HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/13/2004 - Economic Development Commission Economic Development Commission Meeting Tuesday, January 13, 2004 McHenry Municipal Center 12:30 p.m. � Present: Kay Bates, William Bolger, Kit Carstens, Daniel Curran, Donald Doherty, David Gelwicks, Phil Hintz, Kathleen Kunzer, Kathy Marinangel, Doug Martin, Joseph Napolitano, Ned Neumann, John Swierk. Absent: Carol Chrisman, D. William Dodds, Janice Jones, Susan Low, Doug Maxeiner, Dick Pagea,low, Karen Patel, John Smith, Richard Wimmer. Also in attendance was Scott Siman of Land Technologies. Chairman Bolger called the meeting to order at 12:32 p.m. A�proval of Minutes Motion by Carstens. seconded by Swierk, to approve the minutes of the November 11, 2003 Board Meeting as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Treasurer's Report Chairn�an Bolger noted the balance in the EDC Treasury remains at $1110.69 as there was no activity in the account during the past two months. McHenry County Industrial Council Re.port Representative Gelwicks stated the last meeting of the MCIC was held at McHenry County College, however, he was unable to attend. Minutes of the meeting have not yet been distributed. CitY Report Director of Community Development Napolitano reported the City issued 291 deta.ched single family home permits in 2003. He noted there were no developments approved in 2003 which included detached single family units. However, several town home developments were approved. � Director Napolitano also reported Roger Gerstad has submitted a revision to the development plan for the Adams Farm. Originally, the development included 800 units comprised of detached single-family, town homes and commercial. The latest plan includes 550 units: 490 detached single-family with 60 town home units. The new plan will be presented to the Community Development Committee on Wednesday, January 14`�. Responding to an inquiry regarding the Budreck Property, Director Napolitano stated Deer Pointe appears to have decided not to develop this property. However,Windsor Development has expressed an itrterest in it. Planner Martin reported Johnsburg Bowl is interested in moving their operation to McHenry. The site is within the Adams Business Park. Ron Bykowski is moving forward with the reha.b of the Eby Brown facility. Verlo Mattress has contacted him regarding rental of the site. Mr. Bykowski is seeking City assistance in sidewalk street lighting replacement. Carstens stated he encouraged Mr. Bykowski to not only rehab the Eby Brown Building, but the Napoli Pizza Building(which Mr. Bykowski also owns)and the Citgo Gas Station(not cunently owned by Mr. Bykowski)as well. It was noted no decision has been ma.de regarding the possible closure and/or creating a cul-de-sac at Millstream Drive and Elm Street. Vacating the street would assist with parking in the area. A lengthy discussion occuned regarding transportation and traffic issues including: • Connection of Municipal Center Drive and Bank Drive; • Lack of direct access onto Charles Miller Road from the Busch-Knox Property; • Left-turn accc;ss onto Elm Street from City lot and McHenry Savings Bank Green Street Lot; • Possible realignment to create a four-way signalized intersection at Richmond Road and Elm Street. Director Napolitano informed the Commission the Council has initiated a Transportation Committee and a � Comprehensive Transporta.tion Study has been funded by grant monies from the State of Illinois. The Transportation Committee will seek input from the EDC. Marina.ngel expressed interest in participating in City discussions regarding transportation issues, particulaxly as they would affect the McHenry Savings Bank's facilities on Route 31 (Bank Drive)and on Green Street. Page 2 EDC January 13,2004 �-' Motion by Carstens, seconded by Marinangel,to accept the City Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Chamber Report Bates reported Chamber membership is at an all time high of 660 members. The Chamber's Annual Dinner Dance will be held on January 2•�`''. Announcement was made that Bob Mortell will receive the Frank E. Low Award at this year's event. The State of McHenry Annual Luncheon is scheduled for January 30`�. Fiesta Days 2004 will occur from July 16'�thru July 25`�'. The Chamber's Annual Golf Outing will talce place on May 19`h. In conclusion, Bates stated the Chamber offices will be undergoing modifications to make the office more user/customer friendly. Motion by Gelwicks, seconded by Curran,to approve the Chamber Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Transportation Report Doherty stated the Route 120 construction appears to be progressing on schedule. Director Napolitano stated construction and installation of storm sewers has begun on the south side of the road. At this time,the projected finish date is July 1, 2004. Brief discussion followed regarding the 600' portion of Route 120 (from the top of Shern�an Hill to the entrance to Valley View School) which appears to not be under any construction and/or improvement. Chairn�an Bolger suggested Director of Public Works Marcinko look into this matter. Special Projects Report Carstens reported he, Chairman Bolger, and Assistant Administrator Lockerby met with VOA,the design architects for the Riverwalk. Another meeting will be scheduled within the next week. Carstens noted the Riverwalk is in the final � design phase of development. In response to an inquiry, Carstens stated the Lanco Development Project continues to progress. The first building will be under roof shortly. Fundraising Chairnian Bolger reported no additional fundraising efforts have been undertaken. Until work begins on the Riverwalk, it is difficult to raise monies for the project. He stated Mr. Johnson of Shamrock Farms and Wilbur Hecht have promised substantial donations toward the project. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Napolitano,to approve the Special Project Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Welcoming Committee Re� There was no Welcoming Committee Report. McHe Countv EDC Tourism Committee Report Chairman of the Tourism Committee Carstens reported the Committee is making progress in securing the cooperation of McHenry County communities to form a tourism consortium. He noted county hotels are the strongest proponents of the hotel tax as it would be utilized to fund tourism efforts in the county. Carstens stated partnering with other communities increases the financial base, and helps to recognize McHenry County as a tourism destination. Carstens noted the success of the Riverwalk Project depends on tourism and successful advertising. This must be a cohesive effort. The Riverwalk must partner with other tourism venues within the County, i.e.the Opera House, Raue Center, Historical Museum, etc. �'" Carstens also re orted a Tourism Roundu p p is being organized for April. Round table discussions among various tourism-impacted businesses, such as accommodations, dining, and recreation, will occur. Some discussion followed regarding a resort type destination. Carstens noted the State of Illinois defines tourism by overnight stays. Day trippers Page 3 EDC January 13,2004 � would actually generate more dollars in McHenry County. However, in order to obtain grant monies from the state for tourism promotion, overnight stays must be proven. Motion by Gelwick�, seconded by Neumann, to approve the McHenry County EDC Tourism Committee Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. New Business Gelwicks reported lie has taken a new position and will be based out of Crystal La.ke. However, his prime responsibility will not change. His interest and expertise still lies in cornmercial real esta.te sales and rental. In response to an inquiry, Director Napolitano stated China Light is still in the process of renovations following their fire last year. A re-opening date has not yet been announced. Slate of Officers for 2004-2005 Chairman Bolger acknowledged the Executive Committee met and developed the following proposed slate of officers for the 2004-2005 EDC Board: • Chairman David Gelwicks • Vice Chairman Donald Doherty • Secretary-Treasurer Janice Jones. Motion by Carstens, seconded by Curran, to accept the Executive Committee's slate of officers for the 2004-2005 years as follows: • Chairman David Gelwicks • Vice Chairman Donald Doherty • Secretary-Treasurer Janice Jones. � All ayes. Motion canied. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Carstens, to express the gratitude of the entire EDC Board to outgoing Cha.irman Bolger, and to congratulate him on a job well-done. All ayes. Motion carried. Gelwicks requested each of the EDC Board Members suggest one or two attainable goals which will be compiled prior to the ne�rt meeting. He stated he will attempt to contact each of the members personally to determine their input as far as the direction the Board should take and how it will be involved in the community. Adjournment Motion by Neumann, seconded by Doherty,to adjourn at 123 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, . ry ' ` ��2�( f_�.' ���� � (C �1G1 '��) � Ka een Kunzer, Recording Secreta �