HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/10/2005 - Economic Development Commission Economic Development Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday,May 10,2005 McHenry Municipat Center �'' 12:30 p.m. Present: Kay Bates, William Bolger, Donald Doherty, David Gelwicks, Kathleen Kunzer, Bill Marinangel, Doug Martin, Ned Neumann, Dick Paegelow, John Smith. Abseut: Kit Carstens, Daniel Curran, Phil Hintz, Alan Hoffinan, Janice Jones, Sue Low,Doug Maxeiner, Joseph Napolitano, Karen Patel,Richard Wimmer. . Chairman Gelwicks called the meeting to order at 12:39 p.m. Apt�roval of Minutes Mation by Dohetty, seconded by Neumann, to approve the minutes of the March 8, 2005 regulazly scheduled EDC Meeting as presented. All Ayes. Mation carried. Treasurer's Renort Chairman Gelwicks noted the current balance in the treasury af$977.69 as indicated on the attached report. Motion by Bolger,seconded by Paegelow,to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. All Ayes.M�ion carried. McH Coun,ty Industrial Council Report There was no McHenry County Industrial Council Report. Chamber Report Bates reported the Chamber's annual golf outing is scheduled for May 18'"at Chapel Hill Golf Club. The Fiesta Days celebration will be held from July 15`�through July 24�'. �- In response to an inquiry, Bates stated the Miss McHenry Pageazrt is being conducted by the City of McHenry. She noted a shortage of Chamber Staff to handle the event. The Fine Arts evern cosponsored with McHenry School District 15 was a huge success. The Chamber is considering bringing back the McHenry Trade Fair in 2006. Bates stated the comeback is largely due to the"Do Not Call List"and its impact on local independent businesses. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Doherty,to approve the Chamber Report as presented. All Ayes. Motion caaried. C�Report Martin reported there have been no recent discussions with Metra regarding the north train station and rail yard. He noted the Mayor has a meting with Johnsburg Village officials next week. Martin provided the Board with a summazy of recent deveiopment activity in the City: Budreck Farm Town and Country is proposing a 395 unit single-family detached residential development; Patriot Estates Cunat Inc. a senior- restricted development of detached, attached and townhome unit development on the southeast comer of intersection of Crystal Lake Road and Bull Valley Road o£404 units; Gilger Property Windsor is looking at a townhome development of this property which is located just west of the railroad tracks south of Bull Valley Road(tree farm); Restaurant Northgate West Subdivision SLIF Supportive living facility comprised of 99 units on east side of Crystal Lake Road across from Marathon Gas Station; Municipal Dr Ext. The dedicabion of Municipal Drive has been recorded;engineering is being done at tlris time; `, Justen FH Mark Justen has submitted plans for his new fa.cility to be located south of the Municipal Center and north of Charles Miller Drive; A right in right out access from Charles Miller Road is being sought. At this time it is unknown whexher the County Highway Departmeirt will permit the direct access or direet the applicant to utilize Municipal Drive. Page 2 EDC �y io,Zoos � Bldg Code Upda.tes Sta.ff is in the process of updating City codes to adopt the International Building Code; Adams Farm The Adams Farm Property was recently annexed and includes the approval of 550 dwelling units and 12 acres of commercial property; Comprehensive Plan The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map aze in the process of being upda#ed and revised; R.J. Roberts Property Located south of Route 120 and west of Chapel Hill Road extension — concept plans have been submitted for review and comment; SWWTP Expansion The e�ansion of the City's South Wastewater Treatiment Pla�t is moving forward and will likely begin in the Fall. Pacini North Site development and wetland mitigation has begun; Pacini South A concept plan including single family, townhomes, and commercial development was submitted to the County for review. The concept plan was not well-received. And the project will most likely come ba.ck to the City for review,comment and approval. Martin also noted single family additions and minor permit submivals aze very high which is typical this time of the y�. Brief discussion followed regarding: - the Municipal Drive extension to Bank Drive; - plans to broaden the North Route 31 and Route 120 iirtersection; - potential use of the George Justen Funeral Home property(possible White Castle?); - development of the McHenry Outdoor Theater property; - YMCA/City of McHenry Joint facility. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Doherty,to approve the City Report as preserned.All Ayes_ Motion carried. � Transportation Report Martin reported the engineering is moving forwazd regarding the widening of Route 31 between/Applebces and Route 120. The Cifiy Comprehensive Transportation S�dy is nearly completed. The Bull Va11ey Road Corridor Plan will be discussed at a meeting in May. Special Proj�rt-Riverwalk Bolger reported the City is attempting to remove the Riverwalk consultant as no progress has been made in recent months. Bolger also noted no progress has been made as far as obtaining the various permits required to move the process along. McHenry Countv EDC Tourism Committee Repart There was not Tourism Committee I�eport. Downtown R�evelo�,ment Martin stated the City's website is being updated and will reflect the City's desire to redevelop the downtown areas. Other Business Responding to an inquiry, Martin stated China Light has postponed theu re-op�ning to the end of May. Bolger suggested the Cafe AON should be given some publicity to encourage the newly opened family business on Main Street. Responding to further questions, Martin stated he would investigate the status of the sale of the Whales Tail building and inquire as to the safety ofthe free-standing sign. �.. Martin noted he would provide the percentage of residential versus commerciaUindustrial EAV amounts in tl�e City. Page 3 EDC May la,2005 � Adjournmeut Motion by Doherty, seconded by Bates,to adjourn at 1:10 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respacifully submitted, Kathleen Kunzer,Recording Secretary � �