City;
2. Establishments based on square footage;
`, 3. Lianiting the number of machines; and
4. Connecting the Gaming License to the Liquor License.
Alderman Santi opined that it would have been helpful if the City Attorney was in attendance to
explain the legality of some suggestions. Chairman Alderman Condon stated that the attendance
of the City Attorney was unnecessary because tonight's topic is for discussion purposes only.
Director of Community Development Polerecky stated that Staff is struggling with why video
gaming has become a concern and how Staff is expected to address issues expressed by some
members of the Council.
Alderman Peterson inquired about how Staff could be expected to regulate what is considered a
"full" kitchen. He opined it is appropriate to look at the Gaming Licensing process through the
Liquor Licensing process because the City has the ability to limit Liquor Licenses. Alderman
Peterson suggested a moratorium on liquor licenses, unless there is a legitimate restaurant where
70% of the business is food service.
Chairman Alderman Condon concurred with Alderman Peterson regarding the licensing being
regulated through the Liquor License process, however, she opined that it is inappropriate to
limit someone's activity and she believes Staff conducted due diligence when the Ordinance was
originally established.
Alderman Schaefer opined that it appeared that the Video Gaming License process in the City of
McHenry appears to begin with a request for a Variance, and then a request for a Liquor License.
Communi ty Development Committee Meeting Report
August 29, 2016
Page 5
`' He sugge�ted the Liquar License be proposed initially. Alderman Schaefer stated that Council
needs to niake a determination, in order to give clear direction to Staff, about what specifically
about video gaming establishments is at issue and what is opposed.
Alderman Schaefer noted that specifically the issues he has concerns with are:
1. The number of new establishments. It has become apparent that some of the
current business owners that do not have liquor licenses are concerned about the
2. Soine of the video gaming establishments have food on the menu and are selling
food, but are not actually restaurant.
3. Would like to see a limit on the "cafe" style establishments offering video
4. Suggested changing/increasing the fee for the video gaming terminals.
5. With the current parameters concerned that video gaming terminals will begin to
show up at large gas stations and truck stops.
City Administrator Morefield stated that Staff is concerned that changing the fees would have an
impact on current business owners or potential establishments that might have an interest in
opening in the City of McHenry.
`- Alderman Glab inquired about whether the City of McHenry had zoning for a truck stop
establishment. Director Polerecky informed the Committee that truck stops are permitted in the
C-5 Zoning District. Alderman Glab suggested looking into the criteria the State of Illinois is
using. Alderman Glab recommended a Conditional Use. Director Polerecky opined that a
Conditional Use in a Zoning District might prove too restrictive. Alderman Glab suggested
limited Liquor Licenses to restaurants with a certain number of seating capacity. Director
Polerecky noted that business owners are knowledgeable and aware that the City's Ordinances
permit certain Variances and Staff is not in a position to deny an applicant that requests a
City Admi�iistrator Morefield stated that some communities have established certain zones for
video gaming and have lost business in the community.
Alderman Curry expressed concerns regarding what the City of McHenry will look like if video
gaming establishments continue being approved. Alderman Curry stated that he has no issues
with video gaming per se, but with the video gaming "cafe" type establishment that appears to be
growing in the City. Alderman Curry opined that he supports establishments that can survive
without video gaming. Alderman Curry suggested establishing some rules in the Liquor License
procedure, ��r related to the size of the establishment, that would create a defining structure.
� Director Polerecky stated that Staff has been provided tonight with many options to explore. He
stated that it would be challenging for the City to limit the video gaming establishments
according to a specific Zoning District.
Community Development Committee Meeting Report
August 2�, 2016
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Chairman Alderman Condon acknowledged that everyone desires a balanced community, the
discussion tonight has been beneficial and all the points expressed have been valid. She stated
the following appears to be a common thread:
• Control:
o Truck stops are a new concept. Chairman Alderman Condon requested Staff
conduct research on zoning and truck stops.
• Re�;ulating:
o The Gaming License is currently linked to a Liquor License determined by
■ Increasing the fees for each video gaming terminal.
■ Limiting video gaming establishments to a particular Zoning District.
■ Limiting a Gaming License to the establishment's percentage of income or
seating capacity.
• Limiting signage.
City Administrator Morefield responded to Alderman Peterson's inquiry requesting clarification
of what defines a"Liquor License."
� Alderman C'urry suggested the following limitations on video gaming cafes:
1. Three (3) video gaming terminal limit;
2. The video gaming terminals cannot be seen from the window of the establishment;
3. No additional video gaming terminals can be requested following licensing;
4. An increase in the fees for video gaming terminals; and
5. All establishments must agree to the terms set out by Council.
Chairman Alderman Condon stated that the Council currently has an avenue to deny a Gaming
License through the Liquor License process. She stated that the issue remains that the Committee
must give Staff direction regarding how to revise the regulations concerning the "video cafes,"
except through the current Liquor License process. Chairman Alderman Condon asked if there
was consensus among the Committee to give Staff any specific direction regarding procedurally
doing anything differently than that is being done now regarding video gaming. Alderman Santi
responded that if anything specific came to mind he would notify Director of Community
Development Polerecky.
6. Department Updates
There were no Department Updates.
Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that the next meeting of the Community
Development Committee is scheduled on Monday, October 10, 2016, at 7:00 pm in the
Municipal Center Council Chambers.
Community Development Committee Meeting Report
August 25�, 2016
Page 7
7• Adiournment
Th�re being no further business to discuss. Motion by Peterson, second by Santi to
adjourn the meeting at 8:50 pm.
Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi.
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Reviewed and Approved:
\� �
Alderman Geri Condon, Chairman
�Q�' � O �10 l
/ �