HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/5/1994 - Public Works Committee • _ � � REGULAR 1�ETING - JANUARY 5, 1994 All Aldermen and Staff in attendance. � The Board of Local Improvements meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. Authorized advertisement for construction of Country Club Estates Sanitary Sewer. Adjourned the Board of Local Improvements meeting at 7:38 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Diedrich and their daughter addressed the Council during the 10 Minute Public Input session in opposition to passing an ordinance granting a zoning change to the Dobyns House. Approved the Consent Agenda as follows, with the addition of two requests for hook-up to the Police alarm board from Pioneer Center and the McHenry Corporate Center: (1) Deceraber 8, 1993 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes; (2) December 13, 1993 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes; (3) December 15, 1993 Special City Council Meeting Minutes; (4) Tuition Reimbursement Request - Lorene Marcinek, Computer Literacy, $93.00; (5) Tuition Reimbursement Request - Laura Moats, Computer Literacy, $93.00; (6) Partial Payment No. 8 to Hayes Plwnbing, Inc. for Central Wastewater Treatement Plant Improvements, $23,331.00; (7) Partial Payment No. 6 to Wm. A. Randolph, Inc. for Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 4 improvements, $101,986.18; (8) Reduction in Letter of Credit, Brittany Heights Unit II, from �. $29,250.00 to $0.00; (9) Reduction in Letter of Credit, Brittany Heights Unit III, from $35,366.00 to $0.00; (10) Resolution for Construction done on State Highways; (11) Annual Farm Lease with Dave Backhaus; Passed an ordinance revising the zoning for pobyn's House from RS-4 to C-4, as requested by Charles Miller. A sign variance request from Tim Wirfs was removed from the agenda and rescheduled to the January 19, 1994 Council meeting agenda, at Mr. Wirfs' request. Authori2ed the City Administrator to have a plat of dedication for a 70 foot right-of-way prepared and presented to Mark Town on the Industrial Drive realignment; if accepted by Towne, the Gouncil will be asked to authorize Smith Engineering to draft plans for construction work on the Industrial Drive realignment. Approved engineering contracts with Smith Engineering for Whispering Oaks Park and Brookside Park parking lots. Awarded bid for purchase of Public Works vehicles to Olympia Fields Ford for 2 diesel pickup trucks (one with a snowplow), and to Gary Lang Chevrolet for 2 pickup trucks. `" Approved 3-month Local Share Agreement with PACE extending the current funding formula through March 31, 1994. Meeting Summary January 5, 1994 Page 2 � Authorized the City Administrator to enter into an agreement with Kraemer Associates for a self-funded employee group health insurance program, to be effective 2/1/94 - 1/31/95. Authorized Earth Industries to draft a landscape plan for the Whispering Oaks/Leathers Park playground area. Approved an "intent to vacate a portion of the City's 20 foot storm ::ewer easement located on Lot 2 of McCullom Place Shopping Center". Scheduled a Public Works Committee Meeting on January 26, 1994 at 7:30 P.M. to discuss the Boone Creek Venture, as requested by Gerstad Builders. Scheduled a Special City Council meeting on February 14, 1994 to discuss annexation of Haystacks Manor. Went into Executive Session at 10:17 P.M. to discuss personnel matters. Went back into Open Session at 10:29 P.M. The meeting ad3ourned at 10:30 P.M. P.S. A Special Meeting has been set for Wednesday, January 26 at � 7:15 P.M. for the purpose of suthorizing issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds for Chroma Corporation. The meeting should only take 15 minutes. �