HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/22/2000 - Human Relations Commission CITY OF McHENRY `" HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISStON MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2000 7 P,M. Meeting was called to order at 7:06 P.M. The following members were present, Jason Glaw, Linda Wolff, Val Hobson, Gwen Doolan, Sue Becker, Dr. Seifer, Patricia Buhrman, and Kari Horsch. Absent Werner Ellmann, Rev. Julie Babenko, and Jose Lagunas. Approval of Minutes Wolff made motion to accept minutes as read, seconded by Horsch. Motion carried unanimously. uote Glaw read quote of a friend "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice." Old Business �. Lagunas reported that the person who complained about Garden Quarter Apartments is being harassed by apartment management. Buhrman spoke with city building inspector who related that the problem with the appliances had been fixed, and what they needed was a good cleaning. Buhrman was assured that as problems arose the city building inspectors would address them immediately. Discussion followed about setting up a tenants committee. The Latino Coalition will be canvassing Garden Quarter on March 4 to insure that residents fill out their census forms. We will be assisting and passing out Human Relations Commission Brochures written in Spanish. Buhrman discussed the city budget process. A budget of $3000.00 was asked for by the Human Relations Commission. Last year's budget was $1000.00. A discussion was held regarding the status of the City of McHenry Web Site. Horsch, Doolan, and Buhrman will check out the costs of hosting a Web Site. � Horsch reported that she has passed along the Respect Piedge to Assistant `-- Principal Gina Swinney. They will work together to place the pledge into all the classrooms of District 15. Buhrman requested a joint press release to that effect. Buhrman reported on the Quarterly Meeting of the Joint Human Relations Groups. Patrick Murfin spoke about the "Welcome to McHenry County" public relat►ons campaign, sponsored by the Intertaith Social Justice Committee. Carlos Acosta, addressed the need for affordable housing for single parents, homeless veterans, working poor, senior citizens, mentally challenged, and minorities. Mu�n suggested we talk to Julia Beil Claussen from Corporation for Affordable Homes of McHenry County. They have already completed a report on this subject. It was suggested that we invite Ms. Claussen to a future meeting. Hobson, Lagunas, Glaw, Wolfineyer and Buhrman volunteered for the planning committee for the Town Hall Meeting. Buhrman reported that the Rockford Town Hall Meeting was canceled due to the snow storm. Becker asked if Wolff could bring our goals from our brainstorming session. �' We will go over and see if we are meeting our goals. Buhrman submitted article for the City Newsletter. Dr. Seifer read a letter that he sent Carol Heffernan, the director of the Governor's Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes. Wolff cautioned Seifer that he would not be representing the Commission unless we all voted that he would do so. Seifer was told he could represent himself but not the Commission. Hobson made motion to adjourn, Glaw seconded motion carried unanimously to adjourn at 8:03 P.M. �