HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/25/1999 - Millennium Committee MILLENNIUM COMMITTEE REPORT �' Monday, January 25, 1999 - 7:00 P.M. Attendees: Joyce Story; Mark Geach, McHenry Chamber; Pete Merkel, Director of Parks & Recreation; Mayor Cuda; and Marci Geraghty. Others in attendance were Steve Stanek, Chicago Tribune. Attachments: Newspaper articles from the Northwest Herald and Chicago Tribune. Discussion: Parking at Petersen Park was discussed with Director Merkel. If the weather is warm, the field may be too muddy for parking; too much snow may also be a problem. It was determined that if necessary, residents would probably park in the K-Mart and Wal-Mart parking lots to watch the fireworks, just as they do for the Fourth of July. Joyce story will call these surrounding businesses and find out what time they will close on December 31, 1999. The Committee discussed the possibility of a tie-in with the City's Annual Arbor Day Celebration. Residents may purchase trees as a memorial or dedication for a special person or event. These applications could be made at all the events during the Millennium weekend. Mayor Cuda asked Marci Geraghty to arrange for a press release in the `, Northwest Herald to promote the Banner Contest and the Arbor Day Tree Planting. Friday, December 31: • The Committee tried to narrow down the time to begin the bonfire and fireworks on Friday, December 31, 1999. The bonfire will begin around 5-5:30 PM, and the fireworks at 7:00 PM. • Tom Fenwick, a local caterer would like to speak to the committee about serving foodstuffs during the celebrations on Friday. He has asked to be invited to a meeting to share his ideas with the Committee. • An idea to provide sleigh rides Friday night was suggested. Joyce Story will check on this; Director Merkel suggested using the City's hay wagon if there is no snow. • It was suggested that the Committee invite Father Sherry from Holy Apostle's Church to give a benediction before the festivities at Petersen Park. Saturday, January 1: • Landmark Commission Marci Geraghty went to the Landmark Commission meeting February 2, 1999. She � spoke with members and asked for any assistance they could offer regarding a display of art and other local cultural exhibits that could be provided at the Municipal Center Saturday, January 1. The Landmark Commission was very receptive to this idea. . Millennium Comnittee Report Jarnaary 25, 199�� Page Two They have items that could be displayed; however; they are �-- very concerned about security. Some of these items are museum pieces, and the Commission wants assurance that they will be safe. Some of the exhibits available are photo exhibits and a slide show. The Commission also spoke about a quilt that was crafted by members of the community to commemorate the City of McHenry's Sesquicentennial. They thought this would be an excellent piece of art work to exhibit during the Millennium Celebration. Perhaps, a reception honoring the women who made the quilt could be held at City Hall. The quilt could then be unveiled and permanently displayed. However, they explained that the quilt cannot be permanently displayed unless it is in a protective covering. Without the covering, the quilt is exposed to damaging sunlight and dust particles which will contribute to the quilt's ultimate deterioration. The Commission is sending a letter to Mayor Cuda requesting that money be provided in the 1999/2000 budget to purchase a permanent display case for the Sesquicentennial Quilt. • The Landmark Commission suggested holding a photo contest with a Millennium theme. They offered to oversee � this project. It was recommended that representatives from the Landmark Commission be invited to attend a Millennium Committee meeting. A dated should be scheduled as soon as possible. • A local artist, Amy Fenwick, has agreed to play the violin during the festivities at City Hall Saturday, January 1. She will provide background music, playing songs from the 20th century. An approximate time that she should be available must be determined. • Mayor Cuda and Director Merkel will meet to discuss the Ice Fishing Derby on McCullom Lake. Director Merkel will get information and ideas from the McCullom Lake Fishing Club. • Mayor Cuda will speak to Mark Justen regarding a donating of a "time capsule" for Saturday's event. • Joyce Story reported on her conversation with Donna Schaffer, McHenry Township Supervisor. Ms. Schaffertold Joyce that the Township is willing to cooperate and open the toboggan hill for a Millennium Celebration Event. It was decided by the Committee to add Ms. Schaffer to � the Millennium Committee list. . , MilJennium Committee Report JanUary 25, 199�� Page Three `-- • Ms. Story is working on organizing a "kid's choir" to perform at the Municipal Center. Sunday, January 2: • An Interfaith Service with the location to be determined is still on the schedule. The next meeting of the Millennium Committee is Monday, February 22, 1999. Your attendance will be greatly appreciated. � �.. 2/15/99/mmg �r� � ar � � �� +_.� 1�� � � � �� � � � �!I MCHENRY City has grand plans 'm : for millennium bash nd 1d :. A bonfire, fireworks, a his- �t ' tory display, a time capsule, an 1d ice fishing derby and sleigh - �� rides are among the ideas � being considered by McHenry 1g � city officials and business lead- ers for the city's millennium Ve celebration. �'� At a meeting of the city's' �a' Millennium Celebration Com- to mittee Monday night, Mayor ve � Steve Cuda said a fireworks `' show Dec. 31 is a given. The - committee had considered starting the fireworks at mid- a night but now appears commit- 'e ted to an evening show. le ,"We've got to plan it and • hope for the best,"Cuda said. y � A bonfire about 90 minutes a � before the display also is being �S planned. Horse•drawn sleigh _ .d rides or wagon rides also are le planned. �n- On Jan. 1,2000, the city plans n`� to sponsor a reception in the ;d municipai building, including a � � display of artwork by area resi- ' ' � ,dents and an exhibit of items n depicting the city's history. � - a Steve Stanek � � i �•1�11, �ne cnarred remains of his ect b yl ���C�t'P�S�o reach the sus- the fire did not s� read s�royeci, but house at W 1036 Myrtle Road. P Y Phone failed, authorities no other injuries.p �ere were :"We've ruled it a suicide," believe Palka lighted a fire in the IGr�ebel said, house. Zadler said the sheriffls depart- His body was discovered hours into twhat cau edlttheV fire aand Francis� ; � ,Walworth County Sheriff Dean later in the basement. � where it began. BOa,�'(i � �cHenr • • � � j y narrows �.11en�� • ; I By JAMI PETERSON ��O���S � The Northwest Heraid �'e couldn't schedule a lot of out- park.The first day of the new ear T��e Mercy�; door activities,"he said. Y will l�rologist, to� �� McHENRY— b�g an open house and art show at A New Year's Eve �reworks city hall,333 S.Green St.Cornmittee A giant bon- event already was planned this members intend to ask the landmark � N �e,fireworks and sleigh rides are ! among the activities planned for Year.The city has contracted with Dr �Ve a� the'city's millennium celebration. e aborat Pd splay duringPhe�ele- ���ion to put together a histori- WisConsin at', �: ."Certainly,it's not on the same Pe�Pective of McHenry. � level as going to Disney VVorld or edathe c ty's FouPth of Jul�nevect Cultural activities and perfor- �� mances will take place in the coun- 1"unes Square for a millennium cel- for the past three years. ebration,but for our town,I think y nt cil chambers,Cuda said. ' it�will be a nice, down-home cele- ``� Dec. 31 bonfire' along the an in�terfa'th servicet an ice��h ng � biahon,"IVlayor Steve Cuda said. � shores of McCullom Lake wi11 derby and possibly toboggan races -: �Iembers of a make the New Year s Eve dis la 4 Millennium unique,Cuda said: � P Y through a joint effort with McHen- n � C:oinmittee have spent the past six mottths organizing events for the �e bO�re and the fireworks ry Township. we�kend of Dec.31 throu h Jan.2 likely will take place earlier in the it's �o��n �ery happy With the way � r 2000, g , evening,not at midnight,hc said. g g� Cuda said. Since the � � The rou "We're just afraid if it's 10 e e�ennium only .comes around 348i g p of 10 to 15 volun- below zero, who's going to be out peopleimay havejthei�ownlot of � teers met Monday and narrowed a at midnight?"Cuda said. list of 15 to 16 ideas to about five or ndi- HA��. The city also may offer sleigh ndividuals ishinge oeparticpate six activities,Cuda said. 8�5� �..: rides that night at petersen Park. If in a celebration tied in with the � "Because weather plays such snow is lacking,hay w�gons and trac- city,we'll have s an important role in all this,we felt to� will carry children around the for families." � ome nice activities � __� ---�—�r... " �� ��:._,�, -- - �..�. .��.� _'__'__"-'�s� - S. s._ f � ! ' -� � �pL 1� � auuruss „; � , i,f���� � .; , �, ,b � � ���� ea�but not reqwred. For , , . _ .. . , I I ,_ � � tion,call(815)455-9411 r` ' ''�v'�,�,�:.: �` ,, '��,,. t � , A. e oppor- � �: , ���._ ���.�.� ,, Nunda mee�6ng: �, �..,. ,, ` <w�.�£,. �on (be- �. �.. � � idents of Nunda Townsh cnts and � � � � � � _ _ ,� � � �.,, ��� ed in the formation of a� �erinten- '"�,���� � ��;4 �,. ���� �.���`�;�_ � �' ����.� commission are asked t� �. ,:. _. �'s just in � �.- � � � �� � - �� ` - � � _� an informational meeting �. .,..� , -x��� � , �� ��x� .�'�;,,, .Feb. 17.The meeting wi will pro- `�,� " ��~�� �' ��'�k,�������-��� ����� �� �`� the Nunda Township Hal ,f school "�� � ,�, �;�� ��r� �� ����, .�. '���� ��.�.��,�«, ���ar�,����.�� _'z��;,�`�x�"���� � '�� `� Bay Road. For informati� � s. And �'.'.z_.;:. �.r�w^::: t ..�T.� k�..:?�^�'-x., x.'`,=.� 2`::#�". �,.�:-v `r �s: n.7� #�t��& ����tk �a�.� �".'..t ?<�,- ' �:�r�.�� ;`x x U(�@ Charlie @�S( �� .:�.� . �::�;•..-`�� S rvisor ' N _ R��. ,.. ; _., ��. ..,F .. _ � , < .. . . _ , � Photo rovided 458-4011. 'c to �ile OFFICE PAGES HELPFUL— The office pages at Hannah Beardsley Middle School in Crystal Lake perform various office '�le boon duties throughout the year.Pictured are(back row,from left)Jessica Ocheskey,Kate DiSantis and Colleen Schneider;and(front Chlll f�d: In Cry: row) Erin Thackwray, Chelsea Hexel and Kate Cozza. the Lions Club will cond� o ut its � annual Chili Feed benefi ' P at the Hob Nob,on Rout �ndbook Route 31. '°` `'°S_ Millennium con��nittee looks for timely banner The event is schedul� 11 a.m.to 5:30 p.m. Joseph Tickets are$4 for all; student, � „ , eat,and carry-out quarts idea for By JAMI PETERSON Millennium Celebration, Mayor $100 for third prize. addition and has peeked students able for two tickets($8).' •n brew- The Northwest Herald Steve C�da said."We came up with The city is seeking corporate interest in the cclebration, said are available at the door this idea." sponsorship for the contest. Michele Zimmerman, art depart- can be purchased from a last four McHENRY — Organizers of Students have until March 19 The banners will be hung ment coordinator for West Club member.Jumbo ho ool con- the Millennium Celebration want to submit their designs to the art about three weeks before the cel- Campus be available for$2. le Inter- to show off the talents of high teachers at their high schools, ebration,planned for the weekend The school has made the con- All proceeds benefit I ,ts. school students. including West and East Campus, of Dec.31 through Jan.2,2000. test an assignment to be graded by care.The Lions donate n about a The city's Millennium Com- Marian Central Catholic High Millennium Committee mem- art teachers,though students with- $5,000 to people in need mittee has challenged all high School and Fox Valley Christian bers have spent the past six out art classes are encouraged to exams,glasses and othe :hrou _ school students living within city School. months organizing eyents for the submit entries as well. aids.The Lions also give .aid.T�he limits to design a banner commem- Committee members expect to. weekend. "The students are pretty excit- the deaf and hearing-imF site to a orating the upcoming event. announce the contest winners The group of 10 to 15 volun- ed about the possibility of winning From lo� ��e infor- Committee members will pick . March 26. � teers are planning a New Year's so much money,"Zimmerman said. �d. three winners and hang the ban- They will judge entries based Eve Fireworks Fantasia, a giant "The fact that it's going to be hung �ain and ners on the streetlights in the on clarity of theme and originality. bonfire,sleigh rides, an ice fishing up in the city of McHenry,they're downtown area. All entries must be submitted in derby,an interfaith service and an pretty excited about that too." ; ' months, "When we had early meetings, black and white ink. open house and art show at city For information about the con- f e-mail we tried to figure out how to get as Winners will eam$250 for first hall. test,call the mayor's office at(815) A St Valentine's t many generations involved in this prize, $150 for second prize and The banner contest is the latest 363-2108. Happeni�g... . A'YPNnTl!"rN,l � . A ���� �.� _".__. . �� I q �s , , , �I�1� � . � � . � �" Get ready to attend the City of McHenry Millennium Celebration Festivities !!! A grand Millennium Celebration is planned for the weekend of December 31, 1999. The fun will begin on New Years Eve at Petersen Park. Some of the festivities scheduled for that evening are a giant bonfire followed by a magnificent fireworks display along the shores of McCullom Lake. Horse-drawn sleigh rides and many other surprises are in store for this night! January 1 a reception at the Municipal Center on Green Street including exhibits of art work, items depicting the City's history, and live music and dancing by local artists will be on display. And for all you fishing enthusiasts, the City will host an ice fishing derby on McCullom Lake with prizes for the one who catches the most fish! An interfaith service on Sunday January 2 will wrap up this once in a life time event. As part of this Celebration, the Millennium Committee is sponsoring a contest for all high school students who reside in the City limits, to design a street banner that `- will be displayed from the street poles in the downtown areas of the City. These banners will be displayed several weeks prior to the Celebration. A cash prize will be awarded to the first, second, and third place winner. Deadline to submit all entries is March 19, 1999. For more details, students are asked to contact their school's art department, or call the Mayor's office at 363-2108. � � � t � ]� � �2. �� n� I 9 q � ���� �e � � �,;