HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/25/1999 - Human Relations Commission (2) \ 1 � CITY OF McHENRY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING � . TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1999 Meeting was called to order at 7:07 P.M. by chair Pat Buhrman. The following members were present: Rev. Julie Babenko, Gail Wolfineyer, Jason Glaw, Jose Lagunas, Kari Horsch, Val Hobson, Pat Buhrman,Linda Wolff, Werner Ellmann, and Gwen Doolan. Excused Absence John Christensen. Aaproval of Minutes Hobson made motion to accept minutes as amended, seconded by Rev. Babenko. Motion carried unanimously. uote A quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. from Buhrman Circle of Hoae A.I.D.S. Ride Rev. Babenko showed a video explaining the Minnesota to Chicago A.I.D.S. ride. The ride will take place on July 16, 1999. Volunteers are needed to make posters, and cheer the riders on. `-- Census Pam Althoff, McHenry City Clerk asked the commission for their help with the upcoming Census 2000. Althoff stressed how important it is that everyone be counted. Census information is absolutely confidential. Wolff made motion to form subcommittee seconded by Hobson motion carried unanimously. Buhrman and Lagunas offered to set up sub committee to work with census people. Shadow of Hate Buhrman showed the video "Shadow of Hate" provided free from the "Teaching Tolerance" project of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The movie is available from City Hall for viewing. � Hate Watch Recommended Book List Doolan reported that all the books on the Hate Watch recommended book list were available at the McHenry Public Library. Countv Human Relations Council Buhrman received letter from Chair of County Human Relations Council that stated they would support all actions taken by the City Human Relations Commission. Ellmann stated that the letter was incorrect. He reported that at the next meeting a correction would be made. � Garden Quarter Apartments Lagunas reported that he spoke with Carlos Acosta of the McHenry County Latina Coalition regarding Garden Quarter Apartments. They will try to work on putting fogether a survey to be used to find out problems experienced by residents. � Harassment of Hispanic Residents Lagunas reported that two Hispanic Residents complained to him that when they were out � walking some people rode by in their cars and threw garbage at them. Discussion followed as to what they should have done. Buhrman responded that even if they didn't have the licence number they still should contact police, because we need to keep a record of these kinds of incidents. Bankinq Brochure Horsch presented the completed banking brochure. A motion was made by Horsch seconded by Lagunas to translate the brochure into Spanish and make 200 copies to distribute to Hispanic Residents. Motion carried unanimously. Pledqe Sub Committee Report Rev. Babenko related the changes made to the "McHenry Pledge" Rev. Babenko, Glaw, Wolfineyer, Buhrman, and Rev. Longhi met to discuss the revisions in the pledge. We listened to the input of the public and changed the word intolerance, to discrimination. Rev. Babenko explained that the pledge was completely voluntary. Buhrman explained that the Birmingham Pledge was written in 1997 by a committee of Birmingham Citizens. Buhrman spoke to committee member who gave permission to change the pledge to fit our needs. Erase the Hate Rallv May 16 Sunday 7:00 P.M. St. Thomas Church in Crystal Lake Erase the Hate Rally. Motion was made by Ellmann to co-sponsor the Erase the Hate Rally seconded by Rev. Babenko � motion carries unanimously. Reaort on the Joint Meetinq of the Counties Human Relations Groups The joint groups were going to take back to each of their groups whether or not they would like to be a part of a county wide Rapid Response Team. Ellmann made a motion to appoint someone from the McHenry Commission to be a part of this team, seconded by Horsch. Nine Ayes, one nay. Motion carries. Ellmann volunteered to be our representative, Rev. Babenko made the motion to appoint Ellmann, seconded by Horsch. Nine Ayes, one nay. Motion carries. Hobson reported that the joint groups agreed to meet quarterly. The next meeting to take place July 17 at 9:00 A.M. at the Woodstock City Hall. . Public Participation Joanne Neumann a Johnsburg resident spoke in opposition to the McHenry Pledge. Deanna Gardener also spoke in opposition to the Pledge. Will not support any type of pledge. Anton Rebel wanted a clarification about the pledge, he wanted to know if it affected him directly. He was assured the pledge was completely voluntary. Adioumment Becker made motion to adjourn meeting at 9:10 P.M. seconded by Ellmann. Motion carried unanimously. �. .