HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/24/1998 - Human Relations Commission CITY OF McHENRY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION ME�TING � TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1998 . � The Regular Meeting of the McHenry Human Relations Commission was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairperson Pat Buhrman on Tuesday, January 27, 1998 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. The following members were present: Julie Babenko, Susan Becker, Pat Buhrman, Pat Chaney, Liz Ellmann, Werner Ellmann, Michele Schrader, Linda Wolff, Val Hobson, Kari Horsch, Jim Laursen, and Sue Crisanti. Absent: Mayor Steven Cuda, Gwen Doolan, and John Christensen. Approval of Minutes Wolff made a motion, seconded by Hobson, to approve the December 16, 1997 meeting minutes. All ayes. Motion carried. Lenqth of Terms for All Members Buhrman distributed papers with either 2 years or 4 years written on them. Each member chose a piece of paper which will determine their length of service on the City Human Relations Commission. They follow: � TWO YEARS FOUR YEARS Becker Babenko Crisanti Buhrman Ellmann, Werner Chaney Horsch Ellmann, Liz Laursen Hobson Wolff Schrader Revision and Discussion of Proposed Bv-Laws This agenda item was tabled until the Commission receives additional information from the City Attorney. Agenda Revision W. Ellmann asked that we include on each agenda a stated time period for public input. ,`. McHenry Human Relations Commission Meeting January 27, 1998 Page 2 � Reading List and Video List Buhrman gave each Commissioner a folder with a reading and video list from the Teaching Tolerance Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center. _ W. Ellmann suggested that while this list was okay, there were lots of other books written by people who actually lived through the Civil Rights Movement. He suggested that we all view the movie, "Rosewood". W. Ellmann also thought we should have two meetings a month, one to view a movie, and the other to conduct business. He feels we should do this to educate ourselves and exchange ideas. Babenko offered videos to which she has access; her concern was that they we�e faith based. Much discussion followed. There were no motions made. Committees and Committee Assignments Buhrman asked each Commissioner to come to the next meeting with a project or action plan relating to Human Relations, from that our 1998 action plan can be formed. We can all decide which plans are the most important. Hobson suggested we bring in speakers who have actually lived through discrimination and can relate their experiences to us. Schrader said she knows some students in her Spanish class who can speak to the discrimination that occurs in McHenry. � Anv and All Other Business Which Mav Properly Come Before the Commission Several members went to different community businesses and banks to ascertain their check cashing policies regarding Latinos. Horsch brought a typed report from 4 separate banks. I will include this. Horsch reported that McHenry Savings Bank had the best deal for cashing checks. They have a pamphlet that explains their policy. It is not written in Spanish. Discussion followed as to what action to take. We will decide at our next meeting how we will proceed with this matter. W. Ellmann distributed a copy of the Northwest Herald Editorial from Sunday, December 28, 1997 regarding the McHenry City Human Relations Commission. Laursen requested information on how we can be included in the City of McHenry Web Page. Buhrman asked if any action were taken on an anti-discrimination ordinance. No action has been taken. Buhrman presented the McHenry County Human Relations Council Video. The Commission viewed the 8-minute video. Buhrman invited all the Commissioners to attend a workshop conducted by the County � Human Relations Council called, "Honoring our Common Differences: Creating Inclusive Organizations and Communities:, to take place March 13-14, 1998. McHenry Human Relations Commission Meeting January 27, 1998 Page 3 � Buhrman requested that we start each meeting with a thought or quote that would set the tone of the meeting. Everyone agreed that would be a good idea. Adiournment Laursen made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 P.M., seconded by Becker. All ayes. Motion carried, Respectfully Submitted, Patricia Walin Buhrman, Chairperson PWB:fjm � laura\ctteeagn\98-0127.HRC �.. '' �