HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - 7/26/1999 - Millennium Committee � Cit of McHenr
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� 333 South Green Stre�t , ,, McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495
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Clerk's OtFice and AGEN DA
(815) 363-2100
Public Works,
Building and Zoning Monday, July 26, 1999
(815) 363-2170 7:00 P.M.
Fax(815)363-2173 Municipal Center Aldermen's Conference Room
Pazks and 333 South Green Street
(815) 363-2160
(8I5) 363-2200 1 . Report of proposed event research from various members.
`" 2. Any and all business that may properly come before the
Steven J.Cuda Committee.
City Clerk
Pamela J.Althoff
David M.Welter
William J.Bolger
Andrew A.Glab
Frank S.McClatchey
Steven C.Murgatroyd
William V.Baird
Millennium Committee Meeting
Monday, June 26, 1999 7:00 PM
■ Time Capsule: Colonial Funeral Home and Wilbert Vault Corporation
have donated a full size vault for the time capsule. Attached is a
memorandum from Lisa Benoit with all the details. We still need to
compile a list of items to put in the capsule. In addition, we need to
develop a design or inscription for the time capsule marker. A picture
of the marker that covers the Sesquicentennial capsule in Vet's Park
will be available at the meeting.
■ Banners: Preliminary inquiries are indicating that a production of 160-
banners, double-sided, will take approximately 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Lisa expects to have some preliminary bid information at the July 26
meeting. The Committee will have to decide on the color of the
artwork, and where corporate sponsorship should be placed on the
banner. (See attached memorandum.)
■ Concessions — Friday Ni,yht: Lisa Benoit will update the Committee
regarding her conversation with the Lions Club to provide concessions
at Petersen Park. The President of the Lions was going to speak to his
� members on July 12. (See attached memorandum.)
■ Coffee Cart— Saturdav: A complete price list from Goldie's Cafe should
be provided to the Committee at our next meeting. (See attached
memorandum.) The Committee will have to decide if the cart will be
free to everyone attending the festivities on Saturday, or if we will
charge a nominal fee for the refreshments. (See attached
■ Millennium Celebration Donations and Spendinq: HFK Corporation
sent a check to the City of McHenry fulfilling their pledge of $500.
Below is a report of the Committee's funds as of July 19, 1999:
Total Dollars pledged: $8,250
Total Dollars received: $8,250
Banner Contest Prize Money: ($500)
Praise Celebration Auditorium Rent ($311)
Tapes for Praise Celebration ($108)
Total: $7,331
■ Sesquicentennial Quilt Case: Information has been sent to Elizabeth
� Carlsen of Protoproduction for the construction and installation of a
quilt case in the Municipal Center for the Sesquicentennial quilt. Ms.
Carlsen should be contacting us sometime in August with the
production schedule. Note the money for this case ($2,500) was
donated by Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lang.
■ Millennium Quilt: Mayor Cuda was a guest at the July 1, 1999 McHenry
County Quilt Club meeting. At that meeting, he asked the club to
consider constructing a Millennium Quilt to be displayed at City Hall.
The Club formed a subcommittee to consider this request. Club
member Debbie Tomec is spearheading this subcommittee. She called
and requested copies of all the banner contest entries. The
subcommittee is considering using these for the design of a Millennium
Quilt. Copies of the entries have been sent; Ms. Tomec will contact
the Millennium Committee sometime in August.
■ Saturday. January 1, 2000 Events: Val Hobson has contacted the
"Pioneer Players" to perform on Saturday, January 1, 2000 in the
Municipal Center. She has also scheduled Miles Goodard, an Ojibwa
Indian that plays the flute. Jose' Lagunas member of the Human
Relations Commission, told Val that he knows someone who will sing
and play Latino music. Val will not be at the July 28 meeting, but will
keep us informed of her progress.
■ Newspaper Articles: A copy of an article from the June 29, 1999
Northwest Herald is attached for your review. Jamie Petersen wrote
this article after attending the June 28 Committee meeting. This article
precipitated Bob Mrachek's donation of the time capsule!
nnEnno • n�Enno • nnEMo
T�: Major Steven J. Cuda, City of McHenry
cc: Marcia Geraghty
FROM: L.isa L. Benoit, PLAN IT PAR"I'NERS, Inc.
Date: July 7, 1999
RE: Update on McHenry's Millennium Events
• DOT ATI(JN: Colonial Funeral Home, in conjunetion with Wilbert Vault Corporation has
generously donated a ' 11-size vault for McHeruy's time capsule.
•Size: 24" x 7'-approximate(burial size should altow for extra inches on all
sides and the depth is optional)
•Weight: 1 Ton(Note:the vault company has volunteered to move it if the
burial takes place n Saturdav-if we decide to bury it on Sunday,the vault
c�mpany will loan us the proper hook-ups)
• Sealing: The vault company can seal and bury within 2U minutes. They
�, suggest different ways to protect your items inside but they do nvt have a
"preservation technique"per say. I will be checking into a few companies
that advertize about preservation and will follow-up at a later date.
• Plaque I Cement Marker: I have been given the names of two monument
companies that Colonial works with. I will follow-up to see if there might be
another donation.
Note to Marc�': The donation listings should read as follows:
• Peter M. Justen Colonial Funeral Home
3807 W. Elm Street
McHenry, IL 64050
Robert G. Mrachek
• Ameriean Wilbert Vault Corporation
of Forest Park, Illinois
Crregory Reichle
TIME CAPSIILE Miseellaneous:
• I spoke with a few people abc>ut locating the Sesquicentennial Time
Capsule contents list and with the help of Mazci should have that listing
•Nancy Fike has agreed to meet witb me at a later date to discuss how the
Historical Society will help. She has also come across the Bicentennial Time
Capsule contents list and has o$�ered a copy of that as well.
• Since we've been given the green light, Sheila and I will actively pursue the
items mentioned on the preliminary suggestion list. All new and additional
ideas are encouraged and welcomed. Please eall or fax us @(847)854-
4346 fax: (847)85�1-5839.
•Process Time: Preliminary inquires are indicating that a production of
1bQ bannets that are double-sided will take approximately 6-8 weeks for
delivery. We are hoping to beat the holiday rush and get the banners by late
• I am speaking to a few local companies to get preliminary bids. I should
have this infoimation by our next meeting. This will give us enough time to
make the decision and move forward to meet our deadline.
• I will be contacting RABA and the Chamber to negotiate a time frame for
� hanging the Millennium banners as a replacement for any holiday banners
already standing.
•The committee will need to decide on whether the banner will cansists of
the artwork in black and white or the black and white artwork with approx. 6
"at the bottom set aside for corporate sponsorships. From preliminary
discussicros,the use of a separate select colar and typeface far all the sperosors
will be more cost effective that trying to silks��reen the many different
cotporate logos and colors.
CONCESSIONS for Friday Night:
• The Lions: Pete Merkle directed me to contact the president of the Lions.
Mr. Iry Stabveteig spoke with me and informed me that the organization will
be meeting on Monday(7/12/99)and that he would propose this request.
His initial concern is that the concessions truck is usually put away for the
winter. I will contact him after they meet to hear their decision.
• Val has a call into the Boosters again but feels that we should move
forward with the I.ions.
CQFFEE C:4RT jor Saturday:
• Goldies Co,,�''ee Cart: I spoke with Wayne Gulgren of Goldies. The usual
rate is $100/hour with a 3 hour minimum. ($300). This would be the cost to
the city if you wish to give refreshments for free. This would include reg.
Coffee, espressos and more,teas and hot chocolate. He will be working up a
price on a few of their treats which I should have by our nea�t meeting.
� Mr. Gulgren is suggesting that we agree on a flat rate for all items served and
let the"customers"pay. Any cost that would not be met for the minimum
$30�. would be picked up by the city.
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By JAMI PETERSON Jan.2,2000,in the McHenry Community High More youths are needed, Panteleo said. with aerial photos of McHenry, school year-
The Northwest Herald School West Campus auditorium. 'The ages of participants in each choir will vary, books,maps,McHenry's visitors guide and infor-
� "I don't want people in the community to but the youth choir likely will include anyone mation on historic sites and influential people.
McHENRY—The city's Millennium Cele- think this is only for churches,"said Bobbi Pan- from age 13 to 25. � ; The group is seeking more memorabilia for
bration planners are looking for singers,corpo= taleo, Praise Celebration coordinator and a The interfaith service will include perfor- the capsule.Volunteers intend to work with the
�rate sponsorsand memorabilia. committee member. `"This is going to be a per- mances of`"The Battle of the Republic," "Cir- schools to develop elementary school essays
The v�unteers have spent more than a yeaz formance everyone is going to enjoy." . cle of Friends"and"God Bless America." and junior high collages to place inside the cap-
organizmg festivities for the weekend of Dec. Panteleo said the event will serve�as a trib- Other activities in the Millennium Celebra- sule and display at city hall. -
31 through Jan.2,2IX10. ut�to the community,the country and God. tion include a bonfire,5reworks,sleigh rides, an Corporate sponsors also are sought to help
They talked Monday about hosting a She and other volunteers are bringing art show and cultural activities and performances. pay for the festival.
"Praise Celebration," burying a time capsule together singers for adult,youth and children's Committee members plan to bury a time For information on the festival or to volun-
and hanging banners throughout town. choirs. So far, the group has gathered 120 capsule Jan. 1,?A00,near city hall,333 S.Green teer, donate or participate, call the mayor's
� The Praise Celebration is set for 2 to 4 p.m. adults and 55 children. St.The volunteers talked about filling the capsule office at(815)363-2108.
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