HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - 1/8/2002 - Economic Development Commission � � �McHENRY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 333 South Green Street,McHenry,Illinois 60050 (815j363-2700 � MCHENRY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Agenda Tuesday, January 8, 2002 12:00 Noon Municipal Building — Council Chambers 1) Approval of Minutes; � November 13, 2001 Regular Board Meeting 2) Nominating Committee Report 3) Treasurer's Report Jones 4) McHenry County Industrial Council Report Gelwicks 5) Chamber Report Harr 6) City Report Althoff/Lobaito/Napolitano � Building Report Fa�ade Improvement Grant 7) Transportation Gausden 8) Special Projects Report Riverwalk Committee Report Carstens Donation Report Bolger 9) Welcoming Committee Report Althoff 10) McHenry County EDC Report Patel McHenry County Tourism Council Posted and Mailed January 2,2002 � _ . Executive Board: Joseph Gausden,William Bolger,Janice Jones, Deborah Harr � Memorandum To: EDC Board Members Fm: Secretary/Treasurer Jones Date: January 2, 2002 Subj: 2002 EDC Meeting Schedule REMINDER-The 2002 Meeting Schedule is as follows: EDC Board Meetings Noon City Council Chambers January 8, 2002 � March 12, 2002 May 14, 2002 July 9, 2002 September 10, 2002 November 12, 2002 Please mark your calendazs accordingly. /krr�lc � Economic Development Commission Meeting Tuesday, November 13, 2001 McHenry Municipal Center 12:00 Noon � Present: William Bolger, Kit Cazstens, Carol Chrisman, Joseph Gausden, David Gelwicks, Janice Jones, Kathleen Kunzer, John Lobaito, Kathleen Marinangel, Doug Martin, Jeff O'Connell, Karen Patel, Scott Smith,Norb Wolter. Absent: Pamela AlthofF, Daniel Curran, D. Wm. Dodds, Donald Doherty, Debbie Harr, Joseph Napolitano, Jim McKinley, John Smith, John Swierk, Richard Wimmer. Chairman Gausden called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m: Minutes of the September 11, 2001 Board Meeting were approved by unanimous consent. Treasurer's Re�ort Secretary/Treasurer Jones reported there is a current balance of$1,123.69 in the EDC Account. In response to an inquiry, City Administrator Lobaito noted the City's 2001-2002 budget has allocated $10,000 to be utilized in conjunction with the Riverwalk Project, subject to the City's internal Ourchasing policy. McHenry Countv Industrial Council Report Representative Gelwicks was unable to attend the last meeting of the Council. President of the McHenry County EDC Kazen Patel was in attendance and noted the Industrial Council Meetings will be changing from monthly to quarterly. Additionally, there will be a new format, which should be more relatable and subject matter more timely. � Chamber Report Bolger noted Cha.mber CEO Harr was attending the McHenry Bank and Trust groundbreaking and luncheon and would not be in attendance at today's EDC meeting. Cit�Report City Administrator Lobaito introduced City Planner poug Martin who provided the Building Report in the absence of Director Napolitano. Planner Martin noted the City's building activity is moving forward at a record-setting pace. The City is currently ahead of Year 2000 yearend totals. Director Napolitano will provide the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Report at the next Board Meeting. City Administrator Lobaito stated the City recently received correspondence from Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) informing the City the Route 120 Improvements are still slated to be completed in 2002. The City Council will need to make a decision by January 2002 as to amount of monies which can be expended for the City's share of these improvements, i.e. water main improvements, street light replacement, and sidewalk replacement. City Administrator Lobaito reported the City received grant monies from the Illinois First and Member Initiative Funds in the amount of $153,000 designated for Police Department Equipment. The City also received a Community Development Block Crrant in the amount of$140,000 to be utilized for Edgebrook Drainage Improvements Phase 2 (from Route 31 to the Headwall at Edgebrook School). The City Council conducted a workshop to discuss the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. Council has �"" begun discussion and consideration of potential capital improvement projects for the next fiscal year, 2002- 2003. At this point the following projects totaling approximately $9 million are being considered: Drainage Improvements, Water/Sewer Services, the Riverwalk, Municipal Facilities, Transportation. Page 2 EDC 11/13/O1 �.. Recognizing the City's greatest revenue source is Sales Tax dollars ($5 million out of an $11 million budget), and in light of the economy since the events of September 11`h, the City will be watching very carefully the impact on sales tax revenues when the December quarterly reports are available. The December report will provide d�ite from third quarter activity. In response to an inc{uiry, City Administrator Lobaito stated the Walgreen's building permit was issued on November 9, 2001. Special Projects Report: Riverwalk Carstens noted the City has hired a Project Planner, Trkla, Pettigrew and Associates, to conduct the feasibility study for the TIF District to finance the Riverwalk. Riverwalk Committee members have met with area merchants whose business will be impacted by the Riverwalk. Carstens stated the Ponerellis will be coming forward with a development plan for the land adjacent to McHenry Savings Bank property. Carstens reported there is a Riverwalk Committee Meeting scheduled for December 4, 2001 at the McHenry Municipal Center. Nancy Fike, of the McHenry County Historical Society, will provide a presentation on historical data relevant to the Riverwalk implementation. Bolger reported approximately $75,000 has been contributed in money and in-kind donations toward the Riverwalk Project. He noted the support and generosity of the community is to commended. He suggested the Riverwalk Cominittee provide a plaque whereby donors could be recognized. The plaque could be displayed at the Municipal Center until such time as the Riverwalk becomes a reality. Carstens stated ideas � for the plaque would be researched and brought forwazd for further discussion at the December 4"' meeting. Bolger also reported grant monies are being sought from the Grand Victoria Fund. Utility companies have also been solicited for funding for the Riverwalk Project. Bolger stated Mayor Althoff along with Assistant Administrator Maxeiner is meeting today with TIF Attorney Kathy Orr and Riverwalk Project Planners in Chicago. It is hoped a TIF timeline will be developed as a result of this meeting. The current target date for implementation of the TIF Ordinance is March 1, 2002. City Administrator Lobaito noted Council directed Staff to determine how the City can best acquire easements for installation of the Riverwalk. Welcoming Committee Report Jones stated she and Mayor Althoff have drafter welcome letters to businesses which are moving into town or expanding current facilities. Copies of the letters along with a list of businesses to which they have been sent will be included in the January packet. The goal is to send letters to each new or expanding business as they receive their occupancy from the Building Department. McHe Countv EDC Report McHenry County EDC President Kazen Patel was welcomed to the Board and congratulated on her new position. She provided background on the development of the McHenry County Tourism Committee and reported this committee had recently come under the umbrella of the McHenry County EDC. President Patel also reported the McHenry County EDC is in the process of fine-tuning "Tools for a Better �' Tomorrow" which will be presented to planners and zoning commissioners from McHenry County municipalities on December 6�'. She is encouraging all municipalities to have their zoning board members and plan commissioners attend. Page 3 EDC 11/13/O1 � A lengthy discussion occurred regarding the need to update the County EDC database with regard to available land, conunerciaUindustrial buildings, warehousing and storage. President Patel noted it is important that the County EDC be apprised of available locations within each municipality, so that when a request for a site arises, the new business can be linked to available locations. Discussion ensued regarding the need for the Route 53 e�ctension to Route 31 north of McHenry. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Carstens, to pass a resolution in support of the Route 53 extension to Route 31 north of McHenry, and that it be forwarded to Representative Franks and Senator Klemm, Lake County Division of Transportation, the Illinois Department of Transportation, the Illinois Toll Highway Authority and the Lake County Transportation Improvement Project. All Ayes. Motion carried. At the request of the Board, copies of the executed Resolution are to be distributed in the January EDC Board Packets. It was noted anything the EDC can do to spearhead consensus with regard to transportation issues in McHenry County would benefit all communities in the County. Scott Smith stated he would assemble a packet regarding the potential major arterial extensions into McHenry County as compared to the potential Route 53 extension to Route 31 North. President Patel noted the CounTy EDC has determined a Transportation Study of McHenry County should be done. The anticipated cost, however, is $150,000. The �, County EDC is seeking fmancial assistance to underwrite the cost of the study. Nominatin� Committee Report Nominating Committee Chauman Carstens presented the following slate be considered with formal action to occur at the January Board Meeting: President William Bolger Vice President Donald Doherty Secretary/Treasurer Janice Jones Special Projects Chairman Kit Carstens Transportation Chairman Joseph Gausden 2002 Board Meetin� Schedule It was the consensus of the Board to approve the following 2002 Meeting Schedule: Tuesda.y, January 8, 2002 Noon McHenry Municipal Center Tuesday, March 12, 2002 Noon McHenry Municipal Center Tuesday, May 14, 2002 Noon McHenry Municipal Center Tuesday, July 9, 2002 Noon McHenry Municipal Center Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Noon McHenry Municipal Center Tuesday, November 12, 2002 Noon McHenry Municipal Center. New Business Bolger noted he had spoken with each EDC Board Member regarding the creation of an Executive Director position. He reported all EDC Members were in favor of the idea. He suggested Mayor Pamela Althoff be �-'� appointed Executive Director. He noted she is willing to accept the position with no salary at the present time, as nothing has been budgeted for this expense. However, the matter should be re-evaluated in January, in the event funds for a salary can be procured Page 4 EDC 11/13/O1 � Motion by Bolger, seconded by Carstens, to create the position of Executive Director and to appoint Mayor Pamela Althoffto sf:rve in the position with no remuneration; subject to the re-evaluation in January 2002, in the event funds to provide a salary for the position. All Ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Gelwicks, seconded by Mazinangel, to adjourn at 1:30 p.m. All Ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � Kathleen Kunzer, ecording Secre � � Karen Patel, Pres. 363-0444 Pam Althot� 363-2106 Janice Jones 363-2105 McHenry County EDC City of McHenry City of McHenry �4500 W Prime Pazkway 333 S.Gre�Street 333 S.Green Street McHenry IL 60050 McHenry Illinois 60050 McHenry, Illinois 60050 FAX 363-0464 FAX 363-2128 FAX 363-2128 William Bolger 385-4400 Scott L.Smith 385-1778 Debbie Harr 385-4300 906 N.Allen Avenue Smith Engincering McHenry Area Chamber of Commen McHenry,IL 60050 4500 Prime Pkway Ste 201 1257 North Green St. NO FAX McHenry IL 60050 McHenry, Illinois 60050 FAX 385-1781 FAX 385-9142 Kit Carstens 385-1888 Jim McKinley � Joseph Napolitano 363-2177 Prime Commercial 1177 Rocky Beach City of McHenry 420 N. Front St Johnsburg IL 60050 333 S. Green Street McHenry,Illinois 60050 McHenry,Illinois 60050 FAX 385-0990 FAX 363-2173 John Swierk 385-3430 Kathy Marinangel 385-3000 Kathleen Kunzer 363-2107 Direct Design Ltd McHenry Savings Bank City of N�cHenry 400 S. Route 31 1209 N.Grcen S� 333 S. Green Street McHenry IL 60050 McHenry,Illinois 60050 McHenry, Illinois 60050 FAX 385-3445 FAX 385-4433 FAX 363-2119 Daniel Curran 459-8440 John Lobaito 363-2108 David Gelwicks 344-1033 FAX 455-8134 City of McHenry Century 21 Caze RE. Campion,Curran,Rausch ET AL, 333 S.Green St 3717 W.Elm Street 8600 Rte 14 McHenry,Illinois 60050 McHenry, Illinois 60050 �. Crystal Lake,IL 60012 FAX 363-2119 FAX 344-3904 Dr. D. Wm.Dodds 385-7210 Norb Wolter 385-7900 E.Joseph Gausden 395-1039 McH.Elementary District 15 McH,High School District 156 905 N.Allen Avenue 1011 N. Green St. 4716 W.Crystal Lake Road McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenry Illinois 60050 McHenry,Illinois 60050 NO FAX FAX 344-7121 FAX 344-7153 Donald Doherty 385-0310 John Smith 385-1778 Carol Chrisman 344-1730 1410 N. Green Street Smith Engineering The Trend Cellar McHenry, Illinois 60050 4500 Prime Parkway Ste 210 1220 N Green St NO FAX McHenry,Illinois 60050 McHenry IL 60050 FAX 385-1781 FAX 385-9190 Richard Wimmer 385-201] Planner poug Martin 363-2175 Mr.Don's Cleaners Inc City of McHenry 1207 N. Third Street 333 S Green St McHenry IL 60050 McHenry IL 60050 FAX 344-94]8 FAX 363-2173 Revised i l/15/O1 � v �n Patel,President Pam Althoff,Mayor Janice Jones,City Clerk �, enry County EDC City of McHenry City of McHenry 43�0 Prime Parkway 333 S.Green Street 333 S.Green Street McHenry IL 60050 McHenry lllinois 60050 McHenry,Illinois 60050 William Bolger Scott L. Smith Debbie Harr 906 N.Allen Avenue Smith Engineering McHenry Area Chamber of Commer� McHenry, IL 60050 4500 Prime Pkway Ste 201 1257 North Green St. McHenry IL 60050 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Kit Cazstens Jim McKinle Joseph Napolitano Prime Commercial 1177 W Rock Beach City of McHenry 420 N Front St y 333 S.Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Johnsburg IL 60050 McHenry,Illinois 60050 John Swierk Kathy Marinangel Kathleen�unzer Direct Design Ltd McHenry Savings Bank City of McHenry 400 S. Route 31 1209 N. Green St. 333 S.Green Street McHenry IL 60050 McHenry,Illinois 60050 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Daniel Currran John Lobaito David Gelwicks l'ampion,Curran,Rausch,Gummerson City of McHenry Century 21 Care RE. unlop 333 S. Green St. 3717 W.Elm Street `l�e00 Rte 14 McHenry,Illinois 60050 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Crystal Lake,IL 60012 Dr. D. Wm.Dodds Norb Wolter E.Joseph Gausden McH.Elementary District 15 McH,High School District 156 905 N.Allen Avenue 1011 N. Green St. 4716 W.Crystal Lake Road McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenry Illinois 60050 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Donald Doherty John Smith Carol Chrisman 1410 N. Green Street Smith Engineering The Trend Cellar McHenry, Illinois 60050 4500 Prime Parkway Ste 210 1220 N Green St McHenry,Illinois 60050 McHenry IL 60050 Richard Wimmer poug Martin, Mr. Don's Cleaners Inc City Planner 1207 N. Third Street 333 S Green St McHenry IL 60050 McHenry IL 60050 Revised 11/15/Ol ��