HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/19/2000 - Human Relations Commission 10f18E`2060 14:55 8153859698 PAGE 03 " MoHenry Hams�� Rslatians Camn�lssion � IYIl�tlrto T0: Commission Members FROM: Pat Buhrman RE: Meetings DATE: dctober 19, 2000 We do not have minutes for this month, beceuse we did not have a quorum. We have not had a quorum for tw�o months. We know that our mestings ere always the fourth Tuesday of the month. Please try to set aside this date so that w�e can accomplish our very importar�work. I understand thet everyone cannot be at every meeting, it is not diffcult to reach me I have an ansvu�ering machine and email, pleese take the time to let me know if you can�ot attend � meeting so you don't incovenience your fellow commissioners. If you can't reach me call M�rcie at City Hall 363-2100 and let her know you won't be at the meeting. We are also short of two commissioners, if you know of a�yone who might be interesked p{ease esk them to contact Ciry Ha11 or myself. L I would like to discuss heving a Diversity Treining Seminar sometime in February or March. 1 have materials from several difFerent organizetions. Gail and ! have bean worlcing with Mr. Ra�kin East Campus Dean on setting up a program for aH studerrts at Eas� Campus. We are meicing exceltent progress, with the school districts_ We need to brainstorm ways to vwrk with our business community. Thanks again for all your hard w�ark. Pat �