HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/23/1999 - Human Relations Commission McHenry Hurr�an Relations Commisslon � Memo TO: Commission Members FROM: Pat Buhrman • RE: Miscellaneous DATE: November 18 1999 We have lots to be proud of. We had a wonderful response to our silent vigil. I received phone calis and letters from all over the state. Pat you�selves on the back you deserve � it. I will share some of these things with you at our next meeting. Please let me know if you cannot make the meeting. Dan Larsen wants us to help with the Dr. King Day Celebration. There are some very big plans coming up in the near future. Thanks again for all you do! Pat _ . _ ___ . __ ---- --- - �------ - _..I �-.G 5 � c�.- - - -- - �o.l: �.3 ,� _ _ _ ��� ,�_t __►�.��.�-, �.� ___ _ _ _ _ � _ _ _ � �., CITY OF McHENRY HUMAN RELATIONS COEIPIIIIIISSION MEETING TUESDAY, October 26, 1999 The regular meeting of the McHenry Human Relations Commission was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chair Pat Buhrman on Tuesday, September 28, 1999. The following members were present: Sue Becker, Jose Lagunas, Linda Wolff, Dr. Seifer, Werner Ellmann, Jason Glaw, Gail Wolfineyer, Val Hobson, Gwen Doolan, Kari Horsch, Pat Buhrman. Excused absence Julie Babenko. Unexcused absence, John Christiansen. Approval Minutes Linda Wolff made a motion to accept August minutes as read, Becker seconded motion. Motion carries unanimously. Quote Gwen Doolan read a quote that she wrote. - Education Subcommiftee - - - - � _ Horsch will be meeting with Dr. Dodds, Superintendent of District 15. She will be making a proposal for District 15 to work with the commission. Bv-Law Chanqes The following changes were proposed by Buhrman: Section II Purpose shall now read It shall be the purpose of the McHenry Human Relations Commission to promote and foster a living environment that is free from prejudice, discrimination, persecution, racism, and intolerance for all persons who live work or visit the City of McHenry. Buhrman made the motion to accept as read Seifer seconded motion carried unanimously. The second change is: Membership decreases from 15 members to 13 , members, 2 High School Student and 10 Citizens at large. Seifer made motion to � accept as read, Becker seconded 10 members voted aye, and Ellmann voted no. The third change is from section V Becker made motion to drop the word subcommittee from the first paragraph. Some discussion on the legalities involved. Horsch seconded motion. No vote was taken until we can get a legal clarification on this matter. Millennium Update Hobson reported on the progress made in the millennium celebration sponsored by the Human Relations Commission. Some suggestions were made for the time capsule, that each city commission or council place their goals Gnd mission statements in the capsule. Hobson made motion to award a $50.00 honorarium for each group �- performing at the millennium celebration, Wolff seconded. Motion carried unanimously. `'" Census Uqdate Met with City Clerk Pam Althoff , the push for information will be after January 1. We will help with setting up non-English speaking groups. No action taken. Humanitarian Award Buhrman made proposal to institute an annual Humanitarian Award. No action taken. Report of Human Relations Meetinqs Ellmann discussed the need for more people to become involved in the various meetings that take place in the county on human relations. He talked about the Garden Quarter Apartment meeting that he attended. He wants members to become more personally involved with Latino residents. Discussion followed regarding a concrete proposal or plan. Buhrman asked that Ellmann put for�h a written proposal. No action taken. Town Hall Meetinq Dr. Seifer proposed a Town Hall Meeting, Buhrman requested a written proposal. No action taken. Library Grant Doolan asked commission members to help with a Diversity Grant available to the `— library. She will also be looking into grant through the Southem Poverty Law Center. Adiournment Dr. Seifer made motion to adjourn at 8:57 P.M. Doolan seconded, motion carries unanimously. � The fol[owing is submitted to the Human Relations Commission �' For it's approval by l�r.�enrrf, �,cSe fer�Commissioner McHenry,Illinois ���� ' �t' � � �� � �����:The prirnary frunc�i�n of fhe Commission is to pror�o�e �nd f��ter � li�ing environ�ent tha� is free fro� �rejuc�ice, disc�-imina�ion,pers�cu�ion, s-��6�m �nd Qn�o���-a�c� �or �11 per��o�s ��o Sive, v�o�-�� an or �i��t ��e ci�� �� �cH�nry,�lli��i�. _ � _ _ �� � �� `� �����: T�e Co��is��o���-� ar� ail in ac�o�-d �o rn��� �ve� ��fi��t �o ��-in� individuals togetE���- �o li�r� in �eace a�d �ar�on�.. �� 1'H E R�-���: �� it r�solved t�at a 7'own �all rn��ting be designated to air and re5otve social problems. Moderatecl b� the Commission'� Chairman, Pat �uhrma�. 1'0 commit the City af McH�nry t� be t�e beacon of hope for the city, county, state, c�untry and perhaps the world. � � � Date: Sunday December 5,199� Place: High school auditorium. Time: 2:00-4:30 P.M. � BE I�' FURTI-� ER �tESOLVED : There be five speakers, each allowed 20 minu�es. The Ma�/or: Th� H�nora�le Steven Cuda. Chief of police: Michael �CostecEzi. Cornmissioner H.R.-Werner Ellmann. State� Rep.]ack Franks. Commissioner H.t�.-Dr.Henry H.�eifer, (allowed a� addit�onal 20 rninut�s for a �O�de ����enta�eon.) Ques�son �n� �nsw�� ���io�-30 c�i�a���s. �..., _ .. THE Human Relations ` Foundation oF Cxicnco � A snE,E�orlir�1>oisnniz�tiou of Tlie Cl�i�•aSo Cun�iuuniti�Ti•ust November i2, i999 Pat Buhrman, Chairperson McHenry Human Relations Commission 4708 West Shore Drive McHenry, IL 60050 Dear Ms. Buhrman: Allow me to introduce myself. I am Clarence N. Wood and I serve as Chairrrian of the City of Chicago Commission on Human Relations and as President of the Human Relations Foundation of Chicago. These entities represent the only public/private agency partnership in the country developed to address human and intergroup tensions in the metropolitan Chicago area. I am saddened and alarmed by the cross burning incident in Wonder Lake and wanted to offer any assistance that I might be able to give the Commission as you deal with the aftermath. � I have enclosed some information about both agencies with an emphasis on the work of the Foundation since the Commission's activities are limited to the city. I am available if you need to reach me. My telephone numbers are: Human Relations Foundation 312•456•7745, ext. 159 Commission on Human Relations 312•744•4135 I am also interested in talking to you about some of the outreach efforts made in your area after the killing of Mr. Naoki Kamijima in Crystal Lake some months : ago. Si rely, 0 C rence N. Wood P esident �