HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/29/2002 - Public Works Committee PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING
Monday,July 29, 2002
Atderman's Conference Room, 6:30 p.m.
� In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Bolger and Alderman Glab. Absent: Alderman
Wimmer. Also in Attendance: Mayar Althoff, City Administrator Lobaito, Director of Public Works
Mazcinko, Assistant Director of Public Works Fink, City Clerk Jones, City Engineer Scott Smith, City
Engineer Cazl Moon.
Pablic in Attendance: Mr. and Mrs. William Houck 4307 Ponca Street
Mr. Harold Weingart 4309 Ponca Street
�hairman Alderman Bolger called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m
Chairman Alderman Bolger announced the first item and second item an the Agenda would be
reversed for discussion.
Drainage Issues—Conntry Club Drive
Chairman Bolger complimented Staff on their efforts addressing the issues of drainage on
Country Club Drive. In reviewing the option of installation of individual grinder pumps at each
property and pumping to an 8-inch sanitazy main in the parkway and connecting to the nearest manhole,
Alderman Bolger acknowledged the exgense to resideYrts who wish to connect to municipal sewer. He
nated it would be up to each individual owner whether or not to comiect.
Responding to Alderman Bolger's inquiry, Director of Public Works Marcinko informed the
Committee none of the residents has inquired as to the cost of connecting to the municipal s�wer system,
� all were seeking a solution Director Marcinko opined the re-paving of Cauntry Club Drive had no
impact on the drainage problems experienced prior to the project by the residents in the vicinity.
Director Marcit�n stated the side yazd swales require maintenance by the homeowners.
It was the consensus of the Committee to table this matter until the residents approach Staff for
further action.
Drainage Issues—Ponca Street
Chairman Bolger stated he observed the property at 4347 Ponca Street is situated lower than the
surrounding property. He informed the Committee the Houck's neighbor, Harold Wein;gart, was
adama.nt that no improvements impact his property. Alderman Bolger advised Mr. Weingart any
improvement made by the City would adhere to suggestions provided by the City Engineer.
Director Marcinko stated Baxter & Woodman has submitted a c�rainage study of the Cooney
Heights Subdivision recommending a new relief storm sewer along Lillian Street. Baxter and Woodman
has also recommended aboveground and belowground detention:
• Above-ground detention on the ComEd property south of Lillian Street near the ra.ilroad tracks;
• Belowground detention by constructing an oversized storm sewer pipe under Lillian Street.
Baxter and Woodman has suggested re-grading the ditch along the bike path in connection with ditch
and culvert maintenance to assure the system ope�ates as designed. Director Marcinko noted some
,� sa.vings in costs might be gained if the installation af the new storm sewer is performed in conjunction
with reconstruction of Lillian Street. Director Marcinko stated the entire project would take pla.ce in
segments spreading the cost over a couple of years.
Public Works Committee Meeting
July 29, 2002
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It was the consensus of the Committee, Staff and City Engineer Carl Moon of Baxter and
Woodman the pro iect should move forward.
Chairman Bolger noted the a.ir conditioning unit at the Houck residence was located on the north
side of the residence, which may impede water runoff. Director Marcinko noted residents are
responsible for their on-site drainage, suggesting a small swale and minor landscaping could divert
water away from the home. Addressing Alderman Bolger's inquiry Director Marcinko stated the
ditching in front of 4307 Ponca would be constructed by the Public Works Department.
Alderman :Bolger noted Mr. Houck was not in attendance and suggested proceeding to the next
item on the Agenda.
Ridgeview Drive �nd Bull Valtey Road Traffic Signat Study
Director Marcinko noted on February 20, 2002 Smith Engineering Consultants submitted a
Proposal Agreement in the amount of $6,345, to revisit the Ridgeview DriveBull Valley Road
intersection Signal Warrant Study. Council approved $2,400 to perform the initiai traf�ic counts to
establish whether Signa.l Warrant No. 1 could be met. It has been determined minimum vehicular
volumes are present to meet the requirements.
Smith Engineering Consultants deternuned the County's requirements have changed for a
warrant analysis since the inception of the project. In order to continue the Signal Warrant Study an
� additional$975 will be required to cover the expense of the new requirements, bringing the total cost of
the project to $7,320.
Staff is requesting the Committee recommend acceptance of Smith Engineering Consultant's
Addendum for the additional $975 and recommend the approval of the remaining $4,920 to continue
investigation of the additional warrants for a traffic signa.l at Ridgeview Drive and Bull Valley Road.
Director Marcinko noted$20,000 has been budgeted for the project in the 2002/2003 Fiscal Budget.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Bolger to recommend submission to full Council for approval
Smith Engineering Consultant, Inc.'s ProposaUAgreement Addendum for an additional $975 and
together with approval of the remaining $4,920 to coirtinue to investigate additiona.l warrants for a tr�c
signal at Ridgeview Drive and Bull Valley Road.
Ayes: Bolger, Glab
Nayes: None
Absent: Wimmer
Motion carried.
Engineering Services Agreement for Various Road
Improvements for STP Application to McHenry County Council of Mayors
Director Marcinko stated three proposaLs were requested from Smith Engineering Consultants,
Inc. for submission to the McHenry County Council of Mayors as follows:
• Engineering and preparation of contract plans and specifications for the intersection of Illinois
�'' Route 120 and Illinois Route 31 North, in an amount not to exceed $8,900;
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�- • Engineering and prepazation of contract plans and specifications for Lillian Street from Illinois
Route 31 t�� Crystal Lake Road, in an amount not to exceed$5,605;and
• Engineering and prepazation of contract plans and spec�cations for McCullom Lake Road from
�lde Mill l'onds Subdivision to Ringwood Road, in an amount not to exceed$6,105.
Alderman Glab opined there might be other roads in town requiring attention other than Crystal
Lake Road. Respunding to Alderman Glab's inquiry regazding the condition of Crystal Lake Road and
the possible inclusion of Crystal Lake Road in the project, Director Marcinko stated inclusion of Crystal
Lake Road is a good suggestions, however the three projects indicated aze being submitted as a five-year
project. Discussion ensued regarding the merits of each project.
Mayor Althoff interjected the Council of Mayors tends to look more favorably upon projects
serving numerous municipalities as having a higher priority than projects serving a single municipality.
Alderman Glab requested it be noted restoration of Crystal Lake Raad is a high priority item,
which should be addressed within the next few years.
Motion by Gtab, seconded by Bolger to recommend presentation of the following
ProposaLs/Agreements from Smith Engineering Consultants to full Council for approval:
• Engineerin�; and preparation of contract plans and specifications for the intersection of Illinois
Route 120 and Illinois Route 31 North improvements, in an amount not to exceed $8,900;
�, • Engineering and preparation of contract pla.ns and specifications for Lillian Street improvements
from Illinois Route 31 to Crystal Lake Road, in an amowrt not to exceed$5,605; and
� Engineering and prepazation of contract plans and specifications for McCullom Lake Road
improvements from Olde Mill Ponds Subdivision to R.ingwood Road, in an amount not to exceed
Ayes: Bolger, Glab
Nayes: None
Absent: Wimmer
Motion carried.
Mr. and Mrs. Houck arrived at 7:00 p.m.
Request for Quatifications and Scope of Services for Well No. 12 and
Elevated Water Tank No. 4
Director Marcinko stated the request for qualifications and scope of services for Well No 12 and
Elevated Water Tank No 4 was approved in the 2002/2003 Budget for Capital Improvements Projects.
Staff is requesting the Committee's recommendation to submit requests for qualification and
scope of services for Elevated Water Tank No. 4 to Smith Engineering Consuhants, Inc. and Baxter &
Woodman. Director Marcinko noted a preliminary location, at the northwest corner of Crystal Lake
Road and Bull Valley Road, has been chosen for Elevated Water Tank No. 4.
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�. Director Marcinko requested Well No. 12 be removed from the Agenda for discussion at a later
date due to the current clima.te and water restrictions currently in force. He noted due to the curtent
growth of the City, Staff is researching placement of a well on the west side.
It was the consensus of the Committee to table the subject of Well No. 12 pending further
research by Staffregarding location.
Responding to Alderman Glab's inquuy regarding placement of Elevated Water Tank Na. 4,
City Administrator Loba,ito stated the topography of the area restricts placement further south.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Bolger to recommend to full Council that requests for proposals be
sought from Smith Engineering and Baxter & Woodman for qualifications and scope of services for
Elevated Water Tank No. 4.
Ayes: Bolger, Glab
Nayes: None
Absent: Wimmer
Motion carried.
Green Street Sidewalk InstaUation
Director Marcinko stated the Committee directed Staff at the May 6, 2002 Public Works
Committee meeting to pursue construction of a sidewalk along the west side of Green Street from the
� Municipal Center to Miller Road, in an amount not to exceed $5,000.
A proposal has been obtaaned from Greg Greenhill Construction Company in the amount of
$$,650 for installation of 500 feet of 4' wide concrete sidewalk. It was noted the amount is over the
$5,000 authorized. Staf� stated due to Greenhill's local reputation for quality work, and their
participation in the ongoing $1.3 million Street Program, a more reasonable cast would not be obtained
and additional proposals have not been sought. The new sidewalk will provide sa.fe access for
pedestrians from the Municipal Center to the bike path on the south side of Miller Drive.
Chairma.n Bolger opicted with developm,�nt anticipated perhaps asphalt should be considered as
an alternative rather than concrete. Director Marcinko noted temporary asphalt sidewalks aze
historically high maintenance. He suggested reimbursement be requested from the future developer.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Bolger, to recommend Council approve the proposal submitted by
Greg Greenhill Construction Co., Inc. for the installation of a concrete sidewalk on the west side of
Green Street from Miller Highway north to the existing sidewalk in front of the Municipal Center, in an
amount not to exceed$8,650.
Ayes: Bolger, Glab
Nayes: None
Absent: Wimmer
Motion carried.
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July 29, 2002
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`-- Drainage Isaues—Ponca Street
Chairman Bolger, noting the attendance of Mr. and Mrs. Houck, asked the discussion resume
regarding the Coo�iey Heights drainage issues. It was noted Mr. Weingart was also in attendance.
Chairman l3olger stated it was the consensus of the Committee to follow the recommendations of
the City Engineer a.nd in the fall or spring ditch Ponca Street, on both sides, in an effort to eliminate the
problems currently experienced by the Houcks at their residence at 4307 Ponca. Alderman Bolger noted
the City Engineer suggested installation of a swale on the north side of the residence.
Mr. Weingart stated the culvert is never full and has functioned adequately for forty-five years.
He opined ditching; on both sides of Ponca Street is unnecessary and money needlessly spent.
Alderman l3olger noted the project will not be immediately completed, but will be accomplished
in segments due to the ma.gnitude of the pmject and costs in excess of$500,000. Director Mazcinko
stated the City is re-installing the ditch pursuant to the original approved engineering plans. Discussion
ensued regarding detention and culverts.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Bolger,to adjourn the meeting at '�:29 p.m.
Ayes: Bolger, Glab
Nayes: None
� Absent: Wimmer
Motion canied.
Respectfully submitted,
, •
� �Pn�
William J. Bolger, irman