HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/13/2004 - Economic Development Commission Economic Development Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday,July 13, 2004
McHenry Municipal Center
�-- 12:30 p.m.
Present: Kay Bates, Bill Bolger, Kit Carstens, David Gelwicks (arrived at 1:04 p.m.), Alan Hoffma.n, Phil Hurtz,
Janice Jones, Kathleen Kunzer, Susan Low, Kathleen Marinangel, Doug Martin, Joseph Napolitano, Ned Neumann,
Dick Pagealow. Absent: Daniel Curran, Donald Doherty, Doug Maxeiner, Ka,ren Patel, John Smith, John Swierk,
Richard Wimmer.
In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer Jones called the meeting to order at 12:41
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Marinangel, seconded by Low, to approve the minutes of the May 11, 2004 regularly scheduled EDC
Meeting as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Secretary/Treasurer Jones noted the current balance in the treasury of$995.69.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Neumann,to accept Treasurer's Report as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried.
McHenry County Industrial Council Report
There was no McHenry County Industrial Council Report.
Chamber Report
Bates reported Fiesta Days 2004 is about to begin and will expand over the next two weekends. The Citizen's Police
\.. Academy has volunteered to assist with parking for the event.
The Country Meadows event on September 19�'has been expanded to include four quadrants:
• A vendor's fair;
• A farmer's market;
• Craft Fair;
• An antique road show appraisal venue.
Bates also reported in 2005 weekly Classic Car Nights will be held for 14 consecutive weeks during the summer
months. There will be a home-based business fair on October 23`d plus additional seminars to aid those who choose to
operate a business from their residence. A municipal summit has been scheduled for November 12`h at the McHenry
Country Club.
Bates noted chamber membership is at an all-time high. Networking seminars a.re being scheduled. In conclusion,
Bates reported the downtown retail district in all locations is really struggling due to the city-wide roadway
construction. The West Elm District is realizing a 40-60% drop off in business. A grand re-opening event is being
planned for September,when it is hoped the Route 120 construction will be completed.
City Re�ort
Napolitano reported single family home permits are behind last year's record-setting pace. It is anticipated the total
number of pernuts for single family homes this year will be in the range of 250-275. There has been an increase in the
number of multi-family residernial permits issued due to the progess of Morgan Hills, Abbey Ridge, and Legend
Lakes Subdivisions.
`, Boone Creek Unit 5, Burning Tree, Riverside Hollow and Park Ridge Estates are nea.rly at the end of buildout, while
Liberty Trails and Legend Lakes continue to move along at a steatiy pace.
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July 13,2004
Council's Committee of the Whole reviewed a proposal for the Budreck Farm Property. The proposal is for 401 units
� upon 200 acres in a neo-traditional design and includes a very unique product. Gersta.d Builders continues to revise the
plans for the Adams Farm. The newest plan is for 550 units, including some apartments.
Staples is proposing a 20,000 square foot facility north of Home Depot, plus a 20,000 square foot retail space.
Anticipated opening is March of 2005. Plans for a 20,000 office building to the south of the city's Municipal Cerrter
are also moving fonvard. The buildout of the Village Green senior center on Bull Valley Road is continuing with unit
rentals beginning in August.
Napolitano stated the China Light renovations are finally moving forward.
The City's Transportation Committee met on Monday, July 12`h. At this stage Smith Engineering is collecting data.
Once date has been compiled, results and proposals will be known. At that time, an open house will be held in order to
obtain public comment and questions.
Chairman Gelwicks arrived at 1:04 p.m.
A len,gthy discussion occurred regarding the City's interest in expanding its boundaries to the east to include the
Weingart Farm, the Finklestein property, etc. at the intersection of Chapel Hill Road and Route 120. Discussion
included the Lakemoor FPA boundary and the construction of the Lakemoor wastewater treatrnent facility so close in
proximity to the City of McHenry boundary. Mayor Low noted there is not yet an intergovernmental boundary
agreement in place between the City of McHenry and the Village of Lakemoor. It has been in the works for several
years. Mayor Low stated the Council has not taken a position on the annexation of properties to the east of Chapel Hill
`.. Discussion followed regarding the TIF District and the possible utilization of city money to purchase property in the
downtown district and then market the property to desired developers who would improve the downtown district.
Suggestion was made that the city utilize its eminent doma.in capability to purchase key properties in the downtown
redevelopment plan and/or along the riverwalk.
Transportation Report
Martin reported the County Transportation Committee recently met and discussion occurred regarding the West
McHenry Bypass.The feasibility study has been completed and now requires IDOT approval.
Chairnian Gelwicks referenced a letter addressed to Metra officials Jeff Ladd and Phil Pagano in support of expanded
services in the city and requested a motion to approve and send the correspondence.
Bolger stated he did not want to give Metra blanket permission to increase services through Petersen Pazk and ruin it.
He noted he did not want Metra to increase service to the north of the city. He is opposed to the proposed Johnsburg
Motion by Carstens, seconded by Neumann, to approve and authorize the chairman's signature and sending of
correspondence in support of increased Metra services in the City of McHenry.
Voting Aye: Bates, Carstens, Gelwicks, Hintz,Hoffman,Jones, Low, Martin,Napolitano,Neumann, Pagealow.
Voting Nay: Bolger.
Motion carried.
S�ecial Projects Report-Riverwalk
Carstens reported the Liaison Committee has been meeting bi-weekly and is nearing its submittal of the Rivenvalk
� design plan to Council for approval. The next step would be placing the project for bid and making application for
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July 13,2004
Motion by Jones, seconded by Bolger,to approve the Special Projects Report as presented.
'`-� All ayes. Motion carried.
Welcoming Committee Re�ort
There was no Welcoming Committee Report.
McHenry County EDC Tourism Committee Report
Carstens reported the Tourism Roundup was very successful and drew more than.50 participants. 'The conclusion was
drawn that partnership is essential if McHenry County is to be sought as a tourism destination. Another roundup is
being scheduled for September. It is hoped that the Tourism Committee will be totally funded by hotel tax by yea.rend.
AdHoc Committee Renort on 2004 Goa1s and Objectives
Chairman Gelwicks stated the AdHoc Committee established regarding Downtown Redevelopment Recruitment ha.s
not formally met. Meetings will be scheduled in the near future. Members of the AdHoc Committee are Chairman
Gelwicks, Carstens, Bates and Marinangel.
A lengthy discussion followed regarding available properties in the downtown district and how best to market them.
Neumann provided an ad which was used to market Harvard and suggested the City of McHenry investigate such a
marketing tool. A copy of the ad is attached to the minutes of this meeting.
Downtown Redevelonment
Martin reported at the last meeting Staff was directed to provide a priority list of site to be targeted for redevelopment
in the downtown area. He noted the list was compiled using the criteria of public visibility, location in the TIF District,
proximity to the riverwalk,possibility of residential development and proximity to water, either the Boone Lagoon or
the Fox River. The priority list compiled by Staff is:
`— First Ponterelli/Vazzano Property
Second Medical Arts Building
Third Old City Hall
Fourth Southwest Corner of Riverside Drive and Route 120
Fifth Whale's Tail
Sizth Railroad 120 and Railroad tracks (east and west)
Seventh Southwest corner of Green Street and Pearl Street
Eighth McHenry Savings Bank
Ninth Northeast corner of 3'� Street and Route 120 (Citgo, Napoli Pizza)
Tenth Southeast corner of Crystal Lake Road and Route 120 (Portable Tool, McHenry
• Northwest corner of Route 120 and Route 31 (Admiral Building)
• Northeast corner of Route 31 and Pearl Street
• Riverside Hotel
• Home Sites on Riverside Drive, South of Route 120
• McHenry Villa Parking Lot
• Joey T's and Miller's Dream Marine
• East Side of River Road, Between 120 and Pearl
• China Light Building
• Central Waste Water Treatment Plant
L-' • Former IMAXX Building/Adjacent to Fire Station
• Geo. Justen Funeral Home
• Southeast corner of Route 120 and Route 31
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July 13,2004
� Martin stated Staff was also directed to prepare an Action Item List for powntown Redevelopment. The proposed plan
• Meet with property owners to gauge interest in redevelopment
• Research development issues for sites and create parcel inventory
• Visit other successful downtowns azound suburbs and talk to City officials
• Prepare marketing packet and provide to suburban downtown developers
• Advertise in real estate publication(s)for development of property
• Review results of downtown key person interviews and develop strategies to address concems
• Develop rapport with downtown business owners—what can EDC do to help?
• Develop list of sites for potendal business relocation(if necessary)
Martin noted Staff is in the process of assembling an inventory list of all available properties in the Downtown
Redevelopment District which will include available infrastructure, property area. Special features, pros and cons of
land redevelopment, etc. Staff is willing to do the legwork to prepare the sta.ts on all of the included properties.
However, he suggested it may be more appropriate and beneficial to have members of the EDC meet with targeted
developers and property owners. Martin further suggested that 2 or 3 properties be targeted for assistance with
Other Business
Jones reported she had been conta.cted by John Swierk who has relocated his business to Prairie Grove and who is
moving with his family to Wilmette in August. Swierk inquired as to his eligibility to continue on as an EDC Board
member. Following discussion it was suggested Jones write a letter to Swierk advising his ineligibility at this time, due
to his relocation.
Jones stated in the past letters were sent to new and renovated city businesses on EDC letterhea,d under the Mayor and
Chairman's signatures. The purpose of the letters was to eatend an EDC and City welcome and to encourage the
business people to seek assistance (either from the city or the EDC) when needed in the years ahead. Jones said the
practice had fa�len by the wayside and inquired if there was interest in renewing it. Discussion followed. Chairman
Gelwicks stated as the current chairman he did not see the need for the letter being sent under the Cha.irman's
M�tion by Napo�itano, seconded by Carstens,to adjourn at 2:00 p.m. All ayes. Motio�r����-�-i�d.
Res}�e�tfully sab�tl�t�ed,
Kaxhleen Kunzer, Reccir�}i�tg Secretaty
: . �
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