HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - 9/9/2003 - Economic Development Commission ' McHENRY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 333 South Green Street,McHenry,lllinois 60050 (815)363-2100 '� MCHENRY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Agenda Tuesday, September 9, 2003 12:30 p.m. Municipal Building —Council Chambers 1) Approval of Minutes; May 12, 2003 Regular Board Meeting 2) Treasurer's Report Jones 3) McHenry County Industrial Council Report Gelwicks 4) Chamber Report Harr 5) City Report Low/Maxeiner Building Report Napolitano 6) Transportation „ Doherty �' 7) Special Projects Report Riverwalk Committee Report Carstens Donation Report Bolger 8) Welcoming Committee Report Smith 9 McHenry County EDC Report Patel Tourism Committee Carstens Posted and Mailed September 2,2003 � Executive Board: William Bolger,Donald Doherty,Janice Jones,Kit Carstens Economic Development Commission Meeting Monday, May 12,2003 McHenry Municipal Center � 12:30 p.m. Present: Kit Carstens. Carol Chrisman, Donald Doherty, David Gelwicks, Phil Hintz, Janice Jones, Kathleen Kunzer, Susan Low, Kathy Marinangel, Doug Martin, Doug Maxeiner, Dick Paegelow, Karen Patel.. Absent: William Bolger, Daniel Curran, D. William Dodds, Debbie Harr, Joseph Napolitano, John Smith, John Swierk, Richard Wimmer. Also in attendance was guest, Ken Kelgard, Deputy County Engineer. . Vice Cha.irman Doherty called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. ' Avnroval of Minutes Motion by Maaceiner, seconded by Jones, to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2003 Board Meeting as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Transportation Presenta.tion•West McHeiuv Bwass Update—McHenry County Deputv Engineer Ken Kel�ard Vice Chairnian Doherty introduced McHenry County Deputy Engineer Ken Kelgard who is the Project Manager for the West McHenry Bypass. He reported the feasibility study has been completed A Public Hearing was conducted late last fa11. Mr. Kelgard stated the proposed Bypass route is awaiting IDOT approval. The project will then be presented to the County Board for approval. The project consultant is working with affected communities to assure the bypass corridor right-of-way is preserved. In response to an inquiry, Mr. Kelgard stated the proposed Bypass lies within the jurisdiction of McHenry, Johnsbur, and Ringwood. The anticipated project cost is $75 million. At tlus time, there is a need to obtain corridor right-of-way and secure funding to do the Phase I Report. The potential phasing of the project would likely include Phase I from Route 120 to the south terminus at the Pacini Property. `-- In response to a question regarding the Route 53 North extensioq Mr. Kelgard stated the project report is on the governor's desk awaiting his signature. Mr. Kelgard also noted the Crystal Lake Road improvements to install five lanes to expand from three lanes to five lanes between Route 176 and Hillside Lane is dependent upon right-of-way acquisirion. Treasurer's Report Secretary/Treasurer Jones reported the balance in the EDC Treasury is $1255.69 following the $5 annual corporation report fee paid to the State of Illinois Motion by Marinangel, seconded by Maxeiner,to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. All ayes. Motion camed. McHenry Countv Industrial Council Report Representative Gelwicks reported there was no meeting since the last meeting of the EDC. Chamber Report Chamber Cha.irman Paegalow expressed the Chambers gratitude for City assistance with preparing for Fiesta Days events and noted the numerous events still planned for this week. City Report Martin stated the number of new residential building permits is up from last year. He reported on projects and development occurring with the City,namely: • Harley Davidson satellite store • Adams Farm multi-use development plan revisions � • Hallmark Homes townhome plan revisions • Lincoln Hill residential subdivision adjacent to Liberty Trails • Bank of America in Rubloff East Development • Quiznos, Oberweiss and Panda Express in Rubloff East Outlot Page 2 EDC July 14,2003 \., • Morgan Hill townhomes on south Route 31 • Prairie Pointe Business Park on south Route 31 • Forced annexation of surrounded islands of land with the City • Professional Plaza Subdivision across from the N1MC campus • Senior Housing project north of Holy Apostles Church • Dunkin DonutsBaskin Robins facility on Elm Street at Ramble Road Fa�ade Imnrovement(�rant Committee Report There was no Fa�ade lmprovement Grant Committee Report. McHenry County EDC Report Patel reported a community survey had been sent out to a11 County communities. The MCEDC is in the process of reconstructing their web site. The new home page should be up and running by September 1�`. Patel noted the Tourism Committee is encouraging all County municipalities and govemment entities to join together to advocate tourism destinations in McHenry County. Carstens, a member of the Tourism Committee, stated he has met with various city mayors/managers/administra.tors regarding instituting a coalition of tourism dollars in order to actively promote various events and activities in the County. He reported the Tourism Committee is scheduled to make a presentaxion before the McHenry City Council at its July 21�` regularly scheduled meeting. The proposal is to institute a municipal hotel ta�c which could be utilized to advertise tourism county-wide. It is anticipated the City of McHenry would raise approximately $44,000 from this tax annually. The expected pro rata share to the County would be$11,000. Welcoming Committee Report .. `.. There was no Welcoming Committee Report. Special Projects Report: Riverwalk Carstens reported the firm VOA has been selected by the City of McHenry as the architect for the Riverwalk Project. A kickoff meeting with the architect is scheduled for July 22"d. On August 5�' at 7 p.m. at the Riverwalk Committee Meeting, VOA will present their proposed timeline schedule and ideas. VOA will occupy one day each week an office on Green Street in order to be available to the community for input,questions,etc. It is also anticipated Council will give final approval to the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. On August 12`�there will be an opportunity for public input to the architect. Then, later in August, VOA will present a preliminary concept plan for Council approval. New Business - Vice Chairman Doherty opened discussion about changing the EDC Board meeting date back to the second Tuesday of the month, as stated in the corporation bylaws. Following discussion, it was the consensus of those present to recommend to Chairma.n Bolger the mcetings be rescheduled to noon on the second Tuesda,y every other month. Adjournment Motion by Maxeiner, seconded by Chrisman,to adjoum at 1:36 p.m. All ayes.Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, / } � �' ' 1"1 ��;�,L 1t,J '2! Kathl Kunzer, Recording Secretary� , , • ' ' �p �UV �I¢3 . � � �•. . . MCHENRY, ILLINOIS „ � , . . , . � . � General Information Primary County MCHENRY Additional Counties POPULATION 1980 1990 2000 Current CLIMATE City 13,536 16,177 21,501 21,501 Avg. Winter Temp 21.88 F -5.62 C County 147,897 183,241 260,077 260,077 Avg. Summer Temp 72.90 F. 22.72 C Labor Market 70,000 93,000 139,396 139,396 Avg. Annual Rainfall 35.52 In 90.22 Cm Avg. Annual Snowfall 30.00 In 76.20 Cm Economic Development Amenities luaicipal Services • � Local Government ALDERMEN / TOWN Municipal Zoning YES Comprehensive Plan Yes - Rev. 1999 County Zoning YES Subdivision Ordinance YES Home Rule NO w/ Design Standards Public Library YES Emergency 911 System YES Rescue Squad YES Fire Insurance Class 5 in city 9 outside Full Time Part Time Volunteer Fire Department 0 0 140 Police Department 94 0 0 Commercial Services General Waste Disposal YES Radio Stations 3 Special Waste Disposal YES TV Channels 80 Cable YES Newspapers 1 Daily 1 Weekly Machine Shops il If none, distance to nearest MI KM Tool 6 Die 5 if none, distance to nearest MI KM Banks 14 Assets $ 400,000,000 Savings and Loans 3 Assets $ 500,000,000 Additioaal Economic Ameaitiea Competitive Communities Initiatives YES Stages 0 Foreign Trade Zone NO Enterprise Zone NO Tax Increment Financing Dist NO Remarks REVOLVING LOAN FUND AND INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS. PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENTS MAY HE CONSIDERED FOR IND. PROJECTS EXCEEDING 1C MILLION. IN PROCESS OF SSTABLISHING TIF DIS4RICT. �i Transportation MotorCarrier Highways Serving Community 0 Federal 2 State , ,, � interstates Servinq Con�nunity NONE Nearest Interchange NO Distance 17 MI 27 KM Motor Freight Terminals 1 Local Carriers 2 �� Inteistate Carriers 2 Intrastate Carriers 0 Packaqe Delivery Service YES Commercial Sus Service YES Air Nearest Commercial Airport CHICAGO O'HARE INTL AIRPORT _ Local NO 35 MI 56 KM Commercial Airlines 40 Flights per day 2500 , Nearest Public Airport GALT AIRPORT Locdl NO 7 MI 11 KM Type of Surface CONCRETE Longest Runway 3,200 FT 960 M Runway Lighted YES Fuel Available YES Charter Service Available NO Pvt Storage Available YES Pvt Maintenance Available YES water City Adjoins Navigable Water YES Name of Waterway FOX RIVER Public Barge NO Private Harge NO , Channel Depth 0 FT 0 M Length Of Season 0 Months Public Dock Local NO 0 MI 0 KM Travel Time (distance and travel time for goods in transit to selected major cities) Highway Highway Days Days City Miles Km. by Rail by Truck ---------- ------- ------- ------- -------- .. ` ' lanta 730 1,168 0 2 �Lhicago 55 88 0 1 Cleveland 343 549 0 2 Dallas 936 1,498 0 2 Denver 1,016 1,626 0 4 Detroit 326 522 0 2 Kansas City 499 798 0 3 Los Angeles 2,095 3,352 0 7 Memphis 544 870 0 2 Minneapolis 390 624 0 2 New Orleans 944 1,510 0 3 New York 840 1,344 0 4 St. Louis 335 536 0 2 Seattle 2,063 3,301 0 7 Railroad(s) Frequency of Switchiag CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN Piggyback Service NO 50 MI 80 KM Container Service NO 0 MI 0 KM Remarks ADDITIONAL PUSLIC AIRPORT: LAKE IN THE HILLS AIRPORT 10 MI. S.E. (AVAILABLE CHARTER, STORAGE & MAINTENANCE SERVICES). Uti�ItleS �ter � Water Supplier MUNICIPAL Water Source WELL Gallons/Day Liters/Day Storage Capacity 1,750,000 6,650,000 Treatment ^_apacity 4,100,000 15,580,000 Average Dail� Demand 2,200,000 8,360,000 Peak Dail{ Demand 3,600,000 13,680,000 Excess �:apacity 500,000 1,900,000 ��ste Water Treatment ype of Sewage Treatme�it Plant SECONDARY Proceas Treatment Capacity 4,000,000 15,200,000 Present Load 2,800,000 10,640,000 Excess Capacity 1,200,000 4,560,000 Natural Gas - Electricxtp - Telecommuaicatioas Gas Supplier NICOR GAS Electric Supplier COMMONWEALTH EDISON , Local Telephone Supplic�r AMERITECH Digital Switching YES Fiber Optics YES Lonq Distances Carriers AT&T SPRINT MCI Remarka NEW WELL, TREATMENT FACILITY AND ADDITIONAL CENTERFUSE TO INCREASE CAPACITY. (1993), FUNDING FOR EXPANSION SETIMATED IN 1997 SY BOND ISSUE & EXISTING RESERVES. Health Facilities Number of Hospitals in Community 1 Total Number of Beds 177 If No Hospital, Dist to Nearest 0 MI 0 KM Clinic YES , Doctors in Community 325 Dentists in Community 28 Emergency Medical Treatment Local YES 0 MI 0 KM Remarks RXTENDED CARE FACILITY WITH 316 HEDS; CONGREGATE �RE FACILITY WITH 104 APARTMENTS. EMERGENCY � �..EDICAL TREATMENT; NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER. Education Facilities (in community) Type Number Teachers Enrollment ------------------- ------ -------- ---------- Elementary 6 232 3,047 Junior High 2 102 1,576 High School 2 160 2,176 Trade & Technical 0 0 0 Community College 1 175 32,000 Four-Yr College 0 0 0 University 0 0 0 Latest A.C.T. Composite Score 22.0 Remarks 4-YR COLL NRTHRN IL UNIV 45 MI. OUTSIDE CITY: FEEDER ELEM SCH 6 UNIT DIST SCH, COMM COLL INCL SM BUS DEV CTR. MCHENRY CO COLL IN CRYSTAL LAKE. IT CURRENTLY SERVES 32,000 STUDENTS, W/23 ASSOC DEGREE PROG. IT ALSO INCLUDES CTR FOR COMMERCE & ECON. DEV. Employment Major Employers Ia The Community Union Year �Lmployer Product/Service Employees Affiliation Established ------------------------- ------------------ --------- --------------- ----------- NORTHERN IL MEDICAL HEALTH CARE 2,555 NONE p CENTER DANA CORP. BRAKE PARTS 1,002 NONE p FOLLETT LIBRARY 680 NONE p RESOURCES FOLLETT SOFTWARE COMPUTER SOFTWARE 270 0 MEDELA, INC. 260 NONE p �ABRIK INDUSTRIES 253 0 PIONEER CENTER Z5� � CHROMA CORP. 14y � CITY OF MCHENRY GOVERNMENT 130 p ALDEN TERRACE OF HEALTH CARE 12p p MCHENRY REHAB & HLTH CARE ' Lnbor Force Labor Force Summary for. MCHENRY COUNTY Annual Average for Year. 2000 Total Labor Force 139,396 Unemployed 4,503 Percentage 3.20$ Total Employed 134,B93 Manufact'uring 30.108 Non-Manufacturing 68.208 Agriculture 1.708 Communitp unioa Acbivitp Last Year Data Available 1990 - Labor Relations Board Elections Number in Last 5 Years 1 Number won by union 0 . Number won by company 1 work stoppage occurances within last 5 years 0 Number of employees involved 0 Wage Rates ige rates for experienced workers in selected occupations workinq in the MCHENRY COUNTY .�. Occupation Entry Top Occupation Entry Top ---------------------- ------- ------- ---------------------- ------- ------- Accountant/Auditor $ 15.65 $ 18.91 Maintenance Mechanic $ 10.68 $ 16.46 Assembler-Electronic $ 6.63 $ 9.92 Office Clerk $ 6.61 $ 11.08 Assembler-Production $ 7.39 $ 11.17 Secretary $ 6.7B $ 12.46 Computer Operator $ 7.93 $ 12.86 Sheet Metal Worker $ 8.33 $ 15.70 Computer Programmer $ 10.10 $ 23.81 Ship-Recvinq Clerk $ 8.69 $ 15.03 Data Entry Operator $ 8.73 $ 12.45 Systems Analyst $ 12.26 $ 26.42 Drill or Punch Press $ 9.44 $ 13.49 Technician $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Engineer $ 18.78 $ 26.43 Tool 6 Die Maker $ 10.54 $ 18.05 Janitor/Porter/Cleaner $ 5.86 $ 10.24 Warehouse Worker $ 6.80 $ 10.16 Laborer $ 7.11 $ 11.54 Welder $ 9.22 $ 15.01 Machinist $ 11.12 $ 17.81 Word Processor $ 8.65 $ 10.58 Remarks Community Facilities (Available within 10 miles) Motels/Hotels 2 Protestant Churches 15 Number of Rooms 133 Catholic Churches 3 Restaurants 50 Jewish Synagogues 1 Capacity of Largest Banquet Room 500 Country Clubs 3 Public Golf Courses 1 Health Clubs 2 Public Tennis Courts 14 Public Swimming Pools 1 Public Access to Lake/River YES Name of Lake/River Remarks 'HENRY-KNOWN AS THE "HEART OF THE FOX" ON THE ��.�NKS OF THE MEANDERING FOX RIVER. 2 MAJOR PARKS IN EXCESS OF 1,000 AC WiZN 10 MIN. DRIVE. RECIPIENT OF FEDERAL CLEAN LAKES GRANT (MCCULLOM LAKE) THE MEANDERING FO}t RIVER. IN PROCESS OF PLANNING FOR A COMMUNITY RIVERWALK. Tax Structure Property tax rates pe� $100 asaesaed valuation. Valuation is 33.38 of real property except in Cook � 'ounty where commerci.il property is assesaed at 3B8 and industrial pr��perty is assessed at 368. Propertp Tax Rates Year 2000 Total Property Tax Rates Total Sales Tax Rate 6.258 City 0.60028 For Two Previous Yeara Utility Tax On County 0.64408 1999 1998 Electricity 0.008 School 4.61668 6.96568 6.84308 Natural Gas 0.00$ Other(s) 1.38508 Telephone 1.008 Total 7.24588 Water 0.00$ Remarks Location Services and Other Information Ecoaomic / Iadustrial Profile iaformatioa Denelopmeat Coalact Provided Sp Douglas Martin � Douglas Martin City Planner City Planner City of McHenry City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 McHenry, IL 60050 Phone (815) 363-2170 Phone (815) 363-2170 • Fax (815) 363-2173 Fax (815) 363-2173 other Information , Zip Code(s) 60050 Rep Dist 64 63 Senate Dist 32 Congressional Dist 16 Remarks 'ity E-mail: cityomch@mc.net � �� Last updated O1/16/2002 Copyright O 2002 by Department of Commerce and Community Affairs Community Profiles DCCA Home Page �.