HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/8/2005 - Economic Development Commission Economic Devclopment Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday,March 8,2405
McHenry Municipal Center
`'' 12:30 p.m.
Preserrt: Kit Carstens, Donald Doherty, David Gelwicks, Phil Hintz, Kathleen Kunzer, Katiileen Marinangel, Joseph
Napolitano,Ned Neumanq Dick Paegelow. Absent: Kay Bates,William Bolger,Daniel Curran,Alan Hoffinan,Janice
Jones, Sue Low, Doug Martin, Doug Maxeiner, Karen Patel, John Smith, Richard Wimmer.
Chairman Gelwicks called the meeting to order at 12:39 p.m.
Approval of Minu�es
Motion by Doherty, seconded by Neumanq to approve the minutes of the January 11, 2005 regularly scheduled EDC
Meeting as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Treasurer's R+enort
Chairtna.n Gelwicks noted the current balance in the treasury of$977.69 as indicated on the attached report.
Motion by Neumann, seconded by Marinangel, to approve the Trea.surer's Report as preserned. All Ayes. Motion
McHenry Countv Industrial Council Reoort
There was no McHenry Counry Industrial Council Report.
Chamber Report
Paegelow reported the Chamber's Celebration of the Arts Program is scheduled for March 10`�at First Midwest Bank.
Vazious mixers,luncheons a.nd scramblers are scheduled for the upcoming weeks. The Chamber's Annual Golf Outing
�. will be held at Chapel Hill Golf Club on May 18`�. The Fiesta Days event is scheduled for July 15�'through July 24'�.
Motion by Doherty, se�onded by Napolitano,to approve the Chamber Report as presented.All Ayes. Motion carried.
City Regort
Napolitano provided the Boazd with the January Building Permit Activity Report. He noted no trend of developmeirt
has yet been established this year.
Napolitano reported on projects before the City:
Budreck Farm Town and Country is proposing a 395 unit single-family detached residential development;
Patriot Estates Cunat Inc. a senior- restricted development of detached, attached and townhome unit
development on the southeast co�rner of irrtersection of Crystal Lake Road and Bull Valley
Road of 404 units;
Storage USA Northgate West Subdivision climate-controlled storage facility;
Retail Shopping Center Northgate East Subdivision;
Gilger Property Windsor is looking at a townhome development of this property which is located just west of
the railroad tracks south of Bull Valley Raad(tree farm)
Some discussion followed regarding the need for an overpass or underpass of Bull Valley Road for the Conservation
District's bike path. Suggestion was made the City could pursue securing a portion of the historic Pearl Street Bridge
which could be utilized in creating an overpass.
Discussion occuned regarding the status of the City's discussions with the YMCA regarding the possible joint venture
facility. Napolitano noted discussions are ongoing regarding fine-tuning the agreement between the two entities. Uritil
� the�greemeirt has been duly executed,fundraising and construction will not move forward.
Page 2
March 8,2005
,� Responding to an inquiry, Napolitano stated the Whales Tail owner is proposing opening as a sandwich shop.
However, there are several serious issues regarding the building's structural i�egrity which must be resolved. China
Light e�ects to be open for business again in either March or April.
Motion by Carstens, seconded by Marinangel,to approve the City Report as presented.All Ayes. Motion carried.
Transportation Report
Napolitano, responding to an inquiry, noted the City is currendy doing the engineering for the proposed expansion of
Richmond Road to five lanes between its intersection with Route 120 and Applebee's Restaurant.
Special Proje�cts Report-Riverwalk
Cazstens reparted VOA has produced consduction plans which represent 95% of the project. He noted there are still
some issues which may face property owners along the Riverwalk. A meeting is scheduled with VQA on Wednesday,
Mazch 9'�.
A lengthy discussion followed regarding the proposed siting of public restrooms on the McHenry Savings Bank
Property on Green Street. Marinangel stated she could not support this issue. Discussion also occurred regarding
adequate parking for the Riverwalk and possible construction of a multi-level parking facility on Green Street.
Cazstens stated property owners along the proposed Riverwalk are seeking too much money for the sale of their
property. This is inhibiting poternial developers along the Riverwalk route.
McHenry County EDC Tourism Committee Iteport
Cars�tens shated the County EDC T�rism Committce is waiting to contact the City of Woodstock regarding
hoteUmotel tax until after the April Consolidated Election. Once Woodstock has made a decision, the Committee will
`- approach the City of Crystal Lake,the loan hold-out.
AdHoc Committee Report on 2004 Goa1s and Objectives
There was no AdHoc Committee Report.
Downtown Redevelopment
Napolitano reported several developers have expressed iirterest in redeveloping amas of the dovcmtown. Proposals at
this time would include mixed use redevelopment incorpora.ting residantial and retail uses.
Discussion accurred regarding the stalus of the Metra expansion for the City. Issue was raised as to Metra's intent to
retain the commuter sta,tian on Main St�reet or to relocate this fa:cility either north or south of town.
The Board requested a report from Mayor Low regarding the status of Metra expansion for the next EDC Board
meeting. The Board would also like to know if Metra urtends to retain the Main Street Station.
Other Business
Gelwicks reported a news coffee house will l�opening soon in one of his properties located on Main Street_
Motion by Doherty, seconded by Marinangel,to adjourn at 129 p.m.All ayes. Motion carried.
Respectfully submittea,
- ' t_ �.. �
� ., ��� . " ,� G{1G-� ,
Ka.thleen Kunzer, ecording ec
Economic Development Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 8,Z005
McHenry Municipal Center
�' 12:30 p.m.
Present: Kit Carstens, Donald Doherty, David Gelwicks, Phil Hintz, Kathleen Kunzer, Kathleen Marinangel, Joseph
Napolitano,Ned Neumann,Dick Paegelow. Absent: Kay Bates,William Bolger, Daniel Curran,Alan Hoffman,Janice
Jones, Sue Low, Doug Martin, Doug Ma�ceiner, Karen Patel, John Smith, Richard Wimmer.
Chairnian Gelwicks called the meeting to order at 12:39 p.m.
A�nroval of Minutes
Motion by Doherty, seconded by Neumann, to approve the minutes of the January 11, 2005 regularly scheduled EDC
Meeting as presertted. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Chairman Gelwicks noted the current balance in the treasury of$977.69 as indicated on the attached report.
Motion by Neumann, seconded by Marinangel, to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. All Ayes. Motion
McHenry County Industrial Council Report
There was no McHenry County Industrial Council Report.
Chamber Report
Paegelow reported the Chamber's Celebration of the Arts Program is scheduled for March 10�'at First Midwest Bank.
Various mixers, luncheons and scramblers are scheduled for the upcoming weeks. The Chamber's Annual Golf Outing
`.,. will be held at Chapel Hill Golf Club on May 18�'. The Fiesta Days event is scheduled for July 15�'through July 24�'.
Motion by Doherty, seconded by Napolitano,to approve the Chamber Report as presented.All Ayes. Motion carried.
Napolitano provided the Board with the January Building Permit Activity Report. He noted no trend of development
has yet been established this year.
Napolitano reported on projects before the City:
Budreck Farm Town and Country is proposing a 195 unit single-family detached residential development;
Patriot Estates Cunat Inc. a senior- restricted development of detached, attached and townhome unit
development on the southeast corner of intersection of Crystal Lake Road and Bull Va11ey
Road of 404 units;
Storage USA Northgate West Subdivision climate-controlled storage facility;
Retail Shopping Center Northgate East Subdivision;
Gilger Property Windsor is looking at a townhome development of this property which is located just west of
the railroad tracks south of Bull Valley Road(tree farm)
Some discussion followed regarding the need for an overpass or underpass of Bull Valley Road for the Conservation
District's bike path. Suggestion was made the City could pursue securing a portion of the historic Pearl Street Bridge
which could be utilized in creating an overpass.
Discussion occuned regarding the staius of the City's discussions with the YMCA regarding the possible joint venture
facility.Napolitano noted discussions a.re ongoing rega.rding fine-tuning the agreement between the two entities. Until
� the agreement has been duly executed,fundraising and construction will not move forward.
Page 2
January 11,2004
� Responding to an inquiry, Napolitano stated the Whales Tail owner is proposing opening as a sandwich shop.
However, there are several serious issues regarding the building's structural integrity which must be resolved. China
Light expects to be open for business again in either March or April.
Motion by Carstens, seconded by Marinangel,to approve the City Report as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Transportation Report
Napolitano, responding to an inquiry, noted the City is cunently doing the engineering for the proposed expansion of
Richmond Road to five lanes between its intersection with Route 120 and Applebee's Restaurant.
Special Projects Re�,ort-Riverwalk
Carstens reported VOA has produced construction plans which represent 95% of the project. He noted there are still
some issues which may face property owners along the Riverwalk. A meeting is scheduled with VOA on Wednesday,
Mazch 9�'.
A lengthy discussion followed regarding the proposed siting of public restrooms on the McHenry Savings Bank
Property on Green Street. Marinangel stated she could not support this issue. Discussion also occuned regarding
adequate parking for the Riverwalk and possible construction of a multi-level parking facility on Green Street.
Carstens stated property owners along the proposed Riverwalk are seeking too much money for the sale of their
property. This is inhibiting potential developers along the Riverwalk route.
McHe County EDC Tourism Committee Report
Cazstens stated the County EDC Tourism Committee is waiting to corYtact the City of Woodstock regarding
hoteUmotel tax until after the April Consolidated Election. Once Woodstock has made a decision, the Committee will
L— approach the City of Crystal La.ke,the loan hold-out.
AdHoc Committee Report on 2004 Goals and Objectives
There was no AdHoc Committee Report.
Downtown Redevelopment
Napolitano reported several developers have expressed urterest in redeveloping areas of the downtown. Proposals at
this time would include mixed use redevelopment incorporating residential and retail uses.
Discussion occuned regarding the status of the Metra expansion for the City. Issue was raised as to Metra's intent to
retain the commuter starion on Main Street or to relocate this faciliTy either north or south of town.
T'he Board requested a report from Mayor Low regarding the status of Metra expansion for the next EDC Board
meeting. The Board would also like to know if Metra intends to retain the Main Street Station.
Other Business
Gelwicks reported a news coffee house will be opening soon in one of his properties located on Main Street.
Motion by Doherty, seconded by Marinangel,to adjoum at 1:29 p.m. All ayes. Motion camed.
Respe,ctfi�lly submitted,
Kathleen Kunzer, Recording Secretary