HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/18/2004 - Public Works Committee PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING
Monday, October 18,2004
Aldermen's Conference Room, 6:30 p.m.
In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Bolger, Alderman Murgatroyd, Alderman
Wimmer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Mayor Low, City Administrator M�einer, Director of
Public Works Marcinko, Assistant Director of Public Works Fink, City Clerk Jones, Bob Wegener,
Akram Chaudrey and Chad Pieper of Smith Engineering.
Mayor Low arrived at 6:40 p.m.
Also in Attendance: Susan Huntsha 1108 S. Green Street, McHenry
James and Lynnea Garnota 718 N. Green Street, McHenry
Steve and Elaine Sinclair 706 N. Green Street, McHenry
Scott Herbstmann Northwest Herald
Chairman Alderman Bolger called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. He indicated the agenda would be
taken out of sequence beginning with Item No. 2.
Discussion Regarding Engineering Services A�reement for
Preliminary Engineering and Survev Services for Illinois State Route 31
and Dlinois State Route 120
Director of Public Works Marcinko informed the Committee that the Public Works Department has been
performing due diligence for the planning phase of the improvements to the corridor between
� Washington Street and Illinois Route 120 as part of the ongoing improvements to Illinois Route 31.
Staff ha.s requested an Engineering Services Agreement from Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. (SEC)
to begin the preliminary stages of design. The scope of services contained in the proposed Agreement
includes a topographic and boundary survey to establish the existing conditions and development of the
preliminary intersection geometry. Additionally, SEC would assist the City in obtaining funding from
the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Director Marcinka noted the project is tentatively planned for 2009, however Staff is bringing it forward
at this time to facilitate the timely process of land acquisition and condemnation, which typically takes
approximately two years.
Alderman Murgatroyd requested that prior to the project coming before Council the source of funding
be identified.
Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Wimmer, to recommend Council approve an Engineering Services
Agreement with Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. for the preliminary engineering and surveying
services for the Illinois Route 31 and Illinois Route 120 intersection improvements, in an amount not to
exceed $25,810.65
Voting Aye: Bolger, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Discussion Regardins Installation of a Stop Si�n at
Public Works Committee Meeting
October 18, 2004
Page 2
`-- Wedgewood Trail at Cobblestone Trail
Director Marcinkc► informed the Committee that a letter was received from Michael Pawula of 606
Wedgewood Trail requesting installation of a stop signs on the north and south corners of Wedgewood
Trail at Cobblestone Trail in the Boone Creek Subdivision to control vehicular speeds on Wedgewood
Director Ma,rcinko stated the Manual on Uniform Tr�c Control Devices (MUTCD) stipulates that the
decision to install multi-way stop control devises should be based on an engineering warrant study. He
noted that due to the minimal traffic volume at the subject intersectioq Staff recommends no study be
performed, as the warrant criteria would not be satisfied.
Director Marcinko explained the MUTCD indicates stop sign placements should not be used as method
of controlling vehicular speeds. Stop signs should be placed in a manner that minimizes the number of
vehicles having to stop. Staff suggests increased police patrol to deter speeding within the subdivision.
It was noted that no record e�sts of any accidents at the intersection.
Alderman Murgatroyd opined if speeding is the issue that stop signs would not necessarily resolve the
Mayor Low arrived at 6:40 p.m.
Alderman Bolger stated he recognizes and sympathizes with the residents' concerns regarding speeding
� throughout the subdivision. He suggested no action be taken at this time. He recommended the speed
detector be posted at the site, together with a patrol car to ascertain the number of vehicles utilizing the
intersection and to monitor their speed. He also suggested Mr. Pawula be invited to a future Public
Works Committee meeting following accumulation of data.
It was the consensus of the Committee that:
• no action be taken at this time
• the speed detector be posted at the site, together with a patrol car to ascertain the number of
vehicles using the intersection and to monitor vehicular speeds; and
• Mr. Pawula be invited to a future Public Works Committee following accumulation of data.
Discussion Regardin�Installation of a Stou Sign on Green Street
At Kane Avenue
Director Ma.rcinko noted he had received a request from Alderman Bolger to investigate the feasibility
of installing a stop sign on Green Street at the intersection of Kane Avenue. He reiterated as in the
previous stop sign request, the MUTCD states that a multi-way stop control devise is an effective safety
measure at intersections to protect pedestrians, bicyclists and all vehicles expecting others to stop.
Staffopined tha.t minimal tr�c volume from Kane Avenue onto Green Street would not merit a traffic
study because none of the criteria would be satisfied to warrant installation of a multi-way sign.
Additionally, Director Ma.rcinko noted school age pedestrian traffic is currently protected through the
services of a crossing guard before and after school.
Elaine Sinclair stated while she commended Officer Judy on her diligence protecting the school age
children before and after school, she has obtained signatures from approximately 30 residents expressing
Public Works Committ+ee Meeting
October 18, 2004
Page 3
�.- concern with the childrens' safety when crossing Green Street. Mrs. Sinclair noted the following
situations in partic�alar:
• Vehicular traffic disobeying the 20 mph speed limit near the school;
• Vehicles go around stopped cars by passing on the right;
Mrs. Sinclair presented Chairman Alderman Bolger with a petition executed by a number of residents in
favor of installation of a 3-way stop sign at Green Street and Kane Avenue.
Chairman Alderman Bolger stated he supports installation of a stop sign at the intersection. Director
Marcinko explained that an unwarranted stop sign is not enforceable.
Responding to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Director Marcinko stated no comments have been
received expressin�concern from District 15.
Responding to an inquiry City Administrator Maxeiner stated that when Officer Judy is on vacation or is
ill, a police officer is posted a the site to escort school-age children arriving and departing from school.
Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Wimmer regarding traffic counts, Bob Wegener of Smith
Engineering Cansultants, explained a city-wide transportation study is currently in progress, which
specifically would address school vicinity issues. He noted tr�c counts would be taken as part of the
study. He stated that statistics indicate stop signs do not slow vehicular tr�c. If a stop sign is not
warranted, an unwarranted stop sign presents liability issues. Mr. Wegener stated the traffic counts
� would be completed by the end of the calendar year.
A lengthy, heated discussion ensued regarding the amount of vehicular traffic on Green Street at Kane
Avenue and the safety of residents and school children.
It was the consensus of the Committee to await the traffic counts generated by the Traffic Study at
which time another Public Works Committee meeting would be scheduled and concerned residents
New Business
Susan Huntsha, a resident at 1108 S. Green Street, addressed the Committee. Mrs. Huntsha stated that
few vehicles acknowledge the 35 mph posted speed limit on Green Street south of Bull Valley Road.
Mrs. Huntsha requested the Committee consider a reduction in the posted speed limit to 30 mph or even
25 mph in an effort to discourage speeding vehicles, which pose a hazard to children and pets in the
yards of residents.
Mrs. Huntsha presented the Committee with a list of residents along South Green Street who support
reduction of the current speed limit.
Chairman Alderman Bolger assured Mrs. Huntsha that Staff would research the matter and contact her
regarding resolution.
Public Works Committee Meeting
October 18, 2004
Page 4
�— Adiournment
Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Murgatroyd, to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nav: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
, �
William J. Bolger, hairman
Monday, October 18, 2004
Aidermen's Conference Room, 6:30 p.m.
In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Bolger, Alderman Murgatroyd, Alderman
Wimmer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Mayor Low, City Administrator M�einer, Director of
Public Works Marcinko, Assistant Director of Public Works Fink, City Clerk Jones, Bob Wegener,
Akram Chaudrey and Chad Pieper of Smith Engineering.
Mayor Low arrived at 6:40 p.m.
Als,� in Attendance: Susan Huntsha 1108 S. Green Street, McHenry
James and Lynnea Garnota 718 N. Green Street, McHenry
Steve and Elaine Sinclair 706 N. Green Street, McHenry
Scott Herbstmann Northwest Herald
Chairman Alder�nan Bolger called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. He indicated the agenda would be
taken out of sequence beginning with Item No. 2.
Discussion Re�arding En�ineerin� Services Agreement for
Preliminary Engineerin$and Survev Services for Illinois State Route 31
and Illinois State Route 120
Director of Public Works Marcinko informed the Committee that the Public Works Department has been
perfarming due diligence for the planning phase of the improvements to the corridor between
�, Washington Street and Illinois Route 120 as part of the ongoing improvements to Illinois Route 31.
Staff has requested an Engineering Services Agreement from Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. (SEC)
to begin the preliminary stages of design. The scope of services contained in the proposed Agreement
includes a topographic and boundary survey to establish the existing conditions and development of the
preliminary intersection geometry. Additionally, SEC would assist the City in obtaining funding from
the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Director Marcinko noted the project is tentatively planned for 2009, however Staff is bringing it forward
at this time to facilitate the timely process of land acquisition and condemnation, which typically takes
approximately two years.
Alderman Murgatroyd requested that prior to the project coming before Council the source of funding
be identified.
Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Wimmer, to recommend Council approve an Engineering Servic�s
Agreement with Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. for the preliminary engineering and surveying
services for the Illinois Route 31 and Illinois Route 120 intersection improvements, in an amount not to
exceed $25,810.65
Voting Aye: Bolger, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
� Motion ca.rried.
Discussion Regarding Installation of a Stop Sign at
Public Works Committee Meeting
October 18, 2004
Page 2
�-' Wedgewood Trail at Cobblestone Trail
Director Marcinko informed the Committee that a letter was received from Michael Pawula of 606
Wedgewood Trail requesting installation of a stop signs on the north and south corners of Wedgewood
Trail at Cobblestone Trail in the Boone Creek Subdivision to control vehicular speeds on Wedgewood
Director Marcinko stated the Manual on Uniform Tr�c Control Devices (MUTCD) stipulates that the
decision to install multi-way stop control devises should be based on an engineering warrant study. He
noted that due to the minimal traffic volume at the subject intersection, Staff recommends no study be
performed, as the warrant criteria would not be satisfied.
Director Marcinko explained the MUTCD indicates stop sign placements should not be used as method
of controlling vehicular speeds. Stop signs should be placed in a manner that minimizes the number of
vehicles having to stop_ Staff suggests increased police patrol to deter speeding within the subdivision.
It was noted that no record exists of any accidents at the intersection.
Alderman Murgatroyd opined if speeding is the issue that stop signs would not necessarily resolve the
Mayor Low arrived at 6:40 p.m.
Alderman Bolger stated he recognizes and sympathizes with the residents' concerns regarding speeding
�, throu,ghout the subdivision. He suggested no action be taken at this time. He recommended the speed
detector be posted at the site, together with a patrol car to ascertain the number of vehicles utilizing the
intersection and to monitor their speed. He also suggested Mr. Pawula be invited to a future Public
Works Committee meeting following accumulation of data.
It was the consensus of the Committee that:
• no action be taken at this time
• the speed detector be posted at the site, together with a patrol car to ascertain the number of
vehicles using the intersection and to monitor vehicular speeds; and
• Mr. Pawula be invited to a future Public Works Committee following accumulation of data.
Discussion Re�arding Installallon of a Stou Sign on Green Street
At Kane Avenue
Director Marcinko noted he had received a request from Alderman Bolger to investigate the feasibility
of installing a stop sign on Green Street at the intersection of Kane Avenue. He reiterated as in the
previous stop sign request, the MLTTCD states that a multi-way stop control devise is an+effective safety
measure at intersections to protect pedestrians, bicyclists and all vehicles expecting others to stop.
Staff opined that minimal traffic volume from Kane Avenue onto Green Street would not merit a traffic
study because none of the criteria would be satisfied to warrant installation of a multi-way sign.
Additionally, Director Marcinko noted school age pedestrian tr�c is currently protected through the
services of a crossing guard before and after school.
Elaine Sinclair stated while she commended Officer Judy on her diligence protecting the school age
children before and after school, she has obtained signatures from approximately 30 residents expressing
Public�VVorks Committee Meeting
October 1$, 2Q04
Page 3
`- concern with the childrens' safety when crossing Green Street. Mrs. Sinclair noted the following
situations in particular:
� Vehiculax traffic disobeying the 20 mph speed limit near the school;
• Vehicles go around stopped cars by passing on the right;
Mrs. Sin�clair presented Chairman Alderman Bolger with a petition executed by a number of residents in
favor of installation of a 3-way stop sign at Green Street and Kane Avenue.
Chairman Alderman Bolger stated he supports installation of a stop sign at the intersection. Director
Marcinko explained that an unwananted stop sign is not enforceable.
Responding to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Director Marcinko stated no comments have been
received expressing concern from District 15.
Responding to an inquiry City Administrator Maxeiner stated that when Officer Judy is on vacation or is
ill, a police officer is posted a the site to escort school-age children arriving and departing from school.
Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Wimmer regarding traffic counts, Bob Wegener of Smith
Engineering Consultants, explained a city-wide transportation study is currently in progress, which
specifically would address school vicinity issues. He noted traffic counts would be taken as part of the
study. He stated that statistics indicate stop signs do not slow vehicular tr�c. If a stop sign is not
warranted, an unwarranted stop sign presents liability issues. Mr. Wegener stated the tr�c counts
`.. would be completed by the end of the calendar year.
A lengthy, heated discussion ensued regarding the amount of vehicular tr�c on Green Street at Kane
Avenue and the safety of residents and school children.
It was the consensus of the Committee to await the traffic counts generated by the Traffic Study at
which time another Public Works Committee meeting would be scheduled and concerned residents
New Business
Susan Huntsha, a resident at 1108 S. Green Street, addressed the Committee. Mrs. Huntsha stated that
few vehicles acknowledge the 35 mph posted speed limit on Green Street south of Bull Valley Road.
Mrs. Huntsha requested the Committee consider a reduction in the posted speed limit to 30 mph or even
25 mph in an effort to dis�ourage speeding vehicles, which pose a hazard to children and pets in the
yards of residents.
Mrs. Huntsha presented the Committee with a list of residents along South Green Street who support
reduction of the current speed limit.
Chairman Alderman Bolger assured Mrs. Huntsha that Staff would research the matter and contact her
re,garding resolution.
Public Works Committee Meeting
October 18, 2004
Page 4
`-- Adiournment
Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Murgatroyd, to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Respectfuily submitted,
William J. Bolger, Chairman