HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/14/2003 - Economic Development Commission Economic Development Commission Meeting Tuesday,January 14, 2003 McHenry Municipal Center 12:00 Noon � Present: William Bolger, Kit Carstens, Carol Chrisman, Daniel Curran, D. William Dodds, Donald Doherty, David Gelwicks, Debbie Harr, Phil Hintz, Janice Jones, Kathleen Kunzer, Doug Martin, Doug Maxeiner, Dick Pagealow, John Smith, Richard Wimmer. Absent: Pamela Althoff, Kathy Marinangel, Jce Napolitano, Karen Patel, , Scott Smith. Chairman Bolger called the meeting to order at 12:01 p.m. Chairman Bolger announced Board member Jce Gausden has been ill and will most likely be stepping down as a member of the Board. Anvroval of Minutes Motion by Doherty, seconded by Jones, to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2002 Board Meeting as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Treasurer's Report Secretary/Treasurer Jones report�the balance in the EDC Treasury following payment of the 2003 McHenry County Industrial Council dues in the amourn of$100 is$1510.69. Chairman Bolger noted the EDC Executive Committee has decided to request $4,000 in the City's 2003-2004 Fiscal Year Budget. This would represent an increase from $3,000 to $4,000. The increase would assist in postage and associated mailing costs to be expended in the Riverwalk fund raising efforts. Motion by Pagealov�, seconded by Harr,to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. � McHenry County Industrial Council Report Gelwicks reported the last meeting of the MCIC was held on Thursday, January 9�'. Guest speaker was NIMC Chief Executive Officer Mike Eesley. Gelwicks noted next meetir►g's s�eaker will be McHenry County Board Chairman Mike Tryon. The next meeting will ta.ke place on Thursday,April 3 . Motion by Chrisman, seconded by Carstens, to approve the McHenry County Industrial Council Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Chamber Report Han reported the Chamber's Annual Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, January 25`� at the Longhom. There are already 300 reservations and a full house is anticipated. Ron Bykowski will be presented with the Frank E. Low community service award. Harr also announced the McHenry Cowriy EDC Annual Dinner will be held on February 25`�. In conclusion, Har stated the Chamber is the recipient of a$10,000 grant from Rep. Franks to be utilized for street light banners. Motion by Carstens, seconded by Wimmer,to accept the Chamber Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. City Report City Planner Martin distributed the 2002 Building Activity Report, noting there were 217 single family house permits issued for the year which represents an a11 time high. He also reported there was a total of 1,500 building permits for all activity in 2002 which also represents a record number issued for one year. `'' Building activity a�ntinues to grow on the north side of town, with additional commercial businesses opening along Route 31. Growth �ntinues as Concord Homes was recently approved by Council to develop 97 acres on the south side of the City wi�:h a multi-family/business park/commercial mixed use development. Council recently preliminarily Page 2 EDC January 14,2003 reviewed another multi-family developmern which would located just west of Meijer Stores, as well as a senior `- housing development along Bull Valley Road. Additionall Inland Business Park is ro os Y� p p ing zoning reclassification and development of n50 single family duplex units. Planner Martin also announced the City was recipient of an Illinois Tomorrow Grant to underwrite a comprehensive transportation study. The study should be underway in the spring. Curran noted the City's great percentage of commerciaUindustrial growth in comparison to new residential development. Chairman Bolger announced Council distributed more than $1 million in developer donation fees to the Library District, Fire Protection District, Elementary School District 15 and High School District 156 as well as a portion to the City's Parks and Recreation Department,at the Council Meeting held on Monday, January 13, 2003, Doherty suggested a press release be prepared infornung the public of the large amount of developer donations paid to the taacing districts as a result of new growth in conjunction with the building permitting process. Motion by Doheriy, seconded by Gelwicks,to approve the City Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Facade Imnrovement Grartt Committee Report There was no Fa�ade Improvement Grant Committee Report. Resolution in Support of Countvwide General Land Use Man Carstens opined it i� dii�icult to keep a county-wide ma.p updated. As quickly as it is printed, area uses change. � Carstens noted most developers are encouraged to go to municipalities for development of their property. It was the consensus*.hat no action be taken with regard to the proposed resolution until further inforniation is provided with regard to the intent and history of the resolution. Transportation There was no Transportation Report. It was suggested another Transportation Liaison be named in light of the retirement of Jce Gausden from the EDC Board. Chairman Bolger said this would be addressed at the next meeting. Special Projects Report: Riverwalk Carstens reported the- City's consulting firm Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen and Payne (TPAP) will make a presentation regarding the Requirements for Qualifications (RFQ) for Riverwalk design at the January 20, 2003 re,gularly scheduled Council Meeting. A11 members of the Riverwalk Committee, as well as members of the EDC, have been sent invitations to the meeting. Carstens noted a Riverwalk Committee Meeting will be scheduled once the RFQ's have been announced. Chairman Bolger announced the Riverwalk Fund Raising efforts have realized nearly $2 rnillion. He stated the next phase of letters seekin�;dona#ions will be going out shortly. Motion by Curran, seconded by John Smith,to approve the Special Projects Report as presented. All Ayes. Motion camed. Welcomin�Committee Report Chairman Bolger noted several welcoming letters sent under Mayor Althof�s signature were included in the meeting � packets.Welcoming letters continue to be sent to new and/or earpanding businesses on a monthly basis. John Smith reminded �nembers of the Board of the commitment to visit a new and/or expanding business on a regular basis. He stated it w�s the intent of the Board to assist with retention of business entities by affiiming various Page 3 EDC January 14,2003 � businesses with a personal onsite visit. He challenged the Board to refocus on the commitrnent and to once again pledge to visit at lcast one business per month. Secretary/Treasurer Jones concuned with Smith, and opined the commission should be more visible in the community encouraging business retention. District 15 Referendum Report Supt. Dodds reported the District 15 Board will meet in workshop format this evening and deternune the raxe to place before the voters at the April 1, 2003 Consolidated Election. Supt. Dodds noted three other entities will also be placing issues on the ballot. Potential cuts to the educational programs, staff, etc., will be determined within the next couple of weeks. Motion by Chrisman, seconded by Maxeiner,to accept the District 15 Referendum Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Pronosed 2003 Board Meeting Schedule In order to accommodate the Mayor's new work schedule, Chairman Bolger suggested the Board commence meeting on the second Monday of alternate months. The 2003 meeting schedule would be as follows: Tuesda.y, January 14, 2003 Monday, March 11, 2003 Monday, May 12, 2003 Monday,July 14, 2003 Monday, September 8, 2003 Monday,November 10, 2003. AIl meetings will commence at 12:30 p.m. and be held at the McHenry Municipal Center in the Council Chambers. Lunch will be provided for those who wish to partake. � Motion by Jones, seconded by Maxeiner,to approve the 2003 Board Meeting Scheduled as presented. AII ayes. Motion camed. McHenry CounTy EDC Report There was no McHenry County EDC Report. McHe Countv Tourism Council Carstens reported the Tourism Council will meet on Wednesday, January 15`�. Discussions will occur regarding each municipality implementing a tourism tax. The ta�c revenue would then be combined to provide a larger pool to be utilized for marketing McHenry County as a tourism center. As previously reported Crystal Lake has already adopted a tourism tax. If other municipalities were also to adopt a similar tax, it would be for the betterment of all if the revenues were to be combined. If McHenry County were marketed as a tourism destination, citing the Raue Center, the Opera House,the Riverwalk,the Train Museum,golf courses, etc., a11 municipalities within the County would benefit. Motion by Gelwicks, seconded by John Smith,to approve the McHenry County Tourism Council Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. New Business Chairman Bolger a.nnounced there would be Spaghetti Dinner Fund Raising Event for the Joseph Tonyan Educational Fund on February lg`at the McHenry Moose. Chairman Bolger read a tribute to Mayor Althoff into the record. � Page 4 EDC January 14,2003 Motion by Doherty, seconded by Curran,to approve the tribute to Mayor Althoff as presented. `-- Voting Aye: Bol€;er, Carstens, Chrisman, Curran, Doheriy, Gelwicks,Harr, Pagealow. Voting Nay: None. Abstained: Jones,Maaceiner, John Smith,Wimmer. Not Voting: Dodds, Hintz, gunzer, Martin. Absent: Althoff,Marinangel,Napolitano, Patel, Scott Smith, Swierk. Motion carried. John Smith stated his firm dces a grea.t deal of business with the City and he would not be comfortable voting on the tribute. Adjoumment Motion by Gelwicks, seconded by Curran,to adjourn at 12:52 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � li - � ; . r �'E;, �'L '��t� ���� C,ii.. ' ,1;� Kathl n Kunzer,Recording Secretary ; � �