HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/27/1999 - Human Relations Commission CITY OF McHENRY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING �' TUESDAY, JUNE 21 , 1999 The regular meeting of the McHenry Human Relations Commission was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by chair Buhrman on Tuesday, June 21, 1999. The following members were present: Rev. Babenko, Wolfineyer, Glaw, Becker, Wolff, Horsch, Ellmann, Buhrman, and Lagunas. Excused Absence Gwen Doolan. Absent: John Christiansen. Approval of Minutes Correction of April 27, minutes. Sue Becker was present. With that correction Wolff made motion to accept minutes as corrected, Babenko seconded. Motion carries unanimously. uote Lagunas read a Kathleen Norris quote. � Public Participation Alderman Glab was there to observe. Don Gattone expressed his negative views on the "McHenry Pledge". Ellmann suggested there be no time limit on the Public Participation portion of the meetings. Wolff wanted to know how other committees handled that. Ald. Glab responded that the city council �its speakers to ten minutes. Ellmann says there should be no time limit. Babenko feels we must �ep to our focus. Buhrman suggested we would never get our business done. A compromise of putting the public participation at the very end of the meeting with unlimited time is reached. The chair is to keep the speaker focused. Banking Brochures Horsch and Lagunas presented the Banking Brochures in both Spanish and English they are to distributed throughout the community. McHenry Pledqe Buhrman reported on the Millennium Committee meeting. The mayor suggested the Pledge be used elsewhere, at another time, too controversial for the Millennium celebration. Buhrman went on to correct the plethora of misinformation that had been surrounding the pledge. Babenko spoke of her deep disappointment of not being able to use the pledge. Some suggestions were made as to when the pledge could be brought up again. Becker made motion to keep the pledge as written to be used sometime in the future, Wolfineyer seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Census Subcommittee Report Lagunas and Buhrman met with City Clerk Pam Althoff to discuss upcoming census. We will try to get information to non-English speaking residents that the census will only be sent out in English. We will try to find ways to help the population fill out these forms so census takers will not have to come to there "�mes. �.. N.I.M.C. Wolff reported that there were no current needs at Northern Illinois Medical Center. She spoke with the patient services. Fiesta Days Participation �' �erous suggestions were made regarding Fiesta Days Participation. Lagunas suggested having a I��achi Band and getting some business to co-sponsor it. Buhrman said she would contact Lobaito about the money needed. Lagunas will contact business' to co-sponsor. Wolfineyer will design a coloring project for children. Meetinct Procedures Wolff contacted to Lobaito about coming to August meeting to explain business meeting procedures. Diversitv Traininq Hobson explained her employers Diversity Training Program. A.I.D.S. Ride Babenko reported that the A.I.D.S. ride would be coming through McHenry on July 16-17. Anyone who wanted to help should report to the St. Paul's Episcopal Church at 9 A.M. Thursday July 15. It was decided to meet at the Episcopal Church to help make posters for the ride. Adiournment A motion to adjourn was made by Hobson seconded by Becker at 8:08 P.M. Motion carries unanimously. � �..