HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/23/2000 - Human Relations Commission � CITY OF McHENRY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING TU ES DAY, May 23, 2000 Meeting was calied to order at 7:00 PM The following members were present Sue Becker, Werner Ellmann, Gwen Doolan, Linda Wolff, Jason Glaw, Pat Buhrman, and Gail Wolfineyer. Excused Absences Val Hobson, Kari Horsch, Julie Babenko, and Jose Lagunas. Approval of Minutes Ellmann made motion to approve minutes as read seconded by Glaw, motion carries unanimously. Old Business Buhrman reported on the preparations involved in bringing the Governor's Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes to McHenry County. Angel Dorantes of M.C.C. has been very helpful in securing the McHenry County College Conference Center for the Town Hall Meeting. Plum Garden and Tacos EI Norte will cater the dinner prior to the meeting. `.. Glawwill graduate and start attending Duke University. We need to find another student representative from West Campus. Discussion followed about requesting information ta be disseminated to West Campus Students. Buhrman provided information on the budget for the coming year. Each commissioner was asked to bring to next meeting plans and projects they would like to see accomplished in the coming year. New Business Buhrman brought up Fiesta Days, discussion followed and it was decided it was too late to prepare any kind of display or program. Adiournment Becker made motion to adjourn at 7:46 PM seconded by Wolff motion carries unanimously. �.