HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/24/1999 - Human Relations Commission CITY OF McHENRY � HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1999 The regular meeting of the City of McHenry Human Relations Commission was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by chair Buhrman on Tuesday, July 27, 1999. The following members were present: Glaw, Becker, Horsch, Ellmann, Buhrman, Doolan, Christiansen, and Dr. Seifer Excused absence Wolff, Wolfineyer, Hobson, Babenko, and Lagunas Approval of Julv 27, 1999 minutes Motion to approve minutes Werner Ellmann seconded by Christiansen. All ayes motion carried unanimously. uote Quote was given by Dr. Seifer. Membershia Renewal Becker made motion to renew membership in the Southern Poverty Law Center and La Raza, seconded by Horsch. All ayes motion carried unanimously. � Census Update � Buhrman gave a short report on the census subcommitte meeting with city clerk Pam Althoff. _ Asked for ideas from rest of the commission on how to reach the Latina Community. Ellmann reported that he is working on the county level and with the McHenry County Latino Coalition, to organize the Latina community in regards to the census. Rapid Resuonse Ellmann brought up the rapid response team and his role in it. Ellmann reported that he and Patrick Murfin acted quickly on organizing the anti-hate rally that was held at the courthouse. A discussion followed on how to respond hate incidents. � Joint Human Relations Groups Meetinq Buhrman gave a short report on the joint human relations groups meeting. We set up two committees: an education committee and a legislative watch committee. New Member Buhrman introduced the new member of the commission Dr. Seifer. He gave a brief description of his career and why he is interested in human relations. He told us of his plan to solve the problems involved in modern society today. Bylaw Subcommittee �, Buhrman requested that all members read the bylaws by the next meeting. Ellmann made motion to form bylaw committee seconded by Doolan. All ayes motion carries unanimously. Readinq Materials Ellmann made a suggestion that one half hour of our meetings be devoted to discussion of �.,. books, movies, videos, and television programs. Lonq Ranqe Plans Becker suggested we go back to the five goals we set for ourselves. She also suggested that every member of commission be on at least one subcommittee. Doolan reported on several projects that the library is working on for the Latina community. Adiournment A motion was made to adjourn at 8:16 P.M. by Horsch seconded by Becker. All ayes motion carried. � � � McHenry Human Relations Commission � Mer�o TO: Commission Members FROM: Pat Buhrman RE: Next Meetin DATE: Au ust 17 1999 5 Our next meeting wi�l be Tuesday,August 24 at 7:00 P.M. Linda has arranged for John ' Lobaito to come to help us to learn how to ha ve a better, more productive meeting. We invited members of other commissions and groups to join us. Please know that the more business like our meetings are,the more we can accomplish. I am enclosing several interesting articles that I think will be helpful to us. Please take the time in the next couple of weeks to reread our bylaws,there are several things that I would like clarification on, I'm sure you can find some things we can do better. Keep in mind the 5 goals we set for ourselves this year Explore our Purpose Educate our Commission . Promote Public Awareness � � Community Outreach Restructure our Committees The committees that we have now are Census committee,the Pledge committee, the public relations committee, and the Bylaws committee. We need to have all members as a part of one of these committees. We could also use an education committee. Think about which committee you would like to be on. Thank you again for all you do. ' SHOE -. - . � Celeb�at 1��' �o�a. � uoo °'BF���° � .,.� e, � _ � r �,�� . �1,v2�S7��! � � � � . � � .. ,, " .� �f'� � � I - � H a , . �� , � 6na �� ! ��R"� a ' �, • \\� � --� `� —� t�3—,'� . ��--t (L� � �UEST 1�OLUfViN . • - , • • ' D��est�c v�olence can t � . . . � , . . � cons�dered rand.om . . . . A young man angered and desperate normalizing the behavior,keeping the cycle . . carries a bag full of weapons into his high of abuse alive for the next generation. school after his girlfriend breaks up with Last year,more than 1,000 women him.A man in McHenry County stages his sought help from 7l�rning Point.I�1ast of • own murder,attempt- these stories never will be told.Thesc are ing to frame his girl- s,�•:: ' the ones who got away. 1•'"� Countless numbers of women remain friend for his death. �;:2 t`; 'Ii�vo events,two ;;�►a' � trapped in abusive relationships,struggling men;one younger,one ; � ;`" h' ��ith a sense of responsibility for the abuse, ,• ,..,, '�','. older,but they have �� ��,�< -1,;-- looking for a way out,seeking resources some.common ele- � ' and needing emotional support. ments:Both want to ,'��M� ; ' Every 15 secorids a women is battered exert power over their :L'" `� =,��`�' by her intimate partner.In the time it takes partner.Both are will- �'-.�``�.n� t-=�-'� me to finish this column,more than 240 ing to use violence or LOU ��'omen will be the victim of domestic abuse to get what they NESS abuse.One in every five�vomen in want.Both feel they McHenry County.will be battered in their are right in choosing intimate relationships. _ to`use abuse and intirriidation against their This hits us where we live.Sheis the partners. ' woman next door or the woman who tvaits . . ' :`.:.'Ihese are not the random acts of some on you in the departrrient store.He is the - . out-of-control person.The real words for guy who coache§little league or volunteers these.events are dbmestic violence.By not in his church.They are the same children I defiuing these crimes properly as domestic who attend local schools,�play soccer and violence,it allows us as a community to spend weekends sleeping o��er at a friend's de- *he scope of the problem facing our , house:No one is left untouched by the - - - � c� inity. � ' presence of domestic violence in our com- _ .�Tomestic violence carries long-term munity. . iniplications for individuals and their com- Everyone deserves to live in a safe,vio- muuties.Every time a man batters or abus- lence-free environment.Communities must . � es his partneF,there are consequences for create intolerance for abuse and violence. individual victims,their families and the We can keep ouiselves aware of the community. issues.We must recognize domestic vio- � ': Domestic violence is not confined to � lence as a serious crime against the individ- the home or a batter's immediate family or ual and society.We must identify domestic dating relationships.As evidenced by the violence when we see'it,and label it as recent violence in Atlan'ta,domestic vio- criminal behavior. lence can�and does spill out into the larger We can support the efforts of la�v community with devastating effects. enforcement,the legal system and local :�. Our communities pay the price in the agencies as they provide assistance and forin of lost wages and productivity, protection for the victims of domestic vio- . incr�ased taxes and needed services. lence. Communities pay for law enforcement and One of the most important things we � court services as they deal with these can do is to model respectful behavior,both crimes. for others and ourselves and to teach our Police officers often become the sec- children a better way to relate to each ondary Victims of domestic violence,as evi- other. , denced by the high rates of police injuries As a community and as individuals,we and deaths that occur in response to must promote the principles of nonviolence domestic violence calls.As a community,we and mutual cooperation.It hegins with one rriust deal with children�vho are at risk and person and is carried like a ripple through- safety in schools. out our community. ' 'Ihe victims live with the scars created One person can make a difference. by�3r and violence.Some women never Each person must make a.difference. � s �oking over their shoulders or flinch- in�-�vt�en the phone rings.Children who •Lou Ness is die executive drrector of witness the abuse and violence grow up Tuming Poirzt. ribune,�3unday, August 15, 1999 Section 1 21 , Ii � � . Clarence Page � . . ,, ���.; '' �'` � ����� : i�� A closer look at today's major racist and anti- �� ,:� Semitic organizations reveals that they have ' evolved in recent years, partly to avoid civil and .� criminal penalties.The old-style Ku Klux Klan '•� � boasted about its violence.Today's haters have - gotten better at shifting the blame. , Kee� in u Like other movements, many of their members p � � never see each other.They are united only by their . r" disgusting ideas. Through the Internet and other Wi L� ��Q ���Q . media,they reach out, particularly to frustrated 1L `., `J white youths who don't feel very good about . themselves. • • -'Instead of calling for viol�nce,the bosses call for � , ln our mldst �`leaderless resistance," a tactic that translates into . isolated mayhem of whatever sort,as long as it cannot be traced back directly to any particular � ' �� 'group or leaders.Unlike the Nazis at Nuremberg , ASHINGTON—As the shooting who could say they were"only follow'ing orders," � tragedy unfolded in a Jewish -today's"leaderless"haters can say with a straight community center in Los Angeles last ' face that they were acting on their own,even when week,unfolded on live television, I .someone else has lit their emotional fuse. � wondered how many episodes of hate- ' :� It is ironic that violence linked to hate groups is iotivated violence it takes before we properly can -surging at a time when most of America's ethnic �11 it a trend. _�roups are getting along, �vorking together and '! the Oklahoma Ci bombin socializing together with more success than ever ty g in 1995, _.before.Maybe that's what angers certain types of �n�„�..e watchers of hate groups called for full ongressional hearings into groups and movements individuals.Today they need more than white skin ke The Order,Aryan Nations, Christian Identity --to get ahead.They have to pull themselves up by . nd�the National Alliance.Despite the u�'gings of their jacklioot straps. ome members of Congress, the hearings never �"�.Liberals quickly remember how FBI abuses uite materialized. ' �under.J.Edgar Hoover in the 1960s showed what . Since then we have had the search for Eric -could go wrong with government investigations of :udolph,alleged bomber at the Atlarita Olympics the civil rights movement and other political n 1996 and at a Birmingham abortion clinic, � groups. Conservati��es are just as quick to mong other.targets.Rudolph, �ccording to the . ' � remember the fatal Branch Davidian and Randy outhern Poverty Law Center, a leading monitor of � . '�Weaver fiascoes. xtremist groups,had strong ties�to the Christian �"What depresses me is the lack of an adequate 3entity movement,which espouses racism, anti- federal response to this obvious danger," said 'einitism and opposition to the federal Kenneth Stern,who monitors hate groups for the o.vernment. American Jewish Committee. "We need to begin a We also have had Benjamin Smith's July � national investigation and discussion.We didn't hootirig rampage that killed two and wounded �get it after Oklahoma City. We haven't had it yet. ine. He targeted African-Americans, Asian- �at'is it going to take?My fear is that it will ta�:e something worse than Oklahoma City.' �ri�,ericans and Jews.He also belonged to the M�e,too.The recent upsurge in high-profile 'Varld Church of the Creator, whose open bigotry violence b suspects linked,however loosely,to ' losely matches the Christian Identity movement. . Christian I entity, Aryan Nations and other such We have also seen two brothers charged in groups gives the rest of us a lot of reasons to keep :alifornia last month with the murder of a gay a closer eye on what they are doing. With the end ouple and three Sacramento synagogue arsons in of the millennium comes the possibility that all une:Police reportedly found hate literature in manner of kooks will be dra«�n out of the `�eir possession. • woodwork. ' Last week brought the murder of a Filipino- �mericari postal�vorker and a shooting rampage � We should be no less concerned about hate n a Jewish community center in Los Angeles, � � groups in America than we are about international terrorists.Both�i ant to change America as we .11egediy by Buford O'Neal �rrow Jr.,a former . know it.We must not let them. ec� `v guard for the Aryan Nations. �They want to get our attention. Very well. We gic?rend has materialized. But is it a should pay attention, not to their ideas,but to •ons acy. Apparently not in the classic sense of their,activities. We must not muzzle dissent,but we must do all we can to curb the violence. onspirators meeting together to make plans. But t has become easier for mentally disturbed � �haracters like Furrow and Smith to get marching ' �rders planted in their confused heads. A closer look at todav's maior racict anr� anti- �, � OAQS Wh0 are Closest lo the edge of and a federal worker, and w�t �t� ��� � doirig something slmilar;'he said. attempted�murder in the shootin � ��';.. ��;F inany the epicenter of th�s oC flve pe�ple, including childre, ��� � - hat�is ln lhe north woods of at the North Valley Jewish Con Id¢ho, n t far from the Washing• munity nter near Los Angeles. � "�' � tdn�stat f�ome of Buford O. E�r• The cr�ne family aspects of th r���� ' • rOyi�x;j,r;�who ls charged ln the Phineas group, whose name�1 v � ����� S: le,thal'ratnpage in Los Angeles.� based on a bfblical passage In th � . "� NesUed amld towerin ine trees Book of Numbers !n whtch th � �;� arid'wlldtlower 1leldsg the Aryan grandson of a priest kills a princ � � � ��; Nations malntalns a compound of Israel for marrying a woman e �� ��� ' that makes no pretense of subUety, another tribe, is the kind of clan � �1, �� maiked. by a giant swaslfka destine brotherhood steeped. fi � painted on the roof of a buildin , symbolism that appeals most tc "' ' �''�s '•'.As.'children played among ghe the mentally unstable or vulnera 3y Karen Brandon � trees:last week, a sign nailed to a ble,experts said. -,; md Mtchael 1. Berens 0 A reporter's tamily often went_;� ties'served as a remtnder to all rnformation about the Phinea� �RffiUNE STAFF�'VRITERS to centef fired on by gunman. -�•��a W+1t1i a declaraHon,"Whites orily." Priests emerged in 1991 with th� � In Perspectfve �" •�It.�ivas withtn these woods, arrest of Byron de la Beckwith HAYDEN LAKE, Idaho—From . :Y t aitiopg:ihe residential buildings of �'ho was later convicted for th� he backwoods compounds of the • t}i��grpup's stronghold, that F'ur• 19� slaying of civil rights leadei hristtan Identity movement to ��+ roW fotiiid a home and the respect Medgar Evers: The FBI says:It he one-room Illinois headquarters -�m aiidys�ature that led him to roud• uncovered evidence that BecK �f the.Wor]d Church of the Cre• � '� � "c ly�'iv,eaX the distinctive Arya,n �'ith, a Chr:stian Identity mem tor, white supremacy organ;Za- 1Vlail earrler s ��� Nations;uniform beginning in ber,had become a Phineas Priest ioris are stepping up recruitment - 1995,.1aw-enforcement o85cials say. The prtesthood emerged agaln fforts to capitalize on recent hate• f UneY'al �eld � A'ryati.Nations leader Richard in April 1996 when pipe bombs elated violence, watchdog groups Butler;;80;,who also heads the ,w'ere set off at a Spokane, Wash:; ��• � � Ctiurch�.of Jesus Christ Christian, newspaper office and a bank; The. murky world of hate Assocuren P�ess s{ops,shorE of direcfly advocating resulting in the theft of$300,000.•�• roups—popularly but inaccu• ' '= vfolerice and denies any recent The masked bombers left•Chris= WHITTIER, Calif.—Uni•;„ tlan Identit ately dismissed by many as dis- � c0'n.tact"with E�rrow, but he aLo y literature marked �inted`.bands of tattooed young formed postal workers were•-x says�th2t whites are under attack. ��'ith refe:ences'to the priesthood� ieri'who idolize Adolf HiUer—is among the hundreds of':;: �.'I ad'vocate whatever it takes to More bombing and robberies fol; �creasingly bolstered by a friends and family membersli: , survive," he said. "[White.people) lowed until.three men wer:e who packed a chapel for the�+• gnity to arrested.in October 1996. Dozen� �phisticated marketing machine should at least have the di funeral.of a Fllipino-Ameri-�°` • of other incidents nationall iat relies on video and book pub• defend themselves." Butler has y,ha4e �can mail carrier whom;;; shing and slick multimedia � stepped up his public appearances been linked to suspects w•ho id�n; Buford O. Furrotiv is� g tif themselves as members;1 �ternet sites updated daily in in`the wake of the Los An eles Y accused of killin :,,' ��: �pes of luring new members. • g'. • ShqptingS enforcement offcials said. : � O� `�'eb site touting the pub- ��ourners remembered-�% .Toqfe:said hate groups picked Pastor Dave Barley, 45, rt�'y�' sh rks of a prominent�vhite Joseph Ileto,39,and listened�:: . up:a Iof o�'new people through the America's Promise:Ministries� ipi�.�cist, Michael A. Hoffman to stories from family mem-;-;,� early 1990s,with the growih of the. Christian Identity organizatfor�. 'are declarations airr.ed at a bers about his love of base-�� ��ilitla:aiovement But many peo• based at the Lord's CoVen� hicago audience, includin b�and chess. � ;;;: Y Church in Sand g� .x P.Ie��lett:safker the Oklahoma Cit poinf;'Idaho�� .iThere is the out:age in Chicago Furrow, 37, is jailed in-.� f@derdlb'uiiding bombing. said no one in the Christian Ider rer the ?0,000 gang members in connection with IIeto's sIay-;v: �,;.��Vtiat,.was left.behind were the tity movement condones violen� :at metropolis who commit hun• ing and the wounding of�;`. naiazde'st`6f the hard. The reason• Baz'ley said he is coming to,(� -eds of hate crimes against five people last'hiesday. _;_ ablg yeople have been drifting �Bo in September to ofliciate at=a hifes:which go unreported or '� awaq„";he_said.��. wedding and speak at a suburbar� "1Ve lost a friend, a good�-= Christian Identit �e v�itewashed as random mug- �vorker, we miss him so;;'' Ia`I�linois, th�self-described : y.church. agsandrapes." much," said A4inh Ky, 47, a:�,`, :eader�of-a white'supremacy E1lthough he would not ca11 u�'� Ync;easingly, this kind of rheto- mail carrier,of IIeto.� - �up';.Matthew Hale, is not bash• •trip a recruihnent drive,he wo"' _is being wrapped in a religious • :3it"about parIaying violent events not provide speciflc locations,sg�; ntext Holding the Bible up as �''` info: S recruiting bonanza, ��."I don't know an5•one preae?r+ eit handbook, many of,the larg- '"`' alf}iough he says.he adamantly �g out there who doesn't tr•ant� t hate groups—and among the those who are self•initiated; �pposes�criminal acts. convert people. We're out there� �st.,violent, experts and scholars �rough an act of violence,accord-; �::"I71e,re.is a subsidiary effect�to Plant seeds and preach Goc�! y�are diminishing their use of �g to the monitoring groups. Yw, hE'movement in that it has tight- k'ord:' � �astikas and Hitler portraits for Law-enforcement officials said� :ned."said Hale,28,the founder of Rabbi Marvin Hier, directo�"'„� aiore..appealing, more insidious �1T0N'may have been prompted; .he"East Peoria•based World the Simon Wiesenthal Center� �'ssage.that promises member• � Pan. by his desire to join tYi�; ��iurch•of the Creator. "It's cer- Los Angeles, said he is deep�`�'.' 'ip,in an elite army for God. Phineas group, whose members .aiNy true that all these type of concerned�that�u�row did not� �peaking atter]ast��•eek's shoot• ha��e been linked to dozens-o� .hings do increase the notoriety of alone, especially as law-� ;s;in.Los Angeles at a Jewish bombings, bank robberies anc� .he chureh, and, in a sense, no forcement officials now beliex� miriunity center, Ken Toole, se�•eral shootings. A book written, �ubl�city is bad publicity." the center and other nea� rcufive director of the A4ontana by the founder of the Phinea's: Last.month,.Benjamin Smith, Jewish;operated facilities w'� urian Rights Network, predicted Priest movement, Richard Kell}; �nce:A.member of Hale's group, scouted as targets months befara �i the violence �vill "energize" Hoskins, was found in a van> � �ent�on a_rampage that�left two �e community center attack. imbers of these hate groups. dri��en by F�rrow. •--� �eoDle dead and nine injured Heightened efforts by h� ie,`scary thing is that those���ho F`arrow has been charged with efore.Smith killed himself. groups to capitalize on one marr� azy,:ins�iration from this, and the murder of a Filipino•Ameri-� Ot particular concern to the actions may incite emotiona� re certainly are people�aho�vill can postal worker,apparenUy tara '.tsti-Defaination League of B'nai disturbed indivlduals into act� iw.inspiration from it, are the Beted because he was non•whife� �'rit2i and other organizations that �folence,Hier said. s �s who are closest to the edge of and a federal w�orker, and witt� -ack hate groups is an emerging "They get to be somebody;'� ^^��r���-' -�-•`�- �•�• •• '}r"""'"� ""„''" :" "'" '''""':"" reed of domesttc terrorists who said. "They get to be king fofa :e.r6oted in hatred for non- day." �hites but who call themselves Tribune staJJ"wriler Karen hineas Priests. There is no for• Brandon reported Jrom Ho�den ial'membership in the ma]e-0rily Lake,Idaho,and staJ)"mri:er rfesthood, no headquarters, no Afichael J.Berens wrote this report �� ' �eetings and no w�ay t� count jrom Ch�cago. ,- � ' , i " . , � � . � � � � , . . • . ,. , I _ . � . : :.. .• . .�., . � � ' , . � ry � . . . .. . . , � ' � . . . . . . . . ' . .. . - ' . . . • 2 Section 1`' Chicago.Tribune, Sunday,.August 15,�1999 ���T � � � , ' , . , , . � � . ' � ��. . e h 1 �� a�e h r r� ntr c e � e w o cou � p � . hen Buford O. F'urrow,after �, ` �q � ���, �;., They were the faces of soldiers of the allegedly shooting the chil- E�b GI'@@Il@ ,� �� -�����, �R:t,��,�� 1 Army of the United States. Young men, dren in Los Angeles and < � �t rf u„��,3�;a���q � �. �,. - and their commanding officers,from murdering a U.S.postal ��� °� � bM�.;� �� �� every part of our nation,who had worker,turned himself in �� "� ; ��� "' �� "'`"�� '.��;• 4�; crossed the Atlantic and risked their �''°"" �` � � `" ` * lives for this moment.The haters of to FBI agents,he is reported to have ` �r�� 1 � �. said that he "wanted this to be a wake- t ���"� '� today—who shoot children,who shoot �'�x '���'" �� f thers in the b ck—would do well o �, x � �x. �" '�y up call to America to kill Jews. � � � �� a a t �lrong counhy, Mr. Furrow.The � �.���` �� "I ���; read the eyewitness remembrances of world has known for many centuries t ��c. those American liberators—the words of that certain people would like nothing � �;�` the men who gave up years of their more than to kill Jews—and blacks,and Furrow—if his confession is true— 3� , �: y"� young lives to take a stand against the other minorities—and many of us are took an assault weapon and mowed lit- fi�"� � ultimate hate.Their words of proud, more than aware that no wake-up call is tle children down.ThaYs what passes ��' � "� '�y tearful emotion as they were able to needed to i ite that kind of violence in for courage amon men of his kind—he, �� ' march in and set free the innocent vic- those who t�hrive on hatred. For those and men like Een�amin Smith in the s�k� tuns of hatred. who would kill people for what they Midwest earlier this summer,a person ;� , As those soldiers--old men now— believe in,or what thcy look like,there who also claimed to represent the real � ��� ff prepare to leave us, as the World War II is no necessity for setting an alarm America,and who demonstrated his generation,day by day,bids their chil- clock;the hatred within them never bravery by shooting a man in the back ;R� �',r - dren and�andchildren goodbye, the sleeps. - � as the man walked down a street�with `" ; � H greatest insult to their memory would , ,,,_. But he's got the wrong country.We his children. nP Pnoio be,even for a second,to allow the new may have taken a lot of wrong turns in The real America?The courage�of � Los Angeles, last week. haters to think they have a chance of the United States—we may have gotten � defining what this country means. close to the point where the"United" convictions. F�zrrow and his likes can 16,353,659 Americans served in the U.S. They've picked the wrong place. - dress up in make-believe Fourth Reich ��itary as this counhy committed Mr. Furrow—should he end u • sometimes seems in danger of disap- p in pearing but not yet. We're not so far costumes,but they lack a fY�action of the itse�.:to stopping Hitler and what he prison—is going to quickly find out one gone that a call like the one he issued is courage of those children in California was doing. Sixteen million Americans. aspect of his misjudgment In prison he who will this week take a deep breath • going to be answered. and return to the community center �d 407,316 of those Americans gave will be seen for what he is—not some . You want to see the face of the United Where this 37-year-old man had shot �eir lives to stop the hate. sort of brave new patriot,but merely a States?It is the face of the children at We may have changed a lot,and not coward who shoots at little boys and the Jewish community center in Cali- their little friends.Courage?Those who ��yays for the good,but we haven't girls.And behind prison walls he will shoot children,those who murder par- � fornia who instinctively,after their changed enough that the haters will learn that even the most hard-core crun- ents as they walk with their families, , playmates were gunned down,reached claim that their numbers are growing. ever begin to define us.The real Amer- inaLs feel only fury for those cowazdly for the hands�.of the uniformed police . ica?When the death camps in Hitler's enough to attack children. He will be Maybe so. of�icers and trusted those officers to g�;t the 've icked the wrong country. Europe were finally liberated,when at dealt vvith for what he did. lead them to safety.You want to see the 3' p : last the men,women and children who He won t be the last hater to come � � ` face of the United States?It is the face of Do they want to talk about numbers? , survived the horror were rescued and along.There will be more bloodshed those police officers,who go into places Here are some numbers for them : ; set free,whose faces do you think were caused by people like him.There always where the likes of Buford Furrow spill When the most appalling hate crimes the first that those grateflii souls looked has been, in this sad old world of ours. the biood of innocerits,and who do their in the history of mankind were being ..� up to see?�Whose faces were the faces of But prevail?Wrong country.Not here. best to make things secure again. catried out in Europe in the 1940s, . �, their liberators? Not now.Not ever. � • � � ) � BY-LAWS �-- CITY OF McHENRY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION I. BACKGROUND The City of McHenry is a community rich in history, tradition, and cultural diversity. Currently, the community is experiencing rapid population growth and changing social patterns as it evolves to become a viable part of a complex urban area. As the city grows and prospers, it is important that our community provides a living environment that is free from prejudice, discrimination, persecution, racism, and intolerance. To this end, the Mayor of the City o# McHenry has recommended (ar��d the City Council has approved) the establishment of the City of McHenry Human Relations Commission as a viable means to foster ethnic diversity and actively promote the constitutional ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness free from hatred, bigotry, discrimination, and violence. II. PURPOSE � . It shall be the purpo�e of the McHenry Human Relations Commission to provide a forum to promote and foster a living environment that is free from prejudice, discrimination, persecution, racism, and intolerance for all McHenry citizens. III. MEMBERSHIP The Commission shall consist of (15) members: two (2) high school students; twelve (12) McHenry citizens-at-large, and the Mayor as an Ex-Officio Member. Said , citizens shall represent a broad diversity of backgrounds with respect to race, creed, , ethnicity, sex, and age. The Mayor of the City Council shall appoint said Members. A. TERM: Commission Members shall be appointed for two year terms and fcur year terms. Said terms shall begin as of the date of appointment. Initial appointees shall draw by lot to determine the length of their tern Fs. Said drawing shall occur at the organizational meeting. Members may serve two consecutive terms. � 1 B. VACANCIES: When a position on the Commission becomes vacant, the vacancy shall be filled in a timely fashion in the same manner of �" appointment and by a person of the same qualifications as prescribed in section III. above. C. ABSENCES: Whenever a Commission Member fails to attend three consecutive Commission meetings without transmitting prior notification to the Chairman or Secretary of the Commission, such Member's membership shall be deemed to have been terminated. The subsequent vacancy shall be filled in accordance with Section III. B. above. IV. OFFICERS There shall be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary of the Commission. The Chairman shall be designated by the Mayor of the City of McHenry at the time of appointment. The Vice-Chairman and the Secretary shall be elected by the Commission members from among the Commission Membership. A. DUTIES: 1 . CHAIRMAN: Shall preside at all Commission meetings; appoint Subcommittees with the advice and consent of the Commission; sign all Resolutions and non-contractual documents requiring to be � executed on behalf of the Commission; and perform such other , duties as prescribed by the Commission. 2. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Shall serve, perform all duties and exercise all powers of the Chairman in the absence of or given the inability of the Chairman to act. The Vice-Chairman shall assist the Chairman, as requested. 3. SECRETARY: Shall provide notices for all regularly scheduled meetings of the Commission and its Subcommittees; provide an agenda and related documents for each such meeting for general distribution; prepare minutes of all meetings of the Commission and its Subcommittees; and maintain all records of the Commission's operations. The City of McHenry shall provide clerical support to the Commission and its Secretary, as required. B. TERMS: Officers shall serve from the date of their appointment/election for a term of two (2) years. C. SUCCESSlON: Officers may serve two consecutive terms. � 2 V. MEETINGS �-'' All meetings of the Commission and it Subcommittees shall be open to the public and shall be conducted in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act as may be amended from time to time. A. ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING: The first meeting of the Commission shall be an organizational meeting and shall be held after the appointment of all Members. At said meeting, the Commission shall, at a minimum, adopt by-laws, elect officers, draw lots for the length of Member terms, and initiate a workplan. B. REGULAR MEETINGS: There shall be regularly scheduled monthly � meetings of the Commission. The Commission shall set the schedule of meetings. C. SPECIAL OR EMERGENCY MEETINGS: The Chairman may call special or emergency meetings of the Commission on her/her own initiative or at the request of one-third of the Commission Members (5). Notice of special meetings shall be given at least two business days prior to such meetings to each Commission Member. Notice of emergency meetings shall be given with as much notice as possible to the Commission Members. The notice shall include the time, date and location of the � special or emergency meeting. Business conducted at a special or emergency meeting shall be limited to those items specified in the agenda for said meeting(s1. D. PLACE: All meetings of the Commission shall be held in the McHenry Municipal Center, unless otherwise designated by the Commission. E. ORDER OF BUSINESS: The Commission shall generally observe the following order of business at all meetings of the Commission and its Subcommittees: � 1 . Call to order � 2. Roll call of Members 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Public Participation 5. Old Business 6. New Business 7. Reports to the Commission 8. Members Comments, Miscellaneous Business, and Announcements 9. Adjournment � 3 VI. SUBCOMMITTEES � The Chairman may appoint, with the consent of the Commission, any Subcommittees deemed appropriate. VII. QUORUM A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Commission Members (8). A quorum shall be required for the conduct of business by the Commission. A quorum of any Subcommittee subsequently appointed shall be a majority of Members of the Subcommittee. VIII. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Each Commission Member is entitled to one (1) vote on all matters coming before the Commission and requiring a vote of the Commission. The vote must be cast by the Member, who must be in attendance at a duly appointed, legally called meeting of the Commiss;on. No proxy votes or absentee voting shall be permitted. The concurrence of a majority of the total Commission Members (8) is necessary for the passage of any motion incurring any financial obligation. All other actions of the Commission shall require a majority of the Commission Members �" present, provided there is a quorum present. A vote on a motion to reconsideration may be made at any time prior to the adjournment of the meeting at which the original motion was voted upon. A motion for reconsideration must be made by Commission Members who voted on the prevailing side of the original motion. IX. RULES OF ORDER � The Chairman shall preside at all Commission meetings, preserve decorum and ' conduct said meetings in an orderly fashion. The Chairman may speak to points of order and shall decide all questions of procedure. The Chairman shall vote in case of a tie and may vote on any matter before the Commission. Questions of procedure for meetings of the Commission not covered by these By-Laws shall be governed by the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Revised. In case of any disturbance or disorderly conduct, the Chairman shall have the power to remove th� cause of the disturbance or suspend the meeting. � 4 X. DISQUALIFICATION � No Commission Member who has an individual financial or other material interest in any matter coming before the Commission shall participate in the deliberations or the decisions in such matters. Furthermore, Members who recognize that they may have such an interest shall so state during the public deliberations of the Commissian. XI. RESCISSION No action of the Commission shall be rescinded at any special meeting of the Commission unless there shall be present at such special meeting at least as many Members as were present at the meeting at which such action was originally approved. XII. DURATION The Commission shall continue to exist in perpetuity or until such time as the McHenry City Council formally terminates the establishment of said Commission. XIII. AMENDMENT �"" These By-Laws may be amended by Resolution of the Commission by simple majority of those voting at a regular or special meeting thereof. XIV. SEVERABILITY If any provision of these By-Laws is found to be invalid for any reason, such invalidation shall not affect other provisions of the By-Laws which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, and to this end, to provisions of these By-Laws are to be severable. XV. STAFF SUPPORT The Commission shall have staff support from the City of McHenry Administrator. XVI. LEGAL COUNSEL The Council may seek appropriate lega� advice if, and/or when, it is needed from � the City of McHenry legal counsel. 5 XVII. REPORTING �'" The Commission shall make regular reports of its activities to the McHenry City Council. IVIII. FINANCES AND RELATED CITY MATTERS Requests for expenditure of funds shall require a majority vote of the total Commission Members (8►. Approved requests shall be transmitted to the City Administrator who shall process said requests in accordance with the City of McHenry Municipal guidelines. All other requests for City assistance/support shall be transmitted to the City Administrator for presentation to the appropriate Standing Committee of the City Council. XIX. EFFECTIVE DATE These By-Laws shall become effective upon approval of the Commission. Any amendment to these By-Laws shall take effect immediately upon approval by the Commission. � APPROVED: � 6 laura\ctteeagn\hrc