HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/9/2004 - Economic Development Commission Economic Development Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 9,2004 McHenry Municipal Center �' 12:30 p.m. Present: Bill Bolger, Kit Carstens, Donald Doherty, David Gelwicks, Phil Hintz, Jaruce Jones, Kathleen Marmangel, Doug Martin, Joseph Napolitano, Ned Neumann, Dick Paegelow. Absent: Kay Bates, Daniel Curran, Alan Hof&nan Kathi Kunzer, Sue Low,Doug Maxeiner,Karen Patel,John Smith,Richard Wimmer. Chairman Gelwicks c:alled the meeting to order at 1237 p.m. A�proval of Minutes Motion by Doherty, seconded by Cazstens,to approve the minutes of the September 14,2004 regularly scheduled EDC Meeting as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Treasurer's Re�ort Secreta,ry/'Treasurer Jones noted the current balance in the treasury of$977.69. Recording fees to change officers for 2004 cost$18 which accounted for the payout of$18. Motion by Bolger,seconded by Marinangel,to approve the Treasurer's Report. All Ayes. Motion carried. McHenry Couxriy Industrial Council Re�ort There was no McHenry County Industrial Council Report. Secretary Jones will verify that dues have been paid and that the EDC is still on the Council's mailing list. Chamber Report Paegelow reported the Country Meadows Annual Event was low on crafters, however a11 participants enjoyed the new �, location in Petersen Park. 'The Farmer's Market and Antique Appraisal Service were greatly received. A Chamber Scramble was held on November 5'�. A mixer is scheduled for this evening at the Fountain Shoppes and a mixer is scheduled for Tuesday,November 16`�as well, at the new credit union on Route 31. Fiesta Days plans for 2005 are progressing. Suggestion was made to incorporate country music on Saturday. In response to an inquiry,the Chamber membership is cunently at 680 and continues to rise. Some discussion followed regarding ways to encourage Chamber memhership. It was noted communication to existing and potential Chamber members is admirable. Cit_y Report Martin reported building permit applications are greatly reduced from this time last year. Projects in progress include: 1. Adams Farm Property—annexation public hearing on November 16,2004; 2 Inland Business Park Property now owned by Cunat Brothers—will presern a senior housing project before the Planning and Zoning Commission; 3. Pacini Properiy located at Bull Valley Road and Route 31 -beginning site development work; 4. Budreck Property on Barreville Road — Town and Country presenting Council with a preliminary plat and engineering for 400 single-family homes; 5. Advance Auto interested in locating in McHenry off of Borden Street; 6. Taco BelULong John Silvers new building proposed on existing Taco Bell site; 7. Northgate East—no further discussion or proposed development. In response to an inquiry,Napolitano stated the City has contracted with Smith Engineering Cansultants to perform a � city-wide transportation study. He noted critical primary intersection trai�ic counts would be available at the completion of the study. Page 2 EDC November 9,2004 Transportation Report �- Brief discussion occuned regarding the Village of McCullom Lake's attempt to block the West McHenry Bypass through their village. Bolger suggested the EDC support the Bypass from Gracy Road to Route 120 and not get irrto a discussion or dispute regarding the e�cact locat�ion of the Bypass north of Route 120. Suggestion was made by Marinangel that the County secure right-of-way from the Village of McCullom Lake for the future extension of the Bypass north of Route 120. Carstens pointed out once the homes are built in the Village of McCullom L,ake, it would be impossible to secure the right-of-way through those properties. Doherty stazed he understood the County requested the Village of McCullom Lake preserve a corridor for the ultimate construction of the Bypass through the Village. He noted the Bypass construction timeline projection is for 5-7 years. Discussion continued. Secretary Jones suggested the commissioners direct their inquiries regarding the City of McHenry's position on this matter to City Administrator M�einer. Neumann opined the County should secure the right-of-way as opposed to preventing property owners from developing their property due to the possible construction of a Bypass in the distant future. Special Projects Report-Riverwalk Cazstens reported he spoke with the Riverwalk design planners yesterday and plans are due to be presented to the City Council within the ne�rt fwo,to three weeks. He also reported the McHenry Country Club approved selling Iand from Hole#1 at the end of Country Club Drive. This land could be used to connect to the Riverwalk, if soil borings permit, to sell the land to a developer, etc. It was noted the McHenry Country Club is adjacent to the TIF District, but is not included in the TIF District at this time. A lengthy discussion followed regazding the potential hole realignment of the Country C1ub. Welcoming Committee Report �, There was no Welcoming Committee Report. McHenry County EDC Tourism Committee Report Cazstens stated the sc;cond tourism round-up was held and was greeted with great enthusiasm. The City of McHenry passed the HoteUMotel T�. The Tourism Committee intends to approach the City of Woodstock and the City of Crystal Lake before yearend regarding the passage of a hotel tax, simila.r to the City of McHenry. The City of Woodstock is being asked to pass the hotel tax.The City of Crystal Lake is being asked to share a portion of their hotel tax with the County Tourism Committee for the benefit of ail. The County Tourism Committee i�tends the initiation of a County Visitor's Bureau. When the County Visitor's Bureau has been fully established, with an Executive Director in place,the state will reeognize the CVB and the County EDC will be phased out of its involvement in the CVB. The CVB will then be self-supporting from County hoteUmotel tax assessments to local municipalities. In response to an inquiry, Cazstens stated the monies realized from hoteUmotel tax should conceivably be utilized to expand tourism and to attract tourists in the participating municipalities and the CounTy. AdHoc Committee Report on 2004 Goa1s and Objectives There was no AdHoc Committee Report. Downtown Redevelopment Napolitano reported there has been serious interest indicated by a party in re-opening the Whale's Tail as a restaurant. Interest was also shown in securing a CVS at the corner of Route 31 and 120, although that appears not to be moving forward at this time. Napolitano, responding to an inquiry, stated Council recerrtly approved an engineering study investigating the � possibility of expanding Route 31 to four lanes from Panera Bread south to Route 31's intersection with Route 120. Marinangel suggested the city review the possibility of modifying the Route 31 North intersection to a four-way irrtersection in order to accommodate left-turns from the rear of Green Street businesses and the McHenry Savings Bank parking lot. Page 3 EDC November 9,2004 `-- 2005 Boa.rd Meetine Schedule Secretary Jones preserrted the following schedule for 2005 Board Meetings: Tuesday,3anuary 11, 2d05 12:30 p.m. Tuesda,y, March 8,2005 12:30 p.m. Tuesday,May 10,2005 12:30 p.m. Tuesday,July 12,2005 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13,2005 12:30 p.m. Tuesday,Nov. 8, 2005 12:30 p.m. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Hoffma.n, to approve the EDC 2005 BQard Meeting Schedule as stated. All ayes. Motion carried. Discussion: Location One Internet S,�em Napolitano reported the Loca.tion One Intemet System (LOIS) is a search program available on the internet. The goal of the program is to match up developers with available parcels which would suit their needs. Napolitano stated he is the City's designated contact for the program and will maintain the City's information on the system. Once all of the information has been inputted,the site will be linked to other system sites that are available. Napolitano stated this program will provide a much-needed tool to facilitate the development of vacant properties in the City. The system would include all types of available properties except for residerrtial parcels. Other Business Doherty inquired as to the status of the China Light building. Napolitano responded work has finally begun on the interior of the restaurant. � Adjournment Motion by Bolger, seconded by Gelwicks,to adjourn at 1:32 p.m.All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � ` 4 /�', , i�l�� �c � ���'� � -'�r � i` ' < Kathleen Kunzer,Recording Sec etary �