HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/8/2002 - Economic Development Commission � Economic Development Commission Meeting Tuesday, January 8, 2002 McHenry Municipal Center 12:00 Noon � Present: Pamela Althoff, William Bolger, Carol Chrisman, D. Wm. Dodds (arrived at 12:40 p.m.), Donald Doherty, Joseph Gausden, David Gelwicks, Debbie Harr, Janice Jones, Kathleen Kunzer, John Lobaito, Ka#hleen Marinangel, Doug Martin, Joe Napolitano, John Smith, Scott Smith, Richard Wimmer, Norb Wolter. Absent: Kit Carstens, Daniel Curran, Jim McKinley, Karen Patel, John Swierk. Chairman Gausden called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. Approval of Minutes Motion by Althoff, seconded by Bolger,to approve the minutes of the November 13, 2001 Board Meeting. All ayes. Motion carried. Nominating Committee Report In the absence of lvominating Committee Chairman Cazstens, Althoff suggested the slate submitted by the Committee for EDC Officers be approved as presented. Motion by Harr, seconded by Chrisman, to accept the slate of officer for the EDC Board presented by the Nominating Committee as follows: President William J. Bolger Vice President Donald Doherty Secretary/Treasurer Janice Jones Special Projects Cha.irman Kit Cazstens � Transportation Chairman Joseph Gausden. All ayes. Motion carried. Treasurer's Report Secretary/Treasurer Jones reported there is a current balance of $1,110.69 in the EDC Account. She requested the Board accept the report as presented. The Board unanimously concurred. McHe County Industrial Council Re�ort Representative Gelwicks reported there had been no Industrial Council meeting since the last EDC Board meeting. He noted there would be a meeting on Thursday, January lOth at noon at the Holiday Inn I Crystal Lake. Mike Tryon of the McHenry County Board will be the guest speaker. Chamber Report CEO Harr reported the Chamber will be celebrating its SOth anniversary in 2002. The Annual dinner Dance is scheduled for January 26�' at the Lakemoor. Harr also reported the Chambers 50�' Anniversary banners are installed on City light poles. A large-scale marketing campaign is being implemented on A T & T Broadband, on radio stations, and in the local newspapers. Harr reported the band "Kansas" has been secured to perform during Fiesta Days 2002. There will also be a laser light show over McCullom Lake during Fiesta Days. City Report City Administrator Lobaito reported the Route 31/McCullom Lake Road Pmject is moving forwa.rd. The North Interceptor Sf;wer Project is also progressing in a timely fashion. Riverside Drive should be restored in `— Spring 2002. City Administrator Lobaito noted the City is ready to initiate the 2002 Budget Process. • Page 2 EDC 1/8/02 � Director of Community Development Napolitano stated the 2001 City Building Permit Report has been completed. Copies were provided for all Boazd members. In summarizing, he noted permited were issued for 180 single family homes in 2001. More than 1,300 total permits were issued, with the month of May being the busiest,at 229 permits. Director Napolitano also reported the City is initiating a Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program. Business property owners would be able to secure low interest loans to allow for fa�ade improvements. The City would like to establish a Sub-committee of the EDC whose function would be to: ■ Develop the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program; ■ Contact local banks to set up the Grant Program; ■ Make a presentation before the City Council regarding the specifics of the Grant Program; ■ Prepare and implement advertising/promotion in the Community. Volunteering for the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program Committee were Kathy Marinangel, Deb Harr, and Director Napolitano. Transportation City Administrator Lobaito reported the Route 120 Improvements ha.ve been moved up on the State's calendar. They are now scheduled to begin June 2002. He noted the Route 120 Improvements along with the City's $1.8 million Streets Program may make travel throughout town difFicult, beginning in late spring. The Route 120 Improvements will be done by IDOT in three segments: ■ Fleming Road to Dot Street � ■ Dot Street to Route 31 South ■ Fleming Road to Woodstock terminus. The first two segments would be done concurrently. Mayor Althoff stated the next public hearing with the County regarding the McHenry Bypass Project is scheduled for February 14"'at McHenry County College. Mayor Althoff also reported Sena.tor Durbin hosted a forum last week here at the Municipal Center regarding McHenry County Transportation Issues. Present were representatives from vazious municipalities and townships. Special Projects Report: Riverwalk Vice Chairman of the Riverwalk Foundation Scott Smith reported the Foundation is in the process of creating a Donor Structure. A plaque listing the various donors would be temporarily mounted in the Municipal Building until such time as there is a place along the Riverwalk for permanent placement. The Foundation is in the process of securing an IRS charitable organization designation to permit a 100% tax write-off of private donations to the Riverwalk Fou.ndation. Donation Chairman Bolger reported the current total of donations, both monetary and in-kind, is $91,815. Additional private and corporate donations are anticipated. Mayor Althoff stated the City has submitted the appropriate paperwork for grant monies to Sena.tor Klemm for the Riverwalk Project. A Public Meeting regarding the implementation of the TIF District to fund the Riverwalk has been scheduled for January 14t''. All interested parties will have an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the `�.- possible TIF District. . �Page 3 � EDC 1/8/02 Welcoming Commii:tee Report `-' Secretary/Treasurer Jones stated welcome and/or congratulations on expansion/renovation letters were sent out to area businesses as indicated in previous months reports from Community Development Department. Jones noted she wiil continue to send letters each month to the appropriate business entities and provide copies to the Board. McHenr County EDC Report McHenry County EDC Treasurer Kathy Marinangel reported the annual dinner is scheduled for February 25th. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert is the guest speaker. Marinangel also stated a strategic planning session will be held on January 16tb. An emphasis on Transportation is anticipated in 2001. In conclusion, Marinangel reported 85% of County EDCP expenditures are for programs as opposed to administrative expenses. New Business Newly elected Cha.irman Bolger thanked the Board for confidence e�cpressed in him. He also expressed his gratitude to outgoing Chairman Gausden for his dedication and service on behalf of the Boazd. He stressed punctuality and encouraged all Board members to be present at noon for future meetings which will conclude no later than 1 p.m. Adjournment Motion by Althoff, seconded by Scott Smith, to adjourn at 12:52 p.m. All Ayes. Motion carried. � Respectfully submitted, ��� m Kathleen Kunzer, R�,cording Secretary �