HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/11/2003 - Economic Development Commission Economic Development Commission Meeting Tuesday,November 11, 2003 McHenry Municipal Center L-' 12:30 p.m. Present: Kay Bates, William Bolger, Donald Doherty, David Gelwicks, Janice Jones, Kathleen Kunzer, Sue Low, Kathy Marinangel, Doug Martin, Doug Maxeiner, Joseph Napolitano, Ned Neumann, Karen Patel, John Swierk, Richard Wimmer. Absent� Kit Carstens, Carol Chrisman, Daniel Curran, D. William Dodds, Phil Hintz, Dick Pagealow, John Smith, Chairman Bolger called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m. He announced the EDC Executive Board comprised of Bolger, Doherty, Jones and Carstens would meet to select a slate of candidates for 2004 officers of the board. Annroval of Minutes Motion by Maxeiner, seconded by Doheriy, to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2003 Board Meeting as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Treasurer's ReQort Secretary/Treasurer Jones reported the balance in the EDC Treasury remains at $1110.69 follo���ing the board authorized contribution of$150 to the Do�;�nto�t�n Business Association. Motion by Marinangel, seconded by Gel�ricks, to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. McHenr�tv Industrial Council Report Representative Gel«�icks stated the last meeting of the MCIC was held in McHenry including a tour of Fabrik ' " -tries. The Council also sponsored an economic summit in Johnsburg. � Motion by Doherty, seconded by Ma�einer to approve the McHenry County Industrial Council Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Chamber Report Newly-appointed Chamber President/CEO Kay Bates reported the Chamber's Annual Dinner Dance ��ll be held on January 24`�. The Doi�nto�;n Business Association Annual Christmas Walk was held this past weekend and was deemed very successful. Chamber membership is at an all time high. Motion by Jones; seconded by Low,to approve the Chamber Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Citv Report Director of Community Development Napolitano stated the City is on target to issue 300 single family residential home pemuts this 5•ear. As Boone Creek Subdi�zsion and Park Ridge Estates Subdivision are nearing buildout the increase in single family residential pernuts ne�ct year should not be quite so dramatic. He also noted both Morgan Hill and Shamrock Farms have initiated to�;�nhome developments in the City. Director Napolitano also reported on commercial projects including: • Commercial multi-tenant building on Ridgeview Drive • State Bank of the Lakes is now under construction next to Culver's • McVickers multi-tenant commercial has been issued occupancies for tenant space • Bank of America is under construction • Oben��eiss Dairy has begun construction Dunkin DonutsBaskin Robbins is moving fon;�azd .`+ The former Rainbo�;�Play«zll be occupied by Walsh Upholstery and Fumiture • Dunhill Steak House is nearing completion • Village Green facility on Charles Miller Road has been purchased by PRDC �i�ho is also constructing a senior housing rental facility on Bull Valley Road Page 2 EDC November 11, 2003 `'• Harley Davidson facility will be opening soon at the intersection of Route 120 and Chapel Hill Road • China Light �;�as issued an occupancy for second floor apartments and the restaurant refurbishing is moving forward. Some discussion occurred regarding the city's intent to extend Dartmoor Drive and Ridgeview Drive through to Route 31. Napolitano stated the City is in the process of initiating a comprehensive transportation study. The city will look at both of those issues in addition to the traffic congestion at the Route 31 and Bull Valley Road intersection, particularly at the McDonald's access drive. In response to an inquiry regarding the vacant land south of the Municipal Center, Planner Martin stated he had met recently«zth potential developers of this land who seemed e��tremely interested in procuring this property. City Administrator. Maxeiner stated the YMCA discussions regarding a joint venture community center are progressing. The management agreement is scheduled for City Council Agenda in December. Following City Council approval the agreement �vill be fonvarded to the YMCA board. Council v�zll then be in a position to secure an architect for the project. Ma}�or Low stated the YMCA capital campaign vvill occur in later«inter or early spring. If the capital campaign is successful, the City hopes to break ground in the fall. In response to Marinangel's inquiry, City Administrator Ma�einer stated he �i�ould investigate the possibility of changing the lighting in the do«mto��n district to make it safer for pedestrians,particularly in the Riverside Drive area. Some discussion follo�red regarding EDC and City's responsibilities with regard to seeking new businesses and retaining those which are here. ..�i[ion by Neuma.nn, seconded by Jones,to approve the City Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Transportation Report City Administrator Maxeiner and Mayor Low attended the Illinois Department of Transportation Symposium presented by Tim Martin on October 3ra. The presentation was hosted by Representative Jack Franks and Senator Pam Althoff at Woodstock City Hall. County representatives expressed their desire for assistance with Route 31 improvements from Route 176 north to the Wisconsin state line,West McHenry Bypass,and FAP420. Some discussion occurred regarding the Route 120 improvement project and the poor lighting, specifically in the area east of the Front Street intersection. In response to an inquiry, City Administrator Maxeiner stated the completion of � the�IDOT Route 120 project is currently being targeted for June 2004. IDOT is expecting to have three full lanes operational by December 1�`. Monthly informational update meetings are conducted by IDOT here at the Municipal Center. This month's meetin� is scheduled for November 19, 2003 at 3 p.m. Bates requested that consumers continue to patronize the Route 120 merchants«�ho are e�periencing a 30-40%loss of business due to the ongoing construction. Motion by Marinangel, seconded by Gel�vicks,to approve the Transportation Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Special Projects Renort Mayor Lo�v reported in order to keep the Rivenvalk project moving fon��ard a smaller «�orkable foundation subcommittee has been designated to facilitate the decision-making process. The Riven;�allc continues to move forward and is cunently in the architectural design phase. �,iraising Chairman Bolger noted ihe foundation has raised in excess of $200,000 for the project, excluding the grant monies provided by Representative Klemm, Senator Durbin and the TIF District revenues. S«�erk noted the Riven��alk Place To�tinhome Project is e�pected to realize approximately$135,000 annually in TIF funds. Page 3 EDC N^vember 11, 2003 .otion by Low, seconded by Doherty,to approve the Special Project Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Welcomin�Committee Report There was no Welcoming Committee Report. McHenry Countv EDC and Tourism Committee Report McHenry County EDC CEO/President Patel reported on recent MCEDC activities. She noted of particular interest to county municipalities is the MCEDC website being crcated which will link participating municipalities to retention/expansion and demographic inquiries. CEO/President Patel noted the MCEDC Tourism Committee has recently selected Kit Carstens as chairman. The Committee has recently partnered with Columbia College to research and surve�• areas of gro«�th within the county. McHenry has beeri identified as one of five key areas.. Motion by Napolitano, seconded by Neumann, to approve the McHenry County EDC and Tourism Committee Report as presented. All aS�es. Motion carried. New Business Chauman Bolger noted in view of the decreased interest in luncheon participation at the board meetings, it has been su�gested the board discontinue the practice of offering the option of eat-in lunch at the bi-monthly meetings. ion by Gelwicks, seconded by Doherty, to discontinue the eat-in lunch option at bi-monthly regularly scheduled _�drd meetings. All ayes. Motion carried. Adjournment Motion by Doherty, seconded by Ma�einer,to adjoum at 1:32 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, �., L '�.�.� �� 1 I.'�1, � Ka Kunzer, Recording Secretary �