HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - 5/10/2005 - Economic Development Commission M�HENRY EC�NOMIC DEVELOPMENT CQMMISSfON 333 South Green Street,McHenry,Iltinois 60050 (815)363-2100 e{nail: kkunzeKc�ci.mchenrv.il.us fax: 815-363-2128 � MCHENRY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Agenda Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:30 p.m. Municipal Building —Council Chambers 1) Approval of Minutes: March 8, 2005 regularly scheduled meeting 2) Treasurer's Report 3) McHenry County Industrial Council Report 4) Chamber Report 5) City Report 6) Transportation Report �- 7) Special Projects Report 8) McHenry County EDC Tourism Committee Report 9) Downtown Redevetopment 11) Other Business Posted and Mailed May 2,2005 � Executive Board: David Gelwicks,Donald Doherty,Janice Jones,Kit Carstens � McHEN#�Y ECONCaM�C DEVELC�PMEN'� CO►M11�lISSIC�N ''� 3S3$outh Gt�een$#t�e�,MeHettty,tfl�tloi�B0�5G (i Janice Jones SEC'Y/TREAS eanail: kkunzer[a�ci.mchenrv.il.us faxc 815-363 2' City Of McHenry 333 S. Green Street � McHenry, IL 60050 MCHENRY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMM/SS/ON Agenda Tuesday, March 8, 200� 1Z:30 p.m. Municipat Building—Council Chambers 1)Approva! of Minutes: January 11, 2005 regularly scheduled meeting 2} Treasurer's Report 3j McHenry County fndustrial Councii Report 4) Chamber Report 5) City Report 6) Transportation Report �' 7) Special Projects Report 8} McHenry County EDC Tourism Committee Report 9) Ad Hoc Committee Report Report on 2004 Goals and Objectives • 10) Downtown Redeve(opment 11) Other Business Posted and Mailed�ebruary 28,2005 � Executive Board; David Gelwicks,Donald Doherty,Janice Jones,Ki#Carstens Economic Development Commission - Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 11, 2005 McHenry Municipal Center � 12:30 p.m. Prese�: Ka.y Bates, Bill Bolger,Krt Carstens, Daniel Curran, Donald Doherty,David Gelwicks,Phil Hintz, Kathleen Kunzer, Kathleen Marinangel, Doug Martin, Joseph Napolitana, Ned Neumann, Dick Paegelow. Absent. Alan Hof&rtasi,Janice Jones, Sue Low,Doug Maxeiner,Karen Pate1, John Smith,Richard Wimmer. Also in attendance: Bill Marinangel. Chairman Gelwicks catled the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m. Annroval of Minutes Mo�ion by Doher[y, seconded by Bolger,to approve the minutes of the November 9, 2004 regulazly scheduled EDC Meeting as presented.All Ayes. Motion carried. Treasurer's Report Chairn�an Gelwicks noted the current balance in the ireasury of$977.69 as indicated on the ai�a.ched report. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Marinangel,to approve the Treasurer's Report.AII Ayes. Motian camed. McHenry Countv Industrial Council Report There was no McHenry County Industrial Council Report. Chamber Report Bates reported the Chamber's Annual Dinner Dance will be held on January 22, 2005 at�.e Lakemoor. The State of McHenry Luncheon is scheduled for the end of the mo�h. She also noted the Chamber has initiated a business and L, professional women's networking group called Wings which has been exiremely popular,drawing between 50 and 65 at-�endees at each meeting,. Chamber year end membership level is a#700,great representation for the size of the retail community Motion by Bolger,seconded by Neuinann,to approve the Cha.mber Report as presex�ted.All Ayes. Motion carried. Gi,t�i_Report Napolitano provided the Boazd with ttie yearend building activity report. He nated the 2004 single family deta.ched building permiis are down significantly as compared to 20Q3: from 291 to 176 permifs issued.He aiso noted there are basically anly two single-family detached single-family developments still under construction. The trend af development appears to be townhomes and duplexes. Napolitano stated current projects underway azound town include; Taco Bell razing current strurxure and replacing with combina.tion Taco Bell and Long John Silvers Restaura.nt; Mobil at Route 31 Razing exis�ing strucfures and replaces wi�more modern gas stazioa,conveIIience center and and McCullom Lk Rd car vvash; Budreck Farm Town and Country is progosing a 195 unit single-family detached residential development; Ringwood Rd/Rte 120 Commercia.l project Mill Stree.� 2 %z acre townhome development comprised of 26 units; Crys�al I.alce Rd Across from Marathon Gas Station — a Supportive Living Facility for affordable assisted living. Eighty per cent of the residents would have their facility paid for by Medicaid. Knox Property CommerciaURetail Project south of Municipal Center is curre�ly on hold pending resolution of the access issue. The City would like the developer to co�rtribute toward the Municipal � Drive improvements. The developer is seeking direct access onto Charles Miller Highwa.y from the County and does not want to financially contribute to Municipal Drive improvements; Page 3 • EDC January 11,2004 Motian by Bolger, seconded by Doherty, to approve the McHenry County EDC Tourism Committee Report, as �-- presented.All Ayes. Motion carried. AdHoc Committee Report on 2004 Goa1s and Objectives There was no AdHoc Cominittee Report. Downtown Redevelo ment Napolitano reported the Downfown Redevelopment Cruidelines have been presented to the Communify Development Committee and received iL�mous recommendation for formal Council acf.ion. Additionally, the Planned Unit Development Ordinanee has been revised and will soon be prese�ed to Council for consideration,review and possible implementation.A pazcel inve�tory of available City properties,buildings and land has been compiled,and is available for distribution. Other Business In response to Ms. Marinangel's inquiry,Napoli�wo stated the Banking and Financial Committee has been moved to the back burner and will be revisited in the spring once City ordinance and code updates have been presented and a.cted upon by Council. In response to inquiries, Napolitano stated there has been no fiuther action regazding the sale a.nd reopening of the Whale's Tail. He indica.ted China Light continues to slowly move forward in their post-fire renovations. Cakes and More on Green Street is also progressing toward occupancy. Bolger commended Don Doheriy on his yeazs of co�xtributions to the McHenry Community, and noted he ha.d been selected to receive thhe illustxious Frank E. Low Award at the Chamber's Annual Meeting on January 22�.. `— Motion by Bolger, seconded by Neumarm, to acknowledge the nomination and designat�ion of Donald Doherty as recipierrt of the Frank E. Low Community Service Award, and to congratulate him on this achievemen� All Ayes. Motion carried. Adj ournment Motion by Bolger,seconded by Doherty,to a.djourn at 1:32 p.m. All ayes. Molaon casried. Respecf£u11y submitted, Ka#hleen Kunzer,Recording Seeretary � � McH�1�RY ECC�NQMI� DEVELQPMENT CC�MIIAISSIC�N 333 South Gr�en 8treet,McHenry�Itlinois 60050 {875)363-2100 e-mail:kkunzeKDci.mchenrv.i!us fax: 815-363-2128 � Economic Development Commission November 2004 Treasurer's Report � Balance as of 2/1/05 $977.69 Date of Transaction Income Expenditure Balance . Prewous Balance $977.69 � Current Balance as of 2/28/05 $977.69 si ned: ��'C'' 9 n� date: :���' ���?d�S Janice C. nes, Se tary/Treasurer � Executive Board: David Gelwicks,Donald Doherty,Janice Jones,Kit Carstens