HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 4/13/2004 - Economic Development Commission Economic Development Commission Special Meeting Tuesday,April 13, 2004 McHenry Municipal Center `.- 12:30 p.m. Present: Kay Bates, Kit Carstens, Daniel Cuman, D. William Dodds, David Gelwicks, Kathleen Kunzer, Susan Law, Kathleen Marinangel, Doug Martin, Douglas Maxeiner, Joseph Napolitano, Ned Neumann, John Smith, Rich Wimmer.. Absent: William Bolger, Carol Chrisman, Donald Doherty, Phil Hintz, Janice Jones, Dick Pagealow, Karen Patel,John Swierk. Chairman Gelwicks called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m. 2004 Goa1s and Objectives Chairnian Gelwicks stated the purpose of today's Special Meeting if to ha.ve a round-table discussion in order to discern obtainable goals and objectives for 2004 for the EDC. He noted a survey was distributed to all members who were asked to prioritize the list of suggested goals and objectives. The results of the survey were as follows: A-Top Priority(3 PTS) B-Important but not priority(2 PTS) C-Not important at this time(1 PT) Tall of survey results Points Goals and Ob'ectives ABCBCBACGAAACAB: 31 1. Support reopening of McHenry Downtown Theatre 6A;4B;SC ABCCCGCCC-CCCCCC: 18 2. Voice objection to Metra's possible Johnsburg railyard and station lA;1B; 13C AABCCC-CCC-CCCCCB: 21 3. Promote siting Metra railyard and/or station south of McHenry 2A;2B; 11C Co rate Center AAACABAAABAABBA: 39 4. Riverwalk—promote 2004 groundbrealdng 10A;4B; 1C �. BBBBBBBAAAAACAA: 36 5. Tourism—encourage City Council to pass Hotel Tax and cooperate 7A;7B; 1C with Coun EDC tourism committee CAACABCAABBCAAA: 34 6. Recognition Awards— 8A;3B;4C o Im roved commercial corridors o Efforts of individuals and business owners o New arrivals in town AACCABBBAAABCAB: 34 7. Support statewide alternative school funding 7A;SB; 3C o Relarionship between Governor and State Board af Education is unhealth o TaY monies are sent to Springfield with little return to McHe Coun schools o Local communities will deteriorate if local funding is sole su rt of schools BACCABACC-AACBAA: 32 8. Support improvement of city admuustrative infrastructure to court, 7A;3B; SC attract and entice u scale commercial enlre reneurs CABABAABAABAAAA: 39 9. Identify commercial deficiencies(i.e.large home fizrniture store) 10A;4B; 1C and encoura e locatin of retailer in ci CACACBAAACAAACA: 34 10. Encourage diversification of retail offerings in city(too many banks, 9A;1B; SC da advance,car title loans, izza azlors,etc) CACCBCACCCA-C-AAA: 28 11. Assist in developing administrative ann of city Staff and 6A;1B; 8C de artments which attract develo ment CACAABAABAAABBA: 37 12. Encourage development of vacant land ne�ct to Sullivan Foods 9A;4B;2C CAACABABAAAAAA]B: 38 13. Encourage beautification of Route 31 between Lillian Street and � 10A;3B;2C John Street BAACA+AABBAAAAAA: 40 14. Transportation issues 11A;3B; 1C Page 2 EDC April 13,2004 CABAAABBBAAAAAA: 39 15. Business retention � 10A;4B; 1C CABASBAAAAAAAAA: 40 16. Downtown vitality 11A;3B; 1C CBBABBBBABACABA: 33 17. Vacant office space SA;8B;2C CABBACABBBBCABA: 32 18. Restaurant and retail development along Route 31 5A;7B; 3C Additional comments submitted were: If EDC makes items#2. #3,and#10 priority,this individual will submit resignation Items #2 and#3 are City Council decisions Utilization of space is market-driven. Metra service is a priority but city and Metra must work together Diversification of retail offerings is none of EDC business—this is a free maiicet. Siting Metra south of town only worsens city traffic issues and provides no relief. Why would Metra siting in Johnsburg/north of McHenry be detrimental to McHenry economic development? Final Results Listed Order of Prioritv: • Transportation Issues • Downtown vitality • Promote Riverwalk ground-breaking � • Identify commercial deficiencies and encourage locating of large box retailer in city • Business retention • Beautification of Route 31 between Lillian Street and John Street . Development of vacant land next to Sullivan Foods • Tourism—Hotel Tax—and cooperation with Courny EDC Tourism Committee • Recognition awards • Support statewide alternative school funding • Diversification of retail offerings in city • Vacant office space • Impravement city administrative infrastructure to encourage more commercial development • Restaurant and retail development along Route 31 • Reopening of Downtown Theater • Develop administrative dept of city in order to amact more development • Promote Metra siting south of McHenry Corporate Center • Object to Metra Johnsburg railyard and station Chairman Gelwicks stated all responses were submitted and compiled by the Recording Secretary and the listed results are being presented to the Commission for general discussion at this meeting. Chairnian Gelwicks stated he hoped following discussion,the Commission would arrive at three or four attainable goals and/or objectives for this year. He anticipated creating ad hoc committees to meet and discuss ways to accomplish the stated goals and objectives. Chairman Gelwicks invited open discussion regarding the listed items. Transportation: Several poirrts were discussed including: `- • City has a newly-crea.ted Transportation Committee which is in its infancy. • It is too early in the Transportation Study/Transportation Committee timeline to initiate a letter-writing campaign to elected federal and state officials. Page 3 EDC April 13,2004 • The EDC could act as a liaison between the city and participating landowners to help secure needed right-of- �'' way for road�vay expansion, etc. • TFIC is alrea3y in place to provide a united effort in securing grants and other funding for transportation improvements/expansion projects. • The EDC should wait for the city's transportation study to be completed prior to offering support as needed. Consensus: There is not much the EDC can do at this juncture to facilitate transportation issues. Suggestion was made to have Chairman Gelwicks draft a letter to the City Council stating the EDC is available to support in whatever way possible Council's efforts to assuage transportation issues in the city. Action Item: Chairman Gelwicks draft letter to City Council. Downtown Vitalitv: It was noted Downto�vn Vitality is actually encompassed in several listed priorities,namely: Riverwalk,commercial deficiencies, development of the vacant land next to Sullivan Foods, support of the downtown theater. Following very lengthy discussion,the following points were noted: • Promote developers approaclung city for potential Rivenvalk and/or downtown redevelopment. • Infrequency of rail service is an impediment to downtown business recruitment. • Consider approaching Metra regarding increased rail service and promote siting station/railyard in Johnsburg. • Need assurance that downtown Metra station will not be abandoned. • City needs existing and expanded rail service. Lengthy discussion occurred regarding Metra service expansion. It was noted Metra will take the path of least resistance and utilize available monies where there is no opposition to service expansion. � Consensus: It is important to let Metra laiow the EDC wholeheartedly supports the expansion of rait service to and for our community. Action Item: City Administrator Maxeiner to draft EDC aggressive letter of support to Metra. Letter to be reviewed and signed by a11 members of the EDC Board. Action Item: Prepare resolution of support to be submitted to Metra. Further discussion occurred regarding what the EDC should focus its energies on during the coming year. Discussion included ways in which to become more aggressive in downtown redevelopment recruitment It was agreed this item is a top priority. The Board agreed the best way to redevelop the downtown is to be proactive in recruitment. Action Item: Create Ad Hoc Downtown Redevelopment Recruitment Committee comprised of Chairrnan Gelwicks, Bates, Carstens and a member of city staffto be determined by the Mayor and City Administrator. Action Item: Ad Hoc Committee to meet prior to next regularly scheduled Board meeting to determine definitive recruitment plans. Other Issues: • It was also suggested a large furniture store should be recruited. • Identify developers for Riverwalk a.nd/or downtown redevelopment and have a team of EDC Board members personally visit them • Investigate affordable housing for the downtown axea `"� Mayor Low is talking with area Mayors regarding statewide alternative school funding. She will keep the • Board apprised of this group's efforts. • General concurrence there are three principal areas the EDC should focus on this year: Page 4 EDC April 13,2004 o Downtown Redevelopment including Riverwalk development �-' o Busi��ess Retention o Transportation including Metra service and expansion. Adjournmerrt Motion by Neumann, seconded by Ca.rstens,to adjoum at 2:02 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, ;�c �_. L:� �-7 .��� �✓�C: 1'Z. /�- Kathleen Kunzer, Recording Secreta � �. �.