HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/10/2003 - Economic Development Commission Economic Development Commission Meeting Monday, March 10, 2003 McHenry Municipal Center � 12:30 p.m. Present: Pamela Althoff, William Bolger, Kit Carstens, Carol Chrisman, Daniel Curran, Donald Doherty, Debbie Harr, Janice Jones, Kathleen Kunzer, Doug Maxeiner, Dick Paegalow, John Smith, Scott Smith, John Swierk, Richard Wimmer. Absent: D. William Dodds, Phil Hintz, Kathy Marinangel, Doug Martin, Jce Napolitano, Karen Patel. Guest: Cyndi Kottke. Chairman Bolger called the meeting to order at 12:32 p.m. ' Apnroval of Minutes Motion by Carstens, seconded by Doherty, to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2003 Board Meeting as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Treasurer's Re�ort� Secretary/Treasurer Jones reported the balance in the EDC Treasury remains at $1510.69. Chairman Bolger noted he intends to once again request donations toward marketing and publicity from area utilities. Motion by Curran, seconded by Scott Smith,to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. McHenry Countv Industrial Council Report In the absence of representa.tive Gelwicks,there was no McHenry County Industrial Council Report. Chamber Re�ort �Iarr reported the followi.ng upcoming Chamber events are forthcoming: 4/8/03 Mixer at Horsin'Around 4/25/03 Scramble at the Lakemoor 5/1/03 Fifth Third Bank Ribbon Cutting 5/6/03 Health Fair Expo 5/13/03 Mixer at the Holiday Inn 5/21/03 Chamber Golf Outing 5/27/03 Mixer at Gary Lang Motion by Chrisman, seconded by Curran,to accept the Chamber Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. � Oscar Party Ni t at McHenry Theater Ms. Cyndi Kottke of Harbor Wallbangers and representing the McHenry Downtown Business Association addressed the Board. Ms. Kottke announced the Association is sponsoring an Oscar Party Night on March 23`d at the McHenry Theater. Ticket prices range from $25 for theater only spectator seats to $SO..for dinner and theater at Joey T's or Michael's Bistro. In addition, corporate sponsorships are also available. Ms. Kottke stated the purpose of the event is two-fold: to inspire interest in the downtown businesses and to act as a fundraiser for the Association. It is the dream of the Associarion to have the McHenry Thea.ter reopen.Negotiations are ongoing with the property owner. Mayor Althoff noted this is the type of event the EDC should proactively support. She suggested the Board consider being a corporate sponsor for the event. Motion by Doherty, sewnded by Cazstens, to donate $250 to the McHenry Downtown Business Association for the �scar Party Night. �11 ayes. Morion cameci. CitYReport City Administrator Maxeiner distributed the February 2003 Building Report Page 2 EDC March 10,2003 � Motion by Doherty, seconded by Jones,to approve the City Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Facade Improvement Grant Corrunittee Report There was no Fa�ade Improvement Grant Committee Report. Transportaxion ' In view of the recent retirement of Jce Gausden, Chairman Bolger suggested Don Doherty be named as the Transportation Liaison. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Scott Smith, to support the appointrnent of Don Doherty as Transportation Liaison for the EDC. All ayes. Motion carried. Special Projects Report• Riverwalk Carstens reported the first R.iverwalk Project has been preliminarily approved by the McHenry City Council. Riverwalk Place being developed by Curt Langille is currently before the City's Planning and Zoning Commission for plat approval. Cazstens also reported the ta.rget date for Riverwalk Design Architect recommendation to City Council is April 1�`. Once the Design Architect has been determined,actual Riverwalk construction desigd can begin. Chairman Bolger announced the passing of Rivenvalk planniug firm Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen and Payne principal Jack Pettigrew. �fayor Althoff noted Staff is cunently revie�i�ing the qua.lification of design architect candidates. She also reported on Bykowski has purchased the Eby Brown building. He is investigating the possibility of revamping the building in line with Riverwalk standards. Carstens aclaiowledged the marketing efforts of Ned Neumann and noted recent press coverage of the Riverwalk has been outstanding. Fundraising Chairman Bolger reported the Riverwalk Foundation will be sending out more letters this month requesting contributions toward the Riverwalk. Motion by Curran, seconded by Jones,to approve the Special Projects Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Welcomin�Committee Report Mayor Althoff stated congratulatory letters are being sent on a regular basis to expanding and new business entities in the City. She noted representative delegations should be organized to visit various�ntities within the City. Motion by Chrisman, seconded by M�einer,to approve the Welcoming Coxnmittee Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Discussion Re�ardin�;2003 Board Meetine Schedule It was the consensus that the Board continue with the adopted meeting schedule of the second Monday of altemate monfhs at 12:30 p.m. ` `cHenry County EDC R�port 4nere was no McHenry County EDC Report. Page 3 EDC March 10,2003 �.VIcHe County Towism Council Carstens reported the Tourism Council will meet on Wednesday, Mazch 12`�. Discussions will continue regarding each municipality in the County adopting an hotel tax. If each municipality passes such a tax, the revenue generated from the tax could be combined and utilized to promote tourism for the entire County. Motion by Althoff, seconded by 7ones,to approve the McHenry County Tourism Council Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. New Business Chairmau Bolger announced the resignation of Scott Smith from the Board effective with today's meeting. Mr. Smith will no longer have the time to devote to the Board as he has chosen to pursue a law degree. Some discussion followed regarding a replacement for Scott Smith on the EDC Board. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Chrisman, to accept the resignation of Scott Smith, and to appoint Ned Neuma.nn to fill the vacancy,pending Mr.Neumann's acceptance of the appointment. All ayes. Motion carried. Mayor Althoff suggested as the McHenry Downtown Business Association is becoming more viable, a representative of the Association be asked to attend future EDC meetings in order to obtain regulaz input from this entity. Adjoumment Motion by Scott Smith, seconded by Maxeiner,to adjoum at 1:07 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. `"�Zespectfully submitted, i Ka een Kunzer,Recording ecretary �