HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/30/2001 - Public Works Committee PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING
Monday, July 30, 2001
Alderman's Conference Room, 7:30 p.m.
� In Attendance: Alderman Bolger, Alderman Wimmer, Alderman Glab, Alderman Low,
City Administrator Lobaito, Director of Public Works Batt, City Clerk Jones, Assistant Director
of Public Works Marcinko.
Members of the Community in attendance: None
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Alderman Bolger at 7:32 p.m.
4-Way Stop Sign at Skyway Drive and Valley Road
Chairman Bolger advised the Committee Dave and Sherri Kotiw of 3304 Skyway Drive have
requested the installation of a four-way stop sign at Skyway at Valley Road. Staff suggested
Mr. and Mrs. Kotiw circulate a petition and obtain a consensus from the other residents on
Skyway Drive concerning the necessity of a four-way stop sign at that location.
Chairman Bolger noted that stop signs are present at Fairway and Valley, Lorient and Valley,
Breton and Valley, and Turnberry and Valley; the only exception being Skyway Drive and
Valley. He presented a petition to the Committee, executed by numerous residents of Skyway
Drive, requesting installation of a four-way stop sign on Skyway Drive at Valley Road.
Discussion ensued.
Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Glab, to recommend to Council a four-way stop be created at
the intersection of Skyway Drive at Valley Road. All Ayes. Motion carried.
�" Caution Light on Route 31 at the Intersection of Washington or Broad Street
Chairman Bolger reported a request was received from Tom Bolger regarding the installation of
a caution light on Route 31 at the intersection of Washington or Broad Street. The letter
indicated cars from the north do not slow down until they near the light on Pearl Street and there
is some concern about safety of school children and people crossing the highway at these two
locations. Noting IDOT would participate in resolution of the issue, Chauman Alderman Bolger
recommended the Committee refer the matter to Staff for review.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Wimmer, directing Stai�to review the possible installation of a
warning light or caution signal on Route 31 at Washington or Broad Street for formal action by
Council. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Alderman Wimmer stated he had been approached by resident Rosemary Swierk, who
mentioned a similar situation at Crystal Lake Road and Winding Creek Drive, near Riverwood
School. She suggested a warning light be installed at that intersection. It was the consensus of
the Committee to address this issue later in the meeting.
Larizin Lane and Green Street Intersection
Chairman Bolger opened discussion regarding the sa.fety of the Larkin Lane and Green Street
intersection. Chairman Bolger expressed surprise at the estimated cost of the engineering study
and noted the estimated cost to lower the sidewalk at the southeast corner of Green Street and
Larkin Lane is excessive. Chairman Bolger suggested the work could be done by Staff at a
`— reduced cast.
Public Works (�ommittee
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July 30, 2001
� Staff opined the Street Division does not currently have the time or the proper equipment for
such a project. City Administrator Lobaito suggested the Committee define the parameters of
the project which could then be submitted for quotes from different contractors. Alderman
Bolger concurred but insisted Staff oversee the project. Discussion ensued.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Wimmer, directing Staff to determine a less expensive alternative
to lower the sidewalk at the southeast corner of Green Street and Lazkin Lane to improve sight
visibility. All,�yes. Motion carried.
Traffic Signals on Crestwood
Chairman Bolger stated South Street has 25 m.p.h. speed limit signs posted, whereas Crestwood
does not. He stated numerous complaints of speed limit infractions have been received and
requested the City place a 25 m,p.h. speed limit sign on Crestwood. No discussion ensued.
Other Business
Alderman Glab reintroduced the subject of a caution light or tr�c signal at Crystal Lake Road
and Winding Creek. He recalled an earlier study regarding a proposed traff'ic light at this
intersection. Discussion has also previously occurred regazding the installation of a tra.i�c light at
the intersection of Crystal Lake Road and Glenbrook Trail. Lengthy discussion ensued.
Chairman Bolger stated he would like the Committee to pursue a tr�c signal at Crystal Lake
Road and Winding Creek.
� Alderman Glab expressed concerns regarding drainage issues at the construction project at West
Motion by Glab, seconded by Wimmer to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 p.m.
All Ayes. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
�1 1 _
William J. Bolger, irman