HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/22/1998 - Human Relations Commission � CITY OF McHENRY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1998 Meeting called to order by chair Pat Buhrman at 7:33 P.M. The following members were present Rev. Julie Babenko, Pat Buhrman, Pat Chaney,. John Christiensen, Kari Horsch, Werner Ellmann, Sue Becker, Valerie Hobson, and Gwen Doolan Absent Liz Ellmann, James Laursen, and Linda Wolff Approval of Minutes Rev. Julie Babenko made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Kari Horsch seconded. All ayes motion carried. Public Participation �.. Two residents Les and Robert came forward to complain of racism and intolerance in the city of McHenry. They described several personal incidents that they experienced. The commission members listened carefully and asked what we could do as a commission to ameliorate the situation. They suggested that minority teachers be hired. Good Neiqhbor Dav Committee A committee was formed to work on Alderman Andy Glabs suggestion for a "Good Neighbor Day." Val Hobson, Pat Chaney, & Gwen Doolan agreed to � form that committee. Bank Proiect Kari Horsch volunteered to continue working on a bank project to help provide Latino residents with banking information. Werner Ellmann also volunteered to work on this project. Hiqh School Student Representation Pat Buhrman will contact both East and West Campus to inform student s of openings on the Human Relations Commission. � Ordinance Letters `' Letters are being sent out to several area universities for input on anti- discrimination ordinances. Diversity Dav The Interfaith Council for Social Justice will be sponsoring a Diversity Day on October 4, at 1 P.M. on the Square in Woodstock. Adiournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 P.M. � �