HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - 1/14/2003 - Economic Development Commission McHENRY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
333 South Green Street,McHenry�Illinois 60050 (815)363-2100
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
12:00 Noon
Municipal Building— Council Chambers
1) Approval of Minutes;
November 12, 2002 Regular Board Meeting
2) Trea��urer's Report Jones
3) McHenry County Industrial Council Report Gelwicks
4) Chamber Report Harr
5) City Report Althoff/Maxeiner/Napolitano
Building Report
6) Fa�ade Improvement Grant Committee Report Napolitano
� 7) Resolution in Support of Countywide General Martin
Land Use Map
8) Tran�portation Althoff
9) Special Projects Report
Riverwalk Committee Report Carstens
Donation Report Bolger
10) Welcoming Committee Report Althoff
11) District 15 Referendum Dodds
12) Discussion - 2003 Board Meeting Schedule Bolger
13) McHenry County EDC Report Patel
McHenry County Tourism Council Carstens
Posted and Mailed January 6,2003
Executive Board: William Bolger,Donald Doherty,Janice Jones,Kit Carstens;
Economic Development Commission Meeting
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
McHenry Municipal Center
12:00 Noon
Present: William Bolger, Kit Carstens, Daniel Curran, D. William Dodds, Donald Doherty, Debbie Harr, Janice Jones,
Kathleen Kunzer, Do��g Maxeiner, Dick Pagealow. Absent: Pamela Althoff, Carol Chrisman, David Gelwicks, Phil
Hintz, Kathy Marinan;el, Doug Martin, Jce Napolitano, Karen Patel, John Smith, Scott Smith, Richard Wimmer.
Chairman Bolger called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m.
Chauman Bolger introduced new McHenry City Administrator pouglas Maxeiner to the members of the Board. City
Administrator Maxeiner was welcomed and wished well in his new position.
Auuroval of Minutes
Motion by Curan, seconded by Doherty, to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2002 Board Meeting as
presented. All ayes. M otion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Secretary/Treasurer Jones reported the balance in the EDC Treasury remains at$1610.69 with no new transactions.
Motion by Harr, seconded by Maxeiner, to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented.
All ayes. Motion carried.
McHenry County Industrial Council Report
In the absence of Commissioner Gelwicks,there was no McHenry County Industrial Council Report.
Chamber Report
� Han surnmarized the McHenry Chambers 2002 events and accomplishments as follows:
Hosted two scrambles; held five joint chamber mixers; initiated two leads referral groups; hosted the
second home-based business expo; instituted a health expo committee; presented a State of the City
Luncheon; provided new opportunities for mentoring businesses; created a new chamber logo;
modified and updated the website; expanded media coverage; awarded $2,000 in member children
scholarships; and hosted Fiesta Days, the best fest in McHenry County according to the Northwest
Harr noted the Christmas Walk Along the Fox held on Sunday, November 10�' was successful. The Annual Chamber
Dinner Dance is scheduled for Saturday, January 25, 2003. Han also announced the nomination application forms for
the Frank E. Low Award are not available at the Chamber O�'ice. The deadline for submittal is December 15, 2002.
Motion by Doherty, seconded by Carstens,to approve the Chamber Report as presented.
All ayes. Motion canied.
City Report
City Administrator Maxeiner distributed the monthly Building Activity Report.
In response to an inquiry, City Clerk Jones stated the building under construction in the outlot of Circuit City and
Kohl's would house the Mattress Store, Starbuck's, Wendy's International and Quick Copy.
Motion by Curran, seconded by Doherty, to approve the City Report as presented.
All ayes. Motion carried.
Facade Improvement (irant Committee Report
�Chairman Bolger reported Harbor Wallbanger's was recently awarded a $5,000 grant to partially pay for the dramatic
fa�ade improvements recently completed on the building at the corner of Main Street and Route 31.
Page 2
November 12,2002
� Chairman Bolger reported a presentation and informational meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 21, 2002
regarding the proposed route of the West McHenry Bypass. The meeting is being held at the new McHenry Savings
Bank facility on Route 31 from 4:00 p.m. unti18:00 p.m.
Special Pro'ecl ts Re�ort: Riverwalk
Carstens reported the Riverwalk Committee made a presentation before the McHenry City Council in October.
Representative who �nade the trip to explore the San Antonio Riverwalk furnished the Council with a report of their
Carstens noted the City has completed the soil borings, the topographical survey and the environmental study. Thus far
no problems or troub e spots have been encountered. The project coordinator will assist the first developer in making a
presentation before Council with an anticipated ground breaking sometime in the spring of 2003.
Chairman Bolger, referencing the Riverwalk Fund Donations, stated the foundation is planning a comprehensive fund-
raising effort after the first of the year. He stressed the importance of recognizing all who have contributed to the
financial support of this project.
Motion by Curran, seconded by Jones, to approve the Special Projects Report as presented.
All Ayes. Motion carried.
Welcoming Committee Re�ort,
In the absence of Mayor Althoff, there was no Welcoming Committee Report.
District 15 Referendum Report
�, Jones reported a resolution in support of the District 15 Referendum Question had been prepared, circulated to the
Board members, and unanimously approved prior to the November 5, 2002 General Election. The original executed
resolution was then presented to the McHenry Elementary School District 15 Board.
Noting the failure of the referendum question to be approved in the November 5`�General Election, Supt. Dodds stated
the District intends to come back in the spring with another question on the April 1�`Consolidated Election balalot. He
noted cutbacks are already occurring. The City along with County officials are making an effort to seek changes in
state funding for education.
Some discussion followed regarding the failure of the referendum and ways the EDC might become involved or assist
the District prior to the spring election. It was suggested there might be a maximum dollar amount which may be
acceptable to the electors as far as an increase in District 15 taxes. Some discussion followed regarding inviting
members of the District 15 Board Finance Committee to attend a special meeting of the EDC. It was noted a joint
meeting would be desirable to help educate Board members who could then assist in providing needed information to
the residents.
Motion by Carstens, seconded by Cunan, to accept the District 15 Referendum Report as presented.
All ayes. Motion carried.
Proposed 2003 Board Meetin�Schedule
Chairman Bolger, noting the Mayor's new work schedule, suggested no formal action be taken on the proposed 2003
meeting schedule at this time. He noted perhaps the Board's regular meeting date might be changed to accommodate
the Mayor's new schedule. He stated this matter will be discussed in detail at the regular January Board meeting.
�McHenry County EDC Report
There was no McHenry County EDC Report.
Page 3
November 12,2002
McHenry County Tourism Council
�Cazstens reported the Tourism Council will meet later this afternoon. The major topic of discussion is the proposed
hotel tax. He noted the hotels are in favor of the tax. The tax monies would be utilized to promote tourism. Carstens
stated the City of Cr�stal Lake recently adopted a hotel tax. Due to the fact only one hotel tax can be applied to an
entity, should the Coiznty decide to adopt a hotel tax, it could not be applied to hotels in Crystal Lake. Carstens stated
the value of the hotel tax is to promote tourism. State of Illinois DCCA Tourism representatives will be meeting with
Crystal Lake officials at 4 p.m. today to explain the partnership concept. The partnership concept is basically that the
tax collected for the whole (entire County) would be greater and would go further in advertising, media, etc. for
tourism, than the amount collected for the part (City of Crystal Lake) expended only in Crystal Lake advertising. He
stated team effort is t}�e best approach, especially as far as tourism advertising expenses are concerned. Having a larger
amount of advertising dollars available to promote the entire County is the optimal situation. In response to an inquiry,
Carstens stated if Cr�stal Lake does not choose to participate in the team efFort, they will receive all hotel taxes
collected for advertisiig costs to be expended solely within their community.
Motion by Maxeiner, �econded by Han,to approve the McHenry County Tourism Council Report as presented.
All ayes. Motion carri�d.
New Business
Chairman Bolger reported the McHenry City Council voted to object to the proposed Metra rail yard in Johnsburg until
further information is provided. Noting the anticipated increase in service of 10-12 trains per day, the Council
expressed concern with the additional train traffic through residential neighborhoods, and especially through the
largest City park.
Jones reported City Staff have adopted a new procedure for City O�cials and Department Heads for notification of all
ribbon cuttings, ground breakings and grand openings. It is hoped more City Officials will be in attendance for these
��unctions in the future due to the more timely notification process.
Motion by Harr, secon�ied by Jones, to adjourn at 12:45 p.m.
All ayes. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
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Kathleen Kunzer, Recording Secretary
WHEREAS, the McHenry Economic Development Commission is an
independent advisory board to the City Council of the City of McHenry; and
WHEREAS, the McHenry Economic Development Commission's mission is to
provide the leadership and working force necessary to promote the retention,
development and redevelopment of residential, commercial and industrial entities
while maintaining and improving the high quality of life in McHenry; and
WHEREAS, the McHenry Economic Development Commission acknowledges
the importance of comprehensive land use planning on a regional basis, to
attract, retain, develop business opportunities and foster economic growth within
the City of McHenry; and
WHEREAS, the McHenry County Economic Development Corporation has
implemented the creation of a countywide general land use map to be used as a
marketing tool, that would eventually be linked to community web sites, to attract
prospective businesses to the City of McHenry and McHenry County.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the McHenry Economic
Development Commission is unanimously in favor of the creation of a countywide
� general land use map.
FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be formally presented
to the McHenry County Economic Development Corporation.
Passed and approved this 14�h day of January, 2003.
333 South Green Street,McHenry,Illinols 60050 (815)363-2100
November 14, 2002
Happy Jacks
4911 West Elm Street
McHenry, Il_ 60050
Dear Jack:
On behalf of the McHenry Economic Development Commission, may I extend our
congratulations to you on the renovation of your McHenry Facility. The devastation
you must have experienced is unbelievable. Our community is fortunate to include
you among its own.
Your willingness to renovate your McHenry facility, provides an outstanding
example in the promotion of community enhancement, commercial and industrial
� growth, and assisting in keeping residential taxes in abeyance. We wish you
continued success in all future endeavors.
If the Economic Development Commission can be of assistance, please feel free
to call me at 815-363-2100.
-- Pamela J. Althoff William Bolger
Mayor, City of McHenry Chairman, McHenry EDC
C: File
Executive Board: Willfam Bolger, Donald Doherty,Janice Jones, Kit Carstens,Joseph Gausden
333 South Green Street,McHenry,lllinois 60050 (815)363-2100
November 14, 2002
Thomas Tilc�t, MD
5435 Bull Valley Road
Suite 200
McHenry, IL 60050
Dear Dr. Tilot:
On behalf of the McHenry Economic Development Commission, may I extend our
congratulations to you on your new Practice. Our community is fortunate to
welcome you. Your willingness to stay in our business community will enhance
commercial and industrial growth, and assist in keeping residential taxes in
� We wish you much success in your new venture. If the Economic Development
Commission can assist you in any way as you move forward, please feel free to
contact us at 815-363-2100.
Pamela J. Althoff William Bolger
Mayor, City of McHenry Chairman, McHenry EDC
C: File
Executive Board: William Bolger, Donald Doherty,Janice Jones,Kit Carstens,Joseph Gausden
333 South Green Street,McHenry�Illinots 60050 (815)363-2100
November 14, 2002
McHenry Industrial LLC
4119 Orleans
McHenry, IL 60050
On behalf of the McHenry Economic Development Commission, may I extend our
congratulations to you on your new McHenry facility. Our community is fortunate
to welcome you. Your willingness to stay in our business community will enhance
commercial and industrial growth, and assist in keeping residential taxes in
We wish you much success in your new venture. If the Economic Development
`— Commission can assist you in any way as you move forward, please feel free to
contact us at 815-363-2100.
Pamela J. Althoff William Bolger
Mayor, City of McHenry Chairman, McHenry EDC
� PJA/kmk
C: File
Executive Board: William Bolger,Donald Doherty,Janice Jones, Kit Carstens,Joseph Gausden
333 South Green Street, McHenry,Illinois 60050 (815)363-2100
November 14, 2002
Charter One Bank
2000 N. Richmond Road
McHenry, IL 60050
On behalf of the McHenry Economic Development Commission, may I extend our
congratulations to you on your new McHenry facility. Our community is fortunate
to welcome you. Your willingness to stay in our business community will enhance
commercial and industrial growth, and assist in keeping residential taxes in
We wish you much success in your new venture. If the Economic Development
`- Commission can assist you in any way as you move forward, please feel free to
contact us at 815-363-2100.
Pamela J. Althoff William Bolger
Mayor, City of McHenry Chairman, McHenry EDC
- PJA/kmk
C: File
Executive Board: William Bolger� Donald Doherty�Janice Jones, Kit Carstens,Joseph Gausden
333 South Green Street.McHenry,Illinois 60050 (815)363-2100
November 14, 2002
American Mattress
1786 N. Ri��hmond Road
McHenry, IL 60050
On behalf of the McHenry Economic Development Commission, may I extend our
congratulations to you on your new McHenry facility. Our community is fortunate
to welcome you. Your willingness to stay in our business community will enhance
commercial and industrial growth, and assist in keeping residential taxes in
We wish you much success in your new venture. If the Economic Development
`-- Commission can assist you in any way as you move forward, please feel free to
contact us at 815-363-2100.
Pamela J. Althoff William Bolger
Mayor, City of McHenry Chairman, McHenry EDC
-� PJA/kmk
C: File
Executive Board: William Bolger,Donald Doherty,Janice Jones, Kit Carstens,Joseph Gausden
333 South Green Street,McHenry�Illinois 60050 (815)363-2100
November 14, 2002
Discount Mattress
913 N Front Street
McHenry, IL 60050
On behalf of the McHenry Economic Development Commission, may I extend our
congratulations to you on your new McHenry facility. Our community is fortunate
to welcome you. Your willingness to stay in our business community will enhance
commercial and industrial growth, and assist in keeping residential taxes in
We wish you much success in your new venture. If the Economic Development
`- Commission can assist you in any way as you move forward, please feel free to
contact us at 815-363-2100.
Pamela J. Althoff William Bolger
Mayor, City of McHenry Chairman, McHenry EDC
� PJA/kmk
C: File
Executive Board: William Bolger,Donald Doherly�Janice Jones, Kit Carstens,Joseph Gausden
333 South Green Street,AAcHenry�Illinois 60050 (815)363-2100
November 14, 2002
Cornucopia .
1717 N. Rir,hmond Road
McHenry, IL 60050
On behalf of the McHenry Economic Development Commission, may I extend our
congratulations to you on the new location of your McHenry facility. Our community
is fortunate to welcome you. Your willingness to stay in our business community
will enhance commercial and industrial growth, and assist in keeping residential
taxes in abeyance.
We wish you much success in your new location. If the Economic Development
`.- Commission can assist you in any way as you move forward, please feel free to
contact us at 815-363-2100.
Pamela J. Althoff William Bolger
Mayor, City of McHenry Chairman, McHenry EDC
-� PJA/kmk
C: File
Executive Board: William Bolger� Donald Doherty,Janice Jones, Kit Carstens,Joseph Gausden
333 South Green Street, McHenry,Illinois 60050 (815)363-2100
November 14, 2002
Lane Bryant
2340 N. Richmond Road ,
McHenry, IL 60050
On behalf of the McHenry Economic Development Commission, may I extend our
congratulations to you on your new McHenry facility. Our community is fortunate
to welcome you. Your willingness to stay in our business community will enhance
commercial and industrial growth, and assist in keeping residential taxes in
We wish you much success in your new venture. If the Economic Development
�. Commission can assist you in any way as you move forward, please feel free to
contact us at 815-363-2100.
Pamela J. Althoff William Bolger
Mayor, City of McHenry Chairman, McHenry EDC
� PJA/kmk
C: File
Executive Board: William Bolger, Donald Doherty,Janice Jones, Kit Carstens,Joseph Gausden
333 South Green Street,McHenry�Illinois 60050 (815)363-2100
�, ,
November 14, 2002
Deals-Nothing Over $
1762 Richmond Road
McHenry, IL 60050
On behalf of the McHenry Economic Development Commission, may I extend our
congratulations to you on your new McHenry facility. Our community is fortunate
to welcome you. Your willingness to stay in our business community will enhance
commercial and industrial growth, and assist in keeping residential taxes in
We wish you much success in your new venture. If the Economic Development
L Commission can assist you in any way as you move forward, please feel free to
contact us at 815-363-2100.
Pamela J. Althoff William Bolger
Mayor, City of McHenry Chairman, McHenry EDC
� PJA/kmk
C: File
�. .
Executive Board: William Bolger�Donald Doherty,Janice Jones.Kit Carstens,Joseph Gausden
To: EDC Board Members
Fm: Secretary/Treasurer Jones
Date: January 6, 2003
Subj: 2003 EDC Meeting Schedule
The proposed 2003 Meeting Schedule is as follows:
EDC Board Meetings
City Council Cha.mbers
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
�. Tuesday, March 12, 2003
Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Tuesday, July 8, 2003
Tuesday, September 9, 2003
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
However, as discussed at the November meeting, Mayor Althoffwill most likely
be unable to attend most meetings if they continue to be held on Tuesdays.
Mayor Althoff works out of town on Tuesdays and this presents a conflict.