HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/9/2004 - Economic Development Commission (3) Economic Development Commission Meeting
Tuesday, March 9,2004
McHenry Municipal Center
12:30 p.m.
Present: Kay Bates, William Bolger, Kit Carstens, D. William Dodds, Donald Doherty, Davict Gelwicks, Phil Hintz,
Janice Jones (arrived at 12:55 p.m.)Kathleen Kunzer, Susan Low, Bill Marinangel, Doug Martin, Joseph Napolitano,
Ned Neumann. Absent: Carol Chrisman, Daniel Curran, Doug Maxeiner, Dick Pagealow, Karen Patel, John Smith,
John Swierk, Richard Wimmer. Also in attendance representing District 15 efforts to inform the community about the
impending referendum on the March 16�'primary ballot.
Chairman Gelwicks called the meeting to order at 12:32 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Neumann, to approve the minutes of the November January 13, 2004 Board Meeting
as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Chairman Gelwicks noted the balance in the EDC Treasury remains at$1110.69 as there was no activity in the account
during the past two months. A request for payment of the McHenry County Industrial Council Annual Dues in the
amount of$100 was received and required Board authorizaxion to pay.
Motion by Carstens, seconded by Bolger,to authorize the payment of$100 to the McHenry County Industrial Council
for Annual Dues in the amount of$100, and to approve the February 2004 Treasurer's Report as presented. All ayes.
Motion carried
McHenry Couniv Industrial Council Report
Representative Gelwicks stated there was no meeting since the last EDC Boa.rd meeting and there was no MCIC
� report.
Chamber Report
Bates reported the 2004 Fiesta Days has been scheduled for July 16�'thru the 25`h. Entertainment is being lined up. It
was suggested the Fiesta Days Guide be utilized as a summertime guide (advertising such events as the Kiwanis Soap
box Derby, 4`�of July Fireworks,etc.)and not strictly for Fiesta Days Events.
The McHenry Downtown Merchants organization met within the past month and several members are considering
joining the Chamber in order to coordinate downtown revitalization efforts. Bates reported there is ,great interest in
establislung a cruise night in the community.
Bates acknowledged the Welcome to McHenry sign is in need of replacement. The sign is located on Dr. Hult's
properry who is being consulted regarding locating a replacement sign on his premises.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Low,to approve the Chamber Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
City Re�,ort
Director of Community Development Napolitano reported building activity continues to flourish in the city. He also
reported on the status of the following projects:
• Budreck Property annexation and development
• Gilger Properiy annexation and development
• Koehn Property annexa.tion and development
• First Midwest Property redevelopment of the Carey Building.
� Director Napolitano and Planner Martin recently attended a Shopping Center Alliance Conference in Chicago where
networking was initiated with potential retail and restaurant entities.
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January 13,2004
Route 120 roadway improvements are continuing with completion anticipated by late summer. The city will meet with
`-- IDOT officials regarding IDOT's request to entirely close the Crystal La1ce Road/Route 120 intersection and Front and
Elm Streets intersection for improvements. Work will begin on the McCullom Lake Road and Route 31 intersection in
In response to an inquiry, Director Napolitano stated PRDC is progressing with the purchase and build out of
Windsor's Village Green Project. PRDC is also moving forward with the senior citizen residential development along
Bull Valley Road north of Church of Holy Apostles. City Staff is working with the County to coordinate Bull Valley
Road access and signalizaxion to assist the PRDC development, the Gilger Property development, and the Church of
Holy Apostles.
In response to board inquiries, Director Napolitano reported:
• China Light is awaiting delivery of specialized kitchen equipment;
• Pea Pod Restaurant is slowly moving forward toward opening—they ha.ve experienced construction delays;
• No Way Jose—no current staxus on the viability of the restaurant is lrnown;
• Wahl Properry redevelopment—no current viable projects at this time.
Motion by Doherty, seconded by Dodds,to approve the City Report as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Transportation Report
Doherty suggested city Staff provide the board updates to transportation issues as they are more informed regarding
current transportation concerns and projects.
Special Projects Report
Ca.rstens reported the Riverwalk Liaison Committee will meet Wednesda.y, March 10`� at 3 p.m. The committee will
�. work on finalizing the design development plan prior to its presentation to Council in the near future. It is hoped the
final design will be �pproved within the next sixty days. If this occurs, Riverwalk groundbreaking could potentially
occur this spring or summer pending the city's securing a second strong developer for the project. Some discussion
occurred regarding the Eby Brown property, the Ponarelli Property, the Green Street Medicai Arts building and the
Wahl Property.
Bolger indicated no further fundraising efforts would occur until the final development design plan has been approved.
Motion by Napolitano, seconded by Neumann, to approve the Special Project Report as presented. All ayes. Motion
Welcoming Committee Report
There was no Welcoming Committee Report.
McHenry Countv EDC Tourism Committee Report
Carstens reported the Tourism Committee is planning a Tourism Roundup in April. Brainstornung and determining the
needs of tourism-associated business and industry will be accomplished.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Doherty, to approve the McHenry County EDC Tourism Committee Report as
presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
McHenry Elementary School District 15 Presenta,tion
In attendance were Dorothy Wolf and Geri Condoq residents and parents of School District 15 students. Ms. Wolf
reminded the Board School District 15 has placed a referendum question on the March 16`h prima.ry ballot. The
� request is for a $.30 increase in the district's rate. Ms. Wolf cited the large class sizes, old text books, and removal of
sports and activities as reasons the community should support the upcoming referendum. The school board has pa.red
back and done what the community has requested following previous referendum request failures. School
a.dministrator salaries have been frozen. Efforts have been made at communicating the status and position of the
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3anuary 13,2004
board's request. The community-at-lazge has been surveyed. The results of the survey are indicated on the district's
`-- website.
Dr. Dodds noted an article and table indicating how the referendum would impact homeowners was published in
Sunday's Northwest Herald. Ms. Condon affirmed the pledge to reduce class sizes, replace the outdated text books
and reduce the need to further remove curriculum and activities from the schools. The proposed$.30 tax rate increase
can work. Ms. Condon stated a community is knovcm by the schools it keeps. The McHenry community must do a11 in
its power to support the school system. The community needs a solid school base in order to attract quality
development to the area.
For further infomna.tion the public may visit the website: ����«.d l�re£com
Some discussion followed regarding ways the EDC can support the efforts of the referendum committee. It was
-suggested the EDC be listed as a casponsor of an advertising campaign which will be implemeuted on Mazch 12`�
through the 15 .
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Carstens, that the EDC endorse the McHenry Elementary School District 15
referendum question on the March 16, 2004 Primary Ballot, and that the EDC be a co-sponsor of the pro-referendum
ad campa.ign to take place this weekend. All ayes. Motion carried.
New Business
There was no New Business.
2004 Goa1s and Ob'ectives
Chairman Gelwicks suggested the Board scheduled a special meeting to discuss the 2004 Goa1s and Objectives. It was
� the consensus of the Board to schedule a Special Meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 at 12:30 p.m. at the McHenry
Municipal Center Council Cha.mbers. Each member was asked to rate the list of obtainable goals:
A Top priority
B• Important but not priority
C. Not important at this time.
Each member is ask� to submit their list of rated goals to the recording secretaay so tha.t a complete list of rated
priorities can be set prior to the meeting on April 13�'.
Motion by Doherty, seconded by Dodds,to adjourn at 1:55 p.m.
All ayes. Motion camed.
Respectfi�lly submitted,
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Kathleen Kunzer,Recording Secretary