HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/21/2016 - Public Works Committee t
March 21, 2016
� McHenry Municipal Center
In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Wimmer
and Alderman Glab. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Public Works Schmitt,
Wastewater Superintendent Russell Ruzicka, Chad Pieper, HR Green, and Deputy Clerk
1. Call to Order: Chairman Alderman Schaefer called the meeting to arder at 5:40 PM.
2. Public Input: None
3. Motion to approve the February 1 2016 Public Works Committee meeting report
Motion by Wimmer, second by Glab to approve the February 1, 2016 Public Works
Committee meeting report.
Voting Aye: Wimmer, Glab, Schaefer
Voting Nay: None
Not Voting: None
Abstaining: None
� Absent: None
Motion carried.
4. Consideration of and anticipated motion to approve the followin� Honorary Street
a. Honorary Joseph W. Thome Way, Millstream & Maple Avenue.
Motion by Glab, second by Wimmer to approve the application for the Joseph W. Thome
Honorary Street Designation and the installation of street signs designating the
intersection of Millstream and Maple Avenue as Honorary Joseph W. Thome Way.
Voting Aye: Glab, Wimmer, Schaefer
Voting Nay: None
Not Voting: None
Abstaining: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
b. Honorary Rev. Roger W. Schneider Way, Green Street & Shepherd Hill Lane.
� Motion by Wimmer, second by Glab to approve the application for the Reverend Roger
. W. Schneider Honorary Street Designation and the installation of street signs designating
Public Works Committee Meeting Report
March 21,2016
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the intersection of Green Street and Shepherd Hill Lane as Honorary Reverend Roger W.
Schneider Way.
Voting Aye: Glab, Wimmer, Schaefer
Voting Nay: None
Not Voting: None
Abstai�iing: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
c. Honorary Bjorkman Family Way, Crystal Lake Road & Lillian Street.
Director Schmitt reported the city's Honorary Street Sign policy permits no more than
three designations awarded per calendar year and with the two designations
previously approved at this meeting and presumably approved by the full City
Council, the policy limit will be reached. Mr. Schmitt said he recently received a
request on behalf o the Bjorkman Family. The applicant, Mr. Ned Neuman, is
requesting an exception to the limit of three signs per year. Mr. Schmitt noted this
designation is worthy of the policy and suggested if the Committee agrees, an option
would be to award four designations this year (2016) and permit only two next year
Motion by Glab, second by Wimmer to recommend a one-time waiver on the limit of
` three honorary designations for this calendar year with the condition that only two
designations may be awarded in 2017, and approve the application for the Bjorkman
Family Honorary Street Designation and the installation of street signs designating the
intersection of Crystal Lake Road and Lillian Street as Honorary Bjorkman Family Way.
Voting Aye: Glab, Wimmer, Schaefer
Voting ;vay: None
Not Voting: None
Abstaining: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Now that the Honorary Street Designations are complete for the year, Chairman
Alderman Schaefer asked the committee if there was anything about the policy the
committee may want to consider adding or changing. Chairman Schaefer stated in his
opinion someone working at a job in McHenry for over 20 years should not be reason
enough to earn a street designation. Alderman Wimmer agreed stating community
lineage and service should be more of a consideration. Mr. Schmitt noted these request
are now considered by committee before full Council consideration for the purpose of
reviewing the applications to ensure they meet the established criteria. Chairman
Schaefer told Director Schmitt his staff does a good job of researching the applications
`-- prior to submitting them to the Committee for consideration. Alderman Glab agreed.
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March 21,2016
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5. National Pollutant Dischar�e Elimination Svstem (NPDES) Stormwater Dischar�e Permit
Annual Summarv.
Director of Public Works Schmitt informed the Committee that as a requirement of the
NPDES Stormwater Discharge permit issued by the IEPA, city staff is required to
provide the Public Works Committee with an annual update of the current stormwater
progra�n. Wastewater Superintendent Ruzicka administers the program and provided the
committee with an update on this year's activities.
• Overall three-month total (December, January, February) for creek cleanup
increased by 150 man hours to 559, and 10 additional cubic yards of debris was
• Utilization of Best Management Practices training video for storm water
protection to meet annual employee training requirements.
• December 7, 2015 adoption of MCSMO. Staff is currently reviewing
amendments to MCSMO to remain in compliance.
• General Storm Water Permits for MS4's reissued on February 10, 2016.
Alderman Schaefer asked if this was an annual or quarterly requirement. Superintendent
Ruzicka answered it is an annual requirement and it is also a requirement to post
information on the city's website and in the city newsletter.
� Alderman Glab noted an issue that comes up from time to time is below ground water
flow. ��e stated in his neighborhood there is water that flows underground and he cited a
few examples. Alderman Glab asked staff if there was any way to monitor underground
water flows adding he understands this would be difficult to detect unless we were aware
of an underground spring, etc.
Chairman Alderman Schaefer thanked Superintendent Ruzicka for the report.
6. Discussion on the Lakeland Park Draina e Area.
Chairman Schaefer acknowledged this topic was on tonight's meeting at the request of
Alderman Glab and gave the floor to Director Schmitt.
Director Schmitt said in response to Alderman Glab's request, he met with HR Green to
discuss drainage issues in this area. Topics included ditch bank erosion, ditch sediment
and vegetation build up, and home flooding issues adjacent to the ditch in the area of
Home Avenue and Ramble Road. The discussion addressed the issues including a no
band-aid solution that could cause problems downstream.
Currently the IEPA is reviewing the Boone-Dutch Creek Watershed Planning Area Study
and the Lakeland Park Drainage Ditch is included in that area. If approved, the drainage
ditch might be eligible for a 319 Grant. This grant focuses on water quality and is
� typically a 60/40 cost share. Unfortunately, local drainage issues such as at Home
Avenue and Ramble Road do not quality for this grant. A rough budgetary fee for the
. Pu'�lic Works Committee Meeting Report
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study is $50,000. The timing however could not be better to pursue this study as this
grant is available. The Civil Engineer for HR Green who authored the proposal for the
� study, Logan Gilbertsen, grew up in the area of the Lakeland Park drainage ditch and
knows the history of the area. He volunteers his time on the committee for the
development of the Boone-Dutch Creek Watershed Planning Area Study.
City Engineer Chad Pieper reported the drainage ditch is overgrown and in need of
maintenance. The initial reaction is to clean out the ditch to get the water flowing again.
However, all this will do is cause problems further down the system. At closer look, you
find sediment build-up caused by the creek trying to slow itself down. After reviewing
aerials from 1938, one can see the ditch was already channelized by farmers. Mr. Pieper
told the Committee that when the Boone-Dutch Creek Watershed study began, Mr.
Gilbertsen has the foresight to get this portion of the creek included as an item that needs
to be studied to enhance water quality and reduce flooding issues. The Lakeland Park
Draina�;e Area is on the list to be eligible for a 319 Grant and if the Council approves, the
city will be one of the first applicants for this grant.
Alderman Schaefer asked if this project is considered ready for grant application. Mr.
Pieper said approving the study and proceeding with design would show the city's
commitment to the project, which is what the grantors want to see.
Mr. Pieper added the city has experienced flooding at Ramble Road and Home Avenue.
This area appears to be localized and low lying with inadequate infrastructure in place to
drain the storm water that collect there. This appears to be an isolated problem that may
� need some larger pipes or maybe the flow is going the wrong way. He looked at the area
where the Trout Ponds used to exist and thinks perhaps that area could be used to help
detain some of the water that is coming out of the gravel pits.
Alderman Schaefer asked if everything was flowing from west to east and Mr. Pieper
answered yes; generally when ground and storm water flows it follows the topography.
Alderman Schaefer asked if this flowage going into Boone Creek ultimately flows into
the Fox River by the Riverwalk. Mr. Pieper said yes; it originates in the gravel pit areas.
Alderman Glab added it starts in Wonder Lake and meanders down to Crystal Lake and
circles back up and added he thinks detention or redirecting the flow is the only way we
will ever solve these problems.
Alderman Schaefer asked Director Schmitt what action was required by the Committee to
move this project forward and asked if this expenditure was budgeted. Director Schmitt
said he was looking for direction from the Committee to present the proposal to the full
City Council.
Alderman Glab asked if Boone Creek was a part of the Watershed Study. Mr. Pieper
answered there is a divide within the overall watershed between Boone Creek and the
drainage ditch. HR Green did speculate diverting flow back from one because they meet
down by the fire station. It would be reviewed however, he thinks it would make more
� sense to try to keep the projects separated and perform some detention in Lakeland Park;
Boone Creek is much larger and behaves differently. Alderman Glab noted we are not in
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a situation for Boone Creek to cause any flooding at this time however there is future
development on the horizon and this should be looked at.
It was the consensus of the Committee to present a budget amendment to the Finance and
Personuel Committee to fund the study.
7. Review amended list of roads included in the 2016 Road Pro�ram and make a motion to
direct staff to vresent a recommendation to the full Citv Council to accept the list of
amended roads as nresented and to fund a total of$2 000 000 for the 2016 Road Pro am
Director Schmitt recalled on February ls�, the Committee recommended the following
streets to be included in the 2016 Road Program: Ashley Drive, Essex Court, Barnwood
Trail, and Whiting Court. Also during the budget development process, and based on
input from the City Council, the street program budget was increased in the FY 16/17
CII' from $1M to $2M. This increase is included in the proposed FY 16/17 budget to
be reviewed by the Finance and Personnel Committee on March 21St. In anticipation of
the Council's adoption of the FY 16/17 budget, staff presented a list of streets to be
added to the program.
On the committee's recommendations, staff will perform patch work on Lake Avenue
and review Blake Avenue ranking.
Alderman Glab made a motion, seconded by Alderman Wimmer to approve the 2016
Road Program List of Streets with the following amendments: move Lorient Drive
� from Rlionda Road to Bauer Road from the alternate to the main list; add Manchester
Mall from Front Royal to Manchester Drive to the alternate list; and remove Lake Street
from River Road to city limits from the main list.
• Front Royal Drive from Route 120 to Chesterfield Drive
• ��rescent Avenue from Country Club drive to John Street
� .Ylain Street from Front Street to Green Street
� Linda Road from Fairway Drive to Skyway Drive
• Lorient Drive from Rhonda Road to Bauer Road
• Skyway Drive from Bauer Road to Rhonda Road
• Sussex Drive from Front Royal Drive to Ashley Drive
• Sarasota Drive from Augusta Drive to Creekside Trail
Alternate Roads
• Donnelly Place from Dorchester Place to Brighton Place
� Colony Trail from Deerwood Trial to Timber Trail
• Manchester Mall from Front Royal to Manchester Drive
Voting Aye: Glab, Wimmer, Schaefer
Voting Nay: None
Not Voting: None
� Abstaining: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
� Pul�lic Works Committee Meeting Report
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L— Alderman Glab asked for a future discussion on street maintenance and Director Schmitt
said staff and HR Green are currently researching rejuvenation methods to bring forward
to the Committee at a future meeting.
8. Adj ourriment
There being no further business to discuss. Motion by Glab, second by Wimmer to
adjoum the meeting at 6:50 PM.
Voting Aye: Glab, Wimmer, Schaefer
Voting Nay: None
Absent� None
Motion carried.
Reviewed and Approved:
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e n ffrey Schaefer, airman