HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 4/27/1999 - Human Relations Commission . McHenry Human Relations Commission �.- Memo TO: Commission Members FROM: Pat Buhrman RE: All DATE• April 18, 1999 As you know a heinous hate crime has taken place in the city of Crystal Lake. In conversing with various other human relations groups we all agree that the time is right for a combined meeting. The meeting will take place at McHenry City Hall on Saturday, April 24 at 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. Unfortunately this crime points out exactly how important the work we are doing is. It is a daily struggle. In working on the "Pledge" I have contacted the Bonner County Idaho Human Rights Task Force. They have graciously offered to send us some of the material they used in their efforts to insure justice for all. I also found several different web sites on the internet. I have enclosed the info from Pflag (Parents and friends of lesbians and gays) and the Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letter to Parents and Friends of Homosexuals. I know it's a lot of reading material but I think it is well worth the time. Don Riggenbach and the McHenry County Human Relations Council sent us a letter of � suppo�t in our efforts to work on the GQ situation. Jose, Linda, and I met informally to brainstorm on a direction for GQ. We will talk about it at our next meeting. As you can see we will have a full agenda at our next meeting. I included the video of Shadow of Hate it runs for 40 minutes but is well wo�th the time. You will note that I put the public participation portion of our meeting at the very end. Some people thought that I tried to cut off people who wished to speak. Since people were coming in at the very end of the meeting I thought that this was a good solution. We can see how it works out and change it back if necessary. Thank you again for all your help. � CITY OF McHENRY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING `... TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1999 Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by chair Pat Buhrman. The following members were present Gail Wolfineyer, Jason Glaw, Jose Lagunas, Linda Wolff, Pat Buhrman, Kari Horsch, Rev. Julie Babenko, Val Hobson, Sue Becker, Werner Ellmann, and Gwen Doolan. Excused Absence John Christensen. Approval of Minutes Ellmann made motion to accept February minutes with the addition of Sue Becker excused absence, seconded by Wolff. Motion carried unanimously. uote Wolff read a quote from Margaret Mead Public Participation Rev. Cal Heibert, pastor of Evangelical Free Church read a statement in opposition to "McHenry Pledge." See attached letter. At various times during the meeting people entering the meeting expressed their opinions regarding the "McHenry Pledge" none were in favor of pledge as written. Several residents of Garden Quarter Apartments expressed their concerns as to the situation there. `circle ofi Hope -Aids Ride Jackie Bulczak was ill. We will reschedule her for our next meeting. Garden Quarter Apartments Buhrman was contacted by attorney Mario Perez who asked for copy of the G.Q. lease agreement. Will be forming a sub-committee to work on the Garden Quarter problems. Goals - 1999 Horsch reported that Home State Bank agreed to be included in banking project. Wolff has sent letter to N.I.M.C. regarding patient services to see if commission can be of assistance. Hobson has contacted the International Clubs at the high schools to help with the millennium celebrations. Old Business Buhrman reported we still have finro openings on the commission. Several members whose terms are up in April will be notified by the mayor if they are to be reappointed. New Business The township contacted Buhrman to ask for help for their Heritage Days. No action was taken. Buhrman was contacted by college student who needs to complete a project dealing with minority �ssues. It was suggested that she join the census committee. � Adiournment Horsch made motion to adjourn, seconded by Becker motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. � Pauicia Buhrman Cha'v,City of McHenry Human Relations Commission 333 South Grcen Street McHenry,IL 60050-5495 Dear Pat, At the last meeting of the McHenry County Human Relstions Commission,we discussed the continuing problem at the C'rarden Quarter Apartments. It was decided that we will support the ection you take to solve the problecn. Please keep us informed of the action that you are undertaking and we will assist you in any manner we can. Sincerely, . ' 1�� Don Riggenbach Chair,McHenry Gounty Human Relations Commission � �