HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/12/2003 - Economic Development Commission Economic Development Commission Meeting Monday, May 12,2003 McHenry Municipal Center � 12:30 p.m. Present: Pamela Althoff, William Bolger, Kit Carstens, D. William Dodds, Donald Doherry, , David Gelwicks, Phil Hintz, Janice Jones, Kathleen Kunzer, Kathy Marinangel, Doug Martin, Doug Maxeiner, Joseph Napolitano, Dick Paegelow, Karen Patel, John Swierk.. Absent: Carol Chrisman, Daniel Curran, Debbie Ha.rr, John Smith, Richard Wimmer. r Chaumau Bolger callc:d the mceting to order at 12:30 p.m. , Apnroval of Minutes Motion by Maxeiner, seconded by Gelwicks, to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2003 Board Meeting as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Treasurer's Report Secretary/Treasurer Jones reported the balance in the EDC Treasury is $1260.69 following the $250 donation made to the McHenry Downtown Business Association. Chairman Bolger noted he has written letters of request for donations toward marketing and publicity from area utilities. To date no monies have been donated. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Maxeiner,to approve the Treasurer's RepoR as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. McHenry County Industrial Council Report Representative Gelwicks reported the most recent speaker at the McHenry County Industrial Councils monthly meeting was McHenry County Board Chairman Mike Tryon. Chairman Tryon provided the Council with an update; there was no McHenry County Industrial Council Report.of highway and road construction projects throughout the �.- County. He noted the State has pulled back on some of the road projects. The McHenry Bypass has been moved to the back burner. The project which appears to be at the forefront in McHenry County is the Algonquin Bypass. Motion by Marinangel, seconded by Jones,to accept the McHenry County Industrial Council Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Chamber Report Chamber Chairman Paegalow reported the following upcoming Chamber events: 5/13 Holida.y Inn Mixer 5/21 Annual Golf Outing 5/27 Gary Lang Mixer 6/3 In Sync Mixer 6/10 Hampton Inn Mixer 6/17 Fifth Third Bank Mixer 6/23 Miss McHenry Pageant at Johnsburg High School 7/10-7/20 2003 Fiesta Days Celebration 9/14 Country Meadows Craft Fair. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Doherry,to accept the Chamber Report as presented. All ayes. Motion cairied. City Report Napolitano distributed the April Building Report and noted building permits are really up. Recent new commercial openings include the Hampton Inn, the Fifth Third Bank, Starbucks, Mattress Giant and Wendy's North Restaurant. � Current construction projects include P1asPros Headquarters, Metalmaster, Jewel remodeling, old Handy Pantry site demolirion and new construction of Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins facility;NY Prime Restaurant. Napolitano also reported: Page 2 EDC May 12,2003 � • Concord Hom��s is moving forward with the Morgan Hills residential development • Riverwalk Place Townhomes along Boon Lagoon is progressing • Boone Creek iJnit 6 will be constructed along Crystal Lake Road • Adams Farm is being developed by Gerstad Builders • Development of the Budreck Farm is being proposed as a concept plan before Council • The Eby Brov►m Properiy is being cleaned up and marketed. r Director Napolitano also reported the developer of Snapper John's Restaurant has decided against siting lris facility in the Liberty Square Subdivision. He is cunently seeking another site, either within or outside of the City of McHenry. Some discussion followed regarding other potential locations. It was suggested Director Napolitano coordinate efforts to assist the relocation of the restaurant. The Public Works Deparnnent has been keeping Route 120 business and property owners apprised of the roadway improvement project. Cunently bi-weekly meetings are being conducted in an effort to keep all parties informed of the project status. In Tesponse to an inquiry, it was noted the street lights are being replaced during the course of the reconstruction project_ The City's portion of the light replacement is approximately$350,000. Motion by Jones, seconded by Carstens,to approve the City Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Fa�ade Im�rovement Grant Committee Report There was no Fa�ade Improvement Grant Committee Report. Transportation � Doherty sta.ted he will be attending the TAC Committee Meeting on May 14�'. The West McHenry Bypass wi�l be discussed at this meeting. The West McHenry Bypass is cunently not on IDOT's schedule. Federal dollars are needed in order to initiate the Bypass Construction. Due to the fact that it is not currently on the schedule, it is anticipated it will be at least 8 years before the project will begin. The County is proposing to secure right-of-ways and conduct environmentals in preparation for the Bypass consMiction. Althoff encouraged Commissioners to institute a comprehensive letter-writing campaign to keep the West McHenry Bypass in front of the public's eye, particularly state and federal elected officials. The money to underwrite the cost for this project will ultimately come from federal dollars and the EDC should make every effort to ensure the monies are forthcoming. Patel stated the McHenry Bypass is included on the CATS plan. However, economic development efforts county-wide are in retention mode as opposed to attraction mode. With the current state of transportation in the County it is difficult to attract new entities to locate here. A lengthy discussion followed regazding transportation concerns and issues in McHenry County. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Carstens, to request the McHenry County Economic Development Corporation take the lead in iniriating a letter writing campaign among all County municipalities and large businesses and/or corporations to seek assistance from elected officials in Springfield and Washington regarding the transportation issues of McHenry County. All ayes. Motion carried. Special Projects R�ort: Riverwalk Carstens reported he attended a symposium on tourism and noted tourism is needed in order to produce more money to do restoration and improvements. He stated the selection of an architectural designer is imminent. � Page 3 EDC May 12, 2003 � Riverwalk Fund Rai sing Chairman Bolger announced he had recently completed another letter writing fund raising campaign. Response has been slow. Many potential donors aze waiting until the Riverwalk construction has actually begun, before contributing to it. Gelwicks announced the medical office building on Green Street adjacent to Boone Lagoon is for lease or sa1e. Motion by Jones, sec�nded by Doherty,to approve the Special Projects Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Welco ' Committc�Report Mayor Althoff stated congratulatory letters are being sent on a regular basis to expanding and new business entities in the City. There have been several ribbon cutting ceremonies and ground brealdngs which present good opportunities for EDC Board members to welcome and encourage new and expanding businesses in the City. McHenry County EDC Report Patel noted HB235 is currently before the Senate. This bill focuses on corporate accountabiliry and could hinder some larger corporations from relocating to the Sta.te of Illinois due to the stringent reporting and incentive payback requirements it would impose. Patel also reported an event had been held at McHenry County College which encouraged the collaboration of McHenry County municipalities to create an atmosphere of controlled growth. There should be a regional effort to foster orderly quality growth in the area. Tourism Committee Carstens reported the Tourism Committee will make a presentation before the McHenry County Council of � Government on Ma.y 28�'. The Committee's presenta.tion will focus on the support of regional efforts to promote tourism. A request for sead money to create a tourism bureau will be made. Carstens noted for each tourism dollar spent$5 is returned. Motion by Napolitano, seconded by Doherty, to approve the McHenry Courny EDC and Tourism Council Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. New Business Chairman Bolger announced the McHenry Theater will be reope�ning Thursday, May 15, 2003. There will be two movies available with two showings each day. Chairman Bolger encouraged the EDC to support the reopening and to spread the word that the Theater is once again open. Adjoumment Motion by Carstens, seconded by Marinangel,to adjourn at 1:40 p.m. All ayes. Motion camied. Respectfully submitted, ! j� (1�,��L , r.�, '�l.t;:/ ,,l Kathl n Kunzer, Recording Secr , \..