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Economic Development Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
McHenry Municipal Center
`-- 12:30 p.m.
Present: Kay Bates, Kit Carstens, Alan Hoffinan, Janice Jones, Kathleen Kunzer, Kathleen Marinangel, Doug Martin.
Absent: Bill Bolger, Daniel Curran, Dave Gelwicks, Phil Hintz, Sue Low, Doug Maxeiner, Ned Neumann, Joseph
Napolitano, Dick Pagealow, Karen Patel, John Smith, Richard Wimmer.
In the absence of the Chairman,Vice Chairman Doherty ca.11ed the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m.
Presentation: Media Productions for Communities
In attendance was Mr. Quenton Galvin of Non-Stop Multimedia who was invited to ma.ke a presentation to the
Commission by Ch�urman Gelwicks. Mr. Galvin provided a demonstration of a sample marketing CDRom. He noted
the CDRom is interactive and provides a wealth of information to interested parties. The cost of producing the CDRom
is approximately$9,000-$10,000. Copies for distribution could be produced.
Apnroval of Minutes
Motion by Jones, seconded by Marinangel, to approve the minutes of the July 13, 2004 regularly scheduled EDC
Meeting as presented.All ayes. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Secretary/Treasurer Jones noted the current balance in the treasury of$995.69. She noted the EDC sent a plant in
memory of former EDC founding Board Member and Chairman Joseph Gausden. The cost of the plant was$50.
Motion by Cazstens, seconded by Bates,to approve the Treasurer's Report. All Ayes. Motion camed.
� McHenry County Industrial Council Report
There was no McHenry County Industrial Council Report.
Chamber Report
Bates reported the Country Meadows Annual Event is scheduled for September 19`�from 10 a.m.until4 p.m. Country
Meadows will include the traditional craft fair, as well as an antique auction road show, food venders and a farmers
market. Bates also announced the Grand Re-Opening of Route 120 including a Blue Ribbon Ci�ffi�g Ceremony is
scheduled for October 16�'. Special activities and events are planned to celebrate the conclusion of the Route 120
Improvement Project.
Citv Report
_ Martin reported building permit applications continue to come in at a good pace. He noted Morgan �Iills townhomes
should have its first occupancy permit soon. Evergreen Park Townhomes Final Plat was recently approved�nd should
be recorded soon. Legend Lakes Neighborhoods 4 and 5 Final Plats have also been recently approved for recording.
, Regarding commercial development, Martin stated Verlo Mattress will be open soon in the Eby Brown building. SBC
regional office is relocating from Gra.cy Road to Inland Business Park. The Mobil Sta.tion at 1901 North Richmond
Road is in the process of razing its existing buildings and constructing new structures on the premises. Martin also
reported Northgate East has some interested prospects for their commercial development.
Martin also reported the revised concept plan of Gerstad's Adams Farm development is being discussed at a Public
Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission. The senior housing development on Charles Miller Road is
close to occupancy. China Light may reopen within the next couple of months. In conclusion, Martin reported a bakery
ice cream shop will be opening soon on Green Street.
� Transportation ReQort
There was no Transportation Report.
Page 2
September 14,2004
Special Projects Report-Riverwalk
`''Carstens reported several developers are being pursued. There appear to be four serious developers who are interested
in four different sites along Boone Creek. He noted McHenry Country Club is proposing to sell a portion of Hole #1.
The project would include a pool, sauna and workout rooms.
Cazstens suggested the Board look at the "Rebuilding Neighborhood Retail" website. He noted a link to this site could
be incorporated into the City's website. He stressed in addition to big box retail, the City needs small mom/pop
specialty shops in the downtown area, especially along the Riverwalk.
The Riverwalk needs residential re-development downtown to support the retail development. The city needs to create
a place where people want to be —to make the Riverwalk a destination location. Carstens stated it is the goal of the
Riverwalk Foundation to have approved plans in for permitting by the end of this year.
Marinangel suggested the City consider a parking garage in the downtown azea.
Welcomin�Committee Report
There was no Welcoming Committee Report.
McHenrY Countv EDC Tourism Committee Report
There was no Tourism Committee Report.
AdHoc Committee Report on 2004 Goals and Objectives
There was no AdHoc Committee Report.
Downtown Redevelo�ment
�. Martin reported the Community.Development Department has created a Parking Priority Redevelopment Site List.
Copies of the List are available at the Community Development Department. Martin also reported the Department is in
the process of creating a booklet of Design Standards and Overlay Districts. This booklet will also address tear-down
Carstens opined the City has been very pro-active in creating a Parcel Inventory Guide of available sites for purchase
and/or redevelopment. Carstens also stated the City's Design Standards will set the tone for the Riverwalk; the
standards will set the"bar"higher for potential Riverwalk projects.
Other Business
It was noted the main topic of the 11/12/04 McHenry Chamber Municipal Summit Luncheon will be the Riverwalk.
Motion by Jones, seconded by Marinangel,to adjoum at 1:35 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Ka.thleen Kunzer, Recording Secretary