HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/16/2002 - Public Works Committee PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING
Monday, December 16, 2002
Alderman's Conference Room, 6:30 p.m.
� In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Bolger, Alderman Glab (arrived at 6:38 p.m.),
Alderman Wimmer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Mayor Althoff, City Administrator M�einer,
Assistant City Administrator Lockerby, Director of Public Works Mazcinko, Assistant Director of Public
Works Fink, Water Superintendent Jon Schmitt, City Clerk Jones, Carl Moon, from Baxter &
Woodman, Scott Smith and Tim Hartnett, from Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc.
Also in attendance: Roger W. Schlies Director of Guest Services, lVIMC
Kit Carstens Prime Commercial
Chairman Alderman Bolger called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
Medical Center Drive—Stop Sign Request
Director of Public Works Marcinko recognized Mr. Roger Schlies, Director of Guest Services
for Northern Illinois Medical Center ("I�TIMC"). Mr. Schlies addressed the Committee stating IVIMC is
requesting consideration of installation of a 4-way stop at the intersection of Medical Center Drive and
the ring road, an entrance to a key directional parking lot for associates of the hospital..
Director of Public Works Mareinko stated Staff does not support installation of the stop sign, as
it is not warranted according to Section 2B-5 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Chairman Alderman Bolger opined his support of the request for installation of the 4-way stop
intersection based upon concerns Lawrence Parkway will be used as a cut through. Alderman Wimmer
�. concurred with Alderman Bolger.
Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Bolger to recommend to Council the creation of a 4-way stop
at the intersection of Medical Center Drive and Ring Road, between Lawrence Parkway and Route 31.
All ayes. Motion carried.
Public Works Garage
Director of Public Works Marcinko informed the Committee of the Public Works Department
continuing efforts to expand, in order to meet the demands of growth and to maintain the high level of
service residents of McHenry have come to expect. He stated the Street Division and Water Division
a.re currently faced with outside storage of equipment and vehicles at various locations throughout the
City, adversely affecting the efficiency of the City Staff.
Staff is requesting the Committee approval to pursue a Preliminary Needs Analysis/Concept Plan
outlining the buildings specific requirements and feasibility. Tentatively the Plan would include the
following informat ion:
• Programming:
o Interviews with Staff to define exact space, function and circulation requirements;
o Re�iew of existing spaces, taking into consideration future expansion; and
o De�elopment of a program summarizing space requirements, relationships and
circulation patterns.
� • Site Plannirtg:
o A �'lan indicating all relevant elements including building footprint, vehicular and
pedestrian circulation, parking and loading and equipment and materia.l storage.
Public Works Committee Meeting
December 16, 2002
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`-- + Preliminary Architectural Design:
o Drawings describing the scope and architectural character of the building;
o Schematic floor plans and eacterior elevations to illustrate design concept.
Director Marcinko noted upon completion of the plan the Public Works Committee would be
better able to determine how the facility has been planned and sized, and how it will operate based upon
input from Staff.
Water Superintendent Schmitt informed the Committee is department equipment is currently
being housed in four different buildings throughout the City.
Scott Smith of Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. stated he has already begun to look at a
preliminary site plan. Kit Carstens of Prime Commercial stated he would be working with the architect.
Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Alderman Bolger regarding future use of the current
Public Works structure, Director Marcinko opined it is anticipated the structure would be used as a
storage facility for various departments of the City.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Wimmer, to recommend to Council the approval of the initial
expenditure of $5,000 to pursue various architecturaUengineering firms for the City of McHenry's
Public Works Facility Needs Analysis/Concept Planning. All ayes. Motion carried.
�.., Traffic Signal Location —Crystal Lake Road and Glenbrook Trail vs.
Crystal Lake Road and Winding Creek Drive
Chairman Alderman Bolger informed the Committee of Alderman Glab's request to consider an
alternate site for the proposed tr�c signal at Crystal Lake Road and Winding Creek Drive.
Alderma.n Glab stated the alterna.te location is one block south, Crystal Lake Road and
Glenbrook Trail, which is a major collector for multiple subdivisions.
Following a brief discussion regarding traffic patterns, Chairman Alderman Bolger opined he
supports installatiun of the tr�c signal, as suggested by Staff and supporting information, at Crystal
Lake Road and Winding Creek Drive.
Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Bolger, to recommend Council approve the tra�c signal
location remain ax Crystal Lake Road and Winding Creek Drive, as opposed to the alternate site at
Crystal Lake Roac and Glenbrook Trail.
Voting Ay�: Bolger, Wimmer
Voting Na.�: Glab
Motion carried.
No Parking Eztension on Royal Drive
Director ot Public Works Marcinko iterated to the Committee at the June 10, 2002 Council
� Meeting, Council approved an Ordinance for No Parking at Anytime on the north and south side of
Royal Drive, from a point 200 feet northwesterly of Oakwood Drive to the intersection of Crystal Lake
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December 16, 2002
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Director Marcinko informed the Committee Alderman Glab has requested the No Parking
Anytime limits on Royal Drive be extended, due to the curve of the road and sight distance, to the
northernmost property line of Lot 910, commonly known as 918 Royal Drive.
A brief discussion ensued.
Motion bv Glab, seconded by Wimmer, to extend the No Parking Anytime limits on Royal
Drive, on the east side of the road, to the northernmost property lines of Lot 910, commonly known as
918 Royal Drive; and on the west side of the road to the northernmost end of the walkpath. All ayes.
Motion carried.
McHenry West Campus Drainage
Director c,f Public Works Marcinko informed the Committee Staff has investigated the
groundwater that continuously remains in the bottom of the McHenry West Campus drainage pond. He
stated during construction of the pond existing seepage was observed producing a constant flow of
ground water through the slope side of the basin. The condition was unknown at the time and therefore,
not addressed by the City at the time the plans were submitted. Director Marcinko noted District 156
has employed Smith Engineering Consultants to redesign the pond in an effort to eliminate the ground
water issue.
Scott Smith, representing Smith Engineering Consultants informed the Committee three options
� are under consideration:
1. Seed/Sod: Although small the constant condition of seepage may negate the possibility of grass
or sod growing in the area of flow;
2. Concrete vs. Gutter: There are maintenance issues associated with this type of system
particularly in a freeze thaw condition. This system does not facilitate percolation of water back
into the ground; and
3. Rip Rap Gutter: Where water does not percolate into the soil it would flow its normal course and
into a pipe.
Mr. Smith advised the Committee the drainage pond was designed with a rip rap gutter, allowing
the possibility of reducing the volume of flow through percolation and the velocity of flow through the
rip rap. He noted there would be water in the pond even in the driest conditions, but opined it was felt
this scenario was the most desirable to the school and the City.
Director M.�rcinko informed the Committee the plans for revision to the McHenry West Campus
drainage pond wer�� never submitted to the City until construction had been completed. The plans were
never approved.
Alderman Ulab expressed ongoing concerns regarding the standing water. Alderman Wimmer
suggested discussing the issue with representatives of District 156 in an effort to resolve the matter.
Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Glab, to direct Staff to contact representatives of District 156
� to discuss addressing the elimination of ground water at the McHenry West Campus drainage pond. All
ayes. Motion carried.
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December 16, 2002
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�' Whispering Oaks Walk Path
Director of Public Works Marcinko informed the Committee pursuant to Alderman Glab's
request, Staff reseazched the repair of the neighborhood walk paths. He noted over the past thirty yeazs
the walkpaths have fallen into a state of disrepair. At the July 31, 2001 Council meeting, Council
directed Staff to apply for a Community Development Block Grant for the Whispering Oaks Walk
Paths. The Grant was denied.
Director Marcinko stated at the Public Works Committee Meeting held on October 7, 2002 it
was the consensus of the Committee for Staff to research the cost of the project and return to the
Committee with current pricing using various surfacing materials. Possible path materials and costs for
installation of the project follow:
Ma_ Approz. Cost Positive Ne ative
Asphalt $125,000 Long life Expensive
Low maintenance
Smooth surface
Crushed Limestone $74,250 Less expensive than aspha.lt Moderately expensive
The more it is used, the Unfinished edge may look
harder the surface becomes. unfinished in a residential
�, Wood Street Wood chips were not considered. Staff felt they would not stay in place due to
Staff recommends reconstruction of the walk paths to a level enabling residents to use them as a
viable safe alternative for access to public facilities. Staff recommends installation of an asphalt path
due to various elevation changes along the path and low maintenance requirements. \
Director Marcinko noted the project was not budgeted in the 2002/2003 Budget and suggested
possible inclusion during the 2003/2004 Budget process.
Chairman Alderman Bolger suggested a trial walk path utilizing the crushed limestone.
Alderman Wimmer concurred with Alderman Bolger opining he supports utilizing crushed limestone on
the walk paths.
Alderman (Tlab strenuously expressed his concern regarding the walk paths not being restored to
their original condition using asphalt, which is the original material utilized.
A brief disc;ussion ensued. Director of Public Works Marcinko iterated the low maintenance
requirements of aspha.lt.
Alderman Wimmer suggested obtaining a survey from residents in the vicinity. It was the
consensus of the Committee to obtain a survey from residents regarding which material they would
� prefer to see used in the repair of the walk paths.
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December 16, 2002
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�' New Business
There was no new business.
Motion b�- Wimmer, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p.m. All Ayes. Motion
Respectfully subnutted,
� ��
William J. Bolger Chairman