HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/28/1999 - Human Relations Commission 09l22/1999 14:41 8153859698 PAGE 01 MoNen�y Humah Rstatioti• Commisslon � Memo TO: Commission Members FROM: Pat Buhrman RE: Misc. DRTE: September 23, 1999 Our mseting is next Tuesday, please read your by-laws and see if there are any ways w+a can make them better. From here on out i vwuid appreciate if you have something you w+oufd like to bring up at our meetinps, that you calt me at teast one week before the meeting so I can put you on the agenda. If you have a proposal or something you believe we should act on please put it in writing �nd make copies for sll the members, you c�� make copies for free at city hali. �ur work should be dor�e in our committaes, our ideas and p�aposals should be worked on at our meetings. If you are not on a committee at �-- this time, please try to decide rnA�ich committee you would iike to be vn. Thanks for a!t your hard work! See you Tuesday night. Pat � CITY OF McHENRY � HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION The regular meeting of the City of McHenry Human Relations Commission was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by Vice-chair Wolff on Tuesday, Au�ust 24, 1999. The following members were present: Wolff, Doolan, Lagunas,Becker, Wolfineyer,Hobson, Glaw, Horsch, and Ellman. Excused absence: Buhrman. Approval of July 27, 1999 minutes Motion to approve minutes by Becker, seconded by Glaw. All ayes, motion carried unanimously. Quote Quote was given by Wolf� Old Business -Census Update: Postponed till next month -Millennium Update: Hobson informed the group that the commission will be sponsoring performances by various groups on January ls`, from 1:00-4:00 at the Municipal Center. Currently our options are: A Childrens group � The Pioneer Players A Latino group An American Indian speaker These groups have agreed to perform for free but Hobson requested that the commission consider a token payment to show our appreciation. This decision can be made when a final decision is reached as to who will be performing. New Business: Proper Busiaess Meeting Procedures Wolff introduced Phil Maggio,McHenry's City Planner. Phil is also a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Commission. John Lobaito was unable to , attend tonight's meeting and Phil graciously agreed to lead a discussion on Prvper Business Meeting Procedures. Phil began by giving a summary on how to have an effective meeting: -Good meetings don't happen by accident -Must have informed members -Positive attitude -Treat everyone�vith respect Parliamentary Procedures -Originally used by]egislative bodies to conduct business -Now used by other assemblies -Procedures vary by type of group using them �. -Bylaws: set of procedures that outline the procedures of the group. Might define � members terms,meeting schedules. Roberts Rules of Order used at state or federal level. Groups such as the Human Relations Commission can function in accordance to the Bylaws. -Keep meetings informal whenever possible -First issue is to establish a quorum for a meeting. The quorum is the minimum number of inembers required to conduct business -Determine chair, vice-chair and secretary. If chair and vice-chair are absent, group needs to determine a temporary chair. -Chairman maintains order, recognizes members. It's important that only one person speaks at a time. Motions: -Formal proposal by a member asking the commission to take action -One motion considered at a time -Chair should restate what the motion is, then it's debated by the members -During a debate, members should address their comments to the chair -Don't use personal remarks Andience Participation: a privilege, not a riaht -Limit time for each person -Limit time for each topic -Sign-in sheet for audience members: can be used to notify audience of future similar �-- topics -Give name & address: keep in minutes Procedure/Regular Practices -Preparation for the meeting is a major key -System for developing agenda to reflect priorities -Keep files of agendas with city clerk -Attitude -Strive to reach a consensus on issues: refer"hot"topics to sub-committees � Summary -Follow basic parliamentary procedures, keep informal -Be informed for meetings -Maintain positive attitude Questions Our bylaws state that our quorum is 8 (based on 15 members). If we have vacancies, i.e.: 13 or 14 members, does our quorum drop to 7? Answer: No. Quorum stays at 8; does not change because of vacancies. Our bylaws state"subcommittees shall be open to the public and shall be conducted in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings AcY'. Previously, subcommittees have met � at individual homes,therefore, not open to the public. Were we wrong in doing it this �.. way? Answer: Subcommittees are not subject to the Illinois Open Meetings Act. This act applies to groups that will be taking action,therefore, a quorum would be necessary. Our commission might want to consider changing the wording of this statement in the bylaws. Public Participation None Other Business Horsch distributed an article on the seriousness of"bullying"which occurs at our schools. Horsch made a motion, seconded by Wolfineyer to form a subcommittee to explore the possibility of bringing a Respect Pledge to our schools. All ayes,motion carried unanimously. Subcommittee to consist of Horsch, Wolfineyer,Glaw&Doolan. Motion made to adjoum at 8:04 by Hobson, seconded by Becker. All ayes,motion carried. `� �