HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/25/2000 - Human Relations Commission � CITY OF McHENRY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2000 Meeting was called to order at 7:21 P.M. The following members were present Gail Wolfineyer, Jason Glaw, Jose Lagunas, Linda Wolff, Val Hobson, Gwen Doolan, and Pat Buhrman. Excused Absences Julie Babenko, Sue Becker, Kari Horsch, Werner Ellmann, and Dr. Seifert. Approval of Minutes Doolan made motion to accept minutes as read, seconded by Glaw. Motion carried unanimously. uote Wolfineyer read a quote " The future is the past in preparation." Old Business Bylaw changes Wolff brought up attorney notes from December 12, 1997 to change paragraph 3 to read "The Commission shall represent the diverse backgrounds of the �.- citizens of the City of McHenry and consist of thirteen(13) members: two(2) high school students; ten(10) McHenry Citizens-at-large, and the Mayor as an Ex-Officio Member. Appointments to the Commission shall be free from discrimination against any individual because of his or her race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental handicap, military status or unfavorable discharge from military service. The Mayor of the City Council shall appoint said members." Also The last sentence under A Term remove the sentence "Members may serve two consecutive terms." Wolff made the motion to accept the bylaws as amended, Wolfineyer seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Doolan reported on the letters we wrote in favor of the Diversity grant for the McHenry Library. They were awarded to two other communities. Doolan spoke with Dr. Burke of District 15 he is very interested in the idea of the Traveling Trunk stories. Buhrman spoke briefly of her experience with the District 15 Ad Hoc Committee on Human Refations. Kari Horsh has been working with District 15 staff on an anti bullying pledge. Buhrman reported on the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at M.C.C. New Business � There will be a joint meeting of County Human Relations Groups hosted by the City of McHenry Human Relations Commission on Saturday, February 19, 2000 at the Municipal Center at 8:30 A.M. We will be working on several joint projects. � Hobson and Lagunas volunteered to be on the joint committee to promote the Town Hall Meeting for June 6. Wolfineyer and Glaw volunteered to be on the joint committee for the housing survey project. Lagunas talked about another incident that occurred at Garden Quarter Apartments. Buhrman reported City had made the necessary corrections. Now the tenant is saying that he is being harassed. Lagunas suggested that the tenants start video taping their grievances. Lagunas also said that Carlos Acosta is still trying to get a tenants group together. Doolan offered the names of books available in the library regarding tenants rights. Hobson brought up the fact that we no longer have a web site. She spoke with Jim Laursen v►fio originated the original web site. He will help us get back online. Wolfineyer and Glaw will help with the web site. Hobson made motion to adjourn at 8:20 seconded by Wolff, motion carried unanimously. � � , .�-�, ' �/`�� � ` �y �/'�� . �F,BTATjn� l � "'� ,4'. � 0��,,,.,��Y - tC �°`" �� ,� 2 ��, � ���JO � q _, : �, � � . . -* �, 1�1v' � ..., ;,-. - � .�� � �LC.28. �s�� ✓ �..."l '_ _�_r; �GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION ON DISCRIMINATION � �I��'� CRIMES ''� ' �. GEORGE H.RYAN Ms• Patricia VZ'alizi I3uhrtrisi�i � GOVERNOR �-it�� of McHenr�� Huulat� Relatrons t_ornn�ission 333 South Green Street Chair Howard Kaplan MCI�eriY�',I�I111015 6OUJU-J��!J comm;ss�o�ers January 28,20Q0 Attorney General Jim Ryan Sen.Kimberly Lightford Sen.Kathleen Parker �egY�ZS. BU�1Y171f1ri: Rep.Sidney Mathias Rep.Larry McKeon Patrick Baikauskas = : - ,- :-, _ � . jll l�lil}�t)1 II�J�I,\�"11:',11 t7UV�llili)i�7CC11'�i; ii. ��"1:: .j�j?7liltl'li-YV Cll�f'.Y�f:�illllUlS�T'ULi:�tiiUltAiS Debbie Bretag , Nikita L.Buckhoy forming his commission on Discrimination and Hatc Crimes,he noted that"Recent ever.ts Christopher A.Bullock,Ph.D. iri tI11S St1t2 aflCl aY0U11(�tlle COUri �are sad reminders that hate critnes are an issue that Thomas C.Castellano,Ph.D. � James W.Compton deserve serious attenti�n and i�rmiediate action." Lawrence C.Elowe Rick Garcia Dorothy Hajdys-Holman I�I1C.�i0�'CYriOT'S �OTri1111SS1Ot1 Oi7 I71SCYlrillriattOil 11�Cj F I1[f. �.Y1ri1CS IlaS a V�Y`'1Tri�Olt2tlt Debbie Hartman charge: to help calm tensions created bj�ciiscrunination and reduce hate-related violence Richard S.Hirschhaut lan]acobs against indic-idual, and t,>-roups. ,1s �art of the inission,we ha��e committed ourselves tc� Bennett E.Kaplan travel throughout t.he St�te<�i Illinois to e����ke discussion���ith the public on issues relevant Kendal Kerns Michael C.Kotzin t0 1C�erit1{\'1T1�C�ISCYIIT112]�!UOII:Itll� �13CZ Cll])�t'S. � Hon.Kevin Lyons Thaddeus S.Machnik Sheri H.Mecklenburg :�S CI'lalYTTlatl Of t�le (,Gril!?]ISS2�Jri, I R�ould like to ca�l t]1?Otl�%OU aTlcj al� T11eI11uCCS OY ti'O�lY Patricia Mendoza cominunih�to participate in the Toum Meeting held in Rockford on February 18,2000 Police Chief John J.Millner Nasser W.Nubani at the City Council Chambers at 425E. ,State Street, Second Floor,from the hours of The Rev.John J.Piderit,s.�. 5.•OOp.m. to 8.•00 p.m. Please f�el free to post die anuouncement I have enclosed as a SgL An[hony J.Scalise Col.Eugene Scott means of infvriniu�ccnnmuniry rnenzb;:•�s of this c��e:�t. �`G�'ith the cooperation of Rockford The Rev.Johnny Swt[ and surrounding arra�.�ve will c��ntnue to adciress the issues in�ol�-ing hate crimes and Judge Stuart Shiffman Faith Smith foru�ard our findin�;s to Go��er.,ic�r R��an iii our aiinual report. Janie F.Smith Alan Spellberg �handful of Commissionr r���,�iL1 be present at the meeting to receive input on the topics Camille R.Taylor Rose M.Wesson addressed in the ericlosed questionriaire,as c��ell as any other discrimination or hate crime Woodie T.White,Ph.D. WilliamJ.Yoshino '��"-�eYn� ^{�'nit�rnrntp!717Lt�r. ��n�cF�,;r^+11;;1.iatf t�?Vil1('l'.5'nilY 7t11111C111ti nYl Y�leS2 1SCL1E`ti Rabbi Ira S.Youdovin W�]ilt lri ltteriClariCC. Ex-Ofticio Members Candice Kane,Pn.D. If there are an�-quesuotis c�r cc,rcerns tliat the Governor's Commissi�n on Discr.imination General John Johnston ' Lt.CoL Andre Parker and I Iate Crimes can ansu-er fo:�ou befor.e Pebruary 1R,20011 rlease call Car.ole J. se�.HoWard A.Pe�ers iii Heffernan at (312) 8�1��-2�;;�;'IDD (3i2) 263-1519; f�Y (�12) 814�1436 or. ei��il her at Carlos J.Salazar Margo E.Schreiber �aYOlC_��effer11aT1��CI11S.St1[�.]�.17�. Nat Shapo Barbara Shaw Sincerely, Commission Coordinator Carole J.Heffeman � / � / _ � ol 1__ V �� James R.Thompson Center f���__� ,�� 100 W.Randolph Suite]0-100 � Chicago,Illinois 60601 ��OW4lYC�1��1�J�1ri, �.�111T' � Phone: 312-814-2477 Go��ernor's Commission on Thscrimination and Hate Crimes Fax: 312-814-1436 TDD: 312-263-1579 1'sndosures('') Support Agencics: Criminal Juslice In(onnation Au�horily,D.:partment of Aging.Depanment of Ceniral Managemenl Services,Department o(Children Family Services,Dep�rlmenl of Commerce&Community Affnirs,Deparlmem of Corrections,Depa�tment of Hmnan Rights.Departmem of Human Services.Deparcment of Insurence.Dep�rtmen[of Public Health.Depanment of State Police,Depanment of Ve[erans Affairs.Violence Preven[ion Aurhority.Office of the Govemor. McHenry Human Relations Commission � Memo TO: Commission Members FROM: Pat Buhrman RE: Tuesday, Feb 22, Meetinq DATE: February 15, 2000 Hi All, I goofed again, our February meeting is on Tuesday, Feb. 22. not 29. I'm sorry. I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone. If you cannot make the meeting on the 22 please let me know before the meeting. Hope to see you all then. Thanks Pat � �.