HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/11/2004 - Economic Development Commission Economic Development Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, May 11,2004
McHenry Municipal Center
L-- 12:30 p.m.
Present: Daniel Cunan, D. William Dodds, Donald Doherty, David Gelwicks, Phil Hintz, Janice Jones, Kathleen
Kunzer, Kathleen Marinangel, Doug Martin, Douglas Ma�ceiner, Joseph Napolitano, Ned Neuma.nn, John Swierk.
Absent: Kay Bates, William Bolger, Kit Carstens, Susan Low, Dick Pagealow, Karen Patel, John Smith, Richard
Chairman Gelwicks called the meeting to order at 12:37 p.m.
A�proval of Minutes
Motion by Neumann, seconded by Dodds, to approve the minutes of the March 9, 2004 regularly scheduled EDC
Meeting as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Marina.ngel, seconded by Jones,to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2004 special meeting as amended.
All ayes. Motion carried.
Metra Su��ort
Chairman Gelwicks read a proposed letter to Metra in support of efforts to expand commuter service in the City of
McHenry. Following a lengthy discussion, it was suggested the letter be strengthened, written in a more positive
direction,and then be submitted for signature by as many members of the commission as possible. Additionally, it was
the consensus that the letter be addressed to both Jeff Ladd, Chairman of Metra Board, and Phil Pagano, Metra
Executive Director.
A proposed resolution in support of Metra expansion of services was read.
Motion by Neumann, seconded by Dodds, to approve the resolution in support of Metra expansion of services in the
city as written. All Aves. Motion camed.
Action Item: Strengthen and provide more positive spin on letter of support to Metra.
Action Item: Letter written to Jeff Ladd and Phil Pagano to be signed by as many EDC Board members as
Action Item: Include passed resolution of support as enclosure with letter to Metra officials.
Action Item: Chairman Gelwicks to forward both letter and resolution to Northwest Herald for potential news
article on EDC support of Metra expansion of services.
Treasurer's Report
Secretary/Treasurer Jones noted annual dues payment has been made to the McHenry County Industrial Council.
Cunent balance on hand as of 4/30/04 is $1000.69.
Motion to accept Treasurer's Report as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Chamber Re�ort
T'here was no Chamber Report.
City Report
� Napolitano distributed the city's March Building Report, noting the new single-family home permits issued are
keeping pace with last year, while commercial building permits are down slightly. Kimball Hill Homes has almost
reached its annual calendar limit of building permits. Other items of interest:
• Green Pea Pod has opened on Green Street
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� • China Light should be ready to re-open in approximately six weeks
• Johnsburg Bowl has received approval to relocate in Adams Commercial Centre
• McHenry County Glass and Mirror is moving to Adams Commercial Centre;
• Staples Office Products is locating a facility north of Home Depot.
Responding to an inquiry, Maxeiner stated the YMCA/City of McHenry Joint Venture is still in the agreement
negotiation phase. He stressed the agreement is very complex and requires e�ensive review by attorneys for both
parties. Fund raising for the project is scheduled for the near future. Ground breaking should commence once the initial
$500,000 has been raised.
Maxeiner also noted two potential projects have been proposed for the northwest corner of the Green Street/Charles
Miller Highway, immediately south of the Municipal Center. Both projects are in the very preliminary stages. No
projects are currentl}� being proposed for either the Pornarelli Property or the Vazamio Property. General discussion
occurred regarding downtown development .
In response to inquiries, Maxeiner stated
• Route 31 North will be improved to four lanes beginning at Washington Street north to the city boundary.
• The Route 31/McCullom Lake Road Intersection will be improved to make it more safe.
• The Route 120 Roadway Improvement Project is currently scheduled for completion by November 1, 2004.
• Route 120 street lights between the two intersections of Route 120 and Route 31 will not be replaced by the
city as the projected cost for this project is in excess of$12 million. It was noted these lights were removed as
part of the Route 120 Roadway Improvement Project. IDOT will not permit the"old"lights to be reinstalled as
they do not conform to current standards.
Motion by Marinangel, seconded by Neumann,to approve the City Report as presented. All Ayes, Motion carried.
Transnorta.tion Report
Chairman Gelwicks read a proposed letter of support to the McHenry City Council regarding any and all efforts to
improve transportation issues in and around McHenry. The letter supported the city's proposed traffic study which will
be funded by an IDOT grant.
A lengthy discussion occurred regarding the EDC's providing representation at McHenry County Transportation
Committee Meetings and McHenry County EDC Transporta.tion Committee Meetings. It was noted regular reports
from both committees would be of importance to the EDC.
Action Item: Chairman Gelwicks to send letter of support to McHenry City Council regarding Transportation
Study and related remediation of overall traffic issues in the city.
AcNon Item: Provide means of securing regular reports from McHenry County Board Transportation
Action Item: Provide means of securing regular reports from McHenry County EDC Transportation
Special Projects Report-Riverwalk
There was no Special Projects Report regarding the Riverwalk.
Welcoming Committee Report
`-- There was no Welcoming Committee Report.
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McHenry County EDC Tourism Committee Report
`— There was no McHenry County EDC Tourism Committee Report.
AdHoc Committee Revort on 2004 Goals and Objectives
Chairman Gelwicks stated the AdHoc Committee established regarding Downtown Redevelopment Recruitment has
not yet met.
Downtown Redevelo ment
Martin and Napolitano provided enlarged depictions of the city's downtown area including:
• Downtown Redevelopment District;
• Targeted specific redevelopment sites
• The TIF District boundary.
Martin stated in order for the Downtown District to become more viable it is necessary to focus on residential
redevelopment in the area. He noted conespondence had been sent to all area banks inquiring as to the feasibility of
implementing small business loans for redevelopment of the downtown area. He suggested the EDC should ta.ke the
lead in targeting business sites for redevelopment. Some discussion occurred regarding different ways the EDC could
utilize to promote use of vacant store fronts in the downtown area.
Martin noted Staff is doing an inventory of vacant and ta.rgeted redevelopable sites in town. He opined this
commission's job is to bring interested parties to the city to develop the targeted sites.
Discussion continued regarding parcels which could/should be redeveloped. It was noted many development projects
and proposals depend upon the Riverwalk development.
'`- Action Item: Martin will create a proposed site redevelopment priority list for discussion at the next meeting.
Action Item: Martin will prepare an Action Item List for powntown Redevelopment.
Other Business
There was no Other Business.
Motion by Doherty, seconded by Maxeiner,to adjourn at 1:53 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Ka een Kunzer, Recording Secreta